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  • Nov 9, 2019, 08:10 PM
    Is it climate change or stupidity?

    There are fires in eastern Australia, there are fires in California, and there have been fires in various other places for various reasons but is it climate change or stupidity? People build houses surrounded by combustible material, they live in places that cannot be defended if fire erupts and then there are those who defend their property instead of leaving. I have a unique perspective on this having had a bush fire crown over the top of me in 1975 while working to stop a fire. Very unpleasant experience..

    Recently Trump decided that in the US he wasn't going to help California, we haven't become so insulated from human suffering that we would take such a step but realism has to kick in. Regulation that prevents clearing of vegetation must be over hauled, we cannot afford tree preservation orders in residential areas any more, property protection has to become a priority, or we retreat

    After this fire season I think we should consider the wisdom of how much of the country is locked up in national parks which are really tinder boxes full of combustible material in inaccessible areas
  • Nov 9, 2019, 10:20 PM
    Paraclete: Like the old saying, "If you are going to be stupid, you got to be tough!" Climate has been changing and will be changing from now on, whether or not man exists or not.....I don't know how much influence we humans have on it and, if we do, what degree that influence is, really. But, I am with you: California is a special case of stupid: I mean they are ""out there" on everything from legalized dope, Sanctuary Cities out the arse, race problems, horrible politicians of ALL descriptions and parties, seismic conditions abounding, a fleeing population trying to escape out while another population tries to "escape in", and big time geographical differences, tremendous industrial output, and a huge population......and, all the while enacting the law/provisions you site: Not being able to clear vegetation and endangering homes.
  • Nov 9, 2019, 11:13 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Paraclete: Like the old saying, "If you are going to be stupid, you got to be tough!" Climate has been changing and will be changing from now on, whether or not man exists or not.....I don't know how much influence we humans have on it and, if we do, what degree that influence is, really. But, I am with you: California is a special case of stupid: I mean they are ""out there" on everything from legalized dope, Sanctuary Cities out the arse, race problems, horrible politicians of ALL descriptions and parties, seismic conditions abounding, a fleeing population trying to escape out while another population tries to "escape in", and big time geographical differences, tremendous industrial output, and a huge population......and, all the while enacting the law/provisions you site: Not being able to clear vegetation and endangering homes.

    Yes Vac, the same here. I don't know who borrowed these ideas from whom, but, it is time to say; we have heard you and it is B/S. You want to tell someoneelse what to do, go and live as they do. We have the rediculous situation here where, in my district, you cannot collect rainwater to alleviate your water costs, where elsewhere you are forced to install water tanks in new houses, and we have water restrictions, but universally you cannot remove trees without permission, no matter they dump leaves and bark creating a fire hazard. These fires are a case in point, some originating in national parks and reserves, where hazard reduction isn't allowed and what have they done, created fire storms and destroyed towns and I have heard the news, I know similar things happen in other countries. time to kick the do gooders and dills out of office
  • Nov 11, 2019, 05:26 AM
    I am not alone in my comments

    My thoughts have been echoed by a firefighter who clearly blames environmental policy and not climate change for the disastrous bush fires in Australia, and should you be unaware, tomorrow will be another day of catastrophy with communities being told not to expect help and to leave now

    There has been one plus from this Trump has been kicked off the news
  • Nov 11, 2019, 11:14 AM
    Paraclete: Again, perfect example of man resisting The Laws Of Nature....and getting his arse kicked up one side and down the other! Nature has a very good winning record against man.....and I don't think that will change any time soon.
  • Nov 11, 2019, 01:44 PM
    Vac, I don't think we know the laws of nature, the rule is everything changes, tomorrow will not be the same as today
  • Nov 11, 2019, 03:14 PM
    I guess it's to much to ask humans to adapt to the conditions they face in a practical way. If I had to choose between climate change and stupidity, I would certainly not discount human stupidity even if it could well be a combination of both. Humans are helpless to nature.

    It's like falling asleep in bed while smoking. You going to blame the bed for burning or the cigarette for igniting the bed? No blame the stupid human that lit the cigarette and fell asleep in the bed.
  • Nov 11, 2019, 08:03 PM
    Talaniman: I often wonder if my dog looks at me, his master, and other humans, and thinks that we are entirely stupid! Man is such a waste: I think we are truly efficient, truly effective for a miserable amount of time that we suck oxygen estimation: maybe 20%, tops, of our time alive!
  • Nov 11, 2019, 10:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Talaniman: I often wonder if my dog looks at me, his master, and other humans, and thinks that we are entirely stupid! Man is such a waste: I think we are truly efficient, truly effective for a miserable amount of time that we suck oxygen estimation: maybe 20%, tops, of our time alive!

