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  • Jul 9, 2020, 08:25 AM
    Supreme Court Rules Against Trump/Barr Position
    All nine justices ruled that Trump is NOT above the law in two cases before the Court.

    Also, in a 7-2 decision, the Court sent the two cases back to lower courts for further discussion. This prevents Trump's taxes being disclosed before the election but does NOT prevent Trump from being prosecuted after the lower courts rule.

    Trump, after a week of relative silence, is currently rage-tweeting against the Supreme Court. His two hand-picked appointees ruled with the majority re Trump's immunity as president and that he is NOT above the law. Barr has not been heard from so far.

    A major blow for democracy!
  • Jul 9, 2020, 09:41 AM
    Todays ruling reaffirmed that the president is NOT above the law for criminal cases or congressional oversights. That's a good thing I think debunking this unlimited immunity crap. No doubt Vance will seek an expedited decision on his subpoenas already before a lower court, and no doubt the congress will keep pressing it's own investigations in a lower court. So even though we didn't get a perp walk from the dufus today, the sword of justice still hangs over his head, and the process will continue. The ball is still in the lower courts hands where it's supposed to be as SCOTUS has rejected the dufus bid for a stay out of jail free card.
  • Jul 9, 2020, 01:21 PM
    I have no issues with the rulings . The argument Trump's lawyers made was settled in Watergate . Hope the Dems enjoy their pyrrhic victory . Both cases go back to the lower courts . Trump will be able to stall until after the election . If anything is discovered in the returns it will be subject to the impeachment process . We already know the Dems plan impeachment 2.0 in his second term anyway .
  • Jul 9, 2020, 01:25 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    in his second term

    What??? Surely you jest!
  • Jul 9, 2020, 01:44 PM
  • Jul 9, 2020, 06:44 PM
    The case that is interesting is the case Gorsuch wrote today that said half of Oklahoma belongs to the Creek(Muscogee ) Nation. lol All it took was the rape of a 4 year old by a native pedophile . Gorsuch was joined by the 4 liberal justices .
  • Jul 9, 2020, 07:56 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Hope the Dems enjoy their pyrrhic victory

    Not pyrrhic. Congress and NY have just begun.


    Both cases go back to the lower courts . Trump will be able to stall until after the election
    He can run, but he can't hide any longer. In NY, DA Vance may persuade the court to move fast so the American people will know what a crook Trump is, and vote accordingly.


    If anything is discovered in the returns it will be subject to the impeachment process
    And to the court of public opinion.
  • Jul 10, 2020, 05:07 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The case that is interesting is the case Gorsuch wrote today that said half of Oklahoma belongs to the Creek(Muscogee ) Nation. lol All it took was the rape of a 4 year old by a native pedophile . Gorsuch was joined by the 4 liberal justices .

    “A State could encroach on the tribal boundaries or legal rights Congress provided, and, with enough time and patience, nullify the promises made in the name of the United States. That would be at odds with the Constitution, which entrusts Congress with the authority to regulate commerce with Native Americans, and directs that federal treaties and statutes are the ‘supreme Law of the Land,’” he wrote.

    Seems that would apply to all treaties in regard to Native reservations.
  • Jul 10, 2020, 02:05 PM
    The white skinned blue eyed native American Senator is heading back to the place of her birth to claim her empire .

    Gorsuch is right .Another case of Congress being negligent .
  • Jul 10, 2020, 03:09 PM
    More like intentional incompetence.
  • Jul 11, 2020, 04:47 AM

    Not pyrrhic. Congress and NY have just begun.
    yawn . Trump gets audited every year just like every other billionaire does. He has a cadre of tax accountants and lawyers (not Cohen he never would've been charged to do anything important) who go over his filings with a fine tooth comb. Vance is a political animal ,the son of a Jimmy Carter apparatchik. Every prosecutor in NY sees their position as platforms for higher ambition. And Congress wants to examine every Trump polyp daily . They call that oversight . SCOTUS said that the President is not immune from legal investigation as we already knew . Trump's lawyers made a silly argument . But that is all SCOTUS opined . The Constitution makes it clear that Congress has oversight on the Presidency and the only remedy at their disposal is impeachment .
  • Jul 11, 2020, 06:22 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    yawn . Trump gets audited every year just like every other billionaire does. He has a cadre of tax accountants and lawyers (not Cohen he never would've been charged to do anything important) who go over his filings with a fine tooth comb. Vance is a political animal ,the son of a Jimmy Carter apparatchik. Every prosecutor in NY sees their position as platforms for higher ambition. And Congress wants to examine every Trump polyp daily . They call that oversight . SCOTUS said that the President is not immune from legal investigation as we already knew . Trump's lawyers made a silly argument . But that is all SCOTUS opined . The Constitution makes it clear that Congress has oversight on the Presidency and the only remedy at their disposal is impeachment .

