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  • Jul 23, 2019, 09:05 PM
    Boris in the hot seat
    Boris Johnson has become UK Prime Minister, so begins another difficult Brexit tussel but perhaps the EU has lost the upper hand. May wasn't going to allow a no deal Brexit and the EU traded on that, but Boris is of a different opinion and he will bring a new level of brinkmanship
  • Jul 24, 2019, 05:12 AM
    It's still going to cost the UK heavily, no matter how the dufus look a like goes about it. Just what the world needs another minority elected dufus.
  • Jul 24, 2019, 05:38 AM
    May promised to give the people what they clearly voted for . She did not deliver. Brexit is not the tragedy that the chicken little's of the world believe . The Brits will still have commerce with Europe and the world .They will still be part of the NATO alliance . They will be free to negotiated their own deals . They will be free of being governed from Brussels by unelected bureaucrats .
  • Jul 24, 2019, 06:13 AM
    I agree Tom Brexit is what the English, who form the majority in the UK want, they are sick of over-regulation and creeping socialism, and I can laugh as the Uk may resume a relationship with my nation which they carelessly threw away, destroying a number of our industries

    There is a lesson for the US regarding socialism in this
  • Jul 24, 2019, 06:36 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    It's still going to cost the UK heavily, no matter how the dufus look a like goes about it. Just what the world needs another minority elected dufus.

    Tal you don't know he is dufus, he may be a very smart man. In the British system you don't get to be Prime Minister by being the last man standing. I know you hate real democracy Tal but this man has the difficult task of implementing the result of real democracy so let us not pre judge
  • Jul 24, 2019, 09:10 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    May promised to give the people what they clearly voted for . She did not deliver. Brexit is not the tragedy that the chicken little's of the world believe . The Brits will still have commerce with Europe and the world .They will still be part of the NATO alliance . They will be free to negotiated their own deals . They will be free of being governed from Brussels by unelected bureaucrats .

    They other governing Brits didn't like the deal, so they got none, okay out with May, in with the dufus look alike and he has the same problem May did. Getting Brexit done. I seriously doubt the union will give away the farm for free or give the Brits the same deal they had before Brexit, but who knows.


    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Tal you don't know he is dufus, he may be a very smart man. In the British system you don't get to be Prime Minister by being the last man standing. I know you hate real democracy Tal but this man has the difficult task of implementing the result of real democracy so let us not pre judge

    Yeah he is a dufus too, and under the Brit system of government he was made PM by a small group of parliament and we will see if they get back with you or not, because the fight for a deal to exit the EU still looms large.

    Get back with me when that is done. Anything else is premature.
  • Jul 24, 2019, 04:16 PM

    Get back with me when that is done. Anything else is premature.

    well Tal you can get back to me when they impeach Trump anything else is premature on your side of the pond
  • Jul 24, 2019, 04:40 PM
    Impeach or reject at the ballot box whichever comes first. Hope you get your business back from the brits Clete.
  • Jul 24, 2019, 05:00 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Impeach or reject at the ballot box whichever comes first. Hope you get your business back from the brits Clete.

    I think it may be too late Tal those industries went through readjustment and they are mainly agricultural and we are in the grip of a severe drought so can't see reinvestment, but who knows where investment flows might go from Britain when they no longer have EU interests, we might get an inflow of European migrants again and that would be nice. All those disaffected scots and irish may be looking for a new home
  • Jul 25, 2019, 08:48 AM
    The dufus is looking for a few new white people too, so you may have competition.
  • Jul 25, 2019, 11:31 AM

    Impeach or reject at the ballot box whichever comes first.
    When you start growing faint, then stop holding your breath over this.
  • Jul 25, 2019, 03:14 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    The dufus is looking for a few new white people too, so you may have competition.

    Yes but we have a better climate, less snow and ice any way we are not afraid of competing with you and you can have all the hispanics so don't be greedy
  • Jul 25, 2019, 03:18 PM

    Yes but we have a better climate,
    Am I wrong in thinking that most of Australia is a barren wasteland with virtually no inhabitants?
  • Jul 25, 2019, 08:05 PM
    Sounds like my jimd of place!
  • Jul 25, 2019, 08:16 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Sounds like my jimd of place!

    My jimd of place would be Australia's coast!
  • Jul 25, 2019, 08:21 PM
  • Jul 25, 2019, 08:28 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    I like jimd. Sounds exotic!
  • Jul 26, 2019, 04:53 AM

    I thought it was New Testament Greek.
  • Jul 26, 2019, 05:27 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Am I wrong in thinking that most of Australia is a barren wasteland with virtually no inhabitants?

    TypicaL Propaganda, This continent has some large deserts but then so does your southwest

    The population is concentrated in the east and south west but we lack the large river systems that provide you with abundant water and inland water ways To say most is a barren waste land is incorrect. The monsoon is a feature in the north a place largely inhabited by indigenous and somewhat underdeveloped

    Your population is 15 times ours for the same area but then you were centuries ahead of us in immigration


    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    My jimd of place would be Australia's coast!

