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  • Jun 24, 2019, 04:55 AM
    Bernie Sanders set to propose we wipe out all student debt.
    Read on Fox News this morning that Bernie Sanders is set to propose we "forgive" all student loan debt and make college free for everyone. If true, this will be yet another display of the "money grows on trees" mentality in Washington. He is set to propose a "tax on Wall Street" to pay for this paying off of debt, most of which belongs to young people perfectly capable of paying off their own debt. You can rest assured this tax, set for 2 trillion over the next ten years, will not come close to paying for this plan, meaning we will be adding hundreds of billions to our already outrageous 23 trillion in national debt. And making college "free" will soon be followed by federal price controls on tuition costs which are ridiculous and out of control.

    So this is how our federal government works. We run deficits of hundreds of billions of dollars a year and have 23 trillion in debt, but the people in charge push through huge tax cuts and then propose yet another give away program with money we don't have. And you wonder why I am in favor in limited government?
  • Jun 24, 2019, 08:53 AM
    Better would be getting rid of "graft and corruption" in colleges and universities. Tuition has soared because of all sorts of hidden expenses that never existed when I was in college and, more recently, in grad school. For instance, textbooks were resold to students taking that classes during the next semester. Now textbooks are slightly added to or parts reworded, so students have to buy pricey new textbooks that contain the (hidden) revisions. Also, retired profs and other educators become paid VPs and other "important" additions to the university faculty (even though they don't do anything except look distinguished, maybe have an office, and collect a paycheck). Those are only two reasons why college costs so much nowadays.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 10:28 AM

    Better would be getting rid of "graft and corruption" in colleges and universities. Tuition has soared because of all sorts of hidden expenses that never existed when I was in college and, more recently, in grad school. For instance, textbooks were resold to students taking that classes during the next semester. Now textbooks are slightly added to or parts reworded, so students have to buy pricey new textbooks that contain the (hidden) revisions. Also, retired profs and other educators become paid VPs and other "important" additions to the university faculty (even though they don't do anything except look distinguished, maybe have an office, and collect a paycheck). Those are only two reasons why college costs so much nowadays.
    I agree wholeheartedly. I would add this. Too many kids go to college and get degrees in areas that are nearly useless. Everything from women's studies to gender studies, philosophy, theater, fine arts, and so forth. Not that those don't have usable or even important knowledge, but they are of but little use in getting good jobs.

    I've heard the idea of having colleges be cosigners of the loans, assuming at least part of the risk. That would be the end of using borrowed money to fund stupid degree ideas.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 10:47 AM
    I agree, JL. My younger son attended a four-year private college for a degree in English (Creative Writing). Freshman tuition was $19,000; senior tuition was $30,000. Parents and students were told college costs everywhere were skyrocketing. Apparently!!!! My son said they read a bunch of classics to satisfy the lit requirement, and the creative writing too often consisted of assignments that resulted in a small group of students sitting around a large table, reading their stories to each other and throwing paper wads and spit balls at each other. Only the college's name, not the degree, helped him get a real-world job after graduation.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 10:56 AM

    I agree, JL. My younger son attended a four-year private college for a degree in English (Creative Writing). Freshman tuition was $19,000; senior tuition was $30,000. Parents and students were told college costs everywhere were skyrocketing. Apparently!!!! My son said they read a bunch of classics to satisfy the lit requirement, and the creative writing too often consisted of assignments that resulted in a small group of students sitting around a large table, reading their stories to each other and throwing paper wads and spit balls at each other. Only the college's name, not the degree, helped him get a real-world job after graduation.
    I made the same sort of mistake. My degree was in animal science, which was basically the livestock industry. I enjoyed the study and had a great time, but when I got out I had one job offer and didn't stick with that. In the end, the degree helped me get a job in teaching and that ended up being my field. And since my parents combined with my jobs enabled me to get out with no debt, then it was OK. I feel sorry for these kids. These student loans should be much more difficult to get.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 11:03 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I feel sorry for these kids. These student loans should be much more difficult to get.

