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  • Dec 10, 2010, 06:40 AM
    Let's Say Thanks...
    Hopefully, no one will object to this post. If you do, too bad. I gots me an official approval from RickJ.

    Whether you agree with war or not, we still have men and women who are in service to our countries.

    A friend of mine sent this site (see below) to me yesterday. I checked it out and it is legitimate. Xerox has created a web site that sends Thank You cards to our (U.S.) troops. There are a number of cards & greetings to choose from. All the cards are made by children. A person picks the card and greeting they want to send and Xerox will forward it to a service man/woman. It doesn't cost you anything. I thought with the holidays upon us, it would cheer up the men and women overseas who cannot be home for Christmas. I don't know about you but it bothers me these kids are very far from home. Some may not have any family or friends sending them anything. Whether they do or not, I think it is important to remind them someone is thinking about them and wishing them well during a time of year when many people get depressed. I have sent out cards and forwarded the site to my family and friends.
    This is the site: Let's Say Thanks

    NOW, not to leave my Canadian, Aussie, & British friends here on AMHD out of the loop, I decided to see if their countries have a comparable site. Below is what I found. Not quite free but still sending positive thoughts to the men and women who are in service to your country and cannot be home for the holidays.

    SOS - Support Our Soldiers


    Canada (scroll down to left-hand bottom of the page. There are two addresses listed for sending cards)
    Thank A Soldier | Home

    To all other members whose countries aren't listed here, I didn't forget about you. I just don't have a great deal of time this morning. I encourage you to do an internet search as follows: Send a thanks to our(country name) troops.

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