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  • Jun 18, 2008, 08:54 PM
    How do I become a famous kid hannah Montana?
    I feel kind of weird asking this question but I really need help, can you tell me the steps on how to become a famous star ethier as an actor or a singer. Tell me!:)
  • Jun 19, 2008, 04:58 AM
    Practice, practice and practice what you are going to be performing in front of people. Spend money on singing and/or acting lessons and/or dancing lessons, try out for any play or musical that might call for children as actors or actresses, have parents that are willing to spend the money to send you to a special school where children can take regular school and at the same time learn to do the things to become actors or actresses or artists of other kinds - like in dance and the musical arts. Be able to pass the auditions to be accepted at those sort of schools - not everyone who goes to those kinds of schools is accepted to them, although many will try. Be willing to give up a lot of your free time as well as the time that you might want to spend with your friends in order to hone your skills in your art so that you can maybe be successful without the guarantee that you will be successful. Be in the right place at the right time so that certain people will notice what you are good at doing who can get you to where you want to go as far as a career is concerned. Be willing to audition for the part where there might be hundreds of other people auditioning for the same part that you are. Be willing to take risks that what you are going for might not work. Be willing to go through many auditions, travel, studying of scripts and very long rehearsals for performances that might only last a few minutes. Be not afraid to be seen by many, many people, maybe even millions, all at the same time. Be willing to rehearse late and get up tired in order to do exactly the same thing for many hours the next day. Be willing to wear clothes that you don't like, but that others think that by wearing them, you will be portraying the look that they want and not what you really want. Be willing to have the world look at you, and not really know the real you. Always be willing to look and act your best, even when you don't really want to and would really just rather lean back, lie down, sleep or just do your own thing rather than what others want you to do.

    It ain't easy...

    I don't really mean to make it all look that negative, but just wanted to give you a reality of the picture of what you don't see about the "stars" and "famous" people that we see and hear about, sometimes everyday, on the T.V. and in other types of media.

    Oftentimes, the real picture behind the "smiles" of the famous people that we see, is not really the way that they are...

    Although, they really might have some real satisfaction inside of themselves a lot of the time...

    But, not all of the time...

    But, they (or, maybe their parents) have made a choice. Oftentimes also, a person's love for doing a certain type of art, such as that in acting, dancing or music, is all it takes to motivate them to keep going at it. It might not matter if they make a lot of money or become "famous" at all. Most artists are that way.

    Some people really need to be entertaining other people in order to realize their own worth and to feel as though they are contributing to the well-being of others because the others who are watching what they are doing are gaining something because of the person doing the entertaining.

    A person can become famous right around where they live because of the excellent way that they do a special thing that takes a lot of work. Whether they become famous or not outside of the boundaries of where they are located is another matter. Sometimes, just being famous around where you are located is enough to inspire and make you want to keep going at the thing that you do best in whatever art you are doing in order to keep you happy.

    And, it could be that the kids and their parents really love the sacrifice that it takes to achieve what they have concerning the art that is being presented, the accomplishment as well as the publicity that is received as a result of all the sacrifice they have given toward that endeavor.

    If you are interested, please do read my profile. Click on my name on the left of this post and you will be able to find out what I have done in the arts.

    If you love what you do, then go for it!

    So, what is it that you are particularly good at now, please?
  • Jun 19, 2008, 05:11 AM
    Remember that Myley Cyrus has a 'famous' dad that brought her into the business. Most people don't have that benefit.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 05:25 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma
    Remember that Myley Cyrus has a 'famous' dad that brought her into the business. Most people don't have that benefit.

    Rightly so. But, given the proper circumstances and conditions otherwise, a person could make it.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 05:33 AM
    Man I really hate to give a kid false hope. The odds are so against it happening to the extent of the Hannah Montana marketing hype.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 05:39 AM
    Well, part of at least I do here is teach. I hope that you read and assimilated my entire post, NeedKarma!
  • Jun 19, 2008, 05:53 AM
    If there were a set of steps that one could follow then everyone would do it. As pointed out, in the case of Miley Cyrus, she had a dad in the biz who could get her through the door.

