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  • Jan 25, 2022, 12:17 AM
    The Coming Dictatorship
    Newt Gingrich, a part of the Republican elite, declared yesterday that the members of the Jan 6 committee are breaking the law and may well be jailed when the Republicans take over the House in 2022.

    First, it will be the House Democrats, then they will come for the press and the journalists, then they will come for whomever disagrees with the Trump cult, and finally for you and me. Sound familiar? I hope so.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 02:27 AM
    Projection again

    Here is the relevent part of the interview :


    MARIA BARTIROMO: You had an op-ed recently titled the wolves will become sheep. Walk us through the op-ed and what's taking place now in Washington.

    NEWT GINGRICH: You have both with Attorney General Garland and with this Select Committee on January 6, people who have run amok.

    They are breaking the rules. They are going after people in a way which is reminiscent of the British monarchy using closed-door systems that we outlawed deliberately because we had seen it and we knew what it was like. They are running over peoples' civil liberties.

    What they need to understand is on January 4, next year, you will have a Republican majority in the House and a Republican majority in the Senate and all these people who have been so tough and so mean and so nasty will be delivered subpoenas for every document, every conversation, every tweet, every e-mail because I think it's clear that these are people who are literally just running over the law, pursuing innocent people, causing them to spend thousands and thousands of dollars in legal fees for no justification and it's basically a lynch mob and unfortunately the attorney general of the United States has joined the lynch mob and is totally misusing the FBI.

    I think when you have a Republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves will find out that they are now sheep and they are the ones who are in fact, I think, face a risk of jail for the kind of laws they are breaking.

    He's right that the committee is a show trial lynch mob But even if the Repubs took the WH, 65 Senate seats and over 350 House seats, Newt knows no such thing would happen.

    Here is the op-ed he wrote prior to the interview .

    The Wolves Will Become Sheep | Opinion (

    He is calling for accountability . Hundreds of Americans are still in jail for the riot at the Capitol without due process . The committee itself is on a witch hunt determined to destroy Trump associates . The Dems know the only way they can win is by criminalizing their opponents . That has been their MO since at least 2016(and even before if you consider how the emperor unleashed the police powers of the bureaucracy on his opposition and how he abused policing powers to spy on members of Congress and the press ) .So which party is actually acting like a dictatorship ?
  • Jan 25, 2022, 06:44 AM

    Sound familiar? I hope so.
    Sound very familiar indeed. It's the runaway hyperbole we have come to expect from some on this board.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 09:38 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    He's right that the committee is a show trial lynch mob

    A show trial lynch mob? Is that what you call an investigation into the Jan 6 insurrection by Trump cultists where people died?


    He is calling for accountability
    No, he is threatening jail for committee members. He couldn't have been any clearer. This is what he said, I think when you have a Republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves will find out that they are now sheep and they are the ones who are in fact, I think, face a risk of jail for the kind of laws they are breaking.


    The committee itself is on a witch hunt determined to destroy Trump associates
    Said exactly like your idol Trump. Even the same language of witch hunt that Trump repeated and repeated.


    So which party is actually acting like a dictatorship ?
    The Republican Party. Next question?

    Newt's actual words again:


    I think when you have a Republican congress, this is all going to come crashing down and the wolves will find out that they are now sheep and they are the ones who are in fact, I think, face a risk of jail for the kind of laws they are breaking.
    What part of coming dictatorship did you miss?
  • Jan 25, 2022, 09:51 AM

    the Jan 6 insurrection by Trump cultists where people died?
    As I said, runaway hyperbole. "People died?" The only person who died was one of the protestors who was killed by an out of control member of the Capitol Police force. "Trump cultists"? Oh brother.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 12:05 PM

    What part of coming dictatorship did you miss?
    Oh I see . It is the coming dictatorship as opposed to the dictatorship we already live in by the Dems and their swamp critter compadres .
  • Jan 25, 2022, 01:06 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Oh I see . It is the coming dictatorship as opposed to the dictatorship we already live in by the Dems and their swamp critter compadres .

