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  • Jan 16, 2016, 10:47 AM
    Thank you letter to State Troopers?
    I wanted to show my appreciation and support for our local State Troopers by writing them a thank you letter. I also wanted the whole department to read it. I was just wondering if it would be weird if I did write them one? Would they care or appreciate it? I was really unsure about the whole idea, and was wondering what you guys thought. I also thought that it might be helpful to include the letter in the question. So here it is:

    Dear Officers,
    I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thank you. Thank you for who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. You risk your lives every day to protect people you have never met, and do it willingly. The bravery and courage you show and the sacrifices you make constantly are unbelievable. You are true heroes. And with every thing you go through, you still never give up. I can never fully express how grateful I am for all officers. It seems like people are always making negative remarks about Police Officers, and it hurts so bad every time they do it. It seems like people are always putting officers down, but I wanted to let you know that there are people out there who love you guys. You deserve nothing but respect and honor. And under no circumstance do you deserve a negative or rude comment. You are amazing people; please don't ever forget that. Officers have always had a special place in my heart. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you safe. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you so much for your service.

    Yours truly,
  • Jan 16, 2016, 11:05 AM

    Just one suggestion: break it up into paragraphs. (And depending on how many troopers there are, I might even include a gift card to Dunkin' Donuts or a local bakery.)
  • Jan 16, 2016, 12:13 PM
    I am sure they will be very happy to receive your "thank you", in as much, as the police have been subjected negatively to the limelight lately.
  • Jan 16, 2016, 12:42 PM
    Thank you for taking the time to respond; you have a good idea, but I'm not sure how many troopers there are at the station. I know I would give the gift card with the letter, but I don't want to be cheap. I know that there are a lot of them there and I didn't want to underestimate and give them too little. Does this even make any sense?

    One more thing how many paragraphs should I separate it into. Its not that long so maybe two? (I'm pretty bad at writing and wasn't sure. I want this to be the best letter I ever wrote.)
  • Jan 16, 2016, 12:53 PM

    Originally Posted by Kit78eo View Post
    Thank you for taking the time to respond; you have a good idea, but I'm not sure how many troopers there are at the station. I know I would give the gift card with the letter, but I don't want to be cheap. I know that there are a lot of them there and I didn't want to underestimate and give them too little. Does this even make any sense?

    Then skip the gift card. Probably too many mouths to feed....


    One more thing how many paragraphs should I separate it into. Its not that long so maybe two? (I'm pretty bad at writing and wasn't sure. I want this to be the best letter I ever wrote.)
    Here's what I would do:

    Dear Officers,

    I just wanted to take a few minutes to say thank you. Thank you for who you are, what you do, and what you stand for. You risk your lives every day to protect people you have never met, and do it willingly. The bravery and courage you show and the sacrifices you make constantly are unbelievable. You are true heroes. And with every thing you go through, you still never give up.

    I can never fully express how grateful I am for all officers. It seems like people are always making negative remarks about Police Officers, and it hurts so bad every time they do it. It seems like people are always putting officers down, but I wanted to let you know that there are people out there who love you guys. You deserve nothing but respect and honor. And under no circumstance do you deserve a negative or rude comment. You are amazing people; please don't ever forget that.

    Officers have always had a special place in my heart. May the Lord continue to bless you and keep you safe. You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you so much for your service.

    Yours truly,
  • Jan 16, 2016, 01:01 PM
    Ok got it. Thank you sooo much; you were extremely helpful. Thank you for your time and help.

    Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!
  • Jan 17, 2016, 07:49 AM
    Why not write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? If they don't publish it then you can mail it to the Captain or Community Affairs officer at the station.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 08:07 AM
    One other suggestion: In most cases Troopers are more highly trained than local police, so you might consider using the term "Troopers" in the 4th sentence from the end. Leave the part about police officers being put down because that applies to all Law Enforcement, but make your praise specific to the Troopers in that office.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 11:32 AM
    I would bake a large batch of homemade cookies and take them into the station. That would make it extra special!
  • Jan 17, 2016, 11:45 AM

    Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    I would bake a large batch of homemade cookies and take them into the station. That would make it extra special!

    I already suggested bakery treats, but there are too many (??) troopers. (I don't think the exact number is known.)

    I know that there are a lot of them there and I didn't want to underestimate and give them too little. Does this even make any sense?
  • Jan 17, 2016, 12:43 PM
    Yes, but no one suggested homemade. Hubby (retired law enforcement) suggested it. A big batch of homemade cookies is always appreciated. We get them dropped off at work occasionally. Even though the whole staff can't partake, it is the thought that counts.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 12:48 PM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem View Post
    Why not write a letter to the editor of your local newspaper? If they don't publish it then you can mail it to the Captain or Community Affairs officer at the station.

