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  • Jun 8, 2004, 07:06 PM
    Cannot print emails
    This problem started about two weeks ago.  Whenever I try to print an email using Outlook Express 6.0 (my OS is XP), I get this window:

    Internet Explorer Script Error

    ! An error has occurred in the script on this page.

    Line:  1344
    Char:  1
    Error:  Unspecified error.
    Code:  0
    URL:  res://C:\WINDOWS\System32\shdoclc.dll/preview.dlg

    Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?
         Yes      No

    No matter whether I click on Yes or No, nothing changes, and I still cannot print.  I can print web pages no problem.  I can also copy emails, paste them into Word, and print them.  But I have to do two copy-and-pastes since I have not found a way to copy the headers and the text at the same time.  Even knowing how to do that would be an improvement.

    Anyone have an answer?  Thanks. Bob G.
  • Jun 22, 2004, 01:30 PM
    Cannot print emails

    I'm having the same problem with America Online and getting the same error message when I try printing. I haven't found any solutions on the Internet, and America Online support hasn't been able to help me.

    The only work-around that I've found is to do a print preview first and then print from the preview. I don't know whether that will work in Outlook Express, but it is worth a try.

    Hope this helps,
    Christian A-S
  • Jun 22, 2004, 02:11 PM
    Cannot print emails
    Christian, thank you for your reply. Hearing that someone else has a similar problem is reassuring, in an odd way. I got excited at the possibility of a work-around, but alas, in my Outlook Express there is no Print Preview. Maybe there would be, but when I click on File and then on Print, I instantly get the error message, rather than any options listed under Print.

    Again, I appreciate your response. Let's hope someone else knows how to fix this.

    Bob G.
  • Jul 10, 2004, 12:47 AM
    I finally found a solution, Bob!

    Go to and read post #4 from "admin_matt." His solution solved my printing problem and has not created any other problems.

    The problem for me is that I didn't have another computer to export from, so I risked editing the registry myself. I first used the registry editor and found that my registry was missing the last 6 keys that admin_matt mentions. I then read Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 322756 "How to back up, edit, and restore the registry in Windows XP." Using the instructions for "Locating a subtree...", "Adding a key", and "Adding a value", I was able to add the keys and fix my printing problem.

    I don't know about you, but I'm not a techie by profession, so editing the registry was scary. If you want more guidance, I'd be happy to give you more detailed instructions. I'm so happy that I fixed it that I'm willing to help anyone else who has been pulling out their hair over this.

    Good luck! :)
  • Jul 11, 2004, 10:17 PM
    Cannot print emails
    Regarding the script errpr, with Internet Explorer opened, go to Tools, Internet Options, under the Advanced tab check "Disable script debugging", click Apply, then OK.

    As to printing an email message, it's easier to copy and paste the message into a Word program and the print from there.

    Hope this helps!
  • Sep 18, 2004, 04:21 PM
    Re: Cannot print emails
    I had the same error situation under Windows ME, and also tried admin_matt's solution from
    In my situation the following 2 registry entries have been missing, I exported them from my Windows 98SE and imported them to my Windows ME. Now the printing out of Outlook Express works again.







    Thank you very much admin_matt!
  • Sep 28, 2004, 06:19 PM
    Re: Cannot print emails
    Well you probably don't have a printing service
  • Oct 28, 2004, 03:26 AM
    I found that entering this command via.

    Start > Run

    And then type

    regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

    I think it reconnects shodocvw.dll with all files it should link to, like preview.dlg.

    I can't recall were I discovered this, but I've had that problem before and it reoccured recently, and thankfully that command (that I'ld totally forgotten about) was still in the list of recent commands.

    There are a number of weird problems that it fixes, including not opening webpages in new windows in Internet Explorer. Searching on the web I've found a few others you can try...

    regsvr32 Shell32.dll
    regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
    regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
    regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
    regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

    Not used these myself but they tend to clear up explorer errors caused by scripting.
  • Nov 10, 2004, 02:09 PM
    Refer to Jori's solution - this is THE fix. Works for windows 98SE as well
  • Nov 12, 2004, 06:08 AM
    Can't print emails
    The easiest way to solve not being able to print email is just to simply re-install Internet Explorer 6.
    From the Windows Update Setup files, click on the IE6setup.exe.
    Then, choose the Custom re-install.
    Click on Internet Explorer and Outlook Express.
    After re-booting, the printing should work fine.
    Best wishes,
  • Nov 27, 2004, 09:28 AM
    Kitta Baby
    Printing in Outlook Express and Internet Explorer
    I have had the same problem at work, but it has been resolved. Solution:

    In Internet Explorer, go to "View", then down to "Encoding", [make sure that 'auto-select' is NOT selected, if it is un select it] then select "Unicod (UTF-8)"

    Repeat the same process for Outlook Express.