    Applause but which coast, I assume you refer to the east coast. A very beautiful place, however there are some dangerous fauna which for the most part we ignore
  • Aug 31, 2019, 10:29 PM
    My Father spoke highly of Australia....he was there for a period of time during WWII where they were staging an invasion of some enemy held islands. Beautiful Beaches in the northern part of Australia but looks are deceiving: Killer Saltwater Crocodiles, killer sharks, and killer Box Jellyfish inhibit those waters.
  • Sep 1, 2019, 06:14 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    My Father spoke highly of Australia....he was there for a period of time during WWII where they were staging an invasion of some enemy held islands. Beautiful Beaches in the northern part of Australia but looks are deceiving: Killer Saltwater Crocodiles, killer sharks, and killer Box Jellyfish inhibit those waters.

    Not to speak of the locals, they were our protection from the Japanese thus they didn't invade. The crocs and the sharks get a few unwary now and again but it is nothing like the carnage inflicted on america by the NRA and their fellow travellers. Oddly enough the presence of these protected animals has never been an excuse to arm the population. None of this has anything to do with Boris who might wish he was facing some box jelly fish right now
  • Sep 3, 2019, 03:16 PM
    Things are hot in the old town tonight looks like Boris will call an election and have no say in Brexit
  • Sep 3, 2019, 04:27 PM
    No Deal, No Exit, No Brexit! The other PM's said screw you Boris. Rather raucous bunch they are across the pond.
  • Sep 3, 2019, 05:46 PM
    I agree they appear to be a bunch of dills
  • Sep 3, 2019, 08:14 PM
    You have to like Boris Johnson: He doesn't want the U.K. to become another dominion of Greater Germany under the E.U. façade....he is so unruly for wanting that....I guess it would be better that he and the rest of the U.K. just kneel to the New German Authority.....but Boris has other renegades in league with him: Matteo Salvini of Italy, for one. SCREW THE E.U. and their German Task Masters!
  • Sep 4, 2019, 03:35 AM
    Boris Johnson, more likely than not, is leading Great Britain into economic collapse. Time will tell.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 06:21 AM
    No Brexit is UK salvation otherwise it will just suffer another european invasion
  • Sep 4, 2019, 07:51 AM
    Salvation? More like cutting off your nose to spite your face, given no new trade deal to replace the one they are trying to run from is in the offing. The EU is the Uk's best trading partner and like here that invasion crap is about FEAR and prejudice more than reality. If Euros (And Americans for that matter) would stop running around being scared they would be making money through growth and expansion which is a GREAT thing if you see the opportunity.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 09:00 AM
    Talaniman: You can't allow a certain group of people to come in and set up enclaves in the country in which they immigrated to....THAT IS THE PROBLEM WITH FRANCE: NO ASSIMILATION! The fear is justified (terrorism, killings, raping, etc.) and the governments need to address the fears of the people by alleviating the problem....Like the U.K. wants to do.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 09:41 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    No Brexit is UK salvation otherwise it will just suffer another european invasion

    What is your opinion on the economic results of Brexit?
  • Sep 4, 2019, 01:55 PM
    Economics doesn't count for anything here in the U.S. in terms of U.S. elections, so says the left! When Clinton was in office, the little dried up human Rat On Acid, James Carville, used to say "Nobody cares about Monica Lewinsky, ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID"....but, NOW THAT TRUMP IS IN OFFICE, AND THE ECONOMY IS GREAT, THE ECONOMY ISN'T IMPORTANT ANY MORE! So, I guess, The U.K. should have no concerns about their economy, according to the left.

    To me, it is quite simple, as simple as our relationship with the ChiComs: You do whatever it takes to preserve your national identity....if that means tightening your belt and paying a little more to get that identity back and retain it, so be it! Britain and the British people help beat the of the Germans in two World Wars: Why in the hell should they submit to German domination now? The Germans think they are slick: The E.U. concept is just another methodology for attaining another Greater Germany with hegemony over all the other nations of Europe.....but Britain figured it out! And, now, Italy has figured it out. And the Germans are constantly attempting to keep things riled up between the U.S. and Russia: Germany is the dirty bastard of Europe, still, and they are not to be trusted.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 08:15 PM
    British politics is facinating, but killing a trade agreement and taking a chance of screwing your own economy seems as illogical as a trade war. Hope the British plan B is better than ours.
  • Sep 4, 2019, 09:47 PM
    Talaniman: Every country must hold out its national sovereignty as "sacred".....if they do not, they might as well roll over and give up as a nation, completely. I look at these trade agreements as "somebody is getting the short end of the stick", always. in every single one of them...king of like the infamous "Corporate Agreement" that manufactures have with their suppliers: They are, by construction, designed to screw the brains out of suppliers!

