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  • Mar 2, 2024, 10:31 AM
    Letitia James is on a roll
    She's making NY safe from Trump and cow farts

    Now she is protecting transformer "rights " to compete unfairly against biological girls

    Nassau County Exec Bruce Blakeman made an EO protecting girls sports from transformer males dressed like women .

    James is demanding he rescind the order or else she will do what she does best ......sue. She says it is discriminatory.

    Blakeman had a classic response ..............


    because transgender females who were born male are still allowed to compete in boy’s, men’s, and co-ed sports, his executive order is not discriminatory.
    “The executive order was very clear that biological males who are transgender would have other opportunities to compete; they would not be foreclosed from sports competitions in Nassau County, because I believe that would be illegal,” Blakeman said. “And I think that it does not reflect the welcoming attitude we have here in Nassau County, for people of any lifestyle. Women and girls are a protected class under the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of New York. And we will protect women from bullying by transgender females who want to compete against biological females. It is no longer a level playing field.”
    AG Calls Transgender Sports Ban Illegal, Nassau Exec Hits Back (
  • Mar 2, 2024, 11:58 AM
    Do yourself a favor. Read up on transgender hormones.
  • Mar 2, 2024, 02:38 PM
    not the issue The issue is males pretending to be women to get an unfair advantage in sporting events . James is way off base
  • Mar 2, 2024, 02:49 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    not the issue The issue is males pretending to be women to get an unfair advantage in sporting events . James is way off base

    But males are not pretending to be...oh shut up, WG. This board has passed its expiration date.
  • Mar 2, 2024, 08:38 PM

    Read up on transgender hormones.
    We have had this conversation repeatedly. There are no TG hormones. The only one you have ever come up with was a med that many women took decades ago, but which was discontinued in the 70's, and even that case was pretty iffy. Anyone under the age of fifty cannot appeal to that drug. And why we have to go over that situation yet again is a mystery.

    Any individual with male plumbing is pretending if he claims to be a woman.


    Women and girls are a protected class under the Constitution
    Where does he get that from? Anyone here know of any provision in the Constitution making females a protected class???
  • Mar 2, 2024, 10:19 PM
    Transgender women take estrogen, HRT. The amount of testosterone in them is miniscule. Male anatomy is surgically removed/reshaped into a vagina.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 01:47 AM

    Women and girls are a protected class under the Constitution

    Where does he get that from? Anyone here know of any provision in the Constitution making females a protected class???
    He made it up. The closest we ever came to a constitutional guarantee is the attempts made to pass the 'Equal Rights Amendment' .

    The 14th Amendments reads
    No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

    After that when you read the nonsense in the 'Griswald v Connecticut' decision ,any group has special protections given a broad enough liberal interpretation of the 14th Amendment

    "specific guarantees in the Bill of Rights have penumbras, formed by emanations from those guarantees that help give them life and substance".

  • Mar 3, 2024, 06:00 AM

    Transgender women take estrogen, HRT. The amount of testosterone in them is miniscule. Male anatomy is surgically removed/reshaped into a vagina.
    That is true of the small group that have had surgery. The great majority have not done that. They are, as Tom said, pretenders.

    Perhaps I misunderstood your comment. I thought you were trying to go down the tired old road of suggesting that TG has a hormonal cause. If you are saying the TG folks take hormones, then that is sometimes true. How often it is true is an open question.


    He made it up.
    That's a nice way of describing it. The sad thing is that so many people read "misinformation" like that and believe it.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 09:42 AM
    Male to female TG folks, if they are truly TG, take hormones (estrogen). HRT it's called. But before that is a long stint of family and individual counseling. Then dressing as the gender you are supposed to be, e.g., wearing the clothing and hairstyles of females and eventually undergoing electrolysis. Bottom surgery is the very last procedure, probably several or more years later.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 10:41 AM
    The fact remains that for whatever reason ,they have an unfair advantage competing against women in sports ;especially if it includes any type of hormone therapy ;something that is banned across the board in international competition.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 12:31 PM
    I agree that too much is done at too young of an age (puberty blocking) or improperly (no counseling) or with no plan.

    Just because a young boy or even teen boy says he feels like a girl doesn't mean parents should jump into action to get his gender changed. Months of medical et al. work are ahead. When I was about ten, I wanted to be a boy. I wore my younger brother's pants and t-shirts (my mother insisted I wear the cute, frilly dresses she sewed for me). I wanted to do "boy things" and did them as much as I could get away with. Throughout my life, I've used my male and female talents/interests to the best of my ability.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 04:54 PM
    It's all based upon a faulty assumption that a person is whatever that person might think he/she is.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 04:59 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    It's all based upon a faulty assumption that a person is whatever that person might think he/she is.