    Trump gets audited every year - you say that to indicate an audit is a home-free card. NOT SO. Trump's insistence that he can't reveal his tax returns, AS PROMISED, because they're being audited is s BIG, FAT LIE! An audit has nothing to do with releasing his returns. And he knows that, but lies about it anyway.

    His "cadre of tax accountants and lawyers" is said by you to indicate his returns are pristine pure. NOT SO. His tax preparers have already been involved in his 1984 returns where the court found that Trump's expenses of over half-a-million dollars were non- existent. That's called FRAUD. When asked about this, Trump said "I don't remember it". LOL.

    Cohen never did anything important? How about paying off Trump's hookers to keep quiet when he ran for election? How about Cohen serving time in jail for his Trump work?

    Vance is a political animal? Wow, what a discovery! NY has already scheduled a hearing for this Thursday to move along the case against Trump. A case, btw, that Trump has zero influence over since it's state not federal.

    You say we already knew that Trump is not above investigation. That is NOT what the court ruled. The ruling was Trump is NOT ABOVE THE LAW. Both decisions. Donald is freaking out because if he loses the election which is almost a certainty, he will face the music in New York.

    Congress can uncover misfeasance or malfeasance (criminal) which can then be referred to the DOJ for prosecution.

  • Jul 11, 2020, 11:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    from tomder: Trump gets audited every year

    Audits never end? They go on and on ad infinitum?
  • Jul 11, 2020, 11:27 AM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Audits never end? They go on and on ad infinitum?

    That was a quote from tomder. Tom meant it to indicate audits are common for Trump and "billionaires" (tom's word).

    To your question - audits can take anywhere from a few weeks by mail up to a field audit which may take several years depending on circumstances.
  • Jul 11, 2020, 11:43 AM
    I never suggested he couldn't release them under audit . Why should he ? I love quid pro Joe's threat to not debate Trump unless he releases them . More excuses to campaign hidden in his basement . Why didn't SCOTUS compel him to release them to the House and the ambitious NY prosecutor ? Because there is no law that says he had to cooperate in political rivals fishing expeditions . Both have to go back to the beginning and watch the cases go up the ladder again. This court is going to go on recess soon and won't be meeting on this issue until after the election . oh well .
  • Jul 11, 2020, 11:49 AM

    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    That was a quote from tomder. Tom meant it to indicate audits are common for Trump and "billionaires" (tom's word).

    To your question - audits can take anywhere from a few weeks by mail up to a field audit which may take several years depending on circumstances.

    I edited my quote. Thank you for the audit answer. I thought an audit took only maybe a max of several months, if that.
  • Jul 11, 2020, 12:02 PM
    The dufus has more time is all, from the SCOTUS decision, and both sides can refuel their arguments and actions. Vance will certainly move ahead and hopefully so will the congress refining their arguments. The dufus lost his argument that he is above the law. The dufus won in the court of public opinion with his tax audit crap, but can he overcome the politics of his corona response? Or his "hands off" reopening he can force on governors as the virus spreads and affects more people's health and economics? Who will the public hold responsible for this debacle? I really don't think the business as usual and ignoring the virus will help conservatives, or the dufus.
  • Jul 11, 2020, 12:13 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I never suggested he couldn't release them under audit . Why should he ?

    Are you kidding? Trump REPEATEDLY claimed he could not release them because they were being audited AFTER he promised to release them. He continues to make that promise (that lie).


    I love quid pro Joe's threat to not debate Trump unless he releases them
    I love it, too!


    Why didn't SCOTUS compel him to release them to the House and the ambitious NY prosecutor?
    Because they sent the cases back to the lower courts for Trump to present a better reason for his position. Probably a cowardly act by the Court.


    This court is going to go on recess soon and won't be meeting on this issue until after the election . oh well.
    You're missing the big picture. The deed is done. Trump is just an ordinary citizen after the election. No more his Consigliere Barr to run interference for him. Watch Barr disown him the moment Trump loses.
  • Jul 11, 2020, 01:46 PM

    You're missing the big picture. The deed is done. Trump is just an ordinary citizen after the election. No more his Consigliere Barr to run interference for him. Watch Barr disown him the moment Trump loses.
    quite a presumption . As for Barr ,he is a swamp critter at heart . He said the Stone sentencing was fair even though a corrupted jury forewoman was permitted on the case by Judge Jackson. I think he is slow walking the Durham investigation to be finalized at the end of this term also . Maybe he hopes Quid Pro Joe will become President and end the investigation into the origins of the witch hunt .
  • Jul 11, 2020, 04:29 PM
    Stone's commutation after being convicted was Barr's worst nightmare since it confirms the rigged system and opens the door for even closer scrutiny in which the media will surely oblige, beginning with a book tour of the dufus niece that inspired the reporting of dufus fraud years ago.
  • Jul 12, 2020, 04:28 AM

    Stone's commutation after being convicted was Barr's worst nightmare since it confirms the rigged system and opens the door for even closer scrutiny in which the media will surely oblige, beginning with a book tour of the dufus niece that inspired the reporting of dufus fraud years ago.
    hmmmm riggest system ..
    Bubba pardoned his brother who was convicted of felony cocaine distribution
    Bubba pardoned a key witness in the Whitewater scandal for which he and Evita were under investigation. And three others convicted in independent counsel Ken Starr’s probe. And Marc Rich, in what was a straight up political payoff. And his CIA director ;his HUD secretary, and eight people convicted in an investigation of his Agriculture Department.