    To allow a trade agreement to dictate how you run you country, as the German dominated E.U. does over its members, is complete and udder horse dung! E.U. is Economic Union....when the E.U. is allowed to dictate domestic affairs to its member nations, as it has been doing, something is bad, bad wrong! At some point you "NO MORE, I'M OUT OF HERE!"
  • Sep 5, 2019, 04:02 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    I look at these trade agreements as "somebody is getting the short end of the stick", always. in every single one of them...king of like the infamous "Corporate Agreement" that manufactures have with their suppliers: They are, by construction, designed to screw the brains out of suppliers!

    Huh? Try again.
  • Sep 5, 2019, 05:47 AM
    I liken the EU to when 13 colonies united to form a nation and govern as a collective that grew and expanded. Now lets examine why you jump to the conclusion that Germany which one could say was the richest colony was screwing Britain? Let's also examine what Brexit was really about and that's IMMIGRATION among the Euro states.

    Just like the poison now being spread in America, FEAR and HATRED of the other wrapped around this sovereignty meme. Why are you surprised that those others would be running from their homes when you did it for a few centuries yourself. Ask yourself WHY your peeps left for America, and why you cannot grasp all of a sudden the others are doing the same darn thing for the same darn reason.

    It's the history of man my friend but this time we can take a more humane path than we have had before that doesn't include all the blood and guts of the past to facilitate changes and make the words all men are created equal more than just high sounding words. Or you can stay a barbarian and proclaim your sovereignty as an excuse to perpetrate cruelty and inhumanity in Gods name like you have always done.

    What say you heathen?
  • Sep 5, 2019, 06:03 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I liken the EU to when 13 colonies united to form a nation and govern as a collective that grew and expanded. Now lets examine why you jump to the conclusion that Germany which one could say was the richest colony was screwing Britain? Let's also examine what Brexit was really about and that's IMMIGRATION among the Euro states.

    Just like the poison now being spread in America, FEAR and HATRED of the other wrapped around this sovereignty meme. Why are you surprised that those others would be running from their homes when you did it for a few centuries yourself. Ask yourself WHY your peeps left for America, and why you cannot grasp all of a sudden the others are doing the same darn thing for the same darn reason.

    It's the history of man my friend but this time we can take a more humane path than we have had before that doesn't include all the blood and guts of the past to facilitate changes and make the words all men are created equal more than just high sounding words. Or you can stay a barbarian and proclaim your sovereignty as an excuse to perpetrate cruelty and inhumanity in Gods name like you have always done.

    What say you heathen?

    You don't get it Brexit is about sovereignty and stopping the advance of socialism. Germany has never lost its socialist roots typified by its leader the East German but Germany has endeavored to dominate Europe for centuries. The British peopels have suffered many invasions and having eastern europeans and africans thrust upon them by decree just isn't where it is going. The channel is an effective a barrier but the Irish Sea isn't, remove the backstop clause and Brexit will happen tomorrow but Europe just wanted to derail it
  • Sep 5, 2019, 06:27 AM
    Paraclete: You delineated the argument magnificently! This whole "welcome every refugee from the Middle East and North Africa with open arms" gimmick that GERMANY AUTHORED was a design behavior from the start: Filthy East German Merkel lied to her own German people: she said they would only take in 750 thousand refugee....ended up being 2 million! Rapes went through the roof! But the Germans used maneuvers/leverage to force other E.U. nations to accept refugees, too, even if they didn't want to do so....Finally, some of them have told Germany to go get f$#&ed! This was all a German ploy to gain even more power!

    BTW: I'm German heritage....Germans will not leave anything alone, they constantly want to refine have to contain them.
  • Sep 5, 2019, 10:25 AM
    Yes Clete that was a perfect description of conflation of ancient history, ancient fears and old hates kept alive by the narrow mind of purity of the blood, and isolationism, but mostly FEAR, and HATE! I can't blame Euros being insecure though with the history of blood and guts behind you. Kind of fitting though that the ones exploited by Euros for so long would run to Europe for salvation only to find the doors closed and locked.

    You broke it so you own it. So fix it instead of hiding behind the excuse of sovereignty and walls.
  • Sep 5, 2019, 05:30 PM

    So fix it instead of hiding behind the excuse of sovereignty and walls.

    I didn't break it so I don't need to fix it. We can thank the US for this, instead of levelling Germany after WWII you built it up again with the excuse you needed a bullwark against the Russians. You still have that thinking
  • Sep 6, 2019, 04:23 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    I didn't break it so I don't need to fix it. We can thank the US for this, instead of levelling Germany after WWII you built it up again with the excuse you needed a bullwark against the Russians. You still have that thinking

    Leveling Germany after WW1 led directly to 50 million dead in WW2. Building it up again after WW2 gave the world 75 years (and counting) without a major world war.

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