    And like you mentioned earlier, the classes and resulting degrees should be useful, not time-wasting, credit-amassing courses that end up as majors that don't help when job hunting after graduation.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 11:11 AM

    And like you mentioned earlier, the classes and resulting degrees should be useful, not time-wasting, credit-amassing courses that end up as majors that don't help when job hunting after graduation.
    Well, we can go ahead and close this site down. You and I have now agreed on this topic, and have agreed to a fairly high degree. It would be best to stop now while the memory is most vivid. It is etched in the digital stone of Askmehelpdesk!
  • Jun 24, 2019, 11:13 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Well, we can go ahead and close this site down. You and I have now agreed on this topic, and have agreed to a fairly high degree. It would be best to stop now while the memory is most vivid. It is etched in the digital stone of Askmehelpdesk!

    I'm even starting to really like you a lot!
  • Jun 24, 2019, 12:52 PM

    I'm even starting to really like you a lot!
    Stop the presses! A miracle has happened!!

    Just give it time. The ole pendulum will swing back to, "What is it with this fundamentalist, far-right loonie?"
  • Jun 24, 2019, 03:08 PM
    Bernies idea is basic socialism, free education, but you need to get rid of the idea you need a university degree to get a job.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 03:29 PM
    Student debt is a big deal, but good luck to any dem that thinks they could actually pass such a wish list without a super majority in the congress. I don't see that so the soariring silly season rhetoric is pretty meaningless.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 04:05 PM
    These things are line items in a manifesto. Very popular with socialists. We don't need to read it to know what is in it
  • Jun 24, 2019, 04:06 PM
    It's not the policy, it's who runs it and how.
  • Jun 24, 2019, 07:19 PM
    I heard that interview too. Maybe I shouldn’t have paid for my kids to attend universities, and even med school! What was I thinking? Each of these candidates has so many giveaways and no action plan on how they will pay for it. Ugh!
  • Jun 24, 2019, 07:24 PM
    They didn't pay for the tax cuts either so what's the difference?
  • Jun 25, 2019, 04:06 AM

    They didn't pay for the tax cuts either so what's the difference?
    There is no difference. You are correct in your point. That's why we are 23 tril in debt. It's the one place where Trump is copying Obama's behavior...deficit spending.
  • Jun 25, 2019, 04:32 AM

    I heard that interview too. Maybe I shouldn’t have paid for my kids to attend universities, and even med school! What was I thinking? Each of these candidates has so many giveaways and no action plan on how they will pay for it. Ugh!
    I feel the same way. It's just another in a long line of liberal efforts to reward irresponsible behavior and buy votes with taxpayer/borrowed money.
  • Jun 25, 2019, 05:50 AM
    You should be grateful that you could help your kids through higher education. Many parents cannot so the kids should be doomed to debts and low paying jobs? Not all of them are pursuing "frivalous careers", but if your saying some of their dreams are stupid I disagree. The real issue is the rising costs of things and the slow return on that investment one makes to achieve that degree that is so prized as the key to a better life. Liberal or conservative, I think taking campaign promises and rhetoric should be taken with a grain of salt as the real world few things can be accomplished from them. Bernie if made president has little hope of getting what he wants without a vast super majority, so why get bent out of shape over it?
  • Jun 25, 2019, 07:26 AM

    You should be grateful that you could help your kids through higher education.
    Who said I wasn't? But I'll tell you what, it didn't come easy.


    Many parents cannot so the kids should be doomed to debts and low paying jobs?
    If a young person is going to incur debt to get a degree, it should be a degree for a job that pays well so they can repay the loan. If they are "doomed" to a low paying job, then wouldn't that indicate a poorly thought-out career choice???


    Not all of them are pursuing "frivalous careers", but if your saying some of their dreams are stupid I disagree.
    Having a dream is one thing. Having a dream you cannot pay for is something else, and then expecting to be able to live for years in your parent's basement and requiring your neighbors to pony up with taxes (and even worse, borrowed money) to pay for your dream is an outrage.