    May I suggest you rent the movie Gypsy which has a more realistic view of what one has to go through to make it as a star. And trying to make it as a child star is harder since your window of opportunity is much smaller.

    You don't say how old you are, but if you are already in your teens its probably too late.

    The first thing is, of course you have to have talent. The next thing is to get yourself noticed by the right people and that can be very hard. It means going from casting call to casting call whenever you can.

    I wish you luck, you will need it.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 06:07 AM
    It's not all a matter of going through a door. It could be a window or even a porthole. If you are willing to sacrifice some things and take the steps necessary to do them, then it's possible that you might make it.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 01:20 PM

    Originally Posted by Clough
    Practice, practice and practice what you are going to be performing in front of people. Spend money on singing and/or acting lessons and/or dancing lessons, try out for any play or musical that might call for children as actors or actresses, have parents that are willing to spend the money to send you to a special school where children can take regular school and at the same time learn to do the things to become actors or actresses or artists of other kinds - like in dance and the musical arts. Be able to pass the auditions to be accepted at those sort of schools - not everyone who goes to those kinds of schools is accepted to them, although many will try. Be willing to give up a lot of your free time as well as the time that you might want to spend with your friends in order to hone your skills in your art so that you can maybe be successful without the guarantee that you will be successful. Be in the right place at the right time so that certain people will notice what you are good at doing who can get you to where you want to go as far as a career is concerned. Be willing to audition for the part where there might be hundreds of other people auditioning for the same part that you are. Be willing to take risks that what you are going for might not work. Be willing to go through many auditions, travel, studying of scripts and very long rehearsals for performances that might only last a few minutes. Be not afraid to be seen by many, many people, maybe even millions, all at the same time. Be willing to rehearse late and get up tired in order to do exactly the same thing for many hours the next day. Be willing to wear clothes that you don't like, but that others think that by wearing them, you will be portraying the look that they want and not what you really want. Be willing to have the world look at you, and not really know the real you. Always be willing to look and act your best, even when you don't really want to and would really just rather lean back, lie down, sleep or just do your own thing rather than what others want you to do.

    It ain't easy...

    I don't really mean to make it all look that negative, but just wanted to give you a reality of the picture of what you don't see about the "stars" and "famous" people that we see and hear about, sometimes everyday, on the T.V. and in other types of media.

    Oftentimes, the real picture behind the "smiles" of the famous people that we see, is not really the way that they are...

    Although, they really might have some real satisfaction inside of themselves a lot of the time...

    But, not all of the time...

    But, they (or, maybe their parents) have made a choice. Oftentimes also, a person's love for doing a certain type of art, such as that in acting, dancing or music, is all it takes to motivate them to keep going at it. It might not matter if they make a lot of money or become "famous" at all. Most artists are that way.

    Some people really need to be entertaining other people in order to realize their own worth and to feel as though they are contributing to the well-being of others because the others who are watching what they are doing are gaining something because of the person doing the entertaining.

    A person can become famous right around where they live because of the excellent way that they do a special thing that takes a lot of work. Whether they become famous or not outside of the boundaries of where they are located is another matter. Sometimes, just being famous around where you are located is enough to inspire and make you want to keep going at the thing that you do best in whatever art you are doing in order to keep you happy.

    And, it could be that the kids and their parents really love the sacrifice that it takes to achieve what they have concerning the art that is being presented, the accomplishment as well as the publicity that is received as a result of all the sacrifice they have given toward that endeavor.

    If you are interested, please do read my profile. Click on my name on the left of this post and you will be able to find out what I have done in the arts.

    If you love what you do, then go for it!

    So, what is it that you are particularly good at now, please?