    I didn't want to publish it in the newspaper because for me it seems too impersonal if you know what I mean. I think it would be nicer if I personally gave them a hand written letter. That also brings up another question. I was wondering that if I was going to give it to them how can I be sure that everybody there would have the chance to read it?


    Originally Posted by Catsmine View Post
    One other suggestion: In most cases Troopers are more highly trained than local police, so you might consider using the term "Troopers" in the 4th sentence from the end. Leave the part about police officers being put down because that applies to all Law Enforcement, but make your praise specific to the Troopers in that office.

    Ok I'll probably change it then. Thanks for pointing that out.


    Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    Yes, but no one suggested homemade. Hubby (retired law enforcement) suggested it. A big batch of homemade cookies is always appreciated. We get them dropped off at work occasionally. Even though the whole staff can't partake, it is the thought that counts.

    YEAH! That's a lot more practical. Wondergirl suggested a gift card, but actually baking something would probably be a better idea. Thank you for the know...I was thinking, since baking cookies and stuff seems so common do you think that I could do something else that would be just as nice as giving them cookies but different? Maybe not but just curious.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 01:00 PM

    Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    Yes, but no one suggested homemade. Hubby (retired law enforcement) suggested it. A big batch of homemade cookies is always appreciated. We get them dropped off at work occasionally. Even though the whole staff can't partake, it is the thought that counts.

    And more than one batch can be made, maybe a variety assortment -- chocolate chip and brownies and sugar cookies and oatmeal cookies and date-nut bars and something caramel-y and peanut butter cookies and and and -- oh, my! now I want to bake cookies!

    Maybe we ALL should take this thread as a hint to do something similar for our own local police force. Whaddya think?
  • Jan 17, 2016, 02:44 PM
    Homemade says hubby and he said any baked goods. Our local fire department appreciates them, too.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 03:45 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    And more than one batch can be made, maybe a variety assortment -- chocolate chip and brownies and sugar cookies and oatmeal cookies and date-nut bars and something caramel-y and peanut butter cookies and and and -- oh, my! now I want to bake cookies!

    Maybe we ALL should take this thread as a hint to do something similar for our own local police force. Whaddya think?

    Oh my goodness! That would be sooo cool to get a group of people t agree to do that! And then when we do that we could update each other on what we made and how it went giving it to them.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 03:59 PM

    Originally Posted by Kit78eo View Post
    Oh my goodness! That would be sooo cool to get a group of people t agree to do that! And then when we do that we could update each other on what we made and how it went giving it to them.

    And don't ignore the firemen, like teacherjenn mentioned!

    For Valentine's Day????
  • Jan 17, 2016, 04:03 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    And don't ignore the firemen, like teacherjenn mentioned!

    Oh right, sorry, yeah we could do them too. Maybe we could do like chocolate chip and brownies for the Troopers and sugar and oatmeal cookies for the firefighters. Or something like that.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 04:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Kit78eo View Post
    Oh right, sorry, yeah we could do them too. Maybe we could do like chocolate chip and brownies for the Troopers and sugar and oatmeal cookies for the firefighters. Or something like that.

    Or a chocolate thing and a non-chocolate thing for each group, in case of chocolate allergies.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 05:46 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Or a chocolate thing and a non-chocolate thing for each group, in case of chocolate allergies.

    Oh right that's a really good idea. Sorry I completely forgot about people might having allergies to chocolate. Oops...

    Oh and while we're on the allergy thing, then I don't think that we should bake anything that has peanut butter in it either.


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    And don't ignore the firemen, like teacherjenn mentioned!

    For Valentine's Day????

    This may sound weird but can we do it on March 7? Would you mind? Just because that date would work the best for me.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 05:56 PM
    You pick the date that works best for you.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    You pick the date that works best for you.

    Ok... Ummm one question (I'm pretty sure I know the answer but just to clarify) Are doing this on the same day?


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    You pick the date that works best for you.

    Ok yeah I know its awhile from now, but that would be great if we could do it then... also I think I already know the answer but just to be sure, we are doing this on the same day right? Or no? I was under the impression that we were...
  • Jan 17, 2016, 06:25 PM

    Originally Posted by Kit78eo View Post
    Ok... Ummm one question (I'm pretty sure I know the answer but just to clarify) Are doing this on the same day?

    Ok yeah I know its awhile from now, but that would be great if we could do it then... also I think I already know the answer but just to be sure, we are doing this on the same day right? Or no? I was under the impression that we were...

