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  • Jan 11, 2022, 06:10 AM
    good news for a change
    Detroit has managed to see a slender reduction in murders and gun violence. Astonishingly, it does not seem to be the product of defunding the police.


    In 2021, the city saw a 4% reduction in murders, a 9% drop in non-fatal shootings and an 18% declines in robberies.

    White noted that upon becoming the police chief, Mayor Mike Duggan authorized 4,000 more hours of police overtime for each weekend during the summer. Another 2,000 hours per weekend were dedicated to drag racing enforcement.

    In June, White implemented a five-point plan that focused on quality of life issues: increased police presence, parking and code enforcement, stricter noise enforcement, community engagement and trying to combat drag racing.
  • Jan 11, 2022, 06:51 AM
    sounds a lot like Rudy's broken windows strategy .
  • Jan 11, 2022, 08:29 AM
    Yeah. I thought about the same thing.
  • Jan 12, 2022, 04:22 AM
    Yeah if they could just get the rapes assaults and auto thefts down they would be on to something. It helped the dumped the city managers as the emerged from state regulated bankruptcy. See also the safe neighborhoods initiative started by Dave Bing the previous mayor for the full story before you give rudy some creds for dems hard work cleaning up repub governing shenanigans.
  • Jan 12, 2022, 05:49 AM
    Was it "repub governing shenanigans" that was responsible for decades of people leaving Detroit resulting in a catastrophic drop of greater than 60% in population and entire square miles of residential areas being bulldozed? Sorry to have to tell you this, but it was a string of dem mayors that did that magic. Can't blame repubs for that one.

    "Dems hard work". That's a good one.
  • Jan 12, 2022, 06:40 AM

    I kept waiting for someone else to document my data, but they didn't, so I had to do it myself. Bummer.
  • Jan 12, 2022, 06:49 AM
    Detroit's economy was devastated by job losses over decades like many industrial/manufacturing municipal bases across the rust belt. The repub gov bringing in managers and subverting elect officials added to the problem.
  • Jan 12, 2022, 07:47 AM
    The repubs took over after dems has overseen a disaster and put the city on the verge of bankruptcy.

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