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  • Jun 8, 2022, 05:25 AM
    Bread and Circuses
    Give them bread and circuses and they will never revolt .(Roman Poet Juvenal)

    Dems are desperate to stem the coming Red Wave. They can't do it with the substance of their policies . So the distraction is what is needed .
    Luckily for them ,they live in an America that is easily distracted by trivia like the Jack Sparrow trial.

    Next up on the diversion cycle is the bogus kangaroo court about the January 6 2001 riot being conducted by the Dem Congressional leadership . The Dems are taking the show prime time tomorrow . All the media compliant press networks have signed on to the hearings of the decade .You have no choice but to watch or listen to it .

    They even hired ex-ABC President /exec producer James Goldson to run the event .
    January 6 committee taps former ABC News president to help with Thursday night's televised hearing: report (

    Will there be dancing bears to entertain us in between 5 minute speeches by the <sarc>'bipartisan' committee </sarc>members ? If not look forward to the snooze fest . Taking bets on how many times QAnon Shaman is shown in video . Guessing that the committee will skip the video of Ashi Babbitt being executed at point blank by one of the Capitol Police heroes .
    Substance and context will be missing .It will be a fictional depiction based on a tue event ,as TV loves to produce.

    Once they get the public revved up then Madam Mim will give us the thumbs down signal that will indicate she wants AG Merrick Garland to " lock him up "...him being Donald Trump. That purge of the Trumpies has officially begun with the indictment of Steve Bannon and the frog marching of former Trump advisor Peter Navarro. They dared claim the time honored courtesy of executive privilege granted to Presidential advisors .

    Twice before she had Trump hooked only to see him escape . But he doesn't have the leverage that the Presidency gave him during the impeachments . Trump has also claimed executive privilege . Clueless gave her a big assist by waiving Trump's claim to a privilege that has been almost universally granted to Presidents .

    Let the show trial begin !
  • Jun 8, 2022, 05:55 AM
    In the meantime, in liberal dem run NYC, the insanity is on steroids.


    It’s “insanity” that a Queens man has been arrested 46 times so far this year — only to be repeatedly released to steal again, said the NYPD’s top cop in response to an article in The Post.
    Isaac Rodriguez, 22, has been collared by cops 74 times since 2015, and 46 times this year alone, The Post exclusively reported Saturday.
    If they arrest Trump, it will lead to enormous demonstrations. It will be the proverbial bridge too far.
  • Jun 9, 2022, 04:16 AM
    What to expect .
    The Dems will use the hearings to promote their long term wish list items of eliminating the Electoral College and to promote national same day voter registration .(no ID of course )

    The Dems will push for more contempt charges and will press AG Garland for more indictments .

    The Dems will try to make the case that the riot was coordinated out of the White House and not a spontaneous event . This despite the fact that Trump authorized 10,000 National Guard troops to be present ;and Madam Mimi and DC Mayor Bowser refused to allow the National Guard to deploy.

    Repub Rep Mike McCarthy has an unofficial counter committee .He has assigned Rep Jim Jordan as his lead investigator . Expect a Republican report of the riot ;maybe even before the select committee reports .

    The Slimes in a case of accidental journalism revealed that the true motivation of today's dog and pony show is the revitalize their mid term efforts .

    "With their control of Congress hanging in the balance, Democrats plan to use made-for-television moments and a carefully calculated rollout of revelations over the course of six hearings to remind the public of the magnitude of Mr. Trump's effort to overturn the election [the grossest of lies] and to persuade that the coming elections are a chance to hold Republicans accountable for it. "

    "It is an uphill battle at a time when polls show that voters' attention is focused elsewhere, including on inflation, rising coronavirus cases, and record-high gas prices. But Democrats argue the hearings will give them a platform for making a broader case about why they deserve to stay in power."

    Jan. 6 Hearings Give Democrats a Chance to Recast Midterm Message - The New York Times (

    Then they go back to being the compliant press saying that Repubs are aligned "with violent extremists".
  • Jun 10, 2022, 03:17 AM
    If you ever watched a trial where the defendant was not permitted a lawyer or a rebuttal or questioning the witnesses (no I never had either ) then that is what you saw last night in the 2 hr Democrat infomercial that they pretended was a legit Congressional hearing .

