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  • Nov 4, 2009, 04:17 AM
    I have not received childsupport order in the mail yet, but I looked on the internet on www.marylandcasesearch and saw that the judge awarded her 561.00 a month in child support, mother lied about hours on other job, looked me dead in the eyes on the stand and said I have never given her a dime in child support and didn't bat a eye. JUdge went by our most recent pay stub and mother already made 10,000 more than I and the year isn't over. She never presented anything from second job, which she stated she no longer works, Judge asked her why she no longer works second job, she said because the job no longer exsist because they lost the contract, which is lie job is still there. I pay 675.00 a month for rent, car insurance, my and child medical insurance, utilities, half of child's school tution. I bring home 742.00 bi-weekly. Court orders state that I am to have my child Mon through Fri every single week after school I feed her dinner, child eats breakfast and lunch in school. I have her every other weekend, so I feed her more than mother
    Does. I live alone and survive paycheck to paycheck. There's no way I can survive if this order that was based on a pack of lies, I won't be able to keep my child at all, because I'll be living on the streets. How is childsupport calculated is it just by your most recent pay stub. Please don't get this twisted because I do take care of my child and I'm not a deadbeat father, but I cannot survive this way, by my shift at work , I work baltimore city water dept. my work schedule changes every fourth month I have to work 4 to 12. The other three I work 8-4. It's hard to get a second job. Is there anything I can do to change this to make it lower. It seems like every step I make I have to take two step back. I have no family except my 2 sisters. So it's no where for me to get any help I'm on my own.
  • Nov 4, 2009, 05:22 AM

    Here's the law:

    Unfortunately, this isn't very easy to follow. You should be asking your attorney to explain the award. I think the judge may have to detail how he arrived at that amount.

    One of the things I noticed is that the table of support is based on COMBINED income. Also adjustment is made for joint custody. This leads me to believe that the amount of support ordered may be a gross amount which will be adjusted for the amount of visitation you have. I'd have to see the exact wording of the order to be able to judge. But, again, your attorney should be interpreting this for you.

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