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  • Sep 26, 2008, 08:32 AM
    Go with your Heart of hearts and then who do you want.
    I was curious who everyone thinks is going to win. I mean in your heart of hearts. Not just who you want to win.

    My heart says it will be : Obama

    I want... McCain.

    I just wanted to take a little amhd poll.
  • Sep 26, 2008, 09:50 AM

    My heart says Obama it has since 2004 when it hoped he would run for president in 2008.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:25 AM

    Hey, spitvenom -

    Just wanted to play devil's advocate for a second... not for nothing, but everyone who graduates from the Naval Academy can hardly be called an idiot. If someone graduated 357th out of 899, is he a little less of an idiot.

    Secondly, to your quote: "You know, John McCain likes to say he'll follow Osama Bin Laden to the Gates of Hell, but he won't even follow him to the cave in which he lives." - Obama. Can you picture Obama following Osama into a cave? I mean, granted, McCain's statement is tough talk and machismo, and all that bs, but it's not like Obama is any towering figure of heroism either.

    Again, just playing devil's advocate.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:29 AM

    Obama will be the next president.
    As for whom I would vote for, Willie Nelson. We need to get this weed issue cleared up once and for all.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:37 AM


    Q. Why will Jane Fonda vote for Barack Obama?
    A. Because Ho Chi Minh is dead.

    What does Osama and Obama have in common ?
    They both have close friends who bombed the Pentagon.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:44 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    What does Osama and Obama have in common ?
    They both have close friends who bombed the Pentagon.

    Instead of saying something positive about the candidate you like you have to demean a candidate you don't like - why is that a theme with you?
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:48 AM

    Well Obama said he will go into Pakistan to get Osama so you have to go on the man's word. I know that is funny to say about a politician but for some reason I believe him. I don't know why since I never trust what any politician says but my gut tells me we can trust what he says.

    The grade of a C is considered average anything below that is below average. Some people call them below average I call them idiots. Let me pose this question to you:

    Say you were choosing a Dr and you narrowed it down to two Dr.'s one graduated 1st in the class and the other almost last, which Dr. would you choose?
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:51 AM

    Lets say that C doctor has a proven record of success over many years in the business and that A student has virtually no track record in the field.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 09:52 AM

    Originally Posted by magprob View Post
    As for whom I would vote for, Willie Nelson. We need to get this weed issue cleared up once and for all.

    The next president should wise up and say Hey we could tax weed and make some money off it.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:01 AM

    I am a risk taker, I never go with the flow, and I like to be the first person to try new things out.

    If the C Dr has a proven track record that says to me his Idea's are stale and he is set in his way's and he is right and I am wrong.

    A smart young Dr will be willing to take risk's, try new things out, and Will be open to suggestions and not do what has always been done.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:34 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Instead of saying something positive about the candidate you like you have to demean a candidate you don't like - why is that a theme with you?

    LOL... hey NK... it was a joke! ( funny too I might add) But just sos you know... it is the TRUTH too. If that is demeaning... perhaps it is Obama's problem. Come on NK I know you have a sense of humor in there somewhere... ;)
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:38 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    What does Osama and Obama have in common ?
    They both have close friends who bombed the Pentagon.

    Lou Dobbs?
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:38 AM

    Probably .you know how these things get passed along.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:41 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Instead of saying something positive about the candidate you like you have to demean a candidate you don't like - why is that a theme with you?

    It's part of the bigger game Karma. As long as the people have an enemy and are split, they will never unite. If we never unite, it's bidness as usual.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:46 AM
    Ah yes, governing by fear - a republican specialty.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:49 AM

    I think we need a change. The last 8 years of republican rule has pounded this country into the ground. I think that my generation is tired of the "good ole boys." Therefore I will be supporting Obama. I also believe that he will be our next president.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:49 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Ah yes, governing by fear - a republican specialty.