    There was some new minor stuff revealed . I felt bad for the Capitol police officer who was injured . She never should've been put in the position she was in .
    Some new claims about the President's mind set that went unchallenged because of the nature of this show trial .

    Some things that you won't hear raised in this kangaroo court should be discussed .
    As previously discussed above ;Trump authorized the use of National Guard . Speake of the House Madam Mimi refused to allow their deployment until 3 hours after the riot began.Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund said after resigning his position 4 days after the riot that his request to preemptively deploy the Guard was rejected by the Speaker .
    Sund said he spoke to then-House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul Irving on Jan. 4 about additional aid from the National Guard but was turned down. He had hoped to have service members along the larger perimeter set with police barricades.
    Sund said he believes Irving consulted with his Senate counterpart, Sergeant-at-Arms Michael Stenger, and then Irving told him there were concerns of optics.
    Steven Sund, Former Capitol Police Chief, Defends Role : Capitol Insurrection Updates : NPR

    What he means is that Madam Mimi had made a big deal condemning the use of the Guard during the George Floyd 'social justice' 'mostly peaceful' riots .So it would've made her look hypocritical to have the Guard deployed to defend the Capitol. Sund made the request 6 times ,and 6 times was turned down. The Capitol Police's IG report has not been made public ,but it details many of the deficiencies in the planning leading up the Jan 6.

    So the police were understaffed and unprepared . The office who testified last night said she was clinging to a bike rack that had been set up as a barrier . The line of defense was thin and she was easily overwhelmed . Again the question is why given the fact that they knew in advance of the potential for violence.

    DHS and the FBI had warned Madam Mimi and the Capitol police that there could be violence.
  • Jun 10, 2022, 08:08 AM
    Here is why the Dems want to talk about January 6 ,2021
  • Jun 10, 2022, 03:45 PM
    JAKE TAPPER “Are you building a criminal case? I know you can’t charge, but are you building a criminal case for the Justice Department, potentially to charge Donald Trump with seditious conspiracy?”

    BENNY THOMPSON: Well, we are building a case based on the facts and circumstances that our investigation determined. We’ve filed with the court in California, certain aspects of what our findings have been. And the judge ruled that there were certain things that the president is guilty of that —

    TAPPER: Yes. Or could be guilty of?

    THOMPSON: Could be guilty of.

    TAPPER: Yes.

    THOMPSON: But, as you said, that’s not our job. We are there to look solely at the facts and circumstance and provide recommendations to Congress.

    Now, the Justice Department has inquired as to our sharing of our information. We expect to make that available to them at some point because this whole effort is a publicly funded endeavor. So, the public has a right to know.

    TAPPER: But would you agree with the reporting that Jamie Gangel

    offered earlier today, which is that you have a lot of audiences for your hearings, but there are also is Attorney General Merrick Garland as somebody that you expect and hope is watching. You are talking to him also. You are presenting a case for him to consider.

    THOMPSON: Well, we are presenting the facts to the public. I think that if the attorney general gets an opportunity to view the entirety of our records, it would be very helpful to him. But that’s in his lane.

    TAPPER: Yes.

    THOMPSON: We are not trying to confuse the two. But at some point, we do plan to cooperate, if requested. And that’s what any law-abiding citizen would want to do.
  • Jun 12, 2022, 05:45 AM
    The show trial hit the road before the hearing Thursday .In a preview of what is to come this election cycle ,the frontrunning Repub to challenge Michigan Dem Guv Gretchen Whitmer.....Ryan Kelley,was arrested on misdemeanor charges for standing on the Capitol steps on Jan 6 ,2021 .

    According to the charges he “knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority.” The FBI took the opportunity to raid his home .They thencuffed him and dragged him out of his house in front of his six kids.

    Clueless Joe “I often get asked, ‘Look the Republicans don’t play it square, why do you play it square?’ Well, guess what! If we do the same thing they do, our democracy will literally be in jeopardy,”.... “Not a joke.”

    Jimmy Kimmel “How do you ever make any progress if they’re not following the rules?"

