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  • Jun 14, 2019, 07:41 PM
    Tankers in the gulf
    Here we have the possibility of a false flag event, it would seem the tankers might have been attacked with mines, and there appears to be video of an "Iranian special forces team. various reports have suggested a shell, or torpedos. This is what the Trump administration wants; a justification for war. Can't get what you want with sanctions, try gun boat diplomacy
  • Jun 14, 2019, 07:45 PM
    Plus he has to divert our attention again.
  • Jun 14, 2019, 08:50 PM
    Take off your tin foil hat and don't be ridiculous . Trump is as odds with hardliners in his administration like Bolton over Iranian policy .He
    is instinctively wary of military adventures and has never demonstrated a shoot first mentality .
    Now me ;I would do another Operation Earnest Will all over their sorry a$$es But even though it is more than justified ; I am sure that will be the last option for this President .
  • Jun 14, 2019, 09:05 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    Take off your tin foil hat and don't be ridiculous . Trump is as odds with hardliners in his administration like Bolton over Iranian policy .He
    is instinctively wary of military adventures and has never demonstrated a shoot first mentality .
    Now me ;I would do another Operation Earnest Will all over their sorry a$$es But even though it is more than justified ; I am sure that will be the last option for this President .

    Maybe his bone spurs still hurt.
  • Jun 14, 2019, 09:16 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    Maybe his bone spurs still hurt.

    This week many things have hurt, but, through the halo of pain and discomfort, what did I see. Trump successfully bluffing Mexico and Iran not giving in. Tom may think I wear a tin foil hat but nothing can keep the crap out
  • Jun 14, 2019, 09:43 PM
    Could be cause for real concern here.

    I think we forgot who we are dealing with. Obama should have never opened the door...blame it on him.
  • Jun 15, 2019, 01:27 AM
    There is NO evidence of a "false flag" /"wag the dog" scenario The video released is the smoking gun .Iranians were sent to recover an unexploded limpet mine .Had others gotten to it first the forensic fingerprints would've pointed directly at Iran. This is not the first attack in recent weeks and the US did not point an accusing finger until the evidence made it clear who the attackers were .

    Besides what would Trump need a distraction from ?Sarah Sanders resigning ? He was exonerated by Mueller . The Dems are grasping at straws trying to find anything that would justify credible claims to proceed with impeachment hearings .There has been no crisis that he hasn't weathered .

    Trump did not call for a military response . He called for direct negotiations with Iran. I thought that's what all wanted ...jaw jaw instead of war war .
  • Jun 15, 2019, 05:22 AM
    maybe the Houthi rebel attack on the Saudi airport using an Iraninan supplied missile was also a US false flag operation .
  • Jun 15, 2019, 08:31 AM
    I would be very cautious of getting to caught up in the Saudi/Iran dispute which has been going on for a few decades now. Let them fight their own battles. Didn't learn a darn thing from Iraq did you? Well now why would you listen to another dufus an his sycophants now?
  • Jun 15, 2019, 09:12 AM
    Haven't we gone through something like this before with war criminals Bush, Cheney, Powell and Tenet? At least Powell had the decency to say he was wrong.

    By now we know Trump will say and do anything to get re-elected - even a "false war".
  • Jun 15, 2019, 10:43 AM
    let me repeat myself ;Trump is even more reluctant to get us into wars than the emperor was (who btw let Evita get us in a war in Libya under false premises).

    My opinion on this differs from Trump because I know for a fact that Iran has waged war with us since 1979.I know that Iran is the lead sponsor of global terrorism . I know that Iran arms are being used by proxy rebels throughout the ummah . I know that Iran sends arms to terrorists all over the world .

    And I know that the emperor blocked a DEA program in central America that targeted Iranian proxies because he thought it would help him get his nuclear deal with Iran . Hezbollah and the IRGC have been active in Central America for years

    If it were up to me he would get much tougher on Iran . As it is now Trump will only tighten economic sanctions and try to build an international coalition to join him in that effort .

    Let me ask then..... If Iran makes repeated attempts to shut down the straits of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman ,as they have repeatedly threatened ,what action do you think would be appropriate ? Me ;I'd sink the Iranian navy and obliterate every port of entry in Iran .
  • Jun 15, 2019, 10:54 AM
    How very John Paul Jones of you
  • Jun 15, 2019, 11:07 AM
    Selling nukes to the Saudis after pulling out of the Iran deal doesn't make friends with the ones still in the deal and as that falls apart all those allies you blasted you will need to build a coalition all over again. You are correct that Iran has ties in many continents, but serving the Saudis isn't a great idea. and Vlad waits in the wings to pick up any slack he sees.

    I see many expensive skirmishes coming soon, and sad to say only a fool follows the dufus, but he has the repubs by the short hairs right now.
  • Jun 15, 2019, 11:29 AM

    Let them fight their own battles
    They are fighting their own battles.