    Vac, your dog looks at you as his god, he thinks you are wonderful, you have much, he has nothing but you. You have a purpose, making your dog's life worthwhile
  • Nov 12, 2019, 05:43 AM
    Paraclete: Never thought about it from that viewpoint.....great perspective!
  • Nov 12, 2019, 03:06 PM
    I would agree with many liberals (gasp!) that increasing the CO2 content of the atmosphere is not a great idea. To say that it has caused a marginal increase in the surface temp of the earth is probably accurate. The big problem is what to do about it. The dem's crazy idea of the Green New Deal is DOA, so how can we get away from carbon fuel usage? It's a tough question. It might very well end up being a whole lot cheaper and more practical to adapt to the changes. We'll see.


    BTW, this was good. "You want to tell someoneelse what to do, go and live as they do. We have the rediculous situation here where, in my district, you cannot collect rainwater to alleviate your water costs, where elsewhere you are forced to install water tanks in new houses, and we have water restrictions, but universally you cannot remove trees without permission, no matter they dump leaves and bark creating a fire hazard. These fires are a case in point, some originating in national parks and reserves, where hazard reduction isn't allowed and what have they done, created fire storms and destroyed towns and I have heard the news, I know similar things happen in other countries. time to kick the do gooders and dills out of office."
  • Nov 12, 2019, 04:20 PM
    We aren't changing anything: Even now, record low temperatures are striking various parts of the U.S..….weather/weather patterns are cyclical.....Plants love CO2......The U.S. isn't going to or, should say, the U.S. ought not put itself at a disadvantage against foreign adversaries by relegating itself to the stone ages to accommodate an untenable situation in terms of reduced industrial capacity in order to fulfil the wants of a pseudo religion called Global Warming. If Global Warming is real, then we should seek REAL solutions: Adopt Nuclear Power! We just aren't taking charge of this like we should....too much in the way of emotions and not enough in the way of answers.
  • Nov 12, 2019, 04:34 PM
    The problem with nuclear has always been waste. I supplied links to that mess in an earler post, and it details how cost extensive and time consuming it is to clean up. Sometimes decades.
  • Nov 12, 2019, 04:49 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    The problem with nuclear has always been waste. I supplied links to that mess in an earler post, and it details how cost extensive and time consuming it is to clean up. Sometimes decades.

    Tal this is not the big problem it used to be, still the waste has to be dealt with and using spent uranium in weapons is a bad idea. We have to be smarter and not build reactors in earthquake zones. Renewables isn't the answer either, a stopgap at best, and we have to be resigned to the fact that coal and oil won't last forever. The answer is unpalatable, population reduction and limits. It doesn't matter that we are reducing CO2 per capita while ever population increases, emissions increase and however much this contributes to climate change it is unsustainable. The facts are that longterm climate change has been with us for a very long time, so I think we stop this nonsense about CO2 and put our research into solving the problem. Ours is a very wasteful society anyway enough rant for now
  • Nov 12, 2019, 04:52 PM

    The problem with nuclear has always been waste. I supplied links to that mess in an earler post, and it details how cost extensive and time consuming it is to clean up. Sometimes decades.
    To clean up what? As I understand it, and who knows if I do or not, when nuke plants are run properly, the nuclear waste needs a place to go, but beyond that there is nothing to clean up.
  • Nov 12, 2019, 05:49 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    To clean up what? As I understand it, and who knows if I do or not, when nuke plants are run properly, the nuclear waste needs a place to go, but beyond that there is nothing to clean up.

    Check this out.
  • Nov 12, 2019, 05:54 PM
    Hansford was not simply a reactor site. It was a nuke weapons production site where they were learning as they went along. They made a lot of mistakes. You can't apply that model to the typical nuke plant that exists now. Not even close.