    Clueless Joe “Well, you have to send them to jail,”

    President Joe Biden Visits Jimmy Kimmel Live - YouTube
    They are well on their way to criminalizing politics .
  • Jun 12, 2022, 07:42 AM
    Evidently Thursday's snoozefest was largely unwatched by Americans . The major networks of the compliant press normally get 20 million viewers during Prime Time .Thursday they got 11 million hardcore viewers .

    Joe Concha on Twitter: "Context: The evening newscasts on CBS, NBC & ABC average anywhere from 18 to 20 million viewers combined on a typical night. Those newscasts do not air in primetime. The January 6 hearings airing in primetime Thursday took in just 11+ million viewers on those three same networks." / Twitter

    Poll Numbers Don’t Look Good For Democrats’ Prime Time Capitol Riot Theater | The Daily Caller
  • Jun 12, 2022, 08:37 AM
    Today on the CNN show ' State of the Union' Jan 6 Committee member Rep Jami Raskin was called out by host Dana Bash about comments made by Committee co-chair Cheney that “multiple other Republican congressmen also sought presidential pardons for their roles in attempting to overturn the 2020 election"
    Multiple Members of Congress Asked Trump For Pardons (

    The only Rep named specifically was Rep Scott Perry who has flat out denied the allegation. So Bash asked

    Bash “How many of your colleagues in Congress did that?” Bash asked. “And what evidence do you have? Because you know that Congressman Scott Perry is denying it "

    Raskin evaded saying “the seeking of pardons is powerful demonstration of the consciousness of guilt, or at least the consciousness you may be in trouble. That’s what’s so shocking about this.”

    Bash pressed him and he refused to give a direct answer . - Transcripts

    What is unusual about this exchange is that it happened on CNN . Maybe some members of the complaint press is jumping ship.
  • Jun 12, 2022, 01:21 PM
    Same sort of thing happened on Foxnews Sunday today. Direct questions about the Kavanaugh incident and the non-mention of it by Biden, or the clear provocation offered up by Schumer, were met by soft-pedaling and silly denials. It's just the usual nauseating politics we have become accustomed to.


    What is unusual about this exchange is that it happened on CNN . Maybe some members of the complaint press is jumping ship.
    I thought the same thing. Maybe the shame factor is finally kicking in some.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 06:12 AM
    Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger wrote in a letter Monday to Congress that an exhaustive review of security footage found no evidence that Republican Rep. Barry Loudermilk of Georgia did anything other than give constituents a tour of some congressional office buildings.
    “We train our officers on being alert for people conducting surveillance or reconnaissance, and we do not consider any of the activities we observed as suspicious.”

    220807 U. S. Capitol Police Response to RM Davis re Jan 5 2021 Tour.pdf (

    This counters false claims by the Jan 6 kangaroo court led by Liz Cheney and Adam Schiffhead that Repub Reps colluded in the riot that they claim was an insurrection attempt . (show me the insurrection when the insurrectionists breach security ;mill around for a couple hours taking selfies and then exit the building leaving the Congress to continue the business they are conducting ??????)

    When the allegations last month surfaced ,the compliant press pounced on the charges . Don't hold your breath waiting for retractions .
    Reps. Bennie Thompson, D-Miss., and Liz Cheney, R-Wyo., the chairman and vice chairwoman of the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee. They sent a letter released to the media in May demanding Loudermilk volunteer testimony and explain why he was giving a tour of the Capitol the day before the riots
    Reps also pounced on the charge last month . Reps. Bennie Thompson and Liz Cheney, leaders of the show trial , sent a letter released to the media in May demanding Loudermilk volunteer testimony and explain why he was giving a tour of the Capitol the day before the riots.

    "Public reporting and witness accounts indicate some individuals and groups engaged in efforts to gather information about the layout of the U.S. Capitol, as well as the House and Senate office buildings, in advance of January 6, 2021."

    2022-5-19.BGT LC Letter to Loudermilk.pdf (

    Manger's letter disputes this noting that the group never even entered the Capitol .They visited an exhibit in the Rayburn House Office building.
    In addition, the tunnels leading to the U.S. Capitol were posted with USCP officers and admittance to the U.S. Capitol without a Member of Congress was not permitted on January 5, 2021.”

