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  • Mar 24, 2021, 10:48 AM
    More black lists
    Since the OP turned into a gun control question ,I figured I'd start a new black list site .

    Today's black listers are anyone who worked for Trump and now looking for work .
    Wherever they apply ,the employer ,publisher if a Trumpster is looking to write a book) are threatened with boycott if the Trumpster is hired

    One K Street lobbyist unbelievably said “They took a wrecking ball to the 'swamp.' Why would the 'swamp' want them back?”
    Trump aides seeking jobs 'blocked everywhere' - News Break

    I consider it one of Trump's failures that he did NOT take a wrecking ball to the swamp. Not enough anyway......especially to Justice Dept and specifically to the FBI . The FBI has been rogue since the later days of Hoover . Trump left without draining the swamp . The critters remained in power and now has their biggest advocate in Quid running the town.
  • Mar 24, 2021, 11:38 AM
    Cry me a river for ex dufus employees who can't find work. That's what comes from having an incompetent, corrupt boss with a nasty mouth and attitude who lied about everything. 73 million dufus followers and they can't find a job?

    Maybe they should run for office.
  • Mar 24, 2021, 01:16 PM
    yeah of course you say that now . As I have shown a number of times ;the woke AmComs (defined as American woke culture that is the mirror image of the Mao cultural revolution ) have a circular firing squad when they run out of conservative targets .
  • Mar 24, 2021, 03:32 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    yeah of course you say that now . As I have shown a number of times ;the woke AmComs (defined as American woke culture that is the mirror image of the Mao cultural revolution ) have a circular firing squad when they run out of conservative targets .

    Very colorful language. But is it true?
  • Mar 24, 2021, 04:58 PM
    substitute the language like racial division ,white supremacy , for class struggle and yeah . Any thought that is not woke approved has to be purged . The accused stand public humiliation and indoctrination .......just like what happened in the Mao cultural revolution .Poll: 62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share | Cato Institute

    Corporations buckle or face the wrath of the woke . Just this week one of the few major food chains left in Rochester that keep it from becoming completely a food desert ;Wegmans ; was surrounded by BLM protesters . Over 100 shoppers were trapped inside for a considerable time .

    Major corporations are having HR teach employees critical race theory . Dissenting employees do not last long. They launch ad campaigns funded by the consumer to tell Americans that don't agree with the woke agenda that they are racists and the problem.
    Parents of children who oppose the indoctrination in the school systems are subject to abuse .
    ‘Expose These People Publicly’: Parents Against Critical Race Curriculum Listed By Teachers Attempting To ‘Infiltrate’ Them | The Daily Caller

    The press is single minded in the wok theology too .
    The Sovietization of the American Press - TK News by Matt Taibbi (

    Read up on the Cultural Revolution . Mao recruited the students to go out to the countryside to identify the enemies of the revolution . The same is happening today . That is why I do these black list postings.

    I went into this issue here
    The Black List - Page 12 (
  • Mar 24, 2021, 06:30 PM
    I think I will compile my own black list

    Russian Oligarchs
    Warren Buffett
    George Soros

  • Mar 25, 2021, 04:45 AM
    nice list . I am on the fence about the Oracle of Omaha . But I can see why he would be included .I can't think of a better example of a corporate rent seeker.
  • Mar 25, 2021, 04:55 AM
    Have we discussed Alexi McCammond? This young woman was set to take over at Teen Vogue, but had to back out of the job because of tweets she posted when she was 17. They included this.


    In 2011, when she was 17, McCammond tweeted "Outdone by [an] Asian #whatsnew," and "now googling how to not wake up with swollen, asian eyes..."
    A third tweet said: "Give me a 2/10 on my chem [chemistry] problem, cross out all of my work and don't explain what I did wrong... thanks a lot stupid Asian T.A [teaching assistant] you're great," read another.
    So we can't look at what a teen-ager does as an opportunity for growth? She just better be glad she's not a Trump conservative!