    This will resolve your issue so that you will be able to print.
  • Nov 3, 2005, 06:33 AM

    Originally Posted by DMaple
    I found that entering this command via.

    Start > Run

    and then type

    regsvr32 shdocvw.dll

    I think it reconnects shodocvw.dll with all files it should link to, like preview.dlg.

    I can't recall were I discovered this, but I've had that problem before and it reoccured recently, and thankfully that command (that I'ld totally forgotten about) was still in the list of recent commands.

    There are a number of weird problems that it fixes, including not opening webpages in new windows in Internet Explorer. Searching on the web I've found a few others you can try...

    regsvr32 Shell32.dll
    regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll
    regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll
    regsvr32 Mshtml.dll
    regsvr32 Urlmon.dll

    Not used these myself but they tend to clear up explorer errors caused by scripting.

    I tried your solution running regsvr32 shdocvw.dll and it solved my printing HTML emails in outlook - GREAT
    Problem is that now everything goes very, very slowly!

    Any ideas? I haven't tried your other ideas - should I?
  • Nov 4, 2005, 03:08 AM
    Problem Solved - Download the fix here
    Hi There

    I also recently had this problem, I tried all the other fixes around including all of the Microsoft Knowledge base fixes, none of them worked, I then linked from this forum to an article where they imported the registry settings from a win2k machine! This fixes the problem totally! :)

    To save people the bother I have zipped up the registry files and a readme for people to try it themselves, takes about 1 min to do and will save you a lot of messing around, this worked 100PC for me! I am hosting the file on my website, here is the link to it.

    Hope it sorts it



    Registry Fix for Outlook Express Printing Script Error
  • Nov 7, 2005, 11:40 AM
    Printing emails in outlook
    Hi Knoxie

    I tried your solution and I think its better (?) but it is still not back to normal. Problem also affects MS Word but I can't remember if it did before. Printing still takes ages. Any other ideas (I know it is asking a lot!)? Im about to try manually editing the registry with Jori's Sep 19, 2004 12:21 AM posting but this scares the watsit out of me!

  • Nov 8, 2005, 03:03 AM

    Hmm I haven't had the problem in word? Before you do anything I would uninstall and re-install your printer drivers, then if you can reinstall word, this will be the easiest way around it, I'm taking that you have tried some of the other fixes in this thread first? There is also a link on this message to a closed topic where this is discussed as well, all the best!
    I exported those registry files from my old win2k machine, it totally fixed the problem, by the way I got the problem from uninstalling some shareware mouse program, I have since deleted it and can't rem the name, it had a really bad uninstall script though, the answer is leave the program I guess if you are not sure! :mad: good luck :)

  • Dec 21, 2005, 09:56 AM
    Knoxie, Cristian and "admin_matt" from forums

    Go to and read post #4 from "admin_matt." His solution solved my printing problem and has not created any other problems.

    Just wanted to say thanks. Knoxie's zip file (three posts above this) was way too easy. Imported reg files worked perfectly. After two days of Googling this thread was the light at the end of the tunnel. My problem was first evidenced by an inability to copy and past attachments from Outlook. Kept getting a "cannot create another system semaphore" error. Stumbled into the html print problem later and that led me here.
  • Jan 5, 2006, 10:48 AM
    To fix this problem, register the Ole32.dll file. Follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, click Run, type the following command in the Open box, or cut n paste it

    Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll

    2. click OK.
  • Jan 5, 2006, 03:08 PM
    Interesting side effect to the reg fix from knoxie is that it has restored touchpad scroll functionality in Firefox on my Inspiron 4000. I had given up on solving that. Worked in all applications except Firefox.
    Now everything is perfect. I'd love to know which software install hosed it up in the first place. I've come across lots of people with the problem but never a solution.
  • Jan 9, 2006, 01:04 AM
    Hello Bill

    Glad that sorted that for you! I think ill try the fix on my notebook as it also lost scroll in Firefox! Ha ha thanks for the heads up on that one, it is so annoying when you can't simply print an e-mail!