  • Jun 14, 2022, 07:10 AM
    Amazing how there were people on this site who were practically apoplectic at charges of Trump lying who are now eerily silent about this breach of honesty.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 09:15 AM
    Yesterday they pivoted and started going after Trump money during the hearings .

    The claim is that he raised $250 million to finance his various challenges to the election result. According to the committee ,he funneled the money into a Super Pac ,rather than to any election integrity efforts .
  • Jun 14, 2022, 09:29 AM
    Why aren't any of you wishing Mr. Trump a happy birthday? Today he is a glorious 76!

    Seventy six trombones led the big parade
    With a hundred and ten cornets close at hand.
    They were followed by rows and rows of the finest virtuosos,
    The cream of ev'ry famous band.

    Seventy six trombones caught the morning sun,
    With a hundred and ten cornets right behind.
    There were more than a thousand reeds springing up like weeds,
    There were horns of ev'ry shape and kind.

    There were copper bottom tympani in horse platoons,
    Thundering, thundering, all along the way.
    Double bell euphoniums and big bassoons,
    Each bassoon having his big fat say.
    There were fifty mounted cannon in the battery,
    Thundering, thundering, louder than before.
    Clarinets of eve'ry size and trumpeters who'd improvise
    A full octave higher than the score.

    Seventy six trombones led the big parade,
    When the order to march rang out loud and clear.
    Starting off with a big bang bong on a Chinese gong,
    By a big bang bonger at the rear.

    Seventy six trombones hit the counter point,
    While a hundred and ten cornets played the air.
    Then I modestly took my place as the one and only bass,
    And I oompahed up and down the square.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 09:40 AM
    My wish is that he would gracefully exit and go play golf.

    AG Merrick Garland said that he’s watching the committee hearings. "And I can assure you that the Jan. 6 prosecutors are watching all the hearings.”
    As I have asserted; the Dems plan to criminalize political opposition.

    Add to that a law that is about to be passed due to some RINO Senators called 'Red Flag' laws which will allow the government; without due process ,to deny someone their constitutional right to obtain a gun based on someone deeming that person too dangerous . How long will it be before a conservative is deemed too dangerous because of their political beliefs ?
  • Jun 14, 2022, 10:02 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    to deny someone their constitutional right to obtain a gun based on someone deeming that person too dangerous .

    That person should be an M.D., PsyD, PhD in psych or a related field, a social worker or counselor with a Master's and qualifications in the field of mental health.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 10:29 AM
    The government needs the highest burden of proof . The person denied their rights have to have the ability to challenge the results ;to have an attorney ,to cross examine witnesses against them to appeal results . Most states that have such laws do not safe guard the rights of the person accused
    It is just not good enough to say better safe than sorry.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 10:34 AM
    Let me introduce you to some of my mentally ill and socially inept and very angry at life clients who are allowed to roam free in society.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 10:45 AM
    That pesky fifth amendment.


    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
    So we cannot take property from someone just because a left-wing, liberal judge says so. The person must be afforded due process. These people (M.D., PsyD, PhD in psych or a related field, a social worker or counselor with a Master's and qualifications in the field of mental health) could make good witnesses, but absolutely not decision-makers.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 10:58 AM

    Let me introduce you to some of my mentally ill and socially inept and ivery angry at life clients who are allowed to roam free in society
    I would say the same about involuntary committing someone to mental health detainment . The highest burden of proof should be established without a shadow of doubt.

    In both cases there should be a goal of restoring that person so they are no longer dangers .
  • Jun 14, 2022, 10:58 AM
    I didn't say no due process.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 11:32 AM
    I would place the highest standards of burden of proof on the accusers . I suspect instead ,the definition of who or what is deemed dangerous will be expanded .

    I even have my doubts about the constitutionality of the Federal Government making this law . The Federal policing powers are limited and defined in the constitution in a way that the States aren't restricted . That is why some states have passed red flag laws . This is most likely unconstitutional over reach . The game played lately is that they know it is unconstitutional and pass it anyway knowing the law will eventually be overturned .
  • Jun 14, 2022, 11:59 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I would place the highest standards of burden of proof on the accusers .

