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  • Oct 6, 2023, 03:46 AM
    Nikki moves past DeSantis . That puts a target on her back by Trump
    The news is clear ;there is a new 2nd dog in the race.
    Haley surges past DeSantis in New Hampshire as Trump maintains lead (

    Haley trails Trump in SC but overtakes DeSantis in new Winthrop Poll (

    For Trump the phase of taking out DeSantis is almost mission accomplished.

    Major donors are dropping DeSantis ;and former GOP officials like Brian Kemp are reluctantly saying that if Trump is the nominee ;they will support him.

    Kemp says he would back Trump in 2024 election: ‘Better than Biden’ (

    Billionaire Ken Griffin, former DeSantis donor, sitting out GOP primary (

    Nikki is now the immediate threat. While Trump battles it out in a NYC courtroom he still finds the time to take cheap shots .


    Fox has totally given up on Ron DeSanctimonious, and is on their next “journey” pushing Nikki “Birdbrain” Haley, who stated loudly and often that “President TRUMP was a GREAT President, and I would NEVER run against him.” Well, so much for that! Fox & Friends just put on a hand picked Haley acolyte who absolutely gushed Birdbrain. It was really something to behold, so obvious and lame. Oh well, we took out Ron, a far less talented person than people originally believed, Crooked Joe is down to “us” by 11 Points, and now we have to focus on one of the most overrated people I know, Nikki. This reminds me of 2016 all over again, when Globalist Murdoch pushed Jeb, and all others, as they fell like flies. After beating Hillary, he then called me and said, “Hi, what a great win. So proud of you.” Such sincerity! But don’t worry? When Fox ratings drop still further, you can bet on the fact that they’ll be back - they really have no choice. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
    Truth Details | Truth Social

    She is many things ......a successful Governor of the State of SC.... a very accomplished diplomat who was the US Representative to the UN. She has handled herself well in the debates . She is NOT a bird brain.

    The NY Post has something to say about that .

    But the peeved-grandma tone of “Birdbrain” proves he’s slipping.
    Haley is anything but: calm and effective, with a sound grasp of policy.
    She was at least arguably the winner of the first two GOP debates, no easy task for a woman dealing with a pack of shouting men.
    That’s why the more GOP voters see of her, the more they like her.
    Donald Trump's Nikki Haley birdcage stunt is . . . weak (

    To make matters worse, Trump and his team were so proud of themselves that, like schoolkids, they came up with a harebrained plan to send a birdcage and some bird food to Haley’s hotel room door in the middle of the night.
    Haley’s campaign response was dead-on: “weird, creepy and desperate.”
  • Oct 8, 2023, 04:59 AM
    Nikki had an appropriate response.
    I don't think his cheap insults will work on her.
  • Oct 9, 2023, 12:48 PM
    Kennedy has decided to run as an independent. Good news for repubs I imagine. Wonder if that will cause some intensifying of the pressure for Biden to step aside?
  • Oct 17, 2023, 03:14 AM
    I love it ! There is no better endorsement for Nikki Haley than this hit piece in New Republic by Ana Marie Cox . She has me sold on supporting Nikki

    And make no mistake, Haley has little else but far-right positions and deeply conservative policies in her portfolio.

    Nikki Haley Is Masquerading as a Moderate | The New Republic
  • Oct 18, 2023, 04:47 AM
    Nikki on the attack .

    “We can’t have someone who is so clouded with the past that they can’t see the future”

    BAM !!!!


    "We all need to acknowledge that it is time for a new generation of leader," Haley said in response to a question about recent comments made by Donald Trump in reference to Israel. "We have to leave the negativity, the chaos and the baggage of the past."
    Nikki Haley calls for new generation of leaders at USA Today town hall

    I wonder what clever insult Trump will think of in response ?
  • Oct 18, 2023, 06:15 AM
    Haley looks kind of ordinary until I compare her to Biden. Then she shines like the sun!
  • Feb 19, 2024, 12:06 PM
    This weekend is the SC Repub primary

    It could be Nikki's last stand as polling indicates Trump has a HUGE lead.