    Golly gee wiz... that wasn't demeaning at all...
  • Oct 9, 2008, 10:52 AM
    LOL! :) OMG!:D Hehe - It was a joke - but it's true. ;)
    Have a sense of humour!! :o
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:00 AM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    LOL! :) OMG!:D Hehe - It was a joke - but it's true. ;)
    Have a sense of humour!!!! :o

    LOL good because it looks like you were kind of hmmmm? What is the saying... oh YES! Dishin it out but not taken it... glad to see you have a sense of humor... uhhh by the way... it wasn't funny. But keep up the good work trying!! :)
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:03 AM

    I should add- I have not felt so strongly for one side in a very long time... if ever.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 11:40 AM


    I agree with you... he is going to take it... not sure if it the kind of change we need but I think he will win too.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 03:01 PM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Ah yes, governing by fear - a republican specialty.

    LOLOL, after every headline this week, Choux's post that the stock market has officially crashed and 8 years of unhinged fear mongering over Bush, I'd say you have that backwards, NK. Manic panic is S.O.P. for the left.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 03:17 PM
    Not sure where you get your data from. McCain panicked, Obama was calm. That's one of the reasons McCain's voter confidence is evaporating.
  • Oct 9, 2008, 03:52 PM

    Originally Posted by NeedKarma View Post
    Not sure where you get your data from. McCain panicked, Obama was calm. That's one of the reasons why McCain's voter confidence is evaporating.

    When did McCain panic, and where've you been the last 8 years?
  • Oct 10, 2008, 07:25 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    When did McCain panic, and where've you been the last 8 years?

    I have been living in America watching a Republican President lead this country into ruin.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 07:59 AM

    Originally Posted by Tuscany View Post
    I have been living in America watching a Republican President lead this country into ruin.

    What does that have to do with McCain's "panic?"
  • Oct 10, 2008, 08:02 AM

    I believe your question was "where have you been the last 8 years..." I answered that question. McCain's panic is evidant in his body language- his stutter when answering questions.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 09:28 AM

    I believe Obama will win according what I've seen up to this point (polls, etc.)

    I hope that is the case.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 12:56 PM

    Originally Posted by classyT View Post
    I was curious who everyone thinks is gonna win. I mean in your heart of hearts. Not just who you want to win.

    My heart says it will be : Obama

    I want....McCain.

    I just wanted to take a little amhd poll.

    My mind says it is Obama. With Bush's unpopularity and the economy looking worse, Obama benefits. Most people don't question how he is going to accomplish all that he promises, nor do they question the fact that he does not have much experience at all.
    The MSM just looks the other way.

    McCain is running a lethargic campaign, and he gets my vote by default. Palin is one of the few good thing he has done in his campaign.

    I think people should remember that the DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS has been in charge since 2006 and what has happened?

    -- ^^^ gas prices
    -- tanking economy.

    Now in 2009 Bush is gone. Then possibly Obama in the WH and a DEMOCRATIC controlled CONGRESS.

    but heck when I was young I lived through Jimmy Carter :)

    Regardless, God is sovreign :D
  • Oct 10, 2008, 03:05 PM

    Ha ha.. I liked your comments! Agree with you too! We DID survive ol Jimmy didn't we? LOL
  • Oct 10, 2008, 04:07 PM

    Originally Posted by Tuscany View Post
    I believe your question was "where have you been the last 8 years..." I answered that question. McCain's panic is evidant in his body language- his stutter when answering questions.

    Um, no. My question was specifically to NK and it was two parts, "When did McCain panic, and where've you been the last 8 years?" If you want to talk about stutters...

  • Oct 10, 2008, 05:45 PM


    NK took his marbles and went home... he was losing your lively discussion. Hee hee
  • Oct 10, 2008, 05:45 PM

    When Obama does not know the answer/or does not want to say his answer he just goes uma uma uma uma uma and anna anna anna. This guy scares me to death. He's even said his faith was Muslim. I believe he is not even a qualified American Presidential candidate/citizen by birth as he was born in Kenya and not Hawaii. His father was not an American. I find it rather odd that the man could take a trip literally around the world and then attend Harvard two years later. Just who funded him? He had 2 Pakastani roommates in college at Occidental U. Where was he from age 6 until age 11? Odd how he magically purchased a very expensive home in 2005. Where did he get the money for that? Odd how his chief advisor is Valerie Jarrett who is from Shiraz, Iran. Odd how this man became a US Senator without having proven his citizenship.