    Until an accused shoots up your outdoor church picnic or your church's VBS classes or your town's 4th of July parade.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 01:05 PM

    I didn't say no due process.
    When you posted, "That person should be an M.D., PsyD, PhD in psych or a related field, a social worker or counselor with a Master's and qualifications in the field of mental health," it seemed you were suggesting these people could be the decision maker rather than simply witnesses. Evidently I misread that.


    Until an accused shoots up your outdoor church picnic or your church's VBS classes or your town's 4th of July parade.
    Most churches and parades have armed security which was shown to be very effective in the West Freeway Church incident. That we do not give our schools that same protection is insane.
  • Jun 14, 2022, 01:10 PM

    The game played lately is that they know it is unconstitutional and pass it anyway knowing the law will eventually be overturned .
    Playing to impress the loyal supporters.
  • Jun 17, 2022, 03:44 AM
    Back to topic .....

    AG Merrick Garland said that he’s watching the committee hearings. "And I can assure you that the Jan. 6 prosecutors are watching all the hearings.”
    As I have asserted; the Dems plan to criminalize political opposition.

    Garland is much like Clueless Joe ;the public face presented by the puppet masters .In his case the power in the DOJ is with Matthew Graves, the U.S. attorney for DC, and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco, an emperor loyalist . As stated above ;the DOJ is working hand in glove with the kangaroo court . The timing of charges to coincide with the public hearings confirm this . Proud Boys were charged 3 days before the prime time snooze fest . Rep Ryan Kelly was charged the same day as the Prime time horse and pony show .The Feds knew for months Kelly's non-violent role . But they waited until the day of the hearings to charge him.

    This ls all leading to the committee's biased report scheduled to be released in September ;a few weeks before the mid-term elections . You can preorder it now on Amazon.

    The January 6th Report: The Report of the Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the United States Capitol: Select Committee to Investigate the January 6th Attack on the US Capitol, Beattie, Darren: 9781510775084: Books

    You can be assured that more high level prosecutions will be announced in the lead up to the elections .​
  • Jun 17, 2022, 04:25 AM

    This ls all leading to the committee's biased report scheduled to be released in September ;a few weeks before the mid-term elections . You can preorder it now on Amazon.
    The rank politicization of this whole thing is nauseating. I think the American people are on to them now and will "reward" them for their uselessness with a great red wave come November. Out with the scoundrels!
  • Jun 23, 2022, 05:26 AM
    Having watched parts of the public hearings ,my best guess is that they want to charge Trump with being a jerk. They want the public to know this before the mid-terms . Conspiracy to obstruct Congress by challenging certification ? No. Members of the committee challenged both GW Bush and Trump's certifications . They need to show beyond a doubt that Trump planned the riot and supported it once it began . Neither happened. He also offered Nation Guard assistance 4 days before the riot .Was his speech before the riot reckless ? Possibly . That would not be criminal.

    Sedition and conspiracy ? Trump made a stupid comment in a debate to the Proud Boys to "stand back and stand by" . That is the basis for them to think he led a coup plot. The committee has yet to show any link between this group or other groups and Trump except for the misguided perception that some of the rioters had where they claim Trump told them to do it .
    The most damning thing against Trump is that he evidently knew that in reality he had lost the election and still went ahead with legal attempts to decertify it .

    What happened in the election of 2020 is similar to the chaos of the election of 1800.Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution says that each state is empowered to determine its own method of choosing electors for the presidential election.Alexander Hamilton saw that as an opportunity to steal the election from Thomas Jefferson.He wrote a letter to NY Guv John Jay.Hamilton urged Jay to call a special session of the lame-duck Federalist New York Legislature to change the method of choosing New York’s electors so that the newly elected Jefferson dominated Republican Legislature would not be able to select a Jefferson slate.

    I am aware that there are weighty objections to the measure; but the reasons for it appear to me to outweigh the objections. And in times like these in which we live, it will not do to be overscrupulous. It is easy to sacrifice the substantial interests of society by a strict adherence to ordinary rules.

    From Alexander Hamilton to John Jay, 7 May 1800 (

    Winning at all cost was more important than strict adherence to the rules.