    I'm sure you can explain how and where the Democrats have threatened members of Congress performing their constitutional duty with jail.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 01:58 PM
    The emperor's CIA director ADMITTED that the CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate intelligence committee computers.
    The emperor's NSA illegally tapped into Congressional communications with Israel

    The emperor's and Eric Holder's Justice Dept illegally tapped into Associated Press phone records including conversations with confidential sources and members of Congress

    The emperor's Justice Dept started an investigation into the Trump campaign based on baseless evidence . When they did not find anything criminal they converted the investigation into a foreign surveillance probe under FISA for the purpose of first undermining the Trump campaign on behalf of Evita ;and later to run a bloodless coup against the Trump administration . It is not possible that this set of events could have happened without the emperor being in on the plot . No way his Justice and National Security Agencies would have put in an application to wiretap the presidential candidate of the opposition party, and some of his associates, during the heat of the presidential campaign, based on the phony allegation that the candidate and his associates were acting as Russian agents without the emperor's authorization .

    The emperor's IRS was used as a political tool against conservative opponents of the emperor by applying special scrutiny to conservative groups who applied for tax-exempt status.

    Twice the Democrats in Congress used their impeachment powers in a coup attempt to oust Trump .
  • Jan 25, 2022, 02:11 PM
    Well yeah, but he means other than all of that stuff.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 02:18 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The emperor's CIA director ADMITTED that the CIA unconstitutionally spied on Congress by hacking into Senate intelligence committee computers.
    The emperor's NSA illegally tapped into Congressional communications with Israel

    Neither remotely a dictatorship.


    The emperor's and Eric Holder's Justice Dept illegally tapped into Associated Press phone records including conversations with confidential sources and members of Congress
    Still waiting for Democrats throwing members of Congress in jail for doing their duty.


    The emperor's Justice Dept started an investigation into the Trump campaign based on baseless evidence . When they did not find anything criminal they converted the investigation into a foreign surveillance probe under FISA for the purpose of first undermining the Trump campaign on behalf of Evita ;and later to run a bloodless coup against the Trump administration . It is not possible that this set of events could have happened without the emperor being in on the plot . No way his Justice and National Security Agencies would have put in an application to wiretap the presidential candidate of the opposition party, and some of his associates, during the heat of the presidential campaign, based on the phony allegation that the candidate and his associates were acting as Russian agents without the emperor's authorization
    Balderdash. You're just rehashing what has been disproven.


    The emperor's IRS was used as a political tool against conservative opponents of the emperor by applying special scrutiny to conservative groups who applied for tax-exempt status.
    No criminal charges ever filed. Anyway, typical shenanigans, hardly a dictatorship coming.


    Twice the Democrats in Congress used their impeachment powers in a coup attempt to oust Trump .
    A perfectly justified use of their constitutional powers which was torpedoed by the Republicans. You're really stretching with this one, Tom.

    Everything you cited was, politically, business as usual - not a dictatorship coming. Like you, I find it reprehensible but nowhere as bad as Gingrich's remarks. Gingrich is one of the worst in the public eye. Both politically and personally.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 02:27 PM
    Get real . You are referencing the idle musings of a former Congressman who has not held a position remotely representing authority since 1999

    I talk about the real actions of a recent imperial POTUS before Trump ;and the current POTUS and his Justice Dept who equates political opposition with domestic terrorism be it rioters in buffalo horned hats or parents who object to the extreme coursework their children are being indoctrinated with .
    Biden education secretary 'solicited' National School Boards letter comparing parents to terrorists | Daily Mail Online

    Newt speaks of the political prosecution by the Madam Mim Congress who threaten Trump associates with criminal liability for not cooperating with their Stalinist show trial .
  • Jan 25, 2022, 02:34 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Get real . You are referencing the idle musings of a former Congressman who has not held a position remotely representing authority since 1999

    I talk about the real actions of a recent imperial POTUS before Trump ;and the current POTUS and his Justice Dept who equates political opposition with domestic terrorism be it rioters in buffalo horned hats or parent who object to the extreme coursework their children are being indoctrinated with .

    Newt speaks of the political prosecution by the Madam Mim Congress who threaten Trump associates with criminal liability for not cooperating with their Stalinist show trial .

    Tom, this is more of a rant than a post. I get it. You're in the Republican/Trump club. "Stalinist show trial" is a little over the top, isn't it?

    Gingrich remains a powerful voice for the right even if out of office. He was, and probably always will be, a supporter of Trump-style government.