    Just coincidence, don't be concerned.

    I'm not that happy with McCain either for that matter but at least this man is an American of American parents. I am not happy about his supposed capitivity in Viet Nam. I believe yes, he was in Viet Nam but he was not really a prisoner in the truest sense of the word. On the day he came back to America on a US plane, a friend of mine was at the same base. He remarked that this particular man did not act like the other prisoners did in that he seemed to look pretty good and did not exhibit the same emotional problems the other men had after their release. He had a "photo op" at his hospital bed at the base. I find this most peculiar also.

    I really don't like either one of these candidates. But if I had to choose, I would definitely vote for McCain. He seems the lesser evil of the two.

    I really think that the Republican and Democratic parties have really let down the American voters giving us two "ringers" this election.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 05:54 PM

    I hear you and I agree! I do like palin though... I know she hasn't got all the "experience" but neither does Obama and he is running for President. She is a Washington outsider. People complain that is what they want and when one shows up... they eat her alive. It is frustrating.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 06:10 PM

    ANY DOUBTS THAT OBAMA IS A PUPPET of Zbigniew Brzezinski and the Trilateral Commission ended when Brzezinski appeared on MSNBC's Morning Joe on March 21 2008 to campaign for Obama.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 07:00 PM

    twinkiedooter -

    Dang, you nailed the issue of Obama with a sledgehammer... I do think that he is a Muslim posing as a "Christian", although that's a term thrown around as loosely as any other. Not that you were making that comparison but I just wanted to add that.

    He's a Marxist revolutionist in the vein of Che Guavarra who was a murderous thug posing as a revolutionary for freedom but was no such thing. Now, Obama has been clean and unconnected from any evil but I wonder what this guy is really like behind closed doors. The media adores him and seeks to preserve his Ivy League, pseudo-intellectual, white-collar image and he's being billed at the Messiah of the free world. It's crazy the way people worship this guy who we know really nothing about.

    Wake me up when it's over.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 08:18 PM

    Marxist revolutionist? Hummm. Is that anything like a communist cause that's what we been calling him up here in Idaho. But then we ain't real politically correct round these parts.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 08:19 PM

    The biggest "ha ha" in this election is laughing at the Pubs trying to sale John McCain, as a "maverick." John's a hot tempered old "sidekick" of George W. Bush. John's closer to W (Dubya) than X,Y, or Z. He stubbornly surprised his own party with his veep selection. The Moose lodge, now short one "Sarah Palin," in just a few weeks has managed to become the most incompetent Washington insider politician in recent history. This McCain campaign is so under educated that many of the surrogates are often reduced to ridiculing Obama for his popularity and ignorantly claiming him a Marxist. Once proud Reagan Republicans, have been replaced by simpletons.

    Dubya had a Republican led Congress four years of his two terms, and that experiment turned out more disastrous than a second grade "spewing volcano" science project. Osama Bin Laden's somewhere in a cave, probably in Afghanistan or Pakistan, making videos and preparing for his Oscar award acceptance speech.

    Who I wanted to win was Ron Paul. I'm going to vote for Barack Obama, and "yes" he does have the inside track.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 08:29 PM

    I still want Ron Paul as my president and I am having a hard time settling... no, I can't just settle for either one. McCain is no Mavrerick and Obama is a communist. That's all we get.
    I just want a huge, smokin asteroid to smash into earth.
  • Oct 10, 2008, 08:56 PM

    Originally Posted by magprob View Post
    I still want Ron Paul as my president and I am having a hard time, I can't just settle for either one. McCain is no Mavrerick and Obama is a communist. That's all we get.
    I just want a huge, smokin asteroid to smash into earth.

    I hope that asteroid lands on an IRS building. Under communism the government controls the masses, but ends up benefiting the few. Sound familiar? In effect the Republican trickle down economics of GW Bush and now John McCain would come closer to footing that bill. The CEO's dream come true! Obama's trying to remove some of that burden off the middle and lower class. Some say Obama's promoting a form of socialism. And I agree, "yes" at least to a degree. Kibbutzim in Israel run quite effectively and originally many of the kibbutz were based on principles of socialism.

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