    How about posting this on social media sites and making it a huge effort?
  • Jan 17, 2016, 08:40 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    How about posting this on social media sites and making it a huge effort?

    Oh my goodness YES! That would be absolutely AMAZING! If you're on Facebook you could post what we're doing on there; I could do it on a few websites. And maybe we could even go on this website and ask on popular posts and the really popular peoples threads and tell them what we're trying to do and if they agree we could have them tell us on this thread if they are willing to do it. And see how many people we could get.

    I have no idea if that made any sense or not but I hope you get what I'm saying.

    Oh and when we do post on social media, how should we word it? Could you tell me what we should say?

    Could you imagine that if this goes viral (which I doubt would happen) but at least popular or something how many officers this will affect?!?!?!?! I always wanted to do something really special for them and being a part of this is really amazing!!!!
  • Jan 17, 2016, 08:47 PM
    You started it! ;)

    First, we need to decide on a firm date to shoot for. We need enough time to get the word out.

    Then we need to make a list of sites to post on and who will do that.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 08:47 PM
    I think it's a great idea! Anyone can honor hometown heroes. That would include police, fire, highway patrol, etc.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 09:23 PM
    Ok then... let's do it :)... I'm soooo excited. So let's see... you are right Wondergirl we need time to get the word out so we could do either March 7 or sometime in early to mid May. I would think that over a month would be good, but if we really want to get this thing going I think May would give us plenty of time too. Let me know what you guys think.

    Also, Teacherjenn, will you help us too? Getting this organized and help post and stuff? If you want to help that is.

    As far as websites go, I think we should all post on the webs we choose. We could use the following sites:

    Twitter -- My brother is pretty popular on twitter and I can let him know
    What we are doing and see if he would help out. I'm 100% sure he
    Would help us.

    This web-- Like I said before, We could let popular posters on here know what we
    Are doing.

    Facebook--Maybe one of you are on Facebook can do it because I don't have an account there.

    Pinterest--I can get in touch with some of my followers.

    Tumblr-- I have no idea what that is but if one you do know maybe you can post there.

    Youtube-- Ok I know that might sound a little crazy, but if one of you have or know of someone who has an account and does videos on there, maybe you could ask for them to include what we are doing at the end of the vid or in a description box. I don't know if it its a good idea, but hey I didn't think theres any harm in asking you guys if it would work. Right? ;)

    Right now I can't think of any more, but maybe you guys can. And let me know if these sites work for you too, please.

    And one more thing: Can one of you come up with a paragraph or so stating what we are doing. I would but I'm not exactly sure how to word it you know what I mean?
  • Jan 17, 2016, 09:31 PM
    I'm not on social media like Facebook, etc. but I can easily put the word out for my school district. Word of good things is spread easily in society. I had a parent returning from military deployment. I sent a letter to every major television station and newspaper in Southern California. The day before he returned, my phone rang off the hook. Every major TV station, including national stations picked up the story. It showed me that people want a "feel good" story. So, if enough people spread the word, it could make national news and every police, fire, state troopers, hometown heroes, etc. would be bombarded with home baked goods all from the thankful public.
  • Jan 17, 2016, 09:32 PM
    Can we use your letter and tweak it?

    For me, Facebook, Quora, Answermug, various writing websites and blogs,, the two Chicago newspapers, area local papers, possibly Illinois schols and colleges.

  • Jan 17, 2016, 09:42 PM

    Originally Posted by teacherjenn4 View Post
    I'm not on social media like Facebook, etc. but I can easily put the word out for my school district. Word of good things is spread easily in society. I had a parent returning from military deployment. I sent a letter to every major television station and newspaper in Southern California. The day before he returned, my phone rang off the hook. Every major TV station, including national stations picked up the story. It showed me that people want a "feel good" story. So, if enough people spread the word, it could make national news and every police, fire, state troopers, hometown heroes, etc. would be bombarded with home baked goods all from the thankful public.

    Yes!!! That would be perfect the more people know about this the better!!!! That would really get the word out. Thanks for suggesting that.
    Oh and one thing don't forget the Paramedics and EMTs they do so much for us too, but you are probably including them when you say hometown heroes.


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Can we use your letter and tweak it?

    For me, Facebook, Quora, Answermug, various writing websites and blogs,, the two Chicago newspapers, area local papers, possibly Illinois schols and colleges.


    Um yeah I guess if you really want to use my letter, then I guess that should be fine.

    Ok those would work

    Also what I meant when I asked you guys to write a paragraph or something I meant like state exactly what we are doing. Like what you would put in the Chicago paper to let everyone know what we are doing? You know what I mean?

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