    But those polls could be misleading

    Most polling data is being complied using voters who previously voted in SC Repub primaries . But SC is an open primary state ; residents can vote in either the Democratic or the Republican contest (but not both).

    The Dems had their yawner primary with Clueless Joe running unopposed.

    Only 131,000 voters showed up ;about a quarter of the total from 2020

    Former SC Repub Chairman Katon Dawson is a Nikki supporter . He says the low turnout of the Dems give Nikki a hidden advantage. He thinks that there could be 400,000 or more voters who show up at the Repub polling places who are either Dems playing the old game made famous by Rush Limbaugh called "Operation Chaos"......................

    Limbaugh seeks to sow chaos in Democrats' race (

    .................and many center-right voters who haven’t voted in a Republican primary in years who are motivated by Nikki's campaign.

    By the way she is raking in donations.He may be right .Trump has threatened to black list her donors . That doesn't seem to work.

    Trump in turn is selling gold sneakers and threatening to raid the RNC piggy bank.
    Trump hawks $399 branded shoes at ‘Sneaker Con' | AP News

    Trump endorses new RNC chair and Lara Trump as co-chair - POLITICO

    Nikki Haley is worried that Trump will use RNC as a piggy bank for his court fees (

    He is also going lowball asking where is Nikki's husband Michael when he knows her husband is a reservist who is deployed . He does not mention the fact that Melania is AWOL from his campaign . He does not mention that Ivanka and Jared have opted out of this campaign.

    He has also brushed off the old 'birther ' charge against her. He still calls her bird brain It is getting real nasty .

    Nikki is not backing down Nikki has taken to comparing Trump's and Clueless Joe's mental decline

    . But her's is a long shot. What Trump should consider is that he is going to need her supporters in the general election to show up .

    Amongst themselves Repubs have many differences . In the end they need to come to a consensus on a way to beat the Dems
    Focus where they have common ground ......

    Gender Men competing as women is wrong

    Border end the massive invasion

    Radicalism on campus and radical agenda being pushed on the children from the schools without parental consent

    The progressive agenda and incompetence of the current administration.

    As for me ; I will go into the booth and vote for a young energetic former Governor /state house Rep ;who has foreign policy experience and is accomplished in public and private sectors (CFO ;on the Boeing Board of Directors )

    She is far from perfect (supports Ukraine war ;contradictory stands on abortion etc)

  • Feb 20, 2024, 09:12 AM
    Today I early voted for the 1st time and voted in a primary for the 1st time. I never had that opportunity in NY because primaries are closed participated by those registered to the parties. I have not been registered to a party since my early days as a voter .

    But SC's open primaries allows all voters to vote in ONE of the party primaries. Trump will win but he has one less vote today .
  • Feb 20, 2024, 11:48 AM
    Nikki definitely has my vote in the Illinois primary.

    Will there be any presidential debates before the November election?
  • Feb 20, 2024, 12:02 PM
    Trump will be the guy. I don't see how Haley has even a ghost of a chance barring some unforeseen development. These court cases could very well be working in his favor. The latest testimonies of Wade and Willis were so bad that it makes it seem apparent that the whole thing is just a political hack job.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 12:35 PM
    Republican women are becoming more and more irtitated with Trump and his acting out, his bully-boy antics.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 12:51 PM

    Not sure what "bully-boy antics" are, but whatever that means, I am at least happy that he would be able to remember what he did as opposed to our current pres.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 01:13 PM
    I want to see the margin in SC There was a line at the polls today at early voting . I laid out the scenario where Nikki could make it closer than the polls suggest .

    I just want a primary season . To me this Trump v Clueless Joe is not healthy .

    One a retard and the other only looking for revenge.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 02:10 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post

    Not sure what "bully-boy antics" are,

    Tomder nailed it: "only looking for revenge". Trump is an example of the kind of child we women don't want to raise, to have to deal with
  • Feb 20, 2024, 02:15 PM
    Tom also said that your guy is a "retard". Did he nail it on that assessment?