    Well now why would you listen to another dufus an his sycophants now?
    There are always people in the world that know what's up, we just have trouble figuring out who to listen to.


    only a fool follows the dufus,
    Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - and most fools do.


    Haven't we gone through something like this before with war criminals Bush, Cheney, Powell and Tenet? At least Powell had the decency to say he was wrong.
    This is not a peace. It is an armistice for 16 years.

    Obviously this appears to be no big deal to some of you, Oh Trump is at it again...Cant allow him to take our focus off the bigger picture. War pfft! Just a fabrication.
  • Jun 15, 2019, 11:36 AM
    The coalition building is his business. I'm with the hardliners in the adminstration .

    Why should the Saudis not have nukes ? The Iran deal was not stopping them from development . The Iranians should've been given an ultimatum ;not $billions .

    Non-proliferation as a concept is dead . If the Saudis don't get the technology from us ,they will get it from Pakistan. If Iran does not stop their development then the only policy left will be mutually assured destruction.
  • Jun 15, 2019, 03:36 PM
    Nukes isn't like selling guns to tribesmen. It's a big deal to all the neighbors including some of our allies. You remember India and Pakistan nuke rattling a few years ago?
  • Jun 15, 2019, 05:48 PM

    and sad to say only a fool follows the dufus
    Perhaps he is a fool or a Liar but almost everybody is one or the other and most people are both.
  • Jun 15, 2019, 05:55 PM
    What a perfect description of yourself
  • Jun 15, 2019, 07:09 PM

    What a perfect description of yourself
    That's OK. isn't it?
  • Jun 15, 2019, 09:11 PM
    sure, whatever floats your boat
  • Jun 16, 2019, 08:16 AM

    Nukes isn't like selling guns to tribesmen. It's a big deal to all the neighbors including some of our allies. You remember India and Pakistan nuke rattling a few years ago?

    The Iranian nuke program was the camel's nose under the tent . You're side wasn't serious about stopping it much like the allied nations were not serious about stopping the German buildup when they were violating the Versailles Treaty . Non-proliferation is dead . So the question becomes ;are you comfortable with a new Iran hegemon ? The secondary question is ;as an alternative to the Saudis and the Gulf states nuking up ,would you prefer that they all come under the American nuclear umbrella ?
  • Jun 16, 2019, 08:27 AM

    whatever floats your boat

    Does it float your boat?
  • Jun 16, 2019, 08:49 AM

    Nukes isn't like selling guns to tribesmen. It's a big deal to all the neighbors including some of our allies. You remember India and Pakistan nuke rattling a few years ago?
    The Iranian nuke program was the camel's nose under the tent . You're side wasn't serious about stopping it much like the allied nations were not serious about stopping the German buildup when they were violating the Versailles Treaty . Non-proliferation is dead . So the question becomes ;are you comfortable with a new Iran hegemon ? The secondary question is ;as an alternative to the Saudis and the Gulf states nuking up ,would you prefer that they all come under the American nuclear umbrella ?


    Sorry Tom, I didn't see this.
  • Jun 16, 2019, 11:16 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The Iranian nuke program was the camel's nose under the tent . You're side wasn't serious about stopping it much like the allied nations were not serious about stopping the German buildup when they were violating the Versailles Treaty . Non-proliferation is dead . So the question becomes ;are you comfortable with a new Iran hegemon ? The secondary question is ;as an alternative to the Saudis and the Gulf states nuking up ,would you prefer that they all come under the American nuclear umbrella ?

    Yeah that's all we need in the world. Two terrorist repressive nuclear armed governments at war with each other. Nice plan. They can barely handle the old pop guns we give them.
  • Jun 16, 2019, 12:02 PM
    what's your plan ? accept the existence of the Iranian hegemon ?
  • Jun 16, 2019, 12:24 PM
    Getting rid of the lying cheating dufus, would be a GREAT start to a GREAT plan.
  • Jun 16, 2019, 12:50 PM
    focus please
  • Jun 16, 2019, 01:55 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    focus please

    OK. The lying cheating EVIL dufus.
  • Jun 16, 2019, 02:11 PM

    Getting rid of the lying cheating dufus, would be a GREAT start to a GREAT plan. ]
    Then what?


    focus please
    Do you know who it is your talking to? That's all we ever hear from him; President is a dufuf, dufus, dufus. He has nothing better to say.

    Anybody who voted should accept the fact that Trump (just as if you voted for him) is our President.

    Getting rid of Trump is "the Plan', there is no plan beyond that. It is your hate that makes you sound ignant (mine comes Naturally).
    Getting rid of the current liars, cheaters and morons is not going to correct anything. Look towe-
    red Jesus and forget this mess you have created for yourself.


