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  • Aug 6, 2008, 12:32 AM
    Below, are some links to searches that should be an aid to both you and he. He could also use a local temp agency to help him to find employment. Might not get exactly the job that he would want, but some good reputation does need to be built. It would be important that he be "straight up" about his conviction to any potential employer in an interview as to what he did, how sorry he is and what he has learned in positive ways because of the help that he has gotten since committing the offense.

    Also, if it asks on any job applications about former convictions of any kind, then he needs to be completely honest on them. I have also never seen it on a job application where the applicant couldn't attach an additional document concerning any crime(s) that he or she has committed and also explaining the same way as I have already mentioned in my first paragraph above when having an interview.

    Cook Wanted Seattle, Washington - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Cooking Jobs - Google Search

    Help Wanted Seattle, Washington - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Online Classifieds, Jobs, Cooking - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Newspapers - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Newspapers Classifieds - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Jobs - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Employment - Google Search

    Seattle, Washington Job Service - Google Search
  • Aug 6, 2008, 12:35 AM
    Just found a bunch of jobs concerning cooks, etc. on the following link.

    seattle-tacoma food/beverage/hospitality jobs classifieds - craigslist
  • Aug 6, 2008, 12:38 AM
    I hope you don't mind, but I am going to sleep. Got to get up in three hours. I will check my email first thing in the morning and thanks for all your help.
  • Aug 6, 2008, 12:40 AM
    Thanks for the post! I will call him first thing tomorrow and give him the info.

    Thanks again. I like talking to someone who understands.

  • Aug 6, 2008, 12:45 AM
    You're welcome and thank you, too! This has been a most pleasant discussion about not so pleasant a situation.

    Just a few other things that I would like to mention. If by chance he doesn't have a resume or cover letter formatted, I would suggest getting those kinds of documents ready in case he might need them. It's also important, that whenever he goes to even pick up an application and when going for an interview, that he looks his best. The first impressions one makes on potential employers are very important!

    I wish you a good sleep! :)
  • Aug 7, 2008, 01:27 AM
    Hi there Poopsie1957! WOW, Clough has really gotten some great information for you to share with your son. I am so glad you found this site. There are so many warm and caring people here.

    I have two friends who have sons who have been diagnosed as having a bi-polar disorder. Thankfully, there is quite a bit of information out there on the net regarding this disorder. The more you and your son can learn about the disorder the better . I am sure you are striving to learn as much about the disorder as possible. Is he under a doctors care as there are medications that help level this out so that the individual is not so impacted by the disorder? (I hope I am not repeating any questions asked earlier. It is late and I might have missed them. I apologize if I did.)

    My heart goes out to you and to your son. I am so proud of you for seeking information to help him get a much needed boost at this time. Your son has something going for him that many people in his situation do not, a mother who loves and supports him.

    In answer to your last question asked on your original post - A resounding YES! :) My belief is that "Every End Is A New Beginning". That is not "pie in the sky by and by" belief! I believe in new beginnings. The diagnosis has been made, that is progress. He is looking for work, that is progress even though he has not yet found that job, it will come. There are so many people whose goal in life is to help those who have had difficulties in their lives. I will do some checking tomorrow and see what I can find out as far as some organizations that might help him with job placement which would at least get him started in the area he is living to begin his life fresh.

    When we make mistakes, we all tend to put ourselves down and are harder on ourselves than others think about being. Your son has paid the debt by doing his time. He can hold his head up, knowing a negative thing happened, he paid for it with his time, that part is over and if he can project this positive attitude when he approaches people in interviews, it will go a long way in helping him obtain the best job possible. Best to you both!
  • Aug 7, 2008, 07:13 PM
    Hi there, as promised, I am researching a bit for you regarding new beginnings and help with jobs. The following link is just the beginning. I didn't read it in it's entirety but if you type in "2nd chance act" in Google Search it gives several links with even more details.

    President Bush Signs H.R. 1593, the Second Chance Act of 2007

    This second link addresses resources in the area of the state of Washington.

    I looked up "Charles Colson" on Google to find links. He began a "Prison Fellowship" ministry which minsters to the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of prisoners, their families and reentry after release. It is one ministry that I do send an offering to as I can because I know it reaches those who it is striving to reach. I have read his book "Born Again" several years back. He does have an amazing ministry to prisoners and their families. He served time in prison.

    Also, I am wondering if there was any mention when your son was released from prison of a program where, if there was no violence, after being released for six months, a prisoner's record can be expunged? I know you stated "Domestic Violence" however, because it was a misdemeanor rather than a felony, I am wondering if this might apply to your son which would help him as he job searches and give him a little more confidence since he wouldn't feel he was always facing answering questions about the misdemeanor. I am working on trying to find out more about that and where you can obtain information regarding this. I will get back with you as soon as I find out anything on this.


    These may not address issues of the type of charges your son served time for but if you find that these two links are not helpful to you, if you will let me know, I will be happy to try to find something else.
  • Aug 9, 2008, 11:22 PM
    Excellent posts by jrebel7 above addressing the other issues as well as possibilities! :)
  • Aug 9, 2008, 11:29 PM
    Thank you kind Sir! I hope the links might get Poopsie in touch with some one that can direct her to a specific office for help. I was unaware of the Second Chance Act. I know I heard about it when the President signed it but had forgotten. Poopsie hasn't been back on the site lately??
  • Aug 9, 2008, 11:37 PM
    The following thread is in regards to the Expungement Law. There is a short questionnaire to fill out, a "yes" or "no" selection. It mentions California so I am not sure if it is only available to those who live in California but might be worth looking at.

    California Criminal Convictions Expunged. We can expunge your criminal record anywhere in California

    I read the FAQ section and it reads as if you would need to live in California but perhaps if you submit the test and an e-mail address, you could find out more details. Best to you and your family.

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