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  • Jun 20, 2008, 08:18 AM
    I've merged all your posts into one thread since its all about the same thing. Please keep all followups as posts to this thread.

    "I have a good voice (that what my teacher in music says)"

    But what does your teacher say about your chances. Frankly, having a GOOD voice doesn't cut it when there are so many people with exceptional voices. Has your teacher offered any advice about improving your voice, making it more marketable?

    As for promoting yourself, you have already gotten a lot of good advice, now try following it.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 11:45 AM

    Originally Posted by ScottGem
    You have written a good, encouraging post here, but I have to comment on this point.

    Many pursuits are very subjective. What may be art to someone is garbage to another (or vice versa). But singing is not so subjective. One can either sing or one can't. If one can sing, practice can improve one's ability, but no amount of practice can make one sing if they can't. If the OP's dream was to be an artist or a writer, I would not have suggested getting an evaluation. But to proceed in a musical career, one should get an objective evaluation.

    Thank you ScottGem. Perhaps I should have prefaced my comment by saying that "even if people discourage you, you still have the right to pursue your dream". Whether one makes it or fails in the attempt, they will have the knowledge they gave it their best shot. That was my reason for sharing one of my experiences. That is why we are on this site, I believe is to share our experiences if we feel they will help someone else to see that we all have the right to pursue answers, make dreams come true, and gain insight and receive good suggestions in answer to their post.

    I agree with you that an objective evaluation is a wonderful suggestion and there were many other good suggestions by other posters. We are all coming from some experience and think how many people have had dreams but have not had the courage to give it a shot to try to make those dreams come true. I believe this person owes it to herself to give it her best shot and part of that will be to get an objective evaluation.

    There are so many variables and degrees of talent, whether singing, visual art, writing, sculpting, playing a musical instrument, etc. Making it in the big time sometimes is determined not totally on the amount of talent one has but on the way the talent is presented and marketed as you mention.

    "I have a good voice (that what my teacher in music says)"

    But what does your teacher say about your chances. Frankly, having a GOOD voice doesn't cut it when there are so many people with exceptional voices. has your teacher offered any advice about inproving your voice, making it more marketable?

    I hope the poster does get an objective evaluation as you suggested but even so, listening to one person's opinion as to the person's chances would be premature I would think as talent does evolve and techniques improve. I know of people who, if marketed correctly, would be better than tons of people who I see and hear (who have made it so to speak) so there are so many variables. Perhaps some are just not wanting to get this person's hopes up too much but I don't think it ever hurts to encourage a person to go as far as they can go to achieve their dreams. When they hit those brick walls, then they can decide at each step whether to continue to pursue that particular dream.

    Maybe I am just a dreamer! LOL :p :p :p

    There are tons of artists who have more talent in their little finger than I have in my whole body but still, I am living my dream, making money as icing on the cake, enjoying being in the company of other artists, and being happy in my pursuit. I do understand when you make the distinction between the arts... visual fine arts, singing, writing, etc. and you make a good point. We can all learn from each other and that is the beauty of this site.
  • Jun 20, 2008, 12:47 PM
    I want to become a star to. It's just so hard because people are usealy looking for an age or color of eyes or hair so you try to make it your great but your to short
  • Jun 21, 2008, 04:31 PM

    Originally Posted by daddysgirl19
    I want to become a star to. It's just so hard because people are usealy looking for an age or color of eyes or hair so you try to make it your great but your to short

    There are very few stars, some people who can support themselves, a lot of waitress slash singer slash actress people.

    If your aim is to be a star, I would say to forget it.

    The rest of your post has to do with what you want to do - model? Act? Sing? I have a VERY successful friend who does voice-overs. The harsh truth is that she was told she's not attractive enough to be in front of the camera - a terrible, terrible blow to her ego but it's not a nice industry.

    As I said, she makes a lot of money, her voice is recognized all the time - but she's not a "star."''

    A lot of it is type and attactiveness - what is "in" today is "out" tomorrow.

    How do you become a "star?" You audition, audition, audition - two people get together, you perform. Eventually you get an agent. The agent gets some exposure for you. Eventually you outgrow your local "market." Your agent hands you over to a bigger agent in a bigger market. You continue to audition and appear. Eventually you join the union.

    If the stars are aligned - you get that one chance in a lifetime, do well, and you are on your way if not to being a star, to at leat making a living.

    You could also arrange to be born the child of an established performer - like Billy Ray Cyrus. {tongue in cheek}
  • Jan 10, 2010, 05:50 PM
    Hey don't feel bumbd caz itz hard and I've ben singing all my life duin contests concerts and shows stuff lik that and I'm 11 and not famous but I lower my expectationz
  • Jan 10, 2010, 11:09 PM
    Just so everyone knows who continues to post on this thread...

    It's now old and archived, so it's not generally visible unless someone happens to visit this forum topic area, or has received a notification that there is activity on it because they've already posted on it.

    If you have a separate question or want what you post to be currently visible to others on a daily basis, please start a new thread. If you do that, you're question or comments will get the best exposure.

  • Jun 10, 2012, 04:07 PM
    Try your best give free time to be taking dancing, singing, acting, and a lot more class because you never know what you have to do as a actor or actresses be in plays, bands, dancing clubs, and all that so you can be noticed. If you know there is adisins for a TV show/move take the canc to be the person they are looking for.
  • Jun 10, 2012, 04:10 PM
    What does "adisins for a tv show/move take the canc" mean?

    - And this question is over two years old.

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