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  • Oct 15, 2008, 03:40 PM
    Ouija Board
    Hey so I was wundering about this ouija board, me and my cousin played it outside and we ended up falling on something good thank god and it said goodbye to us. Nothing weird happened since then, I think its cause we said a prayer before playing it. My friend is becoming upsesed with it today she was almost begging and crying and getting kind of mad that we didn't buy one on eBay for 50 dollars from 1920. She wants to play it really badly, but I told her its no good. I need some advice what should I do. If anyone has any expiriences really bad ones can you post them up... thanksss:), And also if anyone knows some major rules for this game tell me.. :)
  • Oct 15, 2008, 04:26 PM

    Why risk it? Don't waste your time and money.
  • Oct 15, 2008, 04:30 PM

    No, God does not bless the use of it, So while it is always great to pray, it would be like praying to God to help you rob a store, he is not going to help you do a bad thing.
  • Oct 21, 2008, 03:01 PM

    I don't recommend it. Sorry, don't have a lot of time to give you a detailed response right now, but if you look through my past answers I've addressed similar questions a couple of times.

    Whenever doing any kind of spiritual work, be it meditation or ritual magick or shamanism or contacting spirits by any means, it's always good to set up a safe container, usually called "sacred space" around you first. Sounds like you did that this time, more or less on instinct. I think that's called beginners luck. ;)

    Seriously, spirits are real, they can be powerful. They are a wonderful part of life but they are to be treated with respect and care. Some can be dangerous. It is one thing to inquire, and another to mess around.

    Got to go. But feel free to drop me a line if you have further questions. I talk to spirits all the time.
  • Dec 5, 2008, 09:43 PM

    Listen to Alder. Leave the board alone. Period. P
  • Jan 3, 2009, 07:04 PM

    Originally Posted by jojo114 View Post
    hey so i was wundering about this ouija board,, me and my cousin played it outside and we ended up falling on something good thank god and it said goodbye to us. Nothing wierd happend since then ,,i think its cause we said a prayer before playing it. My freind is becoming upsesed with it today she was almost begging and crying and getting kinda mad that we didnt buy one on ebay for 50 dollars from 1920. She wants to play it really badly, but i told her its no good. I need some advice what should i do. If anyone has any expiriences really bad ones can you post them up...thanksss:), And also if anyone knows some major rules for this game tell me ..:)

    Dear jojo114

    Its up to you to buy the board but I do know some rules about the ouija board if you were wunderin. Like that you probley don't want to talk to the bad spirits. Also that you should keep your elbows off the ground. So tell your friend that and hope that everythin goes right.:D you need to believe in the things or else you won't do it right.u also shouldn't say stuff like that about the board!! And 1 more thin you shouldn't buy the board from eBay, its 2 much money.:(

  • Jan 3, 2009, 07:10 PM

    Originally Posted by confusedgirll View Post
    dear jojo114

    its up to you to buy the board but i do know some rules about the ouija board if you were wunderin. like that you probley dont want to talk to the bad spirits. also that you should keep your elbows off the ground. so tell your friend that and hope that everythin goes right.:D you need to belive in the things or else u wont do it right.u also shouldnt say stuff like that bout the board!!!!!! nd 1 more thin u shouldnt buy the board from ebay, its 2 much money.:(


    No one "wants" to talk to the bad spirits, that's why this board is dangerous, you don't have a choice who or what comes out to play.

    I've had bad experiences with the Ouija board in the past, I won't go into detail, suffice it to say that I'll never use it again.

    My recommendation, don't do it, stay away. There are no "rules" that work, it's best not to mess with things you can't possibly understand or control.
  • Jan 3, 2009, 07:21 PM

    Get away! And say your prayers.

    I have had experiences with this when I was younger ( 54 now) and I can tell you that I still shiver at what this so called*toy* can bring to you.

    You do not *play* with anything that has more power than you!

    It is a portal for lost souls and they can be desperate.

    I'm not kidding.
  • Jan 3, 2009, 08:24 PM

    Criticism of ouija boards

    Although ouija boards are viewed by some to be a simple toy, there are people who believe they can be harmful, including Edgar Cayce, who called them "dangerous."[8] Critics warn that "evil demons" pretend to be cooperative ghosts in order to trick players into becoming spiritually possessed.

    Some practitioners claim to have had bad experiences related to the use of talking boards by being haunted by "demons," seeing apparitions of spirits, and hearing voices after using them. A few paranormal researchers, such as John Zaffis, claim that the majority of the worst cases of so-called demon harassment and possession are caused by the use of Ouija boards. The American demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren stated that "Ouija boards are just as dangerous as drugs."[9] They further state that "séances and Ouija boards and other occult paraphernalia are dangerous because 'evil spirits' often disguise themselves as your loved ones—and take over your life."[9]

    In 1944, occultist Manly P. Hall, the founder of the Philosophical Research Society and an early authority on the occult in the 20th century, stated in Horizon magazine that, "during the last 20-25 years I have had considerable personal experience with persons who have complicated their lives through dabbling with the Ouija board. Out of every hundred such cases, at least 95 are worse off for the experience." He went on to say that, "I know of broken homes, estranged families, and even suicides that can be traced directly to this source."[10]

    Many Christians hold the belief that using a Ouija board allows communication with demons, which they say is Biblically forbidden as a form of divination.[11] Some people who claim to have been oppressed by evil spirits after using a board say that they could only get rid of these problems after Christian deliverance.[12] Many Christians believe that no dead person's soul can be summoned, and that the only summoned spirits are demons who are trying to harm humans.[13]

    As early as 1924, Harry Houdini wrote that five people from Carrito, California were driven insane by using a board.[14] That same year, Dr. Carl Wickland in his book stated that "the serious problem of alienation and mental derangement attending ignorant psychic experiments was first brought to my attention by cases of several persons whose seemingly harmless experiences with automatic writing and the Ouija board resulted in such wild insanity that commitment to asylums was necessitated."[15]

    The former medical director of the State Insane Asylum of New Jersey, Dr. Curry, stated that the Ouija board was a "dangerous factor" in unbalancing the mind and believed that if their popularity persisted insane asylums would be filled with people who used them.[16]

    Decades later, in 1965, parapsychologist Martin Ebon in his book Satan Trap: Dangers of the Occult, states that "it all may start harmlessly enough, perhaps with a Ouija board," which will, "bring startling information... establishing credibility or identifying itself as someone who is dead. It is common that people... as having been 'chosen' for a special task." He continues, "Quite often the Ouija turns vulgar, abusive or threatening. It grows demanding and hostile, and sitters may find themselves using the board compulsively, as if 'possessed' by a spirit, or hearing voices that control or command them."[17]

    In her 1971 autobiography, the psychic Susy Smith said, "Warn people away from Ouija and automatic writing. I experienced many of the worst problems of such involvement. Had I been forewarned by reading that such efforts might cause one to run the risk of being mentally disturbed, I might have been more wary."[18]Only recently, well known psychic Sylvia Brown made her appearance on the Montel William's show stating that Ouija boards were dangerous. Additionally, the late Roman Catholic priest Malachi Martin believed talking boards are dangerous and claimed that by using these devices a person opens themselves to demonic oppression or possession, topics upon which Martin spoke and wrote extensively for many years.[19]
  • Mar 12, 2011, 07:57 PM
    Well I bought one and I contacted this spirit called justin who said he was 25 and my friend wanted him to talk and show himself but I almost started to cry because some people say that if you tell the spirits to show themselves or to talk they grow stronger and start following you and they may b EVIL so he said never mind don't do nothing , but if your friend wants one let her buy one let her see with her own eyes what a ouija board can do toher life

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