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  • Jan 10, 2015, 02:58 PM
    The war we ignore
    The war in Nigeria between Boko Haram and the population of Nigeria is largely ignored by the west and yet 10,000 people have been kiled in the last year, now there are thousands more to add to the tally

    Nigeria massacre: Deadliest massacre in history of Boko Haram

    But where is the UN action, where is the coalition of the willing. This is just as much a war against islamic extremists as Syria and Iraq but there is no international action just platitudes. I think we have come to the reality we can't cut bait and fish at the same time. The willingness to address these issues has been eroded by too many years of war. France took action in other of it's former African colonies to protect them from extremists so one could ask, where is Britain in this one, strangely silent. The world was alarmed when ISIS overran Iraq, but Boko Haram have overrun as much of Nigeria and not a murmer. It is probable they have amassed as many fighters as ISIS, but a few mud huts in Africa are not worth the same as a few mud huts in Iraq, now if they threatened Nigerian oil assets... I'm cynical and you may have noticed. We are prepared to get involved in what is an islamic sectarian war and yet we are not prepared to get involved in a war of Islamic persecution of Christians
  • Jan 11, 2015, 03:11 PM
    didn't see this or would've responded. The GWOT is indeed global . But the west doesn't take it seriously enough. Persecution of Christians does not get seriously mentioned by Christians be it in Africa ,the ME ,China or anywhere else in the world .
  • Jan 11, 2015, 04:27 PM
    For some reason persection of Christians is not newsworthy and that attitude has persisted since the Roman empire. Someone who doesn't fight back is fair game. No Tom persecution has become an everyday event but let anyone make a comment about Muslims and you have mayhem. If we Christians were as militant as the muslims Islam would have been wiped out long ago. They have been a serious threat for 1400 years; a fact that is often forgotten once they lost a couple of wars. Islam talks tolerance and kills its opposition, where as Christians take tolerance to the extreme
  • Jan 12, 2015, 01:54 PM
    You spew as much hate as any terrorist does.
  • Jan 12, 2015, 02:33 PM
    What are you trying to say Tal, that Christians taught Muslims to hate all others with opposing views? Perhaps you are as well informed as some of your pundits, certainly if you are informed by them you are misinformed

    You only have to look at the partition of India to see that the Christian colonial masters were forced by Muslim extremists to do what neither the Hindu or the British wanted and we still have the results of that playing out today. You should ask the Assyrian Christians of their view of their muslim neighbours, or the Pakistani Christians or the Indian Christians their view of the Hindus. Perhaps the people of South Sudan have a view however back to Nigeria where once again it is being demonstrated that Muslims can't or won't live peacefully with others, even their own people
  • Jan 12, 2015, 03:34 PM
    It seems the world has been misinformed about the number of deaths in a Boko Haram raid in Nigeria

    BBC News - Boko Haram crisis: Nigeria estimates Baga deaths at 150

    Now the question is who gains from distorting casualities on this scale? The Nigerian government? The French? Boko Haram? IF you were on the ground it might seem like there were thousands dead or did the bodies disappear, quickly buried under muslim custom? Was the story just part of the political campaign? Or distorted for political purposes in their presidential election showing the incompetence of the existing government. There can be no doubt that this isn't just a local problem in the same way that ISIS isn't just a local problem in the ME, these people want to set up a caliphate and gain the authority that comes from that.

    The point being that crediability has been lost and this war will continue to be ignored, put down as local skirmishes on the fringe
  • Jan 12, 2015, 03:48 PM
    And Clete's solution would be..?
  • Jan 12, 2015, 06:10 PM
    A very strong international response in both Nigeria and the ME. An enforcement of the end of the Syrian civil war. Boots on the ground to beat ISIS. Stop the proxy wars and get real. Look if it was good enough to depose Saddam and Gaddafi for their excesses, it is good enough to depose Assad. Iraq had to get rid of the american puppet Malaki before they could begin to deal with the consequence of US invasion, notably AQIL or its child ISIS. Surely it is in the interests of Europe to intervene they are being overrun by refugees just as the bordering countries are. Time and time again we see Muslims cannot live peacefully with their neighbours, they blame the west, but it is something in their culture which breeds intolerence and it is called Islam

    Tal you might say I'm a hawk in some matters, I don't see a diplomatic solution to islamic extremism in any of its forms. I actually think Israel has the right idea; build a big fence and leave them to it, unfortunately they don't have a big enough buffer zone and so a military solution is called for there as well as in Syria, Iraq and in any other place where these idiots raise their head.