    I have no doubt that Trump is out for revenge. I don't think he is "only looking" for that.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 02:48 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Tom also said that your guy is a "retard". Did he nail it on that assessment?

    I have no doubt that Trump is out for revenge. I don't think he is "only looking" for that.

    Money is his only love, his only reason for being. (Note the sneaker line he recently whomped up.) Melania and even his own children have backed away from him. "Retard"? Yes, the grade-school definition.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 06:09 PM
    How many millions did Biden take in from bribes in Ukraine?
  • Feb 20, 2024, 06:16 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    How many millions did Biden take in from bribes in Ukraine?

    I'm guessing not as many as Trump took in from a variety of people/places when he was US President.
  • Feb 20, 2024, 08:22 PM
    You’re guessing. I agree with that. The difference, of course, is that there is a lot of evidence pointing to Biden's guilt. The evidence for Trump is...guessing.

    TDS rears its head again.
  • Feb 21, 2024, 04:03 AM
    Trump said yesterday he would debate Clueless Joe . I'm not sure he would agree to entering the compliant press lion den but where there is a will there is a way.

    “When you have the final Republican, the final Democrat, you have to debate regardless,” the debate weary candidate assured the crowd in front of him and those watching on TV.
    Promising “as many as necessary,” when Ingraham asked Trump in front of a South Carolina crowd how many times he would meet up with the incumbent. “I would like to do it starting now,” Trump added in full general election mode now his nomination is almost assured. “I don’t think he is going to debate though. I really don’t think so.”
    Donald Trump Challenges Joe Biden To Debates; President Hits LA For Fundraisers (

    The ball is in the Dem's court. I suspect they plan on running a campaign like 2020 ;when they cloistered Clueless in the basement. They won't have the covid excuse this time so they will concoct a tale that he is too busy being "Presidential " ; a version of the Rose Garden stratergy .


    That’s in part for reasons Biden refuses to accept: his capacity to do the job. The oldest president in history when he first took the oath, Biden will not be able to govern and campaign in the manner of previous incumbents. He simply does not have the capacity to do it, and his staff doesn’t trust him to even try, as they make clear by blocking him from the press. Biden’s bid will give new meaning to a Rose Garden campaign, and it requires accommodation to that unavoidable fact of life.
    Here’s How Biden Can Turn It Around - POLITICO

    What Trump should do is challenge Clueless to have a debate during a warm weekend at Clueless Joe's beach house. Maybe it can be conducted in his garage.
  • Feb 21, 2024, 04:38 AM

    "Retard"? Yes, the grade-school definition.
    No I mean his diminishing mental and physical capacity is alarming . The job ages the most fit individuals . He started out half a cabbage and it gets worse day by day.

    He is not up to the task. It's pretty sad when he sends out Kam the Sham as a proxy to so many important events like the Munich Security Conference

    Remarks by Vice President Harris at the Munich Security Conference | Munich, Germany | The White House

    She has been touting her own capacity to lead in recent interviews which suggests she is setting the table for her ultimate assumption of the job.

    Harris says she’s ready to serve amid questions about Biden’s age | The Hill
  • Feb 21, 2024, 05:47 AM

    What Trump should do is challenge Clueless to have a debate during a warm weekend at Clueless Joe's beach house. Maybe it can be conducted in his garage.
    If they debate in shorts, then we can all admire Biden's hairy legs.

    This election will be Trump's to lose. If he will keep his big mouth under control and run at least a semi-intelligent campaign, he will win big. Alas, I don't see him being able or willing to do that.
  • Feb 22, 2024, 02:07 PM
    of course since Trump refuses to debate Nikki ,he give Clueless a convenient out . All Clueless has to point to is Trump's refusal as justification for ducking a Trump debate .

    I think Nikki should announce today that if she is the nominee she would choose Tulsi Gabbard as a running mate. Watch the Dems hair go on fire
  • Feb 22, 2024, 03:29 PM
    TG as a running mate would kill her chances. Gabbard is too far to the left for conservatives to support.
  • Feb 22, 2024, 03:37 PM
    She's in talks with Trump also .