    Wind and solar are too unreliable. Hydro is already about tapped out. If you don't want fossil fuels, then what's left other than nuke?
  • Nov 12, 2019, 06:38 PM
    It's an all sources on deck approach, as grid technology and best practice methods are developed. Still we are talking decades.
  • Nov 12, 2019, 06:54 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    It's an all sources on deck approach, as grid technology and best practice methods are developed. Still we are talking decades.

    yes whatever happened to cold fusion I guess you have to put in more than you get out but there is still he3 so back to the Moon
  • Nov 12, 2019, 07:32 PM
    Darn it all! If FRANCE can do, why can't we (Nuclear Power, I mean).
  • Nov 12, 2019, 08:06 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    Darn it all! If FRANCE can do, why can't we (Nuclear Power, I mean).

    First, you have to become a socialist country, then you have to squash dissension, and convince the population you really want to have clean power. It helps if you are a true democracy and not a loose collection of self governing states and an even bigger collection of loose cannons
  • Nov 13, 2019, 06:30 AM
    Paraclete: WOW! You mean the U.S. has to become a SOCIALIST country to have nuclear power? And squash dissention? I guess that mean that we also have to adopt the policy of taking in millions of M.E. and African aliens, too, if we have to "be like France". Darn!!! O.K., if that is what it takes to have nuclear power, I don't want nuclear power: I will suffer with the heat and chill in the cold, instead.
  • Nov 13, 2019, 02:26 PM
    No Vac you are already a nuclear country, but if you want to remain so you need to change your ways
  • Nov 13, 2019, 03:24 PM
    Some point we point humans have decided that we can control the weather and climate, I'm not even convinced of the efficacy of co2 as a green house gas.

    It must also be pointed out that nuclear is far cleaner than any type of combustion, in the sense that the wastes are captured, while all combustion generally escapes into the atmosphere.

    As far as fires go, better management could help a lot, here in Florida we burn our conservations in a controlled manner to alleviate massive fires and to allow certain plants to remain that would otherwise die without fire.

    Maybe people will soon see the tools at the top using all sorts of fear mongering to grab every element of power they can.
  • Nov 13, 2019, 03:37 PM

    here in Florida we burn our conversations
  • Nov 13, 2019, 03:49 PM
    Sorry, typo. Edited.
  • Nov 13, 2019, 03:54 PM
    No problem. I've done it myself. Your comments are certainly valid.
  • Nov 13, 2019, 04:39 PM

    Originally Posted by InfoJunkie4Life View Post
    Some point we point humans have decided that we can control the weather and climate, I'm not even convinced of the efficacy of co2 as a green house gas.

    AGW is a scam, first begun by Margaret Thatcher to justify nuclear power, we cannot control the climate, any attempts are futile such we cannot control the sun and volcanos


    It must also be pointed out that nuclear is far cleaner than any type of combustion, in the sense that the wastes are captured, while all combustion generally escapes into the atmosphere.
    Yes I wonder how that has been missed by those who want a cleaner environment


    As far as fires go, better management could help a lot, here in Florida we burn our conservations in a controlled manner to alleviate massive fires and to allow certain plants to remain that would otherwise die without fire.
    please don't think we are unaware of this since such methods have been used here for 40,000 years, however, the educated among us are worried about a little smoke getting up their noses, strange since they seem to have no objection to smoking dope


    Maybe people will soon see the tools at the top using all sorts of fear mongering to grab every element of power they can.
    This is a forlorn hope
  • Nov 13, 2019, 06:31 PM
    Paraclete, InfoJunkie4Life, & jlisenbe: Got to say, you guys have it right: The U.S., as well as any other "developed" nation in this world, have been shafted out of millions upon millions of manufacturing jobs by those "Money Managers know as Globalist" who are into the work of WEALTH TRANSFER (i.e. can you say George Soros?).....these arse wipes have put out the Religion Of Global Warming as a means to get those amongst us who will drink their vile brew to vote for measures which handicap our economies while empowering our adversaries.....These are truly despicable people who earn nothing from us but contempt.
  • Nov 14, 2019, 08:09 AM
    Don't limit yourself to so called liberals while you throw that globalist stuff around. Plenty of conservatives like making and taking MO'MONEY. Unfortunately though technology has not met up with situations and conditions or grand ideas yet, even in the economics of it.

