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  • Nov 25, 2010, 06:55 PM
    My pup seems to be very spiteful yet I cant figure out why!
    I rescued a pup in August of this year. She was in poor condition and had multiple problems. I nursed to good health, had her fixed and gave her LOTS of love. I started working with her on house breaking and it seemed to go very well. Suddenly, after weeks of no accidents, she started peeing in the floor multiple times a day! I had to start crating her because she would refuse to pee outside.She would bark to go outside, I would take her out and she would play. She would go back to the door wanting inside and then pee in the floor.
    I took her and got advice and a little training with her and she done amazing after that. She done so much better for days! I was so proud and loved it! She was getting way more love and praise for such great behavior and obeying. Last night after lots of play and love, we went out to potty before bed. When she was ready to come inside she went into her crate for sleep. I put her a fresh, clean blanket in there to sleep. When I put the blanket in her bed she peed in my floor! She had just went outside! Then this morning, she went out, refused to pee and wanted back inside. She came in, walked into the next room and peed beside her food bowl. Trying to get her outside she REFUSED to go outside and went behind my door only to pee there! There is nothing that is upsetting her or scare her or anything that we can think of or pin point. She just at random starts peeing in my floor and refusing to go out. Nothing changes in the house hold, she gets lots of attention and love and play time... HELP PLEASE!! I'm pulling my hair out!
  • Nov 25, 2010, 07:09 PM

    Has your vet checked her?
  • Nov 25, 2010, 07:30 PM
    Yes, she has been to the vet. She has had a uti in the past but
    Acted way different and it didn't stop until her med worked.
    This issue comes and goes. It may be once in 3 weeks or 4 times in a day
    Then she is an angel the next.
  • Nov 25, 2010, 08:18 PM

    I'm a cat person. Before long, the Dog Experts will jump on this. Meanwhile, you're stuck with me. :D

    I'm wondering if something in your or someone else's behavior is triggering this. If you've ruled out a UTI, perhaps this is a dominance thing she's doing. Can you think of any connection to a recurring human behavior and her peeing in the house?
  • Nov 25, 2010, 09:40 PM
    We have tried and tried and can not pin point ANYTHING. She can be playing alone or chewing on
    A bone or like last night I was giving her a blanket; she has done it when I wouldn't let her do something
    She wanted, leave the room or even at times she will just pee in front of us then run.
  • Nov 25, 2010, 10:41 PM

    Is it cold where you live? I know that when it gets cold here I literally have to push my dogs out the door to do their thing.

    What do you do when she has an accident? Do you scold her? If so, how?
  • Nov 26, 2010, 09:45 AM
    It isn't very cold yet. She started this before cooler weather too. We have tried different scoldings trying to find what will work.
    We tried a firm NO, OUTSIDE! And immediately taking her out. We always praise her for going out.
    We have tried crating her for a time out if she pees inside, everything to the trainers recommending a small sales pape rolled up, pop her on the behind to get her attention. When she gets in a "mood" NOTHING works that we have found.
    She will be an angel for days but then its like she just gets up determined not to do anything you ask of her.
  • Nov 26, 2010, 09:51 AM
    I have tried walking her more often, giving her extra attention and love. The trainer suggested that she noticed some signs from her showing she is the dominant one over us. She suggested I am not strict enough. I have started being some stricter but she just has her days where no matter what she seems to hate everything and she WILL do something to make you pay, pee in the floor.

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