    Maybe you are right but she does appeal to the anti-interventionists . Neither Trump nor Nikki can expand support without appealing to centrists and disaffected Dems

    Tulsi Gabbard Takes MAGA Makeover to New Level With Mar-a-Lago Event (

    Trump confirms names on VP shortlist: ‘They’re all good, they’re all solid’ | The Hill
  • Feb 24, 2024, 01:49 PM
    earlier I noted that in total only 131,000 voters showed up to vote in the SC Dem primary

    Polling for the Repubs continue until 7 PM today

    The numbers are in for Repub early voting . 217 600 early votes were cast before today .
  • Feb 24, 2024, 02:27 PM
    I don't see it being close tomorrow. The lawsuit in NY has turned out to be nothing more than Trump persecution, and the case in Georgia is officially a complete trainwreck. It will all play to his advantage.
  • Feb 24, 2024, 08:44 PM
    Trump beats Haley in her own backyard by 60 to 40. Pretty decisive.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 01:34 AM
    There is no reason for her to drop out before the March 4 Super Tuesday primaries In the next 10 days there are 21 contests

    Even then I am not sure she should exit the race. Alot can happen on the legal front. You mention the NY cases and the Georgia case. Those are the local . There are 2 Federal cases . I am sure that it is likely he will be found guilty in one of them (If the Jan 6 case in DC goes to trial he will be found guilty ......the more compelling case ;the document case ,is in a more favorable venue ;and Hur just kneecapped it in a way by saying that under similar circumstances; Quid would be guilty if he wasn't so mentally feeble.) . Once a guilty verdict is reached ,there will be a more compelling case to argue disqualification. Or perhaps the Repubs may find a way to remove him at or before the convention.

    I am still hoping for a Fall race with 2 different candidates . Trump would have to be removed by Repubs .. Clueless Joe ? Perhaps he will do us all a favor and give us a March 31,1968 speech.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 04:54 AM
    From Haley's pov ;she took 40% in a state where every Repub leader supported Trump.
    Trump won the partisan Repubs hands down . He had the advantage that there is push back against the lawfare campaign being waged against him ;and that Clueless Joe turned the border into a mess. (worse than it was )

    Some disturbing numbers for Trump . A majority of her voters say they would not vote for him in the general election. In a close race that could be decisive. If Trump doesn't work to capture the middle he risks them not showing up or voting 3rd party ( I am still on the fence )

    The cold hard fact is that non-registered voters are almost half the population ;with the major parties pretty much splitting the difference.He needs the Haley's and DeSantis Repubs on his side.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 06:14 AM
    It does not look good for the repubs if Trump is not the candidate. There are millions of hard-core Trump supporters who are completely prepared to just sit this thing out if he is, in their view, unjustly denied his place on the ballot. I just don't see Haley as being the answer. DeSantis would have been in a stronger position.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 06:55 AM
    Doesn't matter if she wins . What matters is can Trump hold her supporters (?).That I don't see at this point. She is not going to fold like DeSantis and Scott did ;and she does by default represent a good portion of the Repub coalition

    I don't see Repub prospects being good if the party remains divided . Just look at the House of Reps . They have the majority and can't get anything done due to internal squabbles. Repub Representatives are choosing to quit in large numbers. 3 more ;all high ranking committee chairs called it quits this week.....
    Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Mike Gallagher and Mark Green .I've lost count of the Speakers . There is going to be a challenge to Mike Johnson soon. So far, 23 Repubs in the House have decided to not seek reelection or resigned early, It is so bad that most votes get deadlocked on basic procedural votes.
    It leads to small numbers of them who cross the aisle , effectively giving the Dems the power. It has lead to physical altercation and threats of fights in the Halls

    I blame that on Trump's leadership . He is the one that turned a red wave into a trickle

    I still support many of his policies . But he is too damaged and toxic with a vendetta agenda for my support.