    We even have this nonsense going on here, in the one of the most tolerant societies on Earth and why, because their culture breeds intolerance
  • Jan 13, 2015, 03:53 PM
    Besides the attacks on Christians, I wonder why the world doesn't seem to care when blacks get slaughtered in Africa by radical Muslims.
  • Jan 13, 2015, 05:41 PM
    Speech, if the world cared about anything but feathering its nest, they would take action, but it is too far away to affect them directly so they don't see the need to take action. The world didn't take action against ebola which was slaughtering blacks until the infection jumped their borders, then they panicked. Boko Harma has been slaughtering blacks for years and the locals don't even want outside action because the world might get to see what things are really like. There seems to be a lack of will to fight these islamists in both Nigeria and in Iraq. Maybe at heart they actually agree with them. The Syrian civil war is the same, it is happening someplace else and they can play their little games with their proxy war. When they took action against Gaddifi they thought they would get a quick result all they got was instability. It seems you are condemned if you do and you are condemned if you don't and if it claims a high flying scalp then it isn't worth the effort
  • Jan 14, 2015, 05:27 AM
    Tal ;all I know is that everywhere I look ,jihasitan is at war with someone . Egyptian President al Sisi made a courageous statement to the Mullahs on New Years .


    I am referring here to the religious clerics. We have to think hard about what we are facing—and I have, in fact, addressed this topic a couple of times before. It’s inconceivable that the thinking that we hold most sacred should cause the entire umma [Islamic world] to be a source of anxiety, danger, killing and destruction for the rest of the world. Impossible!That thinking—I am not saying “religion” but “thinking”—that corpus of texts and ideas that we have sacralized over the centuries, to the point that departing from them has become almost impossible, is antagonizing the entire world. It’s antagonizing the entire world!
    Is it possible that 1.6 billion people [Muslims] should want to kill the rest of the world’s inhabitants—that is 7 billion—so that they themselves may live? Impossible!
    I am saying these words here at Al Azhar, before this assembly of scholars and ulema—Allah Almighty be witness to your truth on Judgment Day concerning that which I’m talking about now.
    All this that I am telling you, you cannot feel it if you remain trapped within this mindset. You need to step outside of yourselves to be able to observe it and reflect on it from a more enlightened perspective.
    I say and repeat again that we are in need of a religious revolution. You, imams, are responsible before Allah. The entire world, I say it again, the entire world is waiting for your next move… because this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands.
    Egypt’s Sisi: Islamic “Thinking” Is “Antagonizing the Entire World” | Raymond Ibrahim

    He could be the Sadat of our times. It took alot of courage to tell them that the majority of the terrorism plaguing the world today is related to the“corpus of texts and ideas” of Islam (which he says is becoming “sacralized.” . That's debatable itself but I'll concede the point for now ).
    When he says ,“this umma is being torn, it is being destroyed, it is being lost—and it is being lost by our own hands”;he is admitting more truth than western leaders dare state (or even worse that pusillanimous munchkin Jimmy Carter who blamed the killings in Paris on Israel). Sisi says it is not Israel's fault .It is not western colonialism ,it is not some artists depiction of the prophet in video or cartoons.

    Of course ,just like the reports of the massacres by Boko Haran ,the press here largely ignored it .
  • Jan 14, 2015, 05:41 AM
    Yes some scholars do get it, but it won't be long before someone kills him in the name of Islam or the prophet, these people can't take the truth because it means they have been wrong, it is actually unthinkable to the islamic mind
  • Jan 14, 2015, 07:01 AM
    Were KKK lynching and tactics linked to Christianity, even though that's what the idiots proclaimed? How about those Christian Cults? Roman Catholic pedophiles?

    My point, saying that's the reason you act like a deranged criminal doesn't make it an excuse does it? I think elevating deranged criminal behavior to any religious affiliation misses the whole point of being a deranged criminal.

    Many have claimed bad behavior in the name of god, but clearly the devil makes them do it. Governments of power and control are oppressive in gods name, doesn't make them godly. So why legitimize criminals in whatever gods name when clearly god has no part in it.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 08:28 AM
    clearly al Sisi sees it differently . Maybe the difference is that the KKK wasn't getting their marching orders from the established church.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 08:43 AM
    Neither does ISIS (or any other criminal group) get it marching orders from the established Islamic religion. They have been widely denounced by established Islam. You judge the forest by one tree.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 08:49 AM
    Some get it...


    Muslim mayor of Rotterdam Ahmed Aboutaleb tells Islamists to 'pack your bags' and 'f**k off' on live TV

    The Muslim mayor of the Dutch city of Rotterdam has told Muslims who turn their back on freedom to "pack your bags" and "f**k off", live on television.
    Ahmed Aboutaleb told NewsHour of his anger at the refusal of a number of Muslims to adapt to their new surroundings, which he said he has done after living in Holland since 1976.