    Hi Clough, this is Krazyaboutsmilez, right now I'm believe I'm a really good singer. I think that if someone (like U) told me how do make it in the music business, I could make it and be good.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 01:26 PM
    Clough or NeedKarma, what about a CD demo?
    Hi this is Krazyaboutsmilez, I wanted to know if the best way to make it in the music business. If I make a demo, send it to a record producer, would that be could? Do I have to make up my own songs? What are the best producers?
  • Jun 19, 2008, 01:34 PM
    I am going to be blunt, and it will not be something you want to hear, there are 10's of thousands of young people out there that are pretty and have a lot of talent. There are kids who have had professional piano, music and voice lessons since they were 4 years old, there will be those who have had professional model coaches since they were 3 or 4.

    As for Myley, her dad is a rich and famous person, so she basically had every break anyone can have.

    So at every local music tryout and every open mike there will be dozens of people wanting the same thing.

    Now it does happen, being in the right place at the right time will be about all that it takes.

    If you are a singer, take music and voice lessons. Go to any music event you can sign at.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 04:04 PM
    Since you mention being a kid star, that would indicate you are still a kid. Do you take music in school? Do you sing in a choir? Do you have anyone whoi can objectively tell you how well you sing? The first thing you really need to do is get an objective evaluation of your talent.

    If you determine you do have talent then there are lots of ways to try and get yourself noticed. Yes sending a demo to a record producer is one way. But producers get thousands a day. Singing your own songs is an advantage, but the real key is getting yourself noticed and that means being in the right place at the right time.
  • Jun 19, 2008, 05:37 PM
    And maybe you will be one of those who gets known, but you may not, but still be a musican your entire life, there are again 10's of thousands of people who perform on cruise ships, who do the small night club circuits who do county fairs and mall openings. My wife is a performer, she has three CD's out, had her music headlined on SUNNY university radio station over Christmass a couple of years ago, and has been featured as a indie artist on several online radio stations. She does a tour or two a year ( multi state) But famous, no, known locally and certainly not rich, but she is following her dreams,
  • Jun 20, 2008, 12:07 AM

    Originally Posted by Krazyaobutsmile
    I feel kinda wierd asking this question but I really need help, can you tell me the steps on how to become a famous star ethier as an actor or a singer. tell me!:)

    You have taken the first positive step toward reaching your goal just by posting here, trying to find answers and direction. I am excited for you. Clough gave some really good insight into what a person faces, steps to take, etc. in achieving their dream.

    Others have shared the difficulties in trying to achieve your goal, and maybe that is so you will be prepared if things don't happen quickly for you. No one likes to burn bright and then hit some hardships or feel like they are hitting a brick wall, figuratively speaking.

    Nothing happens ... but first a dream.
    Quote~~~Carl Sandburg

    You have your dream, you are looking into the "how to's". I would make a list of the tips given you by Clough, such as looking into classes, auditions, etc. Then keep your dream in your heart and begin the journey to try to achieve your dream.

    Many people begin working toward a dream, well conceived in their mind, only to find further down the road that their dream has changed but the experience gained already will help in achieving the bigger dream.

    I believe you should ask yourself why you want to achieve this dream. What is your motivation. Is it a desire that burns deep in your heart, a desire to inspire others, entertain and make people happy? If your base desire toward your dream is good and solid, you have a good chance of achieving that dream because you will stay focused.

    I have watched Hannah Montana with my grandchildren and she shows kindness to her friends, wants to protect and help them, she and her brother get closer as friends through the show, she works through disappointments when people only like her when she is Hannah Montana, etc. and she and her dad have a great relationship based on trust. That is a tall order in real life.

    Now comes the hard work, write your music, practice it until you know every note forward and backward, (so to speak), find places to perform your music as Clough suggested, make a CD, take it to local radio stations. The main thing is begin the process to put feet to your dream. If this is what you want, don't wait to let someone else make it happen for you and don't let anyone tell you that you cannot achieve your dreams.