    Pelosi's threat is perfectly legal and constitutional. Newt's is neither of those.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 05:02 PM

    He was, and probably always will be, a supporter of Trump-style government.
    He in fact was the leader in the House who bailed out Bubba's Presidency by forcing Bubba to adopt Newt's reformist agenda (an agenda Bubba ran in during his Trojan Horse campaign ) .

    But since then what influence does he really have besides being a talking head ?


    "Stalinist show trial" is a little over the top, isn't it?
    Show me the man and I'll show you the crime. The select committee is a hand picked deputation tasked to find a pre-determined outcome . If what they say is true then this is the first ever coup de etat attempted with flag poles and selfie cameras .

    There is no doubt the goal of the Dems is to criminalize dissent against them and their agenda . Chairman Bernie Thompson is sitting on hundreds of hours of video tape not released to the public (except they accidently allowed the pummeling death of Rosanne Boylan by the Capitol Police to be released ) . They have released tape that depicts the demonstrators in the worse light but refuse to release the rest that may be exculpatory evidence of the hundreds of protesters detained uncharged. What are they hiding a year after the riot ?

    The Chairman explains;
    "Our charge is to get to the facts. Mr. Clark through his attorney has been deliberately avoiding us. Obviously, he is aware that something went on that's illegal and rather than be responsible and answer, he is pleading the Fifth.
    But if he is saying, okay, I'll come, but I'll plead the Fifth, then in some instances, that says you're part and parcel guilty to what occurred."

    So is Chairman Thompson concerned about constitutional protections?
    The committee subpoenaed AT&T. They are seeking the phone records of Caroline Wren. Did she enter the Capitol during the riot? No, She wasn't even in Washington Jan 6 .
    So why do they want her phone records ? Turns out she is a former Lindsey Graham staffer who did some fund raising for the rally on Jan 6 . Her name ended up on the rally permit . That makes her an enemy of the state who the Dems can conduct a fishing expedition against by unconstitutionally seizing her phone records and therefore increase their enemies list .

    But that is not all ! They also want her bank records

    They want to seize the phone records of Republican lawyer Cleta Mitchell. Why ? Because she once had a conversation with Trump about the Georgia election results.

    John Eastman spoke at the rally on January 6th, he was once a Trump advisor . Verizon is handing over all his texts to the committee .

    ATT and Verizon, being rent seekers, will comply with the committee and surrender any private phone record of the victim of the Dem purge ,without due process protections

    The committee will continue it's purge of the opposition at least until election day 2022 . Their goal was never to uncover a truth .
  • Jan 25, 2022, 06:50 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The select committee is a hand picked deputation tasked to find a pre-determined outcome . If what they say is true then this is the first ever coup de etat attempted with flag poles and selfie cameras .

    Your language (spin) is all we need to know. Obviously, you support the insurrectionists. Fine. The committee is doing exactly what all decent Americans want. Investigate to discover who planned it, who organized it, what they hoped to accomplish and any other information they may uncover leading to criminal action.

    If you believe it is OK to attempt to overthrow the elected president of the USA and replace him with a tyrant, then you're in the wrong country, my friend. It's time to take off your MAGA hat and join the rest of us who want to KNOW.


    There is no doubt the goal of the Dems is to criminalize dissent against them and their agenda
    That's a ridiculous statement, Tom, even coming from you.


    that may be exculpatory evidence of the hundreds of protesters detained uncharged.
    What is exculpatory about a crime committed - by a separate action? The robber does not go free because he helped an old lady across the street.


    What are they hiding a year after the riot ?
    Nothing is being hidden. The investigation continues. The convictions so far include sentences of several years. Standard police procedure - get the lowest hanging fruit first and negotiate a plea deal for the higher-ups. NO MATTER HOW FAR UP!


    The Chairman is saying, okay, I'll come, but I'll plead the Fifth, then in some instances, that says you're part and parcel guilty to what occurred."

    So is Chairman Thompson concerned about constitutional protections?
    Of course, he is. Nothing you quoted says otherwise.


    The committee subpoenaed AT&T. They are seeking the phone records of Caroline Wren. Did she enter the Capitol during the riot? No, She wasn't even in Washington Jan 6 .
    So why do they want her phone records ? Turns out she is a former Lindsey Graham staffer who did some fund raising for the rally on Jan 6 . Her name ended up on the rally permit . That makes her an enemy of the state who the Dems can conduct a fishing expedition against by unconstitutionally seizing her phone records and therefore increase their enemies list .

