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  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:06 PM
    Questions about un circumcised men?
    So, my current boyfriend is uncircumcised.
    I've never been with man who hasn't been clipped so, I was wondering if during sexual activity, There were certain things you have to do differently with an uncircumcised man?
    Any tips or answers would be great.

    Do you have to pull back the foreskin before he enters or can you still make love without doing that?
    I know they have to cleanse themselves down there to prevent odor but, who doesn't? Lol

    I'm Just wanting to know what to do, as like I said before, I've never been with an uncircumcised man before. We haven't had sex yet but I know it will happen eventually and I don't want to be a total nut case when the time comes and I have no clue. Lol
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:13 PM
    My husband is uncircumcised. Just like your boyfriend to you, my husband is the first uncircumcised for me.

    Make sure, whatever you do, do not pull the skin back too far. This can be very painful to a man.

    Also, most men who have an uncircumcised penis are also more sensitive on the head of their penis than some circumcised men are. There are times, in fact, when it can get too sensitive.

    I don't know if it's the same for all men that are uncircumcised, but for my husband, his erection usually gets large enough to where his foreskin, I guess, pulls itself back. I have not really noticed him messing with his foreskin during sex.
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:17 PM
    OK thanks!

    I'm a bit nervous so Im glad some one responded!

    Do you use condoms? And if you do, is it true that un circumcised men have more troubles keeping them on?

    I was just curious, as most men with foreskin, do get placid enough that the skin is oulled back. And I was just curious if it was true or not.
    I don't see condoms being a problem if the skin practically pulls itself back.
    But it doesn't hurt to ask!
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:25 PM
    We personally don't use condoms because I am on birth control, but we have in the past and I found that since he is not circumcised, the condom just didn't fit right for some reason. It could just be him, but I noticed he always had to stop and pull the condom back, sort of like it was slipping off.

    Don't be nervous! Its not much different than being with a guy that has been "snipped". :p
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:29 PM
    Lol thanks much!
    I'm glad you were the first to answer! My stomach just un-knotted itself.
    Well, Could I ask you another thing?
    I feel bad pushing all these questions on you, but hopefully others can give their insight on this also.

    What about Oral?
    If you've done this with your hubby, can you give me some insight on this? Are there any techniques you use, if you do, do oral on him.

    Im sorry for swamping you with all these questions at once!
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:36 PM
    Its okay I don't mind at all! :)

    Yes, I do oral on my husband. Since he was my first uncircumcised guy, he told me a few things to remember when we were first together.

    1. Be careful how far back the foreskin goes. Every once in a while, pull it back towards the head to avoid hurting him.

    2. Don't solely focus on the head. He said that since he has his foreskin, the head is so sensitive that sometimes, if the head is focused on too much during oral, he doesn't like it. You can tease the head, and gently suck on it, but don't go at it like you're trying to take the chrome off a trailer hitch.. lol.

    I'm sorry if I got too much into detail, or if my words offended you or anyone else on here.
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:40 PM
    No offense at all!
    The trailer hitch was comical! :P
    Yet again, thank you much for your reply! Now I feel like I can conquer this uncircumcised stuff!
    I'll deffinately keep these tips in mind!

    Thanks so much!
  • Feb 29, 2008, 03:46 PM
    You're welcome and good luck! :)

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