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  • May 22, 2020, 09:29 PM
    Trump Self-Medicating on Hydroxychloroquine
  • May 23, 2020, 02:36 AM
    Believing what the dufus says is unwise without verification in the first place, and as far as self medicating, without a doctors script and care would be crazy on his part, but I have no doubt he could get a script easily, and he is surrounded by people dedicated toward doing what he says right, or wrong. Really disappointed with some of the data Dr. Birx presented Friday in regard to the charts and graphs, some BOGUS, but she was quite clear and emphatic about the uselessness of the dope the dufus is hocking, and the dangers it represents if abused.
  • May 23, 2020, 04:04 AM
    The study in Lancet is flawed and it is a study and not a clinical trial .
    First ;no zinc was used . The treatment regimen is Hydroxychloroquine , azithromycin, AND zinc.
    Second; it's an anti-viral. It must be given early before the damage is done. Once the damage is done and you already have severe damage from the virus ,the Hydroxychloroquine treatment is less effective . Give it early, not as a last resort. I'm betting that the patients ;just like the VA study were already in serious condition in the ICU . I'm willing to bet that most of those with adverse reactions had other underlying conditions (comorbidities )

    Trump's use as a preventive makes sense ;and I'm sure he was under his doctor's supervised care for what that is worth . BTW ,the VA administers about 42,000 doses of HCQ a day . It is regularly administered for lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis patients for years at a time ;as well as an anti-malarial . All those patients being poisoned .Imagine that ! .
  • May 23, 2020, 08:29 AM
  • May 23, 2020, 08:38 AM
  • May 23, 2020, 09:25 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Trump's use as a preventive makes sense ;and I'm sure he was under his doctor's supervised care for what that is worth . BTW ,the VA administers about 42,000 doses of HCQ a day . It is regularly administered for lupus and Rheumatoid arthritis patients for years at a time ;as well as an anti-malarial . All those patients being poisoned .Imagine that ! .

    HCQ is a recognized treatment for lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Those patients aren't being poisoned. HCQ isn't a preventive med for Covid-19. In fact, there was a report earlier this week that a lupus patient who had been taking HCQ for ten years or so became ill with Covid-19. Oh, and Trump's personal physician refused to prescribe HCQ. Trump had to lean on a WH doctor to get it (and is HCQ what was REALLY prescribed???).
  • May 23, 2020, 10:05 AM
    It's the lefts politics that is poisoning clinical research on the use for C-19 . It has been used for decades . If it was such a threat it would've been off the market a long time ago.
  • May 23, 2020, 11:02 AM
    Nobody disputes the many uses of hydroxy, just not against covids. How hard is that to understand?
  • May 23, 2020, 11:52 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    It's the lefts politics that is poisoning clinical research on the use for C-19 . It has been used for decades . If it was such a threat it would've been off the market a long time ago.

    Please ask your doctor to prescribe it for you for a month, take it as prescribed, and let us know at the end of the month how you're doing.
  • May 23, 2020, 02:02 PM
    as I mentioned before ,unless absolutely necessary I take no drugs . What I did do was once I was tested positive I went on a self managed regimen of high dose vitamin C ,D ,50 mg zinc sulfate ,And an extract of cinchona officinalis which is the bark that quinine is derived from .Yes I understand that there is a difference in the chemical composition between the bark extract and the synthetic derivative that we are talking about . But I will try the natural remedy every day before a human derived compound as a 1st resort . No science behind it . I think it did help reduce the amt of time I was downed by the virus .

    The left cracks me up. It's all my body my choice when it comes to whacking a baby . I guess than doesn't apply when politics gets in the way of scientific research .
  • May 23, 2020, 02:19 PM

    It's all my body my choice when it comes to whacking a baby . I guess than doesn't apply when politics gets in the way of scientific research .
    So true. It all comes down to, "what we want".
  • May 23, 2020, 02:33 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The left cracks me up. It's all my body my choice when it comes to whacking a baby . I guess than doesn't apply when politics gets in the way of scientific research .