    The real issue is the rising costs of things and the slow return on that investment one makes to achieve that degree that is so prized as the key to a better life.
    There is some truth in that statement.
  • Jun 25, 2019, 10:17 AM
    I am grateful for being able to pay for my kids’ educations. I am a public school teacher and saved every cent I could to give them a better life than I had. I will be staying long past retirement age to guarantee that I have enough savings. By the way, I was a single parent.
  • Jun 25, 2019, 10:20 AM

    I am grateful for being able to pay for my kids’ educations. I am a public school teacher and saved every cent I could to give them a better life than I had. I will be staying long past retirement age to guarantee that I have enough savings. By the way, I was a single parent.
    That's a pretty remarkable account. I tip my hat to you. Now, if Bernie has his way, you will be able to participate in sending other kids to college. Oh boy.
  • Jun 25, 2019, 07:51 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    That's a pretty remarkable account. I tip my hat to you. Now, if Bernie has his way, you will be able to participate in sending other kids to college. Oh boy.

    . I’m not a fan of the empty promises. We shall see who prevails....
  • Jun 25, 2019, 08:10 PM
    Empty promises is all you will get from Demonrat socialists
  • Jun 26, 2019, 01:03 AM

    Empty promises is all you will get from Demonrat socialists
    Not always. Remember Obamacare. One promise that they kept, unfortunately.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 03:11 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Not always. Remember Obamacare. One promise that they kept, unfortunately.

    Typical conservative attitude. Anything to help poor people (Or the average person for that matter) is bad. That's a promise you guys are always consistent with. Repubs made it a theme for years REPEAL, even shut the government down over it, then it was repeal and replace, and we know how that worked out.

    The dufus promised BETTER, where is it?
  • Jun 26, 2019, 04:22 AM

    The dufus promised BETTER, where is it?
    For once I agree with you.


    Anything to help poor people (Or the average person for that matter)
    Yeah, as long as liberals can get other people to pay for it, they're all for it.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 06:00 AM
    Not other people, as you are so fond of saying which is as ill informed as it gets, but ALL of us as a collective through consensus and compromise. That's how problems are solved and solutions rendered over time. Liberals and conservatives and everyone in between. That's what our society is built on. That's what makes us great.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 06:18 AM

    Not other people, as you are so fond of saying which is as ill informed as it gets, but ALL of us as a collective through consensus and compromise
    For about the twentieth time, that is not true. About 10% of income earners in America pay well over 2/3 of income taxes. The bottom half pay next to nothing, so it is easy for them to vote for those who promise to give them the moon since it doesn't cost them anything. It's easy for me to say we should help the xxxxxx when it is not going to cost me very much. That's why I always say, show me what you are doing with your own personal giving if you want to make an impression.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 06:42 AM
    That's the problem, you think I must impress you! You should rethink that my FACT deprived friend. Even what you have presented is but EVIDENCE of the artificial nature of POVERTY. My solution is a better CIRCULATION of the money instead of hoarding by the few. That's the start of my economic business model. Its an ill informed distraction to count who pays the most taxes as a value for other than PROOF of the creation of poverty bt man himself.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 03:11 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    That's the problem, you think I must impress you! You should rethink that my FACT deprived friend. Even what you have presented is but EVIDENCE of the artificial nature of POVERTY. My solution is a better CIRCULATION of the money instead of hoarding by the few. That's the start of my economic business model. Its an ill informed distraction to count who pays the most taxes as a value for other than PROOF of the creation of poverty bt man himself.

    another line in the socialist manifesto. Take from the rich and give to the poor, so you are a modern day Robber Hood, deciding how others should spend their money and yet your nation is built on the accumulation of wealth. Do you really want to be at the level of the lowest denominator?
  • Jun 26, 2019, 03:38 PM
    When A wants to force B to help C, then you have a liberal policy. The terrible thing is that A then wants to feel morally superior to both B and C.


