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  • Jan 8, 2019, 09:15 AM
    How can I change the spelling of a name on the birth certificate
    My husband's name is spelled one way, his social, pay stubs, tax documents, and everything else is spelled another way. Can I change the spelling on his birth certificate? Do I have to go to Puerto Rico or is this something I can do here in NY.
  • Jan 8, 2019, 12:40 PM
    Most easiest, just do a legal name change in the area you are not living.

    Most easiest, just do a legal name change in the area you are not living.

    Since it is correct and all of the other documents are wrong, in reality, you should have all the other documents changed and corrected.
  • Jan 8, 2019, 04:11 PM
    I assume Fr. Chuck means area where you are NOW living.

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