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  • Nov 10, 2016, 09:11 AM
    Is Trump gonna HIRE lackeys, or Patriots??

    It's clear that Trump CAN'T do certain things he said he WOULD do, like worse than waterboarding, and killing the family's of terrorists.

    My question is, will he HIRE people who will TELL him that, or will he HIRE people who will DO his bidding??

  • Nov 10, 2016, 09:42 AM
    So far his inner circle are insiders like Rudy(Justice Dept ? Homeland Security ? ) ;Newt ,or Christie (one will probably be Chief of Staff ), a couple of former Generals Stephen Hadley and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn could play a role.
    Some people outside the government who worked for his campaign would be interesting additions . Larry Kudlow and Steve Moore were financial advisors . They are free-market economists .They could temper his worse instincts about trade and immigration . He could also bring in as a foreign policy advisor Seb Gorka ,author of 'Toward a Grand Strategy Against Terrorism' and 'Defeating Jihad : A Winnable War' He advised Trump during the campaign. Retired Congressman Jeff Miller may be tapped for VA . He was a leading VA reformer in Congress . Steve Mnuchin, a former Goldman Sachs executive was his chief fundraiser . He could go to Treasury possibly although Trump ran against the revolving door. Jared Kushner, Trump's son in law was a key advisor and may roam the halls of the West Wing . Jeff Sessions will play a role in Defense . Bob Corker could be Sec State . Gov. Jan Brewer, Gov. Mary Fallin and Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis ,Sarah Palin may be in line for posts . Paypal cofounder Peter Thiel is going to be some kind of technology advisor .
    That's a good start . Most of these people are not what you would call lackeys .
  • Nov 10, 2016, 02:33 PM
    Whatever happens he needs people who know how the system works otherwise he won't get anything done. He can rule by fiat or much more sensibly by working with Congress and the Senate. We can all hope he won't act like a clown
  • Nov 10, 2016, 06:52 PM
    He will like all presidents have both.
    But of course he can kill the family of terrorists, they have done that for years, that is nothing new.

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