    Trump has done more than his share to divide the party. I don't see that changing.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 07:51 AM

    I blame that on Trump's leadership . He is the one that turned a red wave into a trickle
    That might be true to some degree, but the bigger factor has been the desire of millions of American women to have their unborn children killed. They strongly hold to that position and will vote for anyone who agrees with them. Sad but true.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 09:08 AM
    yes that is part of it . But look at the demographics from yesterday . If Trump thinks he can win the nation with White Christian Males who did not got to college only then good luck . His talk of getting minority votes don't help when he says Blacks will vote for him because they love his mug shot . There are many conservatives like me who think he should learn from his experience and move on. Stop his grievance campaign ;and stick to the issues And most of all ,stop saying stupid stuff (Blacks going to vote for me because they like my mug shot......I'm going to be dictator on day 1.....if NATO countries don't pay their fair share I will encourage Putin to invade ..Hezbollah is smart)
  • Feb 25, 2024, 10:04 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    That might be true to some degree, but the bigger factor has been the desire of millions of American women to have their unborn children killed.

    Why, pray tell?
  • Feb 25, 2024, 02:52 PM

    Why, pray tell?
    You think there is a justifiable reason to have your children killed? Pray tell, what would that be?
  • Feb 25, 2024, 03:06 PM
    I asked you first.

    Millions of American women???
  • Feb 25, 2024, 03:53 PM
    They have their child killed primarily because they do not sufficiently value their child’s life. That and the fact that there are many people out there lying to them.

    Your turn. I doubt that you will take it. You usually don’t.
  • Feb 25, 2024, 04:10 PM
    I checked national statistics. Not millions. And they aren't children. When does man become a living soul?
  • Feb 25, 2024, 04:35 PM

    Your turn. I doubt that you will take it. You usually don’t.
    Right again. You are so predictable.


    When does man become a living soul?
    The Bible, to my knowledge, never directly says, but if you are trying to appeal to a Biblical account that you have already said in the past that you believe is fictional, then please don't. Learn to be honest in your dialogue. There are many scriptures that demonstrate the unborn child is a separate person from the mother.

    Tens of millions of American women have had abortions, so honesty has become a really serious problem for you. Bear in mind that I take the time to check my facts before I post them. I would like to see you do the same.

    As to what the Bible has to say, consider the following. All of this is so easy to find for people who have any real interest in the truth. I'm not crazy about all of these, but several are very powerful. But I am prepared to consider all the scriptures you find that suggest to the otherwise.

    • Psalms 139:13-16 David speaks of himself as a living being separate and apart from his mother during his mothers pregnancy - "I" and "me". David speaks of his personage while "unformed". The "blob of cells" or "tissue" that pro-abortionists say are not human is affirmed as human by God through inspiration of His servant David.
    • Exodus 21:22-25 "Woman with child" affirms that before birth the fetus is a child separate and apart from the mother. Verse 23 states that, according to Old Testament Law, if a child is born prematurely and dies due to harm inflicted upon the child's mother, then the penalty for murder is imposed upon the individual causing harm to the woman. Do you think this would include an abortionist if we were living under the Old Testament Law?
    • Psalms 51:5 The fetus is an individual separate from his mother at conception. The living person ("I"/"me") existed upon conception. The woman's "choice" is whether or not to have intercourse. Once a woman has conceived, God views the life of the unborn as precious and valuable as those already born.
    • Ecclesiastes 11:5 This passage affirms that the fetus is a child, separate and apart from the mother. Today, man still does not know how or when the soul enters the fetus, but God affirms that a fetus is as much a child at conception as after birth. Therefore, we must believe that the soul enters a fetus/child at conception.
    • Job 3:13-16 Job considered himself to be a living human being apart from any other human while in the womb.
    • Luke 1:15 John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb; therefore, John was a living person while in the womb. A mass of tissue could not be filled with the Holy Spirit.
    • Luke 1:41, 44 The babe leaped in her womb for joy. A baby in the womb can leap for joy - a mass of tissue cannot leap. If a mass of tissue could leap in the womb, it could leap outside of the womb. Have you seen a mass of tissue leap?
    • Matt. 1:23 Mary, while pregnant with Jesus, is said to have a child before birth.
    • Matt. 2:1 "Now after Jesus was born" considers that Jesus was Jesus before birth, while still in Mary's womb.

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