    The emperor pardoned Oscar Lopez Rivera ;a convicted terrorist and unrepentant leader of FALN. He commuted the sentence of a U.S. soldier who passed top-secret information to WikiLeaks.He pardoned his former Joint Chiefs of Staff vice chairman, who’d been convicted of making false statements about a leak of classified information to the New York Times.

    That doesn't include all the Obama era apparatchiks who avoided criminal indictment by the emperor's cover ups and obstructions of justice . These include the Fast and Furious investigation for which his Attorney General was held in contempt of congress ;ignoring his CIA director’s spying on the Senate Intelligence Committee, and turning a blind eye to the abuses of power of his IRS.
    Oh yeah and he orchestrated the whole Russia Gate abuse of power that Durham is currently investigating . Durham has met with a Grand Jury so things are moving on that front albeit at a snail's pace .

    Stone's commutation is not a pardon although a pardon is justified . He is being kept out of prison . There are hundreds of hardened criminals out on the streets of NYC ;released because of C-19 concerns . So it should not bother you at all that Stone , a non-violent person charged with criminal obstruction of a bogus and ridiculously over prosecuted investigation had his sentence commuted .

    Barr should be po'ed about it . The time to commute was after conviction. Trump blew it by letting it linger into the sentencing phase where Barr unnecessarily got the Justice Dept involved to propose a more lenient sentence the the unreasonable sentence that he was given. That was an unforced error by Trump and Barr got egg on his face by intervening .If Trump made his intentions clear then Barr would've been spared the embarrassment .

    One thing Trump got right was commute instead of pardon. Now Stone can go through the appeal process and get this unjust charge against him reversed . The man is a nut job . No doubt about that . But he is not a criminal .Stone was alleged to have lied to Congress about discussing WikiLeaks; that’s why he was charged only with process crimes. No one in Mueller's team came close to proving that Trump or anyone in his team colluded with the Russians and WikiLeaks to hack the DNC emails .
  • Jul 12, 2020, 08:02 AM
    The right has a field day with anything Clinton(s) and Obama do, but hate it when this dufus gets blasted, so hey it's our turn to beech, throw shade, holler scream and protest repubs rule. It's the American way especially in an election year, or any other day of the week.

    Stone is and will always be a convicted FELON. Mueller made it so, and explained very clearly why he didn't pursue the dufus for collusion, it could take years. Still might as I doubt that's the last you hear of collusion. I guess that's a win for the dufus, or more accurately a reprieve from prosecution at least in regard to that.

    There are still many more potential future charges for "individual 1", whether he gets re elected or not. He's good at buying time for sure, but his days in court aren't over by a longshot.
  • Jul 12, 2020, 09:17 AM
    Stone should have been granted a new trial, given the evidence of a corrupt juror. But Judge Amy Berman Jackson is as biased a judge as they come.
  • Jul 12, 2020, 09:27 AM

    The right has a field day with anything Clinton(s) and Obama do, but hate it when this dufus gets blasted
    for some perspecive ...
    Susan Rosenberg, terrorist, drove the getaway car in the Brinks robbery that resulted in the murder of 2 cops and a guard .She was caught with bomb making materials at the time of her arrest . Her sentence was commuted by Bubba .

    Stone lied to Congress .
  • Jul 12, 2020, 09:27 AM
    Sour grapes from the dufus side! Let them tell it, the dufus and whomever he deems is above the law.

    Stone got a stay out of jail free card, Rosenberg served 16 years.
  • Jul 12, 2020, 01:51 PM
    On a previous topic --- Giuliani, Trump's personal lawyer, revealed on Thursday the tax returns claimed by Trump to be under audit have had the audit completed. The WH press spokeman said the audit was still in progress.
  • Jul 12, 2020, 04:17 PM
  • Jul 12, 2020, 04:27 PM
    Trump's commutation of Stone was a reward for Stone's lying about Trump's corruption. Trump said he would do it and Stone listened.
  • Jul 13, 2020, 04:35 AM
    The dufus has been saying all along he will reward those that keeps their mouth shut about his antics, and Stone did to the extent of lying, of which he was rightfully convicted of. Even Barr called it a righteous prosecution, Mueller called it obstruction by the dufus, even as Stone got a reduced sentence, thanks to Barr. That just wasn't good enough for the dufus.

    Blatant corrupt cronyism.

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