    Trump says it's his body, his choice when taking the hydroxy stuff. Too bad men can't get pregnant. Oh, would we hear the wails and see the lines form at PP!
  • May 23, 2020, 02:53 PM

    The left cracks me up. It's all my body my choice when it comes to whacking a baby . I guess than doesn't apply when politics gets in the way of scientific research .
    It's not politics getting in the way at all Tomder, the research is being done, but so far nothing has emerged as the real deal, but feel free to dope yourself anyway you want. People have always found a doctor for a script to whatever and they still can. Legality or ethics aside.

    What cracks me up about the right is whatever the dufus says has you googoolala.
  • May 23, 2020, 03:08 PM

    Trump says it's his body, his choice when taking the hydroxy stuff. Too bad men can't get pregnant. Oh, would we hear the wails and see the lines form at PP!
    Too bad that so many women no longer value the life that develops within them, a life that is altogether apart from their own body. Now it's just a bothersome little thing to be gotten rid of and thrown into the trash.
  • May 23, 2020, 03:34 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Too bad that so many women no longer value the life that develops within them, a life that is altogether apart from their own body. Now it's just a bothersome little thing to be gotten rid of and thrown into the trash.

    Get pregnant, preferably by a rapist or your uncle or an abusive spouse. Tell me all about it, how you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you. Oh, that's right. You can't get pregnant. Your part is finished in less than five minutes, you smile, then walk away.
  • May 23, 2020, 03:46 PM
    As someone once said, "If the Pope were a woman, abortion would have been routinely accepted beginning two thousand years ago".

    Truer words were never spoken.
  • May 23, 2020, 04:14 PM
    Athos Sweep 'em under the rug and let me play through
  • May 23, 2020, 05:07 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Too bad that so many women no longer value the life that develops within them, a life that is altogether apart from their own body. Now it's just a bothersome little thing to be gotten rid of and thrown into the trash.

    As opposed to being bothersome big things of little value to be cast aside when inconvenient?
  • May 23, 2020, 06:01 PM

    Get pregnant, preferably by a rapist or your uncle or an abusive spouse. Tell me all about it, how you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you. Oh, that's right. You can't get pregnant. Your part is finished in less than five minutes, you smile, then walk away.
    Have you always lived in this fantasy world?
  • May 23, 2020, 06:04 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Have you always lived in this fantasy world?

    You certainly live in one!
  • May 23, 2020, 06:14 PM
    why does the argument between you two always come down to abortion, are you obsessed with the subject? Obviously one of you is opposed to it and the other for it and the lines are blurred
  • May 23, 2020, 07:02 PM

    the lines are blurred
    The lines are clear, but yes, WG is for abortion and I oppose it. That part is certainly correct.

    "how you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you." For a professing Christian to refer to human life in those terms is just beyond incredible.
  • May 23, 2020, 07:27 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    The lines are clear, but yes, WG is for abortion and I oppose it. That part is certainly correct.

    "how you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you." For a professing Christian to refer to human life in those terms is just beyond incredible.

    I disagree with abortion, but counseling at Catholic Charities opened my mind and taught me there are many variations to each pregnant woman's story.

    Get pregnant, JL. Then we'll talk. You have NO clue.
  • May 23, 2020, 07:41 PM

    there are many variations to each pregnant woman's story.
    Certainly there are, just like there are many variations to each woman's story who has a born child, but I would never suggest that killing the child is an acceptable solution, and I would hope I would never refer to any child as a hated, "misbegotten mass of cells".

    There are many things in life you don't have to personally experience to know the rightness or wrongness of it. I've never had a relative murdered, but how foolish it would be for me to suggest that I have "NO clue" about that, or about cancer, or a painful injury, or divorce. I have not experienced those things. but I'm not going to say, "Well, I really have no opinion on cancer since, after all, I've never had that disease."

    Why do you disagree with abortion? And as soon as I ask that question, I know you will not answer it.
  • May 23, 2020, 07:53 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Certainly there are, just like there are many variations to each woman's story who has a born child, but I would never suggest that killing the child is an acceptable solution, and I would hope I would never refer to any child as a hated, "misbegotten mass of cells".

    What about all those kids separated from their families, thrown into cages, starved, and otherwise abused? Killing those born children was an acceptable solution?

