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  • Jan 2, 2009, 06:33 PM
    Bleached black hair blonde--now orange--now what?
    Hello all,
    I just used Clairol's Born Blonde Maxi lightener. I DID do a strand test and after the maximum time (I went 95 mins), my hair is blonde from the roots to about 3 inches down, and the rest is orange (looks like an orangatangue's fur! )
    I've searched some sites and see some conflicting advice. Some say to bleach a second time, others suggest going right to a toner (in my case an ash blonde) to rid the orange-ness. Has this happened to anyone else? If so, what did you do for a happy ending?

    Thanks so much in advance!
  • Jan 2, 2009, 06:38 PM

    Same happened to me 1st time, just double the waiting time next time that's what I did :) dyn again works to, don't know the time on the re-dye but don't leave it in for to long as it can go white :O
  • Jan 8, 2009, 08:52 PM

    I've been trying to go bleach blonde for awhile!
    I suggest going to a hair salon and see what they think.
    Bleaching your hair too many times will make your hair very very damaged!
    As my hair is. It breaks off.
    You'll probably have to do it professionally. And take steps. As each time your hair will get lighter.
    Most people I know who have gone blonde have gone a bit yellow/orange the first time. But left it for a few weeks then did it again and their hair was beauuutiful (:
    Try this! But...
    Go to a hair salon :)
  • Jan 8, 2009, 10:45 PM
    It's probably orange towards the roots because the hair wasn't as saturated there. Go get some deep conditioning done, wait at least three weeks and bleach again.

    Going to a salon would be best, but they might refuse because of the damage. 95 minutes of bleach is a long long time.
  • Jan 8, 2009, 11:40 PM

    Lmao bleaching your hair is a hard thing you must not leave it in for 95 minutes you should have left it in for like a half and hour not even lesser maybe
  • Mar 3, 2009, 08:27 PM

    I dyed my hair from brown to bleach and it turned out orange so I just dyed it again and it turned perfect
  • Mar 4, 2009, 06:08 AM

    Basically, it hasn't been bleached enough. You need to bleach it to the pale yellow stage. Usually the strand test (congratulations for doing that) is a good predictor, but sometimes it doesn't work out.

    Reapply bleach to the hair that's not at the pale yellow stage and let it process until your hair reaches the pale yellow stage. (It's a whole lot easier -- and actually less damaging -- to fix this by bleaching some more than trying to dye it dark and then trying to fix it later). Once you get there, you can shampoo out the bleach and proceed to tone.

    The best sites that I've found for bleaching hair at home are:

    Bottle Blondes Board


    The Going Blonde Message Board
  • Mar 9, 2009, 04:10 PM
    Im probley the most ridiculous example of this.

    I had my hair professionally dyed from black to dark blonde and on my second session from dark blonde to blonde. Those 2 treatments cost me $700. I didn't want to spend anymore money so I bleached my whole head, the ends went orange the roots went white and around 30-40% of my hair has broken off (thankfully I have massively thick hair).

    I've double bleached all the orange bits and they have come down. I then applied light ash blonde to half of my head... ahhhh its definitely not light ash blonde! But its not orange!

    So at the momment as we speak I'm bringing down the remainder of my hair and then I'm going to put the light ash blonde in that also, if all fails and it turns out bad at least its light enough for me to go to the hair dressers and get a decent blonde.

    For anyone that's thinking of going black to blonde... think hard... its been expensive and caused me massive anxiety, at this point I wouldn't say its been worth it.

    This has been a nearly 3 weeks process for me and my hair has been bleached at least once a week, I've spent $250 on shampoos and treatments and $700 on saloon services and $120 on bleach and toner.
  • Aug 30, 2009, 05:21 PM
    I did the same thing and I used a really crapy hair dye the first time and it came out that I just had my roots light then I left it for like 3 months and then I used 100 percent colour with a bleaching component in it and I first dyed the darker ends and then did the whole hair the second time and then the third I bleach the ends again it took only two boxes and I did it all in one night now you would think my hair would be completely dead from that but it is surprisingly really soft I left the conditioner in extra long. So now I have light but still a little orange at the tips I plan on bleaching it again in two weeks and hopefully I will get the blond I want and if its still a orangy I will try to do the ash blond to cut it down. But bleaching it three times in a row seemed to get it to look OK but I would suggest to use 100 percent colour it the best brand I have found and every time I have used it I have been happy with the results. Hope that helps
  • Aug 30, 2009, 09:34 PM

    The bleach you used was not mixed w a strong enough developer to lift the color out of the midshaft and ends of your hair! That's why you got the orange! Your new growth was virgin hair so it turned out blonde for you!as there was no color on it2lift out! As far as a toner goes that would be great however your hair must be lifted to at least a level 8 or higher and then be toned in order to achieve a blonde result! If toned when it was darker than an 8 it will cancel out the orange but not give you a blonde result! Not to be mean but if you aren't a color specialist its best to go see one! Hair color is very complicated if your not educated! And you could really damage your hair!
  • Aug 31, 2009, 04:55 PM
    I made my hair an orangey red.. it was terrible.. don't ask me how. Anyway.. if you go to a salon ask them if they have a green (opposite of red) matte they can put on it to take the orange undertone out.
    That will probably make the blonde fade a lot faster but... hey. Its not orange.
  • Sep 14, 2009, 10:51 AM