    This is what they actually should have been concerned about. Earlier she had said, “(my) past tweets have overshadowed the work I’ve done to highlight the people and issues that I care about.” She is speaking of her time working for Axios covering the candidacy of Joe Biden. What happened to a reporter caring about the truth rather than "people and issues"?
  • Mar 25, 2021, 05:31 AM

    So we can't look at what a teen-ager does as an opportunity for growth? She just better be glad she's not a Trump conservative!
    Did not help Dr Seuss . During WWII he worked for the government making anti-Japanese propaganda cartoons . They were clearly racist . But after the war he visited Hiroshima and became ashamed for the cartoons he drew that had racial stereotypes . He wrote 'Horton Hears a Who' to rectify . But Horton was one of his books that got cancelled.
  • Mar 25, 2021, 05:42 AM

    He wrote 'Horton Hears a Who' to rectify . But Horton was one of his books that got cancelled.
    That's the irony of it all. Dr. Seuss would have been a good candidate for the "I am NOT a Racist" award, but if you go back far enough into practically anyone's life, you'll find some blemishes. Perhaps we need a statute of limitations for dumb comments.
  • Mar 25, 2021, 08:42 AM
    Today's blacklister is GW Bush ...... oh wait . He is redeemed

    You see ;when he was President the Dems ,the press ,the woke crowd called him a racist, a liar, an idiot, a war criminal, illiterate ,a coke addict , and a crook. Oh yeah , and Excon called him Dufus .

    But this weekend he was on the Sunday shows and talked ill of Trump .He suddenly became a saint and a statesman verified by the same people who smeared him in the past .
  • Mar 25, 2021, 02:47 PM
    GWB was a capital D Dufus, Trump was just a lying cheating lowercase d dufus. I liked them both better after they left office, but still hope for the primetime perp walk for the dufus.
  • Mar 25, 2021, 03:21 PM
    Seems the pelicans have had a lot of dufus in their ranks, now the demonrats have a dufus in chief
  • Mar 28, 2021, 05:40 AM
  • Mar 28, 2021, 11:09 AM
    Today Parler is back on the list .
    After the Jan 6 the Dems attempted to blame Parler for the attack on the Capitol . Carolyn Maloney Rep from NY claimed that the site was used as a platform to coordinate the attack . She demanded that Parler provide a detailed list of investors and creditors to the site . She also demanded that the FBI investigate Parler

    There are a couple problems with her narrative .
    1. the evidence shows that the planning happened on the more established social media sites like Twitter ,Facebook and Reddit ,as well as Parler . It was overt .
    2. The bigger problem in her narrative is that Parler was cooperating with the FBI ,and reported the activity to the FBI PRIOR TO January 6 .
    Parler says it sent the F.B.I. posts about threats to the Capitol ahead of Jan. 6. - The New York Times (

    The app sent a letter to the House Oversight Committee on Thursday saying it developed "formal lines of communication" with the FBI to refer violent threats made on its platform. It wasn't once or twice ;Parler sent them information about the coming attack 50 times ! And those included specific threats .

    "These referrals represent only a fraction of the dozens of posts with violent rhetoric that Parler collected and forwarded to the FBI for investigation in the days leading up to January 6th," the company said. "Even after the violent attacks stopped, Parler continued to dutifully and proactively report posts to the FBI where users threatened additional violence."
    Social network Parler says it warned FBI before Capitol riot - CBS News

    What Maloney and the Dems need to do is to demand an answer from the FBI as to why didn't the FBI act given the information they received from Parler .