    Mother Nature sure ain't going no where so keep figuring it out and trying stuff. Or move to France (Or Australia and keep Clete company...take a bucket).
  • Nov 14, 2019, 02:43 PM
    Talaniman: I don't exclude those on the Right from the wrath of Globalism: You know I can't stand NeoCons, either! Its these people that seek out virtual slave labor all around the world, find any excuse they can to move U.S. or any industrialized nation's jobs to the slave labor source (OR IMPORT THE SLAVE LABOR...and, no, Construction outfits, chicken processing plant, and Golf Course types, and the like don't get a pass either!) and proceed to DODGE PAYING TAXES here at home while enjoying the freedoms of the country has to offer. No, none get a pass!
  • Nov 14, 2019, 02:52 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    No, none get a pass!

    Find that video yet?
  • Nov 14, 2019, 03:32 PM
    There is no such video and Biden was just the point man for Obama and the other entities that the Ukraine wanted funding support from. A simple Google search tells the WHOLE story.

    Nobody reads my links BWHAAAA!
  • Nov 14, 2019, 04:15 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    There is no such video and Biden was just the point man for Obama and the other entities that the Ukraine wanted funding support from. A simple Google search tells the WHOLE story.

    Nobody reads my links BWHAAAA!

    Tom, time is important and although we live in an age when everyone must justify everything they say, I believe you, afterall how could Joe sink so low? It has apparently become time for change and younger heads are needed. By the way, you will like this, do you know Trump's degree is a BS, always thought he was strong in BS, but didn't think he had a lesser degree in it, I thought he must be a Phd
  • Nov 14, 2019, 05:16 PM
    Athos: What I said would hold up in a Court Of Law: Biden doesn't have to say anything with his son's name to be implicit that he was protecting his son by getting someone fired: aNY JURY WOULD SEE IT MY WAY. Biden did dirty deeds....he is very dirty. When a company is being investigated, ALL management is considered "suspect" Hunter was suspect and, according, not exempt from investigation....OLD JOE made Hunter exempt by getting the prosecutor who was introducing the investigation fired. No think person, no honest person can see this whole affair as anything but a Quid Pro Quo as Biden bragged about holding up funding and getting the prosecutor fired through coercion.

    However, it doesn't matter if you believe it or not: Trump is getting reelected in 2020....might not be what you want but its the reality. And I can only blame Democrat Party "Management" for the debacle that will befall them in Nov., 2020: How in the name of the Lord do you let little Adam Schiff lead the charge on the IMPEACHMENT? The guy could lead flies to fresh dog sh&$!
  • Nov 14, 2019, 05:58 PM
    Are you implying old Joe is dirty, and the dufus ain't? The right hounded Hillary for decades and look at her now free as a bird, not the prez but FREE! Hope the dufus is so fortunate. You also think the south will rise again against northern aggression too, right?

    Better not try that in Florida.
  • Nov 14, 2019, 06:08 PM
    Now Tal, don't let the bastards get to you. Perhaps Trump will be elected, perhaps the mood of the nation will change. It is a pity the votes don't matter as much as the states, but then who knows. If you were able to see the view of all the people, not just the less shiftless, it might be interesting
  • Nov 14, 2019, 07:12 PM
    No worries Clete, if they had something on the Bidens then DOJ would have filed a formal inquiry with the Ukraine, not a phone call from the dufus and not this convoluted failed extortion scheme. Looks like a nasty election winter starting last summer.
  • Nov 14, 2019, 07:30 PM
    Talaniman: Biden comes across as greasy. The whole lot of the Democrat POTUS candidates, spare Tulsi, are really weak: You have to know that Trump is going to trounce any of them.

    But, after the Mueller debacle, it would have seemed that the Demos would not have put Schiff in charge: He is TERRIBLE!

    Talaniman: Biden comes across as greasy. The whole lot of the Democrat POTUS candidates, spare Tulsi, are really weak: You have to know that Trump is going to trounce any of them.

    But, after the Mueller debacle, it would have seemed that the Demos would not have put Schiff in charge: He is TERRIBLE! I think A.O.C. would do a better job than Little Adam: I might even watch it if the beautiful A.O.C. was running the thing!

    No, I don't think the South Will Rise Again: The right side won the Civil War....and succession nor slavery was to be allowed.
  • Nov 14, 2019, 07:32 PM
    He did a great job the other day dude, did you read the report or just saw the movie? We will see. What's your theory on the dufus wanting Ukraine to investigate itself for interfering in our 2016 elections in collusion with the dems? How about Erdogan coming to Washington the other day? Talk about greasy!

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