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  • Feb 18, 2010, 02:44 AM
    I think this girl likes me (she knows I like her). Help me
    There's this girl lets call her x. okay so me and x have been talking for over a month over msn messenger. She's in Houston TX and I am in New Zealand. She is 20 and I'm 23. We met on a Christian dating site. We are both non denominational christians. And I already told her she likes me. And she says once she finishes college in Houston, TX and moves to Germany next year, she will ring me from there (a long distance call since I live in New Zealand) to sort out coming here to see me and meet my parents next year.
    She says she's not going to date anyone until college finishes. And she has mentioned seeing me as a big brother, which apprently to most is the death sentence.
    Some things I have noticed about her seems to suggest otherwise (At least to my extremely untrained eye):

    1. She was really excited about webcamming the other day. She was like wow I can see you! Thank you so much for coming on etc. And she was really excited to hear me as well because I connected my mic for her.

    2. When we webcammed, I drew her a heart on a piece of paper and wrote her name in the middle of the heart. And she said: "" ^^ aww I love you too ^^." and then I made the heart shape with my hand over the webcam. Same response.

    3. I told her that when I told her I like her, I meant it. (I think she has figured out my like for her is like like) and she says aww thanks. You are charming too.

    4. She wants to meet my parents and she is travelling so far to come see, I mean it's a 24 hour flight from there and why does she want to meet my parents?

    Thanks I advance for ne help.

    Adam <3
  • Feb 18, 2010, 04:10 AM

    From the info given by you ,
    There are 3 possible things :
    1.She might be wanting to know you in reality if you exist at all I mean identification ,since the two of you just have had chat's and so on.
    2.She will check out if you are really a genuine person to go with and not flirting around.
    3.She just wants to be more comfortable!

    My advice is be cool , let her visit you and you may possibly get your answer ! Remember Dude, "Love has no boundries" it only understands the language of the heart "!
  • Feb 18, 2010, 11:15 AM
    Online flirting is no substitute for face to face getting to know each other. Don't get carried away at this point, or even assume how she feels about you from online flirting.

    You should know its easier to flirt, and enjoy yourself when there is nothing really invested, so wait and see what happens before you get caught up in the plans of a stranger.

    I agree with the previous poster as to her wish to see your parents is a good way to test your reactions, and give her an idea of your circumstances.

    She obviously has done this online thing before which is another reason to not get carried away. There are many scam artists on the net. YOU NEVER KNOW!
  • Feb 19, 2010, 12:15 PM

    You met her online. This is just flirting, and about as "serious" as a middle school crush. Give it some more time. You are over-analyzing to the extreme.
  • May 4, 2010, 03:18 AM
    Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?
    Threads merged

    So me and this girl met on a Christian dating site, she's 21 and I'm 23, and we've been really good friends for quite a while and webcammed once and at that time she only wanted to be really good friends. Before this, she was dating this other guy who cheated on her. I kind suspected that that was going to be the case and warned her that she might be in for some hurt. Then after that happened, I heard from her friend that she has started to like me since the break up with the guy and she later admitted that that is true even though she spent sometime getting mad at the guy. Since then, even though I have not really officially asked her to be my girlfriend, I think we are based on some facts:

    1. She has asked me whether I know what a period is and asked a bit about my sexual life to which I answered I never had sex. She told me she hasn't either. (we are christians we are both very big of sexual purity)

    2. She talked to her friend about coming to new zealand from Texas to see me and although her friend was a bit cynical about new zealnd and said something's about new zealnd that are kind of bad but also kind of true. She asked me what I thought and said even though her friend said all those things, she is still going to come and said that the only reason she's coming to new zealand is to see me. She even joked around when I asked her if she is still coming even though new zealand has been described to be a bad place, and said no Adam, I'm just going to leave you there and never come meet you face to face.

    2. She asked me one afternoon to share some personal stories and get to know me. Since then we have shared more personal stories about our past life and all the embarrassing stuff. She even told me about the time when her brother put baby powder in her blow dryer and about a April fools joke her brother played on her once.