    Jay despised Jefferson but would not do as Hamilton suggested .

    When the electoral count went into chaos and it looked like Aaron Burr might win; Hamilton did what he could to ensure a Jefferson victory .
  • Jun 29, 2022, 04:21 AM
    Bread and Circuses continued yesterday with perhaps the most entertaining session yet.

    A 20 something aid to former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows gave a performance that is right up there with Adam Schiffhead's fictional recounting of Trump's phone call with the Ukraine President .

    She made 3 charges

    The 1st and most plausible was that he threw his lunch against the wall. I'm sure someone will collaborate that , The unconfirmed rumor was that he was aiming at Rudy and missed .(ok that part was made up )

    The 2nd charge was Trump was told by Secret Service that there were heavily armed people in attendance at the Jan 6 rally and Trump cursed and said he did not care because they were his people .
    Was any heavy weapons used by the rioters at the Capitol ? Pepper spray is the worse I have heard was used . Some make shift weapons were flag poles ,and bike racks that were intended to barricade the Capitol from the rioters . No rifles were used by the rioters . The only gun shot I know us was in the execution of Ashley Babbitt.

    The 3rd and most fantastic claim is that Trump assaulted his Secret Service detail in the Presidential limo . The claim is that he wanted to go to the Capitol and his guard told him it was too dangerous .At that point the narrative went he said

    “I’m the f- - -ing president, take me up the Capitol now.” Then he had reached up to the front of the vehicle to try to grab the steering wheel. Robert Engel, the head of Trump’s security detail, grabbed his arm and said, “Sir, you need to take your hand off the steering wheel. We’re going back to the West Wing. We’re not going to the Capitol.” With his free hand, Trump “lunged” at Engel and Ornato gestured toward his clavicles, suggesting Trump went for Engel’s throat.

    Cassidy Hutchinson Testimony: The Most Explosive Revelations (

    This is the problem with kangaroo courts and show trials . A witness like this needs to be cross examined .

    The limo affectionately called 'The Beast ' has a safety glass separation between the driver and the passenger compartment . But Trump would've had the ability to lower the glass.

    .Reportedly both Bobby Engel, the lead agent, and the presidential limo driver are prepared to testify under oath that neither man was assaulted ,and that Mr. Trump never lunged for the steering wheel.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 04:45 AM
    As I understand it, Cassidy Hutchinson was not even in the "beast", so her testimony is strictly second hand. It would not be allowed in a court. In kangaroo courts, however, all sorts of things are allowed.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 04:52 AM
    Her testimony about various people doing a CYA request for a Presidential pardon was presumably 1st hand . I also assume she witnessed Trump tossing a burger .
  • Jun 29, 2022, 04:56 AM
    If throwing food and receiving requests for questionable pardons is all they have, then it's been a complete waste of money.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 04:57 AM
    “Tony Ornato is denying that he told Cassidy Hutchinson Trump grabbed the steering wheel in presidential vehicle on 1/6 or lunged at a fellow agent, a USSS official tells @joshscampbell. CNN confirms that Ornato & Enger are prepared to testify that neither incident occurred.“
  • Jun 29, 2022, 04:58 AM
    All of which puts a huge question mark on the entirety of Hutchinson's testimony. It also reveals why second hand testimony should not be allowed and why cross examination is essential.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 08:43 AM
    Of course it occurred!!! It is a PERFECT example of Trump's toddler personality that was in grand view that day and on so many other occasions. The guys are just trying to save their trumpian necks.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 11:44 AM
  • Jun 29, 2022, 12:32 PM
    He was in the backseat of the SUV (not limo) and hanging over the front seat, trying to grab the steering wheel.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 01:00 PM
    and you know this because a 23 year old aid to his former Chief of Staff heard it 3rd hand ?
  • Jun 29, 2022, 01:02 PM
    No, because that's what he uses to travel in unless it's official.
  • Jun 29, 2022, 01:08 PM
    According to her testimony ,Trump grabbed at the wheel of a car driven by a trained Secret Service Agent so he could lead armed insurrectionists into the Capitol presumably to hang Mike Pence . You don't see how implausibly ridiculous that sounds?

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