    Nope. Tests can be done to check on the hormones -- male, female, or something else.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 05:02 PM
    So are you saying that every boy who thinks he is a girl can take a blood test that will verify that his blood hormones confirm his feelings? If not that, then what tests are you referring to?
  • Mar 3, 2024, 05:15 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    So are you saying that every boy who thinks he is a girl can take a blood test that will verify that his blood hormones confirm his feelings?

    Or they won't confirm his feelings.

    Here's a brief explanation put together by a Fb friend (06/2021):

    I used to be considered male. There was a high level of Estrogen in my blood and I lacked some male characteristics. I had no Adams apple, never had much body hair, have always had feminine facial features, etc. I experienced dysphoria on a regular basis.

    I hadn't fully masculinized in the womb.

    Chromosome check was expensive, but it helped me transition quicker.

    When did I get a DNA check? 2001. It's not essential, just another sign of dysphoria

    I knew at age 7. Just couldn't do anything about it until transitioning became legal in my state.

    No, it's not a choice. You do have to be evaluated though. Someone who says they are trans will react badly to HRT if they are just playing. They freak because they have a male mind that can't handle estrogen. Genetically I am 50% male/50% female. That's the 47 XXY. Yes. I am a member of the smallest minority section of trans people.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 05:25 PM

    So are you saying that every boy who thinks he is a girl can take a blood test that will verify that his blood hormones confirm his feelings?
    So we can give a test that either WILL or WILL NOT confirm his feelings? Uhm...that would be completely useless. "Sir, your Covid test just showed us that you either do or do not have Covid." Would that be useful?


    If not that, then what tests are you referring to?
    And you had no idea other than the usual practice of appealing to a anecdotal account by a person hopelessly prejudiced on the subject.

    I never understand why you make comments like these ("Tests can be done to check on the hormones -- male, female, or something else.") which are obviously not true. It's puzzling. If such tests existed, then this whole debate would go away by the end of the week. That they don't exist is pretty weighty evidence against any hormonal cause being in play.

    47 XXY, by the way, is Kleinfelter's Syndrome, a genetic condition that has been known about decades. It is NOT an indicator of a person being transgender. In fact the great majority of people with Kleinfelters Syndrome are NOT transgender. I sincerely hope you will correct your friend's faulty thinking.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 06:05 PM
    I challenge you to chat with trans men or trans women and listen carefully to their experience.

    Yes, a medical/scientific chromosome test will tell you if you're male, female, or something else.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 06:47 PM

    I challenge you to chat with trans men or trans women and listen carefully to their experience.
    I challenge you to support your ideas with something more than what a Facebook friend said.


    Yes, a medical/scientific chromosome test will tell you if you're male, female, or something else.
    Yes, that's true, but it's not what you originally said concerning hormones. A chromosome test will say male, female, or very rarely, something like Kleinfelters. It will not tell the person anything about being trans.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 06:51 PM
    If you identify as male and have external male anatomy, yet your brain is telling you you're female, a chromosome test will tell you what's what, if you're really male or female or something else.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 07:16 PM
    That is nonsense. Nothing of the sort is true. If you are born with male genitalia, then a chromosome test will tell you that you have XY sex chromosomes. There is no chromosomal test to verify TG. None at all.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 07:34 PM
    Time for you to read up on genetics and X and Y chromosomes.
  • Mar 3, 2024, 07:43 PM
    Please stop the foolishness. You are dishonoring yourself.

    I am a licensed biology teacher. I am not getting my information from a Facebook friend.
  • Mar 4, 2024, 04:15 AM
    Quote: Originally Posted by jlisenbe
    It's all based upon a faulty assumption that a person is whatever that person might think he/she is.

    Nope. Tests can be done to check on the hormones -- male, female, or something else.
    Hormones can be monitored and adjusted . It happens with aging adults for physical needs...... not because they grow tired of being one gender or another .
  • Mar 4, 2024, 04:27 AM
    I read up on chromosomes . The Y chromosome is disappearing according to the studies . Since tracking began the human y chromosome has lost most of it's genes . Maybe that explains why we are producing more girlie men than ever .

    Anyway it will be a real concern in another 4.5 million years . That is when it will disappear completely leaving us all as androgenous eunuchs That is if we haven't become extinct by then or evolved into a borg like fusion of human tissue with AI brains and replacement parts .
  • Mar 4, 2024, 05:18 AM

    Since tracking began the human y chromosome has lost most of it's genes .
    I've read some on that. It's highly speculative. The human genome has not been "tracked" since it was only mapped twenty or so years ago. For that matter, scientists have only known about chromosomes for a relatively few decades, so there has been no real tracking of the Y chromosome (or any other chromosome) in the sense of any real knowledge of the 55 or so genes it contains. In other words, if it has changed, scientists are in no position to be able to state with any certainly how it has changed.

    At any rate, all of that speculation is pointing millions of years down the road. The whole subject just strikes me as clickbait.