    But that is not all ! They also

    They want to seize the phone records of Republican lawyer Cleta Mitchell. about the Georgia election results.John Eastman spoke at the rally on January 6th, he was once a Trump advisor . Verizon is handing over all his texts to the committee .ATT and Verizon, being rent seekers, will comply with the committee and surrender any private phone record of the victim of the Dem puithout due process protections

    The committee will continue it's purge of the opposition at least until election day 2022 . Their goal was never to uncover a truth .
    All of the above is your biased spin of a duly-constituted investigation. The goal from the beginning is to uncover the truth of the one of the worst events in the nation's history. Why you whitewash the event is a bad sign of putting ideology over country.
  • Jan 25, 2022, 06:56 PM

    duly-constituted investigation.
    nope it became a show trial when Madam Mim hand picked 2 Repubs for the committee who have already predetermined the result of the investigation. We already know that the likes of Adam Schiff head is not an honest broker .
  • Jan 25, 2022, 08:14 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    nope it became a show trial when Madam Mim hand picked 2 Repubs for the committee who have already predetermined the result of the investigation. We already know that the likes of Adam Schiff head is not an honest broker .

    It was her right to pick who she wanted. Her picks were excellent. Did you think she wold pick Jordan or that other wacko?

    Nothing is predetermined. Thats why they are investigating - to FIND the truth. Adam Schiff is not an honest broker??? What's that all about?
  • Jan 26, 2022, 05:18 AM
    I guess ,with Madam Mim using Machiavellian logic ,she was able to exercise ultimate power . Her picks may have been excellent as far as the rabid left is concerned . But let's not pretend it is conducting a fair hearing meant to discover the truth .All it is doing is trying to reinforce a predetermined narrative .The Committee’s partisan purpose has been clear from the start.She views the committee as a hammer to use against Repubs in this year's mid-terms.

    Madam Mim herself described how she packed the committee as unprecedented She nixed Jim Banks, a distinguished Afghanistan veteran and leader of the Republican Study Committee, from serving. Her problem with him was that he mentioned his concern about security of the Capitol prior to the riot; something Madam Mim herself was in charge of .

    She banned Jordan, the ranking member of the Judiciary Committee and added 2 Repubs that were not on the Republican list of recommended members ;who both hate Trump.

    Since Madam Mim removed the ranking member's list of Republicans ,the committee is illegitimate, and by definition has no legitimate subpoena power .

    She's also a hypocrite . When the select committee was chosen to investigate Benghazi ;she was given the power as ranking member to choose the Dems on the committee.

    As already mentioned ;Chairman Bennie Thompson told Rachel Madcow that anyone exercising their rights under the 5th amendment should be considered guilty as charged .

    Madam Mim picked Schiff head because of all his fabulists lies about Trump that he spewed while running the 1st impeachment of Trump. He falsely claimed that he had 'secret evidence' that Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.He leaked fake Donald Trump, Jr. emails. He fabricated the transcript of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s president. He lied about his interactions with the "whistleblower" behind the impeachment .

    My argument about the committee is found in the Amicus submitted by Mark Meadows to SCOTUS

    20220107123309194_Active_154643692_3_20220106 Meadows Supreme Court Amicus Brief.pdf


    Chairman Bennie Thompson made clear that the Select Committee is pursuing a law-enforcement investigation when he announced that witnesses who come before the Select Committee and invoke their Fifth Amendment privileges are “part and parcel guilty to what occurred.”

    Vice Chair of the Select Committee, Liz Cheney, has publicly stated that the Select Committee is focused on determining whether former President Trump “corruptly sought to obstruct or impede Congress’ official proceeding to count electoral votes.”

    Member Jamie Raskin recently suggested that the Select Committee should ignore Executive Privilege because it “doesn’t cover criminal misconduct, like insurrection or coups.”

    And Member Adam Schiff has described the Select Committee’s goal as “exposing all the malefactors and bloodshed that went on here.”

    It is thus clear that Members of Congress have not heeded this Court’s admonitions about the limits of their investigative authority. This case provides one important opportunity to correct any misapprehensions
  • Jan 26, 2022, 05:26 AM

    Adam Schiff is not an honest broker??? What's that all about?