    EVIL dufus
    Nope, we already established that the 'Evil Dufus' (She won that vote. You can be proud) did not get elected.
  • Jun 16, 2019, 03:03 PM
    There is no hate Walt just a perverse pleasure at seeing conservatives don't like to be treated as they have treated others. Case in point the Obama years and the Clinton decades after a withering onslaught of right wing attack! I love it and see the fun you guys had at throwing rocks slinging mud, and generally blaming everything on liberals.

    Now it's your turn so stop crying and take it because you will get it back like you gave it. Just like it was your DUTY to oppose liberals it's liberals duty to oppose conservatives. Here we are!
  • Jun 16, 2019, 03:06 PM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    Anybody who voted should except the fact that Trump (just as if you voted for him) is our President.

    "Except" is the perfect word! It means omit, not include. Trump should definitely be excepted!
  • Jun 16, 2019, 03:30 PM

    Originally Posted by Wondergirl View Post
    "Except" is the perfect word! It means omit, not include. Trump should definitely be excepted!

    Nice catch - girl of wonder!
  • Jun 16, 2019, 05:22 PM

    you will get it back like you gave it.
    Not even close. Why do you suppose there is much more Hatred directed toward Trump? The Dems have declared War! Why, why do you think the Dems declared war? Because they are a bunch of Elite smug school kids that lost power. Playing the Game and then Screaming CHEAT, CHEATERRR!!!It's Childish and Immature. Your not calling Trump Stupid (dufus) your calling the Institution Stupid. Trump is not part of the institution, he doesn't have an axe to grind. Let the man do his Job.

    Why bother comparing Trump with Hillary and or Obama, Trump doesn't even come close to the Cr*p that those two pulled while in office.
  • Jun 16, 2019, 05:49 PM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    Trump is not part of the institution, he doesn't have an axe to grind. Let the man do his Job.

    Why bother comparing Trump with Hillary and or Obama, Trump doesn't even come close to the Cr*p that those two pulled while in office.

    Trump came into office with AXES to grind. The swamp, the Iran deal, the Paris accord, NAFTA, China, Obamacare, illegals and what he couldn't change he threw out. The man had an agenda. Trump way or the highway. If he wasn't such a loud mouth buffoon he might have achieved more. His party don't like him but they will vote for him because he has shown how to defeat the demonrat B/S
  • Jun 17, 2019, 07:18 AM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    Not even close. Why do you suppose there is much more Hatred directed toward Trump? You (Dems) have declared War! Why, why do you think the Dems declared war? Because they are a bunch of Elite smug school kids that lost power. Playing the Game and then Screaming CHEAT, CHEATERRR!!!It's Childish and Immature. Your not calling Trump Stupid (dufus) your calling the Institution Stupid. Trump is not part of the institution, he doesn't have an axe to grind. Let the man do his Job.

    Yes I am calling the dufus stupid, which, not being a part of the institution as you said, has nothing to do with the institution at all, but the dufus himself. You mean liberals don't have the right to try and make him a one term prez as you tried to do with Obama? I hope we are more successful, if not oh well.

    It is what it is, so enjoy what you can while you can, until repubs grow some stones and reign in his buck wild red meat throwing fear mongering rhetoric. Being nice here because he is still the biggest liar I have ever seen!
  • Jun 17, 2019, 02:28 PM

    You mean liberals don't have the right to try and make him a one term prez
    No. First you must recognize his Excellency's Position as being Legitimate.
  • Jun 17, 2019, 02:35 PM
    That's questionable, and I have a right to question his positions and the legitimacy of them, and I do. All Americans have that right.
  • Jun 17, 2019, 02:52 PM
    So, If he is found out to be Illegitimate, after this term is up, would he be considered eligible to serve two additional terms?

    He is our Standing president. You can't nullify (100% impossibility) his Presidency. Your team played the game and lost, suck it up and do what is right. People the world over, when making reference about Americans have always uttered the word Stupid. It should be no surprise, its almost as if the world brought it into existence. America is Devalving, we have been for decades...But do what you feel Is best for you and the Country. It's a s**t show and I have a feeling it will continue long after Trump is out.
  • Jun 17, 2019, 02:53 PM

    Originally Posted by waltero View Post
    No. First you must recognize his Excellency's Position as being Legitimate.

    The voters chose Hillary Clinton by millions of votes over Trump. It was only because of an outmoded system of counting votes that Trump snuck in. The Founding Fathers are turning over in their sepulchres. What was intended to keep out the Trumps of this world backfired and allowed this one in.
  • Jun 17, 2019, 03:29 PM

    The voters chose Hillary Clinton by millions of votes over Trump. It was only because of an outmoded system of counting votes that Trump snuck in. The Founding Fathers are turning over in their sepulchres. What was intended to keep out the Trumps of this world backfired and allowed this one in.
    The 'Trumps of this world' have been running this world for a long time. I understand, it was suppose to be Hillary's turn.

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