    There are many things in life you don't have to personally experience to know the rightness or wrongness of it. I've never had a relative murdered, but how foolish it would be for me to suggest that I have "NO clue" about that, or about cancer, or a painful injury, or divorce. I have not experienced those things. but I'm not going to say, "Well, I really have no opinion on cancer since, after all, I've never had that disease."
    I have an idea! How about borrowing my aplastic anemia for nine months!

    Why do you disagree with abortion? And as soon as I ask that question, I know you will not answer it.
    If you're going to smart-off to me, nope, I won't answer. Be nice and ask me again.
  • May 23, 2020, 07:57 PM

    What about all those kids separated from their families, thrown into cages, starved, and otherwise abused? Killing those children wasn't an acceptable solution?
    Of course it was not, if indeed it ever happened.

    Why do you disagree with abortion?
  • May 23, 2020, 08:11 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Of course it was not, if indeed it ever happened.

    Bwahahahahaha!!! There's your out -- "if indeed it ever happened"! Do you know anyone who's ever had an abortion? Ah! I didn't think so. Maybe it never happened.

    Why do you disagree with abortion?
    I'll answer your very respectfully stated question tomorrow. Bedtime now.
  • May 23, 2020, 08:15 PM

    Do you know anyone who's ever had an abortion? Ah! I didn't think so. Maybe it never happened.
    I know two. They both regret it deeply.


    Bwahahahahaha!!! There's your out.
    I have no idea what your point is. I do not support the killing of children, born or unborn. You do with the unborn, or as you describe it, "you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you."
  • May 23, 2020, 10:24 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    I disagree with abortion, but counseling at Catholic Charities opened my mind and taught me there are many variations to each pregnant woman's story.

    Get pregnant, JL. Then we'll talk. You have NO clue.

    so you are both opposed to abortion why then the argy bargy. Abortion is morally indefensible, the long term effect on the woman is well known, it is just the hardness of heart that destroys the unborn
  • May 24, 2020, 04:17 AM
    The real question is what do you intend to do about the choices that others make? Like this virus is forcing a choice, disrupt the economy, or ignore the sick and dying going on. What's the moral choice here? Is it morally right for a president to foist a medical opinion on a drug that has not been proven effective against this pandemic? Just couldn't go by the scientific protocols for such a proclamation.

    You want to make a moral choice, then deal with the responsibility that comes with it.
  • May 24, 2020, 04:48 AM

    so you are both opposed to abortion
    We are?
  • May 24, 2020, 05:06 AM

    The real question is what do you intend to do about the choices that others make? Like this virus is forcing a choice, disrupt the economy, or ignore the sick and dying going on.
    That is a false choice . It is not either /or . You are creating greater health risks by leaving the economy closed . And clearly we can care for the sick ,protect the most vulnerable and still keep the country open . When we did not know enough about the virus it was a legitimate concern that the health care system could be overwhelmed by the sick . That is no longer the case . The goal was 'flatten the curve ' and that has been achieved . So there is no more legitimate reasons for a shutdown except to stroke the egos of governors and local yokel tin pot dictators Guidelines have been and are being established for an open economy with reasonable health protections . The virus has and will continue to go through the population until herd immunity is established with or without a vaccine .
  • May 24, 2020, 06:21 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    That is a false choice . It is not either /or . You are creating greater health risks by leaving the economy closed . And clearly we can care for the sick ,protect the most vulnerable and still keep the country open . When we did not know enough about the virus it was a legitimate concern that the health care system could be overwhelmed by the sick . That is no longer the case . The goal was 'flatten the curve ' and that has been achieved . So there is no more legitimate reasons for a shutdown except to stroke the egos of governors and local yokel tin pot dictators Guidelines have been and are being established for an open economy with reasonable health protections . The virus has and will continue to go through the population until herd immunity is established with or without a vaccine .