    Could hardly believe my eyes after reading that. I can only surmise that someone has been asleep the past several years. Tom's reply was right on point. "Madam Mim picked Schiff head because of all his fabulists lies about Trump that he spewed while running the 1st impeachment of Trump. He falsely claimed that he had 'secret evidence' that Trump had colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 election.He leaked fake Donald Trump, Jr. emails. He fabricated the transcript of a phone call between Trump and Ukraine’s president. He lied about his interactions with the "whistleblower" behind the impeachment ."
  • Jan 26, 2022, 10:23 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    All it is doing is trying to reinforce a predetermined narrative

    The facts are already showing otherwise. Stop relying on Fox for the facts.


    The Committee’s partisan purpose has been clear from the start.
    It's difficult NOT to be partisan when the insurrection was incited by Trump and planned by Republicans.


    She nixed Jim Banks, .......She banned Jordan,
    These two flakes were not selected because they both backed Trump's claim the election was rigged and they are on record as opposing the investigation - not exactly objective investigators.


    by definition (the committee) has no legitimate subpoena power
    So what?


    Madam Mim picked Schiff head because of all his fabulists lies about Trump that he spewed while running the 1st impeachment of Trump.
    Let's take Schiff as an example. Some links for you.

    Check these out: each link is for you to read. There are more than one so you can have a choice which to read (or all).

    On collusion –

    Detailed report of the events -

    Nicely summarized here from QUORA:

    The evidence was shown, conservatives did not consider it because they said there was nothing to see.

    Then it came out there was a lot to see but Republicans did not read it or consider because everyone does it and it’s not technically illegal.

    Then the evidence came out well yes it was illegal not just a blatant crime but treason.

    Republicans a few of them were either involved in the crime or coverup they said it was a brilliant chess move Trump was so much smarter than the rest of the world.

    The evidence said treason, criminal abuse of power and corruption.

    But Republicans could not read it now if they were involved.

    you want evidence — Why

    When it’s put under your nose you won’t read it

    The fringe right has as many articles on the issue, but a comparison shows the glaring differences between the two sides. Where the right rants and raves, the facts support Schiff.


    My argument about the committee is found in the Amicus submitted by Mark Meadows to SCOTUS
    Mark Meadows is as corrupt as they come. He lies like a rug.
  • Apr 8, 2022, 06:10 AM
    When Clueless appointed Merrick Garland ,the pick was praised by the rabid left because he promised to keep politics out of the Justice Dept. His appointment was seen as a break from the alleged Barr politicized Justice Dept.

    Now a year later the left wants to throw him under the bus because he has not politicized the Dept.
    Rep. Joaquin Castro on Sunday said Garland is "failing the United States of America” by failing to prosecute Trump. Rep. Elaine Luria Monday berated him in hearing to “do your job” and get on with the Trump prosecution. “The Department of Justice … needs to move swiftly.”Of course the POLITICAL game plan is to get it done by the mid-terms .

    The message is coming directly from the top as reported by the compliant press at the Slimes . Clueless is sending out signals that he wants Trump prosecuted .According to the Slimes he wants “Mr. Garland to act less like a ponderous judge and more like a prosecutor who is willing to take decisive action over the events of Jan. 6.”
    Why the Jan. 6 Investigation Is a Test for Biden and Merrick Garland - The New York Times (

    This is the same people who criticized Trump for putting political pressure on his AGs . The Slimes acting as Clueless' mouthpiece sent a message to Garland without Clueless having to directly convey the message to him.
  • Apr 8, 2022, 10:21 AM
    You have to remember the number one rule for liberal dems. That which is wrong when others do it is fine when they do it. The whole 1/6 fantasy is just ridiculous. There were certainly those who invaded the Capitol Building, which clearly was not properly secured, and those people should be prosecuted. Trump is not one of them. Last I looked, having a big mouth is not against the law.
  • Apr 9, 2022, 05:48 AM
    How does a mob storm the Capitol when the Capitol police let them in ? Matthew Martin was just aquitted of 1/6 charges because he made that very argument .
    Judge: Jan. 6 Defendant Who Said Police Let Him In Not Guilty (
  • Apr 9, 2022, 06:17 AM
    In his case, his appeal was not so much that they let him in. His case was based on the fact that the police made no effort to stop him or turn him back, so he had plausible reason to believe that he was being "allowed" to enter.

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