    All the best

  • Jan 9, 2006, 01:06 AM

    Originally Posted by shortfatbloke
    To fix this problem, register the Ole32.dll file. Follow these steps:

    1. Click Start, click Run, type the following command in the Open box, or cut n paste it

    Regsvr32.exe %Windir%\System32\Ole32.dll

    2. click OK.


    Depending on the problem and what files are missing this doesn't always work I tried this before I did the registry fix and it didn't work for me, the registry fix did though.


  • Jan 13, 2006, 06:56 PM
    IE Script Error
    This worked for me, I'm running XP SP2 and couldn't print e-mails
    Close Outlook Express, Go to start > run > type in regsvr32 ole32.dll > OK.
  • Jan 26, 2006, 06:05 PM

    Originally Posted by knoxie
    Hi There

    I also recently had this problem, i tried all the other fixes around including all of the Microsoft Knowledge base fixes, none of them worked, i then linked from this forum to an article where they imported the registry settings from a win2k machine! this fixes the problem totally! :)

    To save people the bother i have zipped up the registry files and a readme for people to try it themselves, takes about 1 min to do and will save you a lot of messing around, this worked 100PC for me!! I am hosting the file on my website, here is the link to it.

    Hope it sorts it



    Registry Fix for Outlook Express Printing Script Error

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, I am new here, I also had this rotten problem, I tried editing the registry (scary stuff I can tell you LOL)
    Thanks to Knoxie for the valuable information, I downloaded your file, and done what you said, and superb, all working great now.

    I hope to be of help to others on here whenever I can.

  • Feb 4, 2006, 02:38 AM
    Thanks Sally Ann the fix worked perfect You are the wizard


    New Zealand
  • Feb 4, 2006, 04:33 AM

    Originally Posted by aljay
    Thanks Sally Ann the fix worked perfect You are the wizard


    New Zealand

    Thanks aljay, but the credit must go to Knoxie, that's who gave me the valuable information which solved my problem.
  • Feb 4, 2006, 02:28 PM

    Knoxie is the other Wizard. Is there a rule saying you can only have 1 Wizard. In New Zealand we have the Hobbits (Lord Of The Rings). I think Peter Jackson is one of them BUT he has lost a lot of weight since I last saw him.

    You guys saved me a lot of time fixing that software. I even purchased a software programm on line BUT that did not work. Money down the drain.

    Take Care

    Good luck

  • Feb 8, 2006, 08:20 PM
    The web site that knoxie has for this problem is just the answer and I just want to thank you for the solution to this problem thanks again.:D
  • Feb 9, 2006, 01:53 AM
    Thank Knoxie he is the wizard. I am just the guy who goes with the flow. I would like to meet or correspond with him or sally-ann

    In New Zealand we don't have too much hastle with it stuff BUT we like the high techs out there that are really good at solving computer and software problems

    Contact me anytime and if you guys ever come down to Auckland look me up there is always a bed here for you. Sue and I would always welcome you.

    Thanks John & Sue
  • Feb 9, 2006, 03:04 AM

    Originally Posted by aljay
    Thank Knoxie he is the wizard. I am just the guy who goes with the flow. I would like to meet or correspond with him or sally-ann

    In New Zealand we dont have too much hastle with it stuff BUT we like the high techs out there that are really good at solving computer and software problems

    Contact me anytime and if you guys ever come down to Auckland look me up there is always a bed here for you. Sue and I would always welcome you.

    Thanks John & Sue

    Hi John & Sue
    Well, if ever I am lucky enough to come to Aukland I will definitely look you up.
    I used to run my own business repairing and upgrading computers, I only gave the business up 18 months ago because I underwebt major surgery and I was unable to work for a period, but I am slowly going back to it, I do a fair bit of computer repair work from home, in fact I am working on a couple of machines at the moment.
    If you wish to correspone with me please feel free to do so, you can contact me direct at my e mail address which is [email protected]

    Look forward to hearing from you soon.
    Miss Sally-Ann Dixon
  • Feb 9, 2006, 04:04 AM

    Originally Posted by aljay
    Thank Knoxie he is the wizard. I am just the guy who goes with the flow. I would like to meet or correspond with him or sally-ann

    In New Zealand we dont have too much hastle with it stuff BUT we like the high techs out there that are really good at solving computer and software problems

    Contact me anytime and if you guys ever come down to Auckland look me up there is always a bed here for you. Sue and I would always welcome you.