    Owen Stevens ;the SUNY student who got suspended for saying on Instagram “A man is a man, a woman is a woman. A man is not a woman and a woman is not a man.” got reinstated .
    Student suspended for saying ‘a man is a man, a woman is a woman’ reinstated by university | The College Fix
  • Mar 29, 2021, 06:10 PM
    He stated the obvious although it is hard to tell sometimes
  • Mar 29, 2021, 09:22 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Seems the pelicans have had a lot of dufus in their ranks, now the demonrats have a dufus in chief

    Coming from Rooland where you nearly burned the place down that's a compliment.
  • Mar 30, 2021, 04:15 AM
    Trump managed to make "dufus" seem like a compliment. Biden is returning it to its former meaning.
  • Apr 3, 2021, 06:13 AM
    Latest blacklist outrage is Major League Baseball pulling the all star game out of Atlanta because of a new voter ID law passed by the Georgia legislature.
  • Apr 3, 2021, 08:43 AM
    all these states cannot host it either right ? red and orange have photo id laws . The blue shades have non photo id requirements
  • Apr 3, 2021, 09:46 AM
    Can't help but notice that they seem perfectly happy to have ML teams in those states including, of course, Atlanta.
  • Apr 3, 2021, 01:22 PM
    The MLB pushback on voter suppression laws are but ONE corporation, as many more have joined the fray.

    A Full List of Companies That Have Advocated Against Georgia's New Voting Law (

    It's ON!
  • Apr 3, 2021, 05:52 PM
    Corporate wokefare .
  • Apr 4, 2021, 04:13 AM
    The woke corporatists crowd of course will of course say nothing about their business dealings with China ;a nation that uses slave labor . Apple ,Coca Cola ,the NBA and their hypocrite players stay mum . As an example ,last year a Congressional Executive Commission on human rights abuses listed Coca Cola as a major American company with ties to forced labor camps in the Chinese province of Xinjiang .The report went on to specifically name Coke's s Tunhe sugar facility in Xinjiang as having direct ties to forced labor. Now Coke has lobbied Congress against legislation targeting companies who engaged with China’s forced labor policies.
    But the CEO James Quincy has been very vocal against Georgia's common sense election reforms .
    Coca-Cola CEO wants Congress to act after Georgia's voting law - CNN

    There are many more examples of this woke hypocrisy .
  • Apr 4, 2021, 03:24 PM
    It just keeps getting weirder.

    "A Portland high school has postponed changing its mascot to an evergreen tree after a committee member raised concerns about its possible connotations to lynching."
  • Apr 4, 2021, 04:05 PM
    I think it is weird having a tree as a mascot . Then I remembered Stanford has a tree , Must be a west coast thingy.

    MLB I would call for a boycott from watching the game . But for years nobody has watched the game. The Home Run Derby the day before the game has better ratings
  • Apr 4, 2021, 04:22 PM
    There aren’t many team names left. The Peaceful Amoeba??
  • Apr 4, 2021, 04:31 PM
    My fantasy team is the gnats

    My other team is the punishers
  • Apr 4, 2021, 04:47 PM
    What happens when the Gnats play the Mosquitoes?
  • Apr 4, 2021, 05:30 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    The woke corporatists crowd of course will of course say nothing about their business dealings with China ;a nation that uses slave labor . Apple ,Coca Cola ,the NBA and their hypocrite players stay mum . As an example ,last year a Congressional Executive Commission on human rights abuses listed Coca Cola as a major American company with ties to forced labor camps in the Chinese province of Xinjiang .The report went on to specifically name Coke's s Tunhe sugar facility in Xinjiang as having direct ties to forced labor. Now Coke has lobbied Congress against legislation targeting companies who engaged with China’s forced labor policies.
    But the CEO James Quincy has been very vocal against Georgia's common sense election reforms .
    Coca-Cola CEO wants Congress to act after Georgia's voting law - CNN

    There are many more examples of this woke hypocrisy .

    Big Biz kowtowing to China is nothing new, they've done it before with dictators and corrupt regimes around the world throughout history. It's the capitalist way be it cheap labor or outright slavery. Miscro Soft, Walmart, Nike, you name it. A buck is a buck.