    "It is incomprehensible that you can turn against freedom... But if you don't like freedom, for heaven's sake pack your bags and leave," he said.

    "There may be a place in the world where you can be yourself, be honest with yourself and do not go and kill innocent journalists. And if you do not like it here because humorists you do not like make a newspaper, may I then say you can f**k off.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 08:58 AM
    You see ? This is why the west will continue to be attacked . It's this attitude like that of French President Francois Hollande who said after the Paris attacks that “Those who carried out these attacks, the terrorists, the madmen, these fanatics have nothing to do with the Muslim religion.”
    Or the emperor who said ,“ISIL’s actions represent no faith, least of all the Muslim faith". Nonsense .

    You really have to read up on the Salafists . Yes there are really clerics in Mosques teaching jihadism ;and it is a growing trend .
  • Jan 14, 2015, 09:10 AM
    OMG, Tom! I agree with both you, and Steve this morning!!


    Salafis reject speculative philosophy (kalam) that involves discourse and debate in the development of the Islamic creed
    Great insights.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 10:27 AM

    OMG, Tom! I agree with both you, and Steve this morning!!
    It happens. I think you and I agree Dez was robbed, but I digress. Back to the OP.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 11:28 AM

    I think you and I agree Dez was robbed
    what the refs giveth the refs taketh away.
  • Jan 14, 2015, 01:51 PM
    And down in the dell pu$$ys in the well

    and now for an update on the OP, nothing new here
  • Feb 1, 2015, 01:47 PM
    It seems Nigeria has found the fortitude to oppose Boko Harum and win a sizable victory. Islamists pushed back in two parts of the world in a week has got to be good
  • Feb 4, 2015, 03:03 PM
    The carnage continues
    And yet the world does nothing about it. This war is proving as deadly as the Syrian civil war and yet nothing is done to curb the activities of this murderous group. Where are all the high sounding platitudes of the war on terror, where are the air strikes and "military advisers" it sounds more like its not on my patch. I do get that Nigeria is not a client state of the empire but there are others
    BBC News - Boko Haram 'kill 70' in Cameroon border town of Fotokol
  • Feb 4, 2015, 08:14 PM
    I'm all for our involvement .
  • Feb 4, 2015, 08:18 PM
    Yes but another of those times when you couldn't tell friend from foe until you were at the end of an AK47, unfamiliar territory, unfamiliar language and fighting an insurgency. De Javu for sure, been there, done that, I understand the tardiness to get involved
  • Feb 18, 2015, 02:55 PM
    Reversal of a trend
    So success at last, nigeria is on the front foot with is campaign against Boko Harum with a claim of a large scale victory

    Boko Haram: Nigerian military kill more than 300 militants in counter-offensive - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)
  • Feb 19, 2015, 08:54 AM
    I bet they don't call Boko Harum "violent extremists " who's core issue is that they don't have a job.
  • Feb 19, 2015, 02:35 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    I bet they don't call Boko Harum "violent extremists " who's core issue is that they don't have a job.

    Well Tom you know the core issue we must'nt upset anyone with our speech. I see you have acquired muslim americans are these a racial group? I wonder if you also have american muslims and what do you call Christians over there, since we can no longer assume everyone is Christian. Are there any Islamist americans? It seems almost a contradiction in terms doesn't it?

    I digress you know as well as I do we have lost sight of the objective in the rush to gain that most important of all capital, political capital. It is an exercise in look what we are doing
  • Feb 19, 2015, 03:08 PM
    Islam means submission . They get points for being honest.

    The emperor really does believe a "jobs for Jihadists " program would be effective . The ultimate stimulus bill . I have called him emperor because he reminds me of Nero . But perhaps he's more like Valens who tried to buy off the Goths . But there was never going to be a price to sate . The Barbary Pirates called it Tribute . Today it's called paying jizya .
  • Feb 19, 2015, 03:43 PM
    Well he isn't Marcus Aeuralies who conquered the barbarians. It's catchy though "jobs for jihadists" I can see the posters now get your jihadist job here, wash dishes for $5 an hour, terrorise the Kafir in your taxi, join the jihadist brigade, Uncle Sam needs you
  • Feb 19, 2015, 05:05 PM
    nah I see all these shovel ready infrastructure jobs will need demolition crews
  • Feb 19, 2015, 05:10 PM
    You want jihadists to become demolition crews, we don't want these guys anywhere near explosives even if demotition will allow them to vent their anger. Look I expect we will have work for them in Queensland this morning, this could give Obam'a an opportunity to provide aid and take the next step at the same time. Not sure how Tony's new approach to migration, entry, etc will fit.

    new shovel ready jobs opening right now!

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