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  • Mar 7, 2012, 12:49 AM
    How do I get my parents to get me to go to a SPECIAL school.
    I'm a 13 (almost 14) year old bot in year 8. I am really not liking my school. I've been there for 4 years and I'm really starting to hate it.all me friends are leaving me and I spend all reccess and Lunch sitting at the library reading, I don't know what I've done, they just stopped talking about me. I'm getting physical and verbaly bullied. I'm also getting sexualy harassed a small bit. I feel like the person who everyone looks down on. Its starting to affect me grades and I've talked to the teachers but they are usesless and are not helping.
    I really want to go to this school which you learn from home, and then I would like to do more after school activities. This seems like a really good school and I think this would make me happier, I would lern more, and I would make better friends.

    How do I convince my parents to let me go to this school, I've brung up the idea (not in detail), and they say no. I've seen a councillor and she thinks it's a good idea.
    How can I get them to let me go to this school?

    Please help me. I can't bare school right now.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 11:37 AM
    Give it a little time and I think that you should write up a pros and cons list for the school you are currently at and a list for the school you want to be at. Show your parents the difference then give them some time to process. Always seem miserable and hurt every time you come home from school. Tell them only the worst that happens during the school day. But remember to stretch this out over a long period. If worst comes to worst have them talk to the councilor about it. This will give them a second opinion on the matter which will lean them more to saying yes.
    Hoped this helped :) :) :)
  • Mar 9, 2012, 11:44 AM

    Originally Posted by axdwdrgc View Post
    give it a little time and i think that you should write up a pros and cons list for the school you are currently at and a list for the school you want to be at. show your parents the difference then give them some time to process. Always seem miserable and hurt every time you come home from school. Tell them only the worst that happens during the school day. but remember to stretch this out over a long period of time. If worst comes to worst have them talk to the councilor about it. This will give them a second opinion on the matter which will lean them more to saying yes.
    Hoped this helped :) :) :)

    This is game playing. "Always seem miserable" and "tell them the worst that hapens ... stretch this out" are all inappropriate in my eyes.

    If the OP wants to be treated like an adult, have his/her opinions and options understood, then OP needs to ACT like an adult. List why the move would be a good idea. Talk to the school counsellor. Talk to the counsellor with the parents.

    Don't play games if you expect to be treated like an adult, making adult decisions.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 02:08 PM
    Ax I have not given a reddie to an answer for a very, very long time but you are stretching the limits. "Always seem miserable and hurt every time you come home from school. Tell them only the worst that happens during the school day. but remember to stretch this out over a long period of time" you are telling a child to fake and lie to his parent to get his way. That is not a responsible way to advise a child.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 02:40 PM
    OP has to Learn life lessons and that means he has to chin up and take what comes along, bellanger. I don't think JKT. Gave bad advice.

    Sure councillor would agree, he/she wouldn't know what OP is like at home. He is not at the age of majority, so his parents rule for now and seeing as OP has an attitude problem that is a good idea.

    You read JKT's answer the wrong way? I have never known Judy to give bad advice.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 02:49 PM
    You need to do some rereading. My comment was to ax the poster in #2 who told the child to act depressed all the time. I agree 100% with Judy. "ax I have not given a reddie " I gave Judy a greenie for her answer and do not know who gave ax a reddie, wasn't me, have not used a reddie in years.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 03:09 PM
    Apologize then bellanger, thanks for pointing it out, where others would not.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 03:09 PM
    I do notice that "ax" is handing them out like candy - any time he doesn't like the advice. Doesn't mean it's wrong. It just means he doesn't (in his teenage wisdom) agree.
  • Mar 9, 2012, 03:12 PM
    Well Judy, in this thraeds it looks like ax received and gave nothing. Maybe he has been reading Scott's thread about the rating system LOL
  • Mar 9, 2012, 06:25 PM
    - other thread.

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