    They were in lockstep with voting suppression until the court of public opinion called them on it so game on.
  • Apr 4, 2021, 05:43 PM
    you think the woke thugs are the court of public opinion ? thanks for the laugh of the day . This is a desperate ploy by MLB to save it's bacon . It is desperately trying to get a young audience. Well maybe geezers like me will remanence about days gone by when the All Star game was interesting . But we will not transfer that enthusiasm for the game to our grandkids , You notice how the NBA was just a little less enthusiastic about all that social justice stuff this season ? That was because they lost audience due to wokeness . Same has happened to NFL . We shall see where the 'court of public opinion 'really sees woke and cancel culture .
  • Apr 4, 2021, 05:48 PM
    why don't you just wake up and cancel the culture of gladiatorial games
  • Apr 4, 2021, 06:25 PM

    why don't you just wake up and cancel the culture of gladiatorial games
    I'm all for it. It would be great if the NFL, NBA, and MLB went out of business. I watch none of it and couldn't care less.


    You notice how the NBA was just a little less enthusiastic about all that social justice stuff this season ? That was because they lost audience due to wokeness . Same has happened to NFL . We shall see where the 'court of public opinion 'really sees woke and cancel culture .
    Absolutely correct. It's going to be interesting.
  • Apr 4, 2021, 06:33 PM
    If MLB really believed Georgians are now living under “Jim Crow " why are they only canceling 1 of the 82 MLB games scheduled to be played in Georgia ?
  • Apr 4, 2021, 06:36 PM
    As you said, this has nothing to do with logic. It's all about some perceived public posture. Only an idiot would think that Georgia's law was anything even remotely connected with Jim Crow laws.
  • Apr 4, 2021, 07:04 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I'm all for it. It would be great if the NFL, NBA, and MLB went out of business. I watch none of it and couldn't care less.

    For a guy who posts about his concern for his fellow man, it's sure a surprise to learn that you "couldn't care less" about the millions affected by the loss of the NFL, NBA, and MLB. Your "shoot yourself in the foot quality" rises again.
  • Apr 4, 2021, 10:26 PM

    Originally Posted by Athos View Post
    For a guy who posts about his concern for his fellow man, it's sure a surprise to learn that you "couldn't care less" about the millions affected by the loss of the NFL, NBA, and MLB. Your "shoot yourself in the foot quality" rises again.

    these things are non events, bread and circuses for the masses, what would you do without them, find something else to do
  • Apr 5, 2021, 12:09 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    these things are non events, bread and circuses for the masses, what would you do without them, find something else to do

    The comment was about the economic effect of losing all those entertainment venues. You're pretty casual about throwing millions of people into economic disaster.
  • Apr 5, 2021, 04:28 AM

    You're pretty casual about throwing millions of people into economic disaster.
    Drama alert.
  • Apr 5, 2021, 04:40 AM
    Not a fan of rap music, but this guy is popular and is hitting the nail on the head, so there is still hope.

    I think it's crazy I'm the one who they labeled as controversial
    And Cardi B is the role model for 12-year-old girls
    There's rappers pushin' Xanax at the top of the Billboard
    But if I mention race in a song, I'm scared I'll get killed for it
    It's backwards, it's gettin' exponentially dumb
    It's more difficult to get a job than purchase a gun
    Eminem used to gay bash and murder his mum
    And now he doesn't want fans if they voted for Trump
    We're ashamed to be American, you should probably love it
    'Cause you have the right to say it and not gеt strung up in public
    As children, we werе taught how to walk and talk
    But the system wants adults to sit down and shut up
    Cancel culture runs the world now, the planet went crazy
    Label everything we say as homophobic or racist
    If you're white, then you're privileged, guilty by association
    All our childhood heroes got Me-Too'd or they're rapists

    [Pre-Chorus 1]
    They never freed the slaves, they realized that they don't need the chains
    They gave us tiny screens, we think we free 'cause we can't see the cage
    They knew that race war would be the game they'd need to play
    For people to pick teams, they use the media to feed the flame

    They so fake woke, facts don't care 'bout feelin's
    They know they won't tell me what to believe in
    They so fake woke, same old safe zones
    They so fake woke, facts don't care 'bout your feelin's

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