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  • Jun 19, 2018, 12:26 AM
    Rape or not?
    My daughter is accusing her grand father and her 2 twin step sisters of rape and sex of a child. The twins are at least 24 or older now in age and my daughter is 16. I've got full custody of her. She just recently started seeing her sisters after 6 years and then just 2 months after reuniting the all accuse him of theses chargers. But there are too many things and too many different stories that isn't adding up. The twins said it happened to them when they were 8 years of age. If it happened to both of them and they knew exect dates at 8 years old and it bothered them so much why didn't they come out and tell someone or seek help and allowed this to contuie to happen to them. It just doesn't all add up. All I really need to know if I can get the motion of discovery since my daughter is under age and I'm her legal guardian?
  • Jun 19, 2018, 07:39 AM
    "why didn't they come out and tell someone or seek help and allowed this to contuie to happen to them."

    This is a traumatic life event that I know of NO 8 year old that knows how to handle this situation let alone tell a trusted adult to stop. If these acts did happen then absolutely none of it is blamed on an 8 year old ever, no matter who the 8 year old is.

    Having said that you need to remove your daughter from the situation and get her into therapy. If these allegations are true then she's going to need to speak to someone about it. If they aren't true, well then there's something else going on.
  • Jun 19, 2018, 10:20 AM
    I agree with Oliver, and would hope you help your daughter. I have no clue what the twins are feeding her, but think you should intervene and get the facts from them yourself, without judgement, but definitely without your daughter. Obviously she needs the help dealing with this no matter what the truth is.

    What of the twins parents? Where do they stand on this? It's very typical for young people to not know how to handle this kind of abuse by an adult, family or NOT! Maybe you could use some facts on such matters yourself to understand WHY children say NOTHING after a trauma like this. Regardless of all else make helping your daughter the priority.
  • Jun 19, 2018, 05:24 PM
    Why didn't they tell when it happened? Easy, they were scared.

    I was molested by my cousin from the age of 5 until my pre-teens. I never told anyone. My parents died never knowing what happened to me all those years. Why didn't I tell? Because even at the age of 5 I knew that my dad would likely kill my cousin for doing this to me and he'd end up in jail, but, even if he didn't kill her it would ruin his relationship with his sister, it would ruin the entire family, and in the end it was her word (yes, my cousin was female) against mine. Also, I was extremely ashamed. Even though I didn't consent to be abused, and at 5 I couldn't have given my consent even if I wanted to, I couldn't stop it from happening, and that made me ashamed.

    Unless you've had this happen to you you cannot understand why victims of molestation or rape, stay quiet.
  • Jun 20, 2018, 02:42 PM
    The simple answer is No. You can not get a motion of discovery without there being some other charges somewhere. There is due process and it needs to be followed or anything that has happened can slip away due to technicality.

    The other side of this is that that type of charge wheather it is real or imagined can ruin a life regaurdless of the truth of it all. You need to proceed with extreme caution and do not coach the child in any way.

    Since you have gaurdianship you can take the child for a health check and maybe see a mental health professional and sort it out. Most are mandatory reporters so if there is something going on they may be able to find it and get the ball rolling.

    DO NOT attempt to dig too deep on your own as you may contaminate anything that can be recovered.

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