    My art teacher told me when I was 14 I should not pursue art, I had no creative ability. I love art so I didn't take her advice. I knew in my heart my love for art. I am now an artist, have a web site, sell my work at shows and do mainly commission work. I have achieved part of my dream. Doing the art is my joy, the selling of it is just the icing on the cake.

    Face head on, the obstacles that will present themselves, being aware of the obstacles other posters have mentioned but go for your dream! I would love it if you kept us updated on steps you are taking toward reaching your goal. If you let us know what you are doing or thinking of doing, I imagine there will be those who can give you good solid advice on how to proceed, if you have questions. There are so many wonderful, positive people so willing to help on this site.

    Believe in yourself and work, work, work and most of all enjoy the journey. Best to you!
  • Jun 20, 2008, 06:20 AM

    Originally Posted by jrebel7
    My art teacher told me when I was 14 I should not pursue art, I had no creative ability. I love art so I didn't take her advice. I knew in my heart my love for art. I am now an artist, have a web site, sell my work at shows and do mainly commission work. I have achieved part of my dream. Doing the art is my joy, the selling of it is just the icing on the cake.

    You have written a good, encouraging post here, but I have to comment on this point.

    Many pursuits are very subjective. What may be art to someone is garbage to another (or vice versa). But singing is not so subjective. One can either sing or one can't. If one can sing, practice can improve one's ability, but no amount of practice can make one sing if they can't. If the OP's dream was to be an artist or a writer, I would not have suggested getting an evaluation. But to proceed in a musical career, one should get an objective evaluation.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 07:30 AM
    If I create a Cd demo and post it onto YouTube or sumthing like that, will that maked
    If I create a CD demo and post on a really popular site, would that help me reach stardom?
  • Jun 20, 2008, 07:32 AM
    It might, can't hurt (unless you have little or no talent)

    Have you taken my advice and gotten an evaluation of your talent?
  • Jun 20, 2008, 07:38 AM
    What is an evaluation of your talent and how can I get one?
    What is an evaluation of your talent and how can I get one?
  • Jun 20, 2008, 07:43 AM
    I answered this in the your thread about becoiming a kid star. Talk to your music teacher in school. If you are in a choir ask the choir master. Get someone who know music to tell you how good a signer you are.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 07:49 AM
    I have a good voice (that what my teacher in music says) now what?
    Now what, my voice teachers sas I have a great voice, now what? Should I make my demo? ScottGem
  • Jun 20, 2008, 08:18 AM
    I've merged all your posts into one thread since its all about the same thing. Please keep all followups as posts to this thread.

    "I have a good voice (that what my teacher in music says)"

    But what does your teacher say about your chances. Frankly, having a GOOD voice doesn't cut it when there are so many people with exceptional voices. Has your teacher offered any advice about improving your voice, making it more marketable?

    As for promoting yourself, you have already gotten a lot of good advice, now try following it.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 11:45 AM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem
    You have written a good, encouraging post here, but I have to comment on this point.

    Many pursuits are very subjective. What may be art to someone is garbage to another (or vice versa). But singing is not so subjective. One can either sing or one can't. If one can sing, practice can improve one's ability, but no amount of practice can make one sing if they can't. If the OP's dream was to be an artist or a writer, I would not have suggested getting an evaluation. But to proceed in a musical career, one should get an objective evaluation.

    Thank you ScottGem. Perhaps I should have prefaced my comment by saying that "even if people discourage you, you still have the right to pursue your dream". Whether one makes it or fails in the attempt, they will have the knowledge they gave it their best shot. That was my reason for sharing one of my experiences. That is why we are on this site, I believe is to share our experiences if we feel they will help someone else to see that we all have the right to pursue answers, make dreams come true, and gain insight and receive good suggestions in answer to their post.

    I agree with you that an objective evaluation is a wonderful suggestion and there were many other good suggestions by other posters. We are all coming from some experience and think how many people have had dreams but have not had the courage to give it a shot to try to make those dreams come true. I believe this person owes it to herself to give it her best shot and part of that will be to get an objective evaluation.