    Thanks John & Sue


    Glad that I could be of help to you all! I'm still not sure which program it was that did this to the system but I think I got the problem when I uninstalled the program, it was a piece of shareware.

    Hey John thanks for the offer! Ill be round Friday ;) hmm I'm a long way away in leafy Oxfordshire UK, right about now I couldn't think of a better place than Auckland to be honest! You are sooo lucky!!

    Glad that all your printing problems are solved and thanks for all the kind comments raised by everyone so far!

    All the best

  • Feb 10, 2006, 11:23 AM
    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, I am new here, I also had this problem, I was to afraid to try to edit the registry. My problem arose after installing Nero 7 Ultra Edition. Before that, all was fine. Thanks to Knoxie for the valuable information, I downloaded your file, unzipped to a new folder and done what you said. Everything seems to be working great now. I hope the fix from knoxie can help someone else in the future.

  • Feb 10, 2006, 11:54 AM

    Originally Posted by ryoung
    Just wanted to say hello to everyone, I am new here, I also had this problem, I was to afraid to try to edit the registry. My problem arose after installing Nero 7 Ultra Edition. Before that, all was fine. Thanks to Knoxie for the valuable information, I downloaded your file, unzipped to a new folder and done what you said. Everything seems to be working great now. I hope the fix from knoxie can help someone else in the future.


    Now there might be the cause of the problem, my problem started soon after installing Nero 7 as well.
    I wonder if Ahead (the people who make Nero) are aware of this problem, and have a fix for it ?
    I shall have a look on their website later and see if they mention it or not.

    I am at present keeping myself all wrapped up warm, I have got this damn flu bug, and I feel sooooooooooooooo ill, I need someone to come and nurse me better, and keep me warm... ooppppppppppppps... wrong website :p :eek:
  • Feb 10, 2006, 12:10 PM
    Wish I could help you out. Thanks for the reply.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 09:21 AM
    Ty mcdonough
    When I try to print an email message I get "operation failed " This just started within the last week or so . I'm using Outlook 2003 . Any ideas ?
  • Feb 11, 2006, 10:19 AM
    I don't really know how to help you. I received script error message and followed the instructions I read about. Thanks for asking.
  • Feb 11, 2006, 12:12 PM

    Originally Posted by Ty mcdonough
    When I try to print an email message I get "operation failed " This just started within the last week or so . I'm using Outlook 2003 . Any ideas ?

    Try the method we all tried and see if it helps.
    Have you recently installed\uninstalled Nero software by any chance ? As this seems to be the common factor among a lot of us who have had the problems.
  • Mar 11, 2006, 11:07 PM
    Knoxie's solution worked like a charm on Outlook 2003. Thanks so much.
  • Apr 27, 2006, 01:01 AM
    Hi all,
    Same problem here. Using Outlook Express 6 and XP pro.

    Followed Knoxie's advice, fixed problem!

    Go to site below, download zip file, read the readme file and follow instructions. Too easy... thankyou Knoxie and Admin Matt!

    Registry Fix for Outlook Express Printing Script Error (

  • Apr 27, 2006, 01:05 AM
    Ahaaa!. I too have recently played around with Nero 7 Ultra... seems as though it may be the culprit!
  • Apr 27, 2006, 05:35 AM
    My Father has also recently had the problem, I sent him the patches and it sorted it out, it seems that the problem springs up either when you install Nero 7 or un-install it to return to Nero 6.
    Everyone I know who has been using Nero 7 is having a problem where after a while you try and run the software and it crashes and shuts down.
    It certainly does seem that this software is the cause of a lot of problems, I shall be sticking to V6 from now on, it works fine and without any problems at all.
  • Jun 1, 2006, 01:59 PM
    Thanks Knoxie!
    I have had the problem for some time now, and like others have just pasted the email into Word. What a pain. I downloaded and imported your fix, and all is well! Saves me quite a bit of time!
    FYI, I, too, have installed NERO. Guess they have an "undocumented feature".

    All the best,

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