    Tom there is no such thing as herd immunity, it is a myth. The only way you might become immune, it is thus far unproven, is if you contract the virus. Shut down is not a good philosophy, but it has protected some individuals, for the first time in a long time money hasn't ruled
  • May 24, 2020, 06:53 AM
    The day will come when people have to pay for all of this. There are no money trees growing behind the Congress, so the bill is going to come due at some point. One of these days we will have to pay for what we want, and also pay for what we wanted over the past few decades. This is heaven right now for pols who get to pass out money without worrying about taxes, but it will be hell when we find that we can no longer borrow money hand over fist.
  • May 24, 2020, 08:27 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    That is a false choice . It is not either /or . You are creating greater health risks by leaving the economy closed . And clearly we can care for the sick ,protect the most vulnerable and still keep the country open . When we did not know enough about the virus it was a legitimate concern that the health care system could be overwhelmed by the sick . That is no longer the case . The goal was 'flatten the curve ' and that has been achieved . So there is no more legitimate reasons for a shutdown except to stroke the egos of governors and local yokel tin pot dictators Guidelines have been and are being established for an open economy with reasonable health protections . The virus has and will continue to go through the population until herd immunity is established with or without a vaccine .

    Of course you're only speaking of NY, and where the virus first struck, but as it spreads and the locals as in Alabama start catching more cases, their systems are being overloaded as we speak. We still must adjust to these waves as we are trying to reopen, which no doubt will cause the rise in sicknesses and illnesses as people are desperate for rent money, stalled in trickle down malaise.
  • May 24, 2020, 09:03 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I have no idea what your point is. I do not support the killing of children, born or unborn. You do with the unborn, or as you describe it, "you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you."

    The "you" refers to YOU, JL. I had said:

    "[understood subject is YOU] Get pregnant, preferably by a rapist or your uncle or an abusive spouse. Tell me all about it, how you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you. Oh, that's right. You can't get pregnant. Your part is finished in less than five minutes, you smile, then walk away.
  • May 24, 2020, 09:29 AM

    Tom there is no such thing as herd immunity,
    Then why is there no more small pox pandemics ?Then why did the SARS COV 1 of 2003 pandemic disappear ? It was much more lethal than C-19

    Once enough of the population gets exposed through vaccines or previous infection then the rest of the population gets indirect protection . That is an undisputable scientific fact . The measles is highly contagious and herd immunity is not achieved until 95% is immune . But it still was achieved by vaccination . If C-19 mutates like the flu then we can not achieve herd immunity ... what then ? Shut down the word economy forever ? If it doesn't mutate then since it is not as contagious as the measles ,we are looking at probably 60% exposure before herd immunity .


    for the first time in a long time money hasn't ruled
    I can't believe your disconnect . Money will be of paramount importance when the bills come due .


    The day will come when people have to pay for all of this. There are no money trees growing behind the Congress, so the bill is going to come due at some point. One of these days we will have to pay for what we want, and also pay for what we wanted over the past few decades. This is heaven right now for pols who get to pass out money without worrying about taxes, but it will be hell when we find that we can no longer borrow money hand over fist.
    What he said .
  • May 24, 2020, 12:36 PM

    The "you" refers to YOU, JL. I had said:
    You were speaking for yourself, as well you should. I've never made such a sickening assertion.


    for the first time in a long time money hasn't ruled
    I thought that was a strange statement as well.
  • May 24, 2020, 12:48 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You were speaking for yourself, as well you should. I've never made such a sickening assertion.

    No, I wasn't, JL! And I never said you said that. If I had been speaking for myself, I would have used "I" and "me," not "you." Plus, this part is definitely directed toward you: "Oh, that's right. You can't get pregnant. Your part is finished in less than five minutes, you smile, then walk away."
  • May 24, 2020, 01:54 PM

    And I never said you said that. If I had been speaking for myself, I would have used "I" and "me," not "you."
    Then who on earth were you referring to?

    Even at that, to use this as a description of an unborn child is really chilling. "you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you." I don't think you actually see it that way, or at least I certainly hope not.

    Still waiting for the promised explanation of why you "disagree" with abortion.

    As to my "part" being finished in less than five minutes, my "part" is still going on, and our children are all over thirty years old. You are greatly mistaken, and seem to be greatly prejudiced against men. My amazing wife and I raised our children as a team.

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