    There are so many variables and degrees of talent, whether singing, visual art, writing, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, etc. Making it in the big time sometimes is determined not totally on the amount of talent one has but on the way the talent is presented and marketed as you mention.

    "I have a good voice (that what my teacher in music says)"

    But what does your teacher say about your chances. Frankly, having a GOOD voice doesn't cut it when there are so many people with exceptional voices. has your teacher offered any advice about inproving your voice, making it more marketable?

    I hope the poster does get an objective evaluation as you suggested but even so, listening to one person's opinion as to the person's chances would be premature I would think as talent does evolve and techniques improve. I know of people who, if marketed correctly, would be better than tons of people who I see and hear (who have made it so to speak) so there are so many variables. Perhaps some are just not wanting to get this person's hopes up too much but I don't think it ever hurts to encourage a person to go as far as they can go to achieve their dreams. When they hit those brick walls, then they can decide at each step whether to continue to pursue that particular dream.

    Maybe I am just a dreamer! LOL :p :p :p

    There are tons of artists who have more talent in their little finger than I have in my whole body but still, I am living my dream, making money as icing on the cake, enjoying being in the company of other artists, and being happy in my pursuit. I do understand when you make the distinction between the arts... visual fine arts, singing, writing, etc. and you make a good point. We can all learn from each other and that is the beauty of this site.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 12:47 PM
    I want to become a star to. It's just so hard because people are usealy looking for an age or color of eyes or hair so you try to make it your great but your to short
  • Jun 21, 2008, 04:31 PM

    Originally Posted by daddysgirl19
    I want to become a star to. It's just so hard because people are usealy looking for an age or color of eyes or hair so you try to make it your great but your to short

    There are very few stars, some people who can support themselves, a lot of waitress slash singer slash actress people.

    If your aim is to be a star, I would say to forget it.

    The rest of your post has to do with what you want to do - model? Act? Sing? I have a VERY successful friend who does voice-overs. The harsh truth is that she was told she's not attractive enough to be in front of the camera - a terrible, terrible blow to her ego but it's not a nice industry.

    As I said, she makes a lot of money, her voice is recognized all the time - but she's not a "star."''

    A lot of it is type and attactiveness - what is "in" today is "out" tomorrow.

    How do you become a "star?" You audition, audition, audition - two people get together, you perform. Eventually you get an agent. The agent gets some exposure for you. Eventually you outgrow your local "market." Your agent hands you over to a bigger agent in a bigger market. You continue to audition and appear. Eventually you join the union.

    If the stars are aligned - you get that one chance in a lifetime, do well, and you are on your way if not to being a star, to at leat making a living.

    You could also arrange to be born the child of an established performer - like Billy Ray Cyrus. {tongue in cheek}
  • Jan 10, 2010, 05:50 PM
    Hey don't feel bumbd caz itz hard and I've ben singing all my life duin contests concerts and shows stuff lik that and I'm 11 and not famous but I lower my expectationz
  • Jan 10, 2010, 11:09 PM
    Just so everyone knows who continues to post on this thread...

    It's now old and archived, so it's not generally visible unless someone happens to visit this forum topic area, or has received a notification that there is activity on it because they've already posted on it.

    If you have a separate question or want what you post to be currently visible to others on a daily basis, please start a new thread. If you do that, you're question or comments will get the best exposure.

  • Jun 10, 2012, 04:07 PM
    Try your best give free time to be taking dancing, singing, acting, and a lot more class because you never know what you have to do as a actor or actresses be in plays, bands, dancing clubs, and all that so you can be noticed. If you know there is adisins for a TV show/move take the canc to be the person they are looking for.
  • Jun 10, 2012, 04:10 PM
    What does "adisins for a tv show/move take the canc" mean?

    - And this question is over two years old.

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