    I bleached my hair now its white and ornage help what can I do
  • Oct 14, 2010, 10:27 PM
    I don't know what to do either!
    Okay I'm like a dirty blonde originally.
    But years ago I dyed it like white blonde.
    Kept it bleached for 2 years.
    Then went dark dark brown,
    Ive had it like this for almost a year now and want to go back blonde.
    Tonight I tried dying it dark blonde and my hair didn't even lighten!
    But my roots turned copper orange?
    I don't want to put brown dye in my hair because I'm trying to go back blonde,
    But I have no money at all for a salon. AT ALL. :[[
    Please help me?
    I miss my blonde hair and can only get store bought stuff. No sallys :[
    And I have a meeting tomorrow afternoon!
  • Jan 23, 2011, 10:21 PM
    Same with me, I'm not happy.
  • Feb 8, 2011, 07:17 AM
    Did you try to lift a tint? If so, I'd recommend a purple shampoo (leave it in as long as possible). If this doesn't lighten it enough, you may want to consider going to a salon and having them use the correct volume of developer and re-coloring it for u. blonde is a tricky color to achieve. Because re-bleaching will dry your hair out and you won't be able to fix it. Plus, the necessary amount of drugstore bleach likely will exceed the cost of the professional service. I charge $35 plus the cost of product. Go to sallys and buy a high lift ash blonde in the future, it will lift much more than bleach will. Also, the ash will counteract the red tones in black hair.
  • Feb 15, 2011, 04:10 PM
    I agree with stylist101, home bleaching is never good [rearly] when you don't know what you are doing, first, you won't get black to blonde in one go and certainly not on black, dark brown, pre dyed hair, 2 , take it stage by stage when you are doing a home job, go a shade lighter from black , to dark brown , to med brown ,to light brown , dark blonde ect ect and try to make sure the colour you use like light brown has some ash in it, as this will kill or tone down the orangy tone that lightning can cause , but allways remember that if it has a ash tone in the colour it will go slightly darker then a colour,that has for instance a gold tone as a example medium dark ash brown , and medium gold brown will not turn out the same on the same head , the ash toned one will be slightly darker then the gold,hope this is not to hard to follow, so eather go to a good salon and get the job done quicker, or take your time and do it right , never bleach twice and never leave it on any more then what you are directed to do, allways read the instructions and allways do a strand test, to be safe that you don't have a reaction to the colour,
  • Feb 15, 2011, 04:23 PM
    Comment on Floridagirrl11's post
    Putting a dark colour on top of bleached blonde is the worst thing to do as it soaks up the colour strongly and it is impossible to remove without, 1, ruining your hiar badly, 2 ,it will allways go orangy red, the darker you dyed it the stronger the red will emerge from lightning it, so all you can do is eather get a good cut , and forget about blonde for a while get blonde slower , with hair on your head, as you sound as though you are in a rush , you will ruin it get yourself down to a salon, let them see your hair ,ask there advice, all free, get expert advice, before you do anything else , and if they are good anough , they could advise you what depth of colour which is , what shade of colour, to use ,and as it is as you say, very copper orange you will need to have some ash in the shade you use, they will advise you,, goood luck,
  • Feb 15, 2011, 04:32 PM
    Comment on 28andrea28's post
    What colour did you want to be, ash blonde ,gold blonde, there are so many shades, if it is to white at roots and orange on ends , and you want to be ash blonde , it the orange is more yellow and not a strong tone , bye yourself a ash colour moouse , in any chimest, wash your hair towel dry, apply it to your yellow orange ends comb it through, don't let it go on to the white hair, as it will make it too gray or white, and if you wanted gold blonde get a gold moouse and apply it to the white hair, golds kill ash tones and ash kills kills gold tone, but this is only good if the colour you need to kill is weak , and the moouse has no peroxide in it so don't try to use it as a colour, its used as a toner only or to put a hint of colour into hair, good luck,
  • Feb 15, 2011, 04:42 PM
    Comment on ashleyrenne's post
    SORRY , if you put GREEN onto orange and white hair, WHAT YOU GET IS A MESS, if you are a hairdresser, wronge info, greens blues etc etc are only to be added to colours to add or take away unwanted tones . Greens blues etc are to concentrated to be used full on , and never on 2 tone hair, ash or GREEN will, if not done without knowing what u are doing can turn if not supervised propely WHITE BLEACHED HAIR,INTO, BLACK,OR GRAY , the girl you advised has orange and white,,
  • Mar 25, 2011, 07:35 AM
    I had to bleach my hair 3 times before it came out a decent color.I used the toner silver lady by wella and it turned my really light parts silver!My hair is so damaged right now and I only used a 20 vol.
    If you really want your hair a bleach blonde its going to take some time and a lot of money.

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