    Think men are more girlie than ever? Try checking out the state of manhood in Ukraine. Not much "girlie" can be found in the trenches. The feminization of men is largely a Western phenomenon driven by single parent households headed by women and greatly aided by Madison Avenue, Hollywood, and stupid professors expounding about "toxic masculinity" and the supposed patriarchal hierarchy.
  • Mar 4, 2024, 11:14 AM
    The one truth about scientific established truth is that truth is subject to revisions . My girlie men comment came with the qualifier "we" . Ukraine ? over 650,000 men conscription age has left the country since the war began .That's despite the fact that men aged 18-60 are prohibited from leaving Ukraine, barring special circumstances, under martial law.
    Kyiv rows back after minister says Ukrainians abroad will have to fight in war | Euronews
  • Mar 4, 2024, 11:28 AM

    The one truth about scientific established truth is that truth is subject to revisions .
    True enough, but the issue about the genetic content of the Y chromosome cannot even be referred to as "established", and perhaps only vaguely as "scientific" since no one has the slightest idea of what genes were in the Y Chromosome 2,000 years ago.

    As to the feminization of men in America, almost 2/3 of the men who fought in Vietnam were volunteers, including 70% of the KIA's. If we had to fight another Vietnam type of war now, I wonder what the percentage would be.
  • Mar 8, 2024, 07:28 AM
    While NY prosecutors are hell bent to bankrupt Trump and/or put him in jail ; the Guv has mobilized the National Guard to assist with law enforcement in the NYC subway .

    This was not after 9-11 . This was yesterday

    The Slimes reporters ; who probably never ride the subway, have their doubts

    National Guard in the Subway? New Yorkers Have Their Doubts. - The New York Times (

    Where is Daniel Penny when you need him ?

    Oh yeah . He is charged after defending fellow passengers against a marauder .

    Daniel Penny, ex-Marine indicted in Jordan Neely subway chokehold death, to face trial - The Washington Post
  • Mar 8, 2024, 08:31 AM
    But New Yorkers will continue to elect the same liberal dems. Incredible.
  • Mar 17, 2024, 06:17 AM
    Thursday there was an altercation on the subway that resulted in a man being shot in the head. What to do ? use the race card ? Not when both men were Blacks. Blame the gun ;yeah that's the ticket!

    MTA chief pushes for gun control following subway shooting (

    What really happened ?

    Dajuan Johnson approached another man who he probably thought was Latino . He shouted “I’ll beat you up,” “F-ck your kind,” and “F-ck your race.”
    He then flashed a knife which caused the other guy to stand up .A fight broke out . A woman came up behind Robinson and stabbed him in the back with something.

    He then started going through the jacket he had discarded at the beginning of the fight and pulled a gun. At that point passengers retreated to the back of the train . The other guy ;not waiting to get shot ,wrestled the gun from Robinson. In the struggle shots were fired . Robinson was hit in the head.

    Now Mayor Adams beefed up the subway police presence in February to address the growing incidents of crime in the system as crime shot up 22% from last year.
    Subway crime up 22% vs. this time last year, NYPD says - CBS New York (

    And the Guv added National Guard presence.

    Crime is threatening to disrupt the city's bold tolerance and diversity initiatives . So blame the gun instead .

    “The real victims are the people I saw in those videos who were having a harrowing time because they’re on a train with somebody with a gun,” Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chairman Janno Lieber said at a news briefing.
    Man shot with his own gun, critically wounded in fight aboard New York City subway, police say (

  • Mar 17, 2024, 07:00 AM

    “The real victims are the people I saw in those videos who were having a harrowing time because they’re on a train with somebody with a gun,” Metropolitan Transportation Authority Chairman Janno Lieber said at a news briefing.
    No, the real victims are the New Yorkers on the subways who are having "harrowing" times because of the inept policies of the New York City government.
  • Mar 17, 2024, 07:59 AM

    No, the real victims are the New Yorkers on the subways who are having "harrowing" times because of the inept policies of the New York City government.
    and because they elect morons .

    NYC neighborhood in AOC's district blasted as 'third world,' overcrowded with prostitution and migrants (
  • Mar 17, 2024, 11:26 AM
    Exactly correct, and it's hard to imagine how bad things will have to get in order for those people to wake up.
  • Mar 18, 2024, 04:01 AM
    I missed this one . Guv Hochul thought the image of the Guard in the subways with long rifles was a bad one. So she ordered the Guard to not have them on hand during bag checks .

    National Guard Can’t Carry Long Guns While Checking Bags in Subway - The New York Times (

    It is not really all that big a deal . Checking bags with hand guns on hand is just as effective. The problem is that again she caved to the loony left that runs the city .

    She wants to involuntarily commit the dangerously mentally ill who so often stalk the subways . What do you think of her chances of getting that done with the current group of Dem appeasers in the Legislature ?

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