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  • Apr 29, 2008, 02:04 AM
    I don't think you are at fault here!! It is her fault for coming on to a married man, her friends man at that!! And what's up with your wife? If my friend asked me for pictures of my husband I would give her a quick slap and remove her from my life!!
    I have friends that my husband doesn't like, not because they fancy him but because as people they don't really get on. But because she's my friend, when she come around he goes to see his friends... then we are all happy!! (this is mutual, I never put anyone before him)
    Why can't you just go and see your own friends instead of spending time with your wife's?
    This is madness!!
  • Apr 29, 2008, 05:54 AM
    Miricale 123
    My wife is a very nice person and kind of passive. So that is probably the reason my wife's friend ask those questions because , she feels she caqn get away with it. I have told my wife to approach about it but she says that she does not want to start anything. T=My wife claims that she ask those questions to all her friends.

    This is for those who think or have posted things like; get over myself, I must be interested and do not hang out with her. If you read the question that I initially posted you would understand the situation completely. Obviously, you people who have said those things can't read or have ADD. I'm saying this to say; Do not let me see anything else about me being full of myself on here. Now me saying that makes me full of myself.
  • Apr 29, 2008, 06:47 AM

    Originally Posted by Miricale 123
    My wife's friend is always looking at me and asking if we could all hang out all the time. It makes me uncomfortable. We always get into arguments when ever I hang out with her. She always compliments my looks and ask questions about my where abouts. It make me uncomfortable.

    Everyone has pretty much agreed, AVOID HER! As far as someone saying you are full of yourself, no one has said that and meant it as a serious statement!

    You asked for everyone's advice and they gave it to you, AVOID HER, TELL WIFE TO STOP IT, TELL HER TO KNOCK IT OFF, IGNORE HER, DON'T LET IT BOTHER YOU!! That is advice! That is what you get from this site!
  • Apr 29, 2008, 09:51 AM
    Yeah... people on this site can be pretty harsh... I do believe in advice, but not disparaging comments. Listen to their actual advice. Avoid her and move on with your life. You really don't have to make it a point to be around her.
  • Apr 30, 2008, 05:10 PM
    Miricale 123
    I say and do what I want to do. If I want to disparage comments, the that is what I will do.
  • Apr 30, 2008, 05:18 PM
    Southerngirl was referring to the replies... not you.
    We all say avoid her but as you say you will say and do what you want.
  • Apr 30, 2008, 05:22 PM
    If she does your wife needs a new friend! I hate it when other woman come in between a relationship it's stupid and wrong! If your happy with your wife I would tell the friend that she needs to back off or just don't hang out with her anymore. If you do like her back and are interested get a divorce!
  • May 1, 2008, 11:36 AM

    Originally Posted by Miricale 123
    I say and do what I want to do. If I want to disparage comments, the that is what I will do.

    Miricale 123... I wasn't speaking of your disparaging comments... I was speaking of the comments that were made to you. I simply just said to listen to their advice, not their rude comments.;)
  • May 1, 2008, 06:30 PM
    Miricale 123
    I apologize for responding to you that way I was wrong. I was just a little frustrated.
  • May 1, 2008, 07:46 PM
    I disagree with some of the noise above...

    A guy feels uncomfortable with a situation and he's suddenly a conceited, arrogant jerk?

    Well add me to the list then. I've been in this place with a person who showed way too much interest, knowing I was married, knowing it was inappropriate to show excessive attention and to ask to hang out.

    I don't think its wrong for a married person to associate with people of the opposite sex. I have women friends, my wife has male friends. Fine.

    But I've been where this guy is, in a different scenario, having no interest in the other person other than trying to make it all better.

    So... miracle 123... I'm sorry you are seen by some as an egocentric jerk who is seeking attention. Apparently women are not capable of being sexual aggressors in the minds of some, and your asking for help in dealing with this is interpreted as arrogance and self indulgence.

    Excuse me while I go throw up.
  • May 1, 2008, 08:20 PM
    And "avoid her" isn't particularly simple if the wife doesn't believe and she's the wife's friend.

    Its not bad advice, but its not that simple either.

    This time excuse me cause my panties are in a bunch.
  • May 1, 2008, 08:59 PM
    What a dilemma, and since your wife doesn't see a problem, or will not handle it, its your place to be firm, and reject any advance by any female, if indeed that was her intent.
  • May 10, 2008, 05:43 AM
    Miricale 123
    Thanks for that advice. That is what I'll do.

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