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  • Apr 8, 2007, 07:56 PM
    Sudden change of behavior
    Hey everyone. My husband and I have 2 cats who are brother and sister. We've had our babies almost their whole lives and they're about 2 years old. They're both usually frisky, playful with each other and us, affectionate and very much a part of our lives. Sebastian, who has always been the dominant kitty has suddenly had a change in behavior. Since Friday night he has been hiding and afraid to come out in the open. He'll only eat and drink if food or water is brought to him. He hasn't been using the liter box much either. His nose seems a little dry and his eyes are dilated. He purrs and plays, but only if he is under the bed hiding. He refuses to come out. His sister Sabrina, who has been hissing at him since Friday, otherwise seems normal. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm going to take him to the vet tomorrow, but I was hoping to hear from someone who might have some ideas. Thanks so much!

  • Apr 8, 2007, 08:02 PM
    The following site may be of use to you. I hope that it is.

    Sudden Change in Behavior Can Signal Illness - - a VIN company!

    Also, please see the links at the bottom of this page.
  • Apr 9, 2007, 09:15 AM
    It's possible the other cat is starting to assert dominance over him and he is on the losing end of the fight. It might take some time for him to accept he is no longer boss. If that is the case, he'll probably emerge once things are settled down and he feels safe enough to walk the house again.

    On the other hand, sudden behaviour changes can also be signs of medical issues - as Clough has indicated in the posted link... So it's good you have him going to the vet to be checked out.

  • Apr 9, 2007, 10:03 AM
    Do you have anything he might have gotten into such as plants, etc? Do they ever play rough enough for him to have an abscess somewhere on him from a scratch or bite? There is also the possibility of a urinary tract infection... wish cats could talk! The vet will solve it by process of elimination, I am confident. Let us know!

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