    3. She asked me where me and her are going to live, she said she would prefer to live in Germany because that's where she was born but she said she doesn't mind where to live and when I said its up to her, she just replied that she wanted me to be move involved in the decision.

    4. She has also told me about her hunting experiences, about how she's the leader of some 5-40 young'ins. She and I have also talked about hunting together and she said she would make me a leader after showing me the ropes and the safety stuff.

    So my question is, even though I have not officially asked her to be my girlfriend, I think we may already be boyfriend and girlfriend, and it seems she likes to hear me keep reminding her how specil she is and that she's the best girlfriend in the whole world and how blessed I am.
    Does all boyfriend girlfriend relationships have to start with do you want to be my girlfriend question or not?
    What do you think? Are we officially boyfriend and girlfriend despite the question neer having gone thorugh?
  • May 4, 2010, 08:25 AM
    I wish

    From your facts, it doesn't even seem like you've met in person. Without meeting in person, how can you really be a boyfriend/girlfriend?

    Sounds more like she's asking you those questions to get to know you better to see what type of person you're like.

    Personal questions doesn't default you to boyfriend/girlfriend status.
  • May 4, 2010, 12:37 PM
    If you have to ask if you are boyfriend and girlfriend, then no, you aren't.
  • May 4, 2010, 03:16 PM
    Hi Avenger, from your previous posts it seems you've had a few on/off on-line interactions with girls. I think that what you describe sounds like an interesting friendship, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.

    You don't actually know her and I think that talking about where you'll live, is naïve and highly premature. It's a nice fantasy, but it isn't real.

    She's in Texas, you're in NZ - what are the chances? She wants to live in Germany, do you even speak German?

    Wouldn't you be better off meeting some girls in your own community? You know, real life human beings that you can form a direct connection with and do things with?
  • May 16, 2010, 04:21 AM
    How much power does family have in the fate of a romantic relationship?
    Threads merged

    Me and this girl, we are both followers of Christ and we both like like each other and have been together for a while now.(we are long distance, she's in Texas and I'm in new zealand) We have been talking each other's past, ambitions, favourites, embarrassing moments and having fun spending time with each other everyday talking, playing games on the computer. I essentially have two questions.

    The first one is regarding this. She is going to spend the weeks she has until her summer semester starts on a resort that her dad owns. Now before I go further, I just want to give a bit of background of what her family is like. Her family is one of those, rich, high class, european families. Her dad is the owner of several subway and other such restaurant franchises. And her dad is very prideful and doesn't know we are together.

    So essentially, he likes to set her up with guys like CEO's and that. This time, he's set her up with someone from Honda that's into robotics and well she doesn't know how to turn him down without him going crying to her dad, which leads to the interrogation in the white room, and her dad very possibly ring me thrice a day and coming down here to where I am and give me a man talk in a bar. And we kind of want to just keep this to ourselves for a while.

    And also, she has been telling me a lot about the people in her family. I haven't heard much about her mum and I'm fairly sure her dad isn't like this, but there are people in her family that think tall, handsome, rich, and good grades and such are the sort of guy she should be dating. Not only am I none of those things, but I am also a serious follower of Christ as I mentioned already, which is really something they look down upon and they think it's the lowest thing you could possibly do.

    I don't know I keep having these nightmares from then on about being invited to dinner with them, some of her family hating me and kicked me out of the house, then her brother, who is with the FBI, puts me in jail for 10 years somehow and them telling me to not see her again.

    She has assured me though that she really enjoys being together with me and said she won't leave me and that what her family said won't change her mind. I don't know, I have seen cases though where the family can play a role in deciding the fate of this and a no has destroyed many a good relationships. So as I have already asked, how much, if any, power does the family really have in this?


    Adam aka avenger9000
  • May 16, 2010, 08:00 AM

    Until you actually meet some one its hard to tell what they are like. Though there are many very strict families that take a very proactive approach to the welfare, and affairs of the kids, I think you may just be scared of the unknown, and when it comes to the parents of a potential partner, fear can be a very strong emotion.

    But don't get yourself all worked up just yet, as until you meet them you can never know how to react to them.

    Have you two met at all in person yet?

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