    Its an ill informed distraction to count who pays the most taxes as a value for other than PROOF of the creation of poverty bt man himself.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 04:27 PM
    I paid off my student loan . I want a refund . What does Bernie say to the athletes who had to bust their butts and do all types of sacrifices to qualify for scholarships to go to the schools ? They get up early for practice ;have to keep their bodies in top shape because the competition for these scholarships is intense . Depending on the sport ,they are putting their bodies on the line playing the sport without pay while the school reaps in the profits from a successful athletic program. Now that athlete finds out that their roomies who's only concern is passing and being able to attend the next kegger is going to get a free pass ?
  • Jun 26, 2019, 04:52 PM
    Votes. All about votes.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 06:35 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    another line in the socialist manifesto. Take from the rich and give to the poor, so you are a modern day Robber Hood, deciding how others should spend their money and yet your nation is built on the accumulation of wealth. Do you really want to be at the level of the lowest denominator?

    Naw, that's a bit dramatic. I prefer to recognize that the real work is done by ordinary grunts who take a shower everyday after a hard days work. Not the guy who takes the credit, and the profits. Ordinary people don't tank the economy, rich guys do. Who pays for that? They don't, YOU do. Wall Street gets bail outs, and huge deficit funded tax breaks, and free passes out of jail, while you get nothing, but bankruptcy and laid off. They buy elections and candidates you elect. You get nasty water and air. Plants close and towns die, because they build the new plants where the labor is cheap and NO benefits. Please spare me the socialist crap, I just want FAIR. I need a raise! Not some geopolitical slogan!


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    When A wants to force B to help C, then you have a liberal policy. The terrible thing is that A then wants to feel morally superior to both B and C.


    Take that up with the liberals in your state who decides what's done with your money in a state that takes more than they pay in. Sorry you don't understand how that works while you blaming everybody else.


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Votes. All about votes.

    It's all about the money because last I checked the most votes doesn't always deliver the right person as far as a prez is concerned. Talk to Vlad about that. I heard he voted too!
  • Jun 26, 2019, 06:41 PM

    It's all about the money because last I checked the most votes doesn't always deliver the right person as far as a prez is concerned. Talk to Vlad about that. I heard he voted too!
    If you are carrying 40K of college debt, guess who you're going to be tempted to vote for?
  • Jun 26, 2019, 07:03 PM
    So what? Repubs voted for the dufus for whatever reason, so the dems can do the same can't we? Of course we can and will!
  • Jun 26, 2019, 07:08 PM

    So what? Repubs voted for the dufus for whatever reason, so the dems can do the same can't we? Of course we can and will!
    Yes, except we were talking about...oh never mind.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 07:42 PM
    It is all a fallacy, education is an industry, supposedly churning out knowledgable cannon fodder for other industries but in reality just keeping the young off the streets. How better to maintain the slave population than to indebt them. Remember centuries ago there was indentured labour, the system hasn't changed only the path to ruin. So Burnie wants to make the government pay for the system, freeing the slaves. Admirable, but in the political system you have unlikely to be implemented
  • Jun 26, 2019, 08:04 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Yes, except we were talking about...oh never mind.

    We were talking about Bernie and his free education plan, but I must note yet again he is but one of many seeking the nomination and they all have ideas to attract dems to vote for them. Its a big field and kind of early.


    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    It is all a fallacy, education is an industry, supposedly churning out knowledgable cannon fodder for other industries but in reality just keeping the young off the streets. How better to maintain the slave population than to indebt them. Remember centuries ago there was indentured labour, the system hasn't changed only the path to ruin. So Burnie wants to make the government pay for the system, freeing the slaves. Admirable, but in the political system you have unlikely to be implemented

    I kind of agree with you Clete, this whole capitalist economy deal is a big hustle, but it's the only hustle in town. Even in YOUR town.
  • Jun 26, 2019, 09:12 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post

    I kind of agree with you Clete, this whole capitalist economy deal is a big hustle, but it's the only hustle in town. Even in YOUR town.

    Yes in my town which is a university town and regional education hub, and the capitalist economy is strong here too, but without the Razz-a-ma-tazz you have to endure. Noone talks of having to make this place great, it is a given, we don't need tariffs to protect us from the big bad Chinese but a few to protect us from the voracious americans might be needed. They have tried to dismantle our industries and succeeded in removing the automotive industry among others. But Drought will accomplish what they cannot

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