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  • Apr 7, 2020, 02:50 PM
    Democrats at work. And we wonder why NYC is one of the hotspots of this pandemic. They bought extra ventilators years ago in anticipation of a pandemic, then found they couldn't maintain them, and so they auctioned them off. Unreal.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 02:57 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Democrats at work. And we wonder why NYC is one of the hotspots of this pandemic. They bought extra ventilators years ago in anticipation of a pandemic, then found they couldn't maintain them, and so they auctioned them off. Unreal.

    "...the city could not afford to maintain them in working order, partially because the model of ventilator the city had purchased was no longer in production after 2009, the report said."
  • Apr 7, 2020, 03:05 PM

    "...the city could not afford to maintain them in working order, partially because the model of ventilator the city had purchased was no longer in production after 2009, the report said."
    Yeah. That was real smart. Buy ventilators that you can't maintain.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 03:09 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Yeah. That was real smart. Buy ventilators that you can't maintain.

    They bought them LONG BEFORE that. Haven't you ever bought something you gave away or threw out once it was out of date and too expensive to maintain? And then later had to buy a new, more expensive, one? Oh, no, of course you haven't!!!
  • Apr 7, 2020, 03:13 PM
    LONG BEFORE??? They purchased them in 2006. If I was going to buy 500 very expensive ventilators, I would make sure I could maintain them three or four years later, or for that matter ten or fifteen years later. It would be completely stupid not to. But I have to remember that for you, if a dem does it, then it's OK.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 03:21 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Yeah. That was real smart. Buy ventilators that you can't maintain.

    He didn't know when he bought them that they would be out of date in a few years.


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    LONG BEFORE??? They purchased them in 2006. If I was going to buy 500 very expensive ventilators, I would make sure I could maintain them three or four years later, or for that matter ten or fifteen years later. It would be completely stupid not to. But I have to remember that for you, if a dem does it, then it's OK.

    Oh, yes, you are so cogent regarding ventilator maintenance. You undoubted have tossed or sold at garage sales all sorts of equipment, tools, and appliances that have been improved as new, more useful models. And then bought new and better ones. Would you want to be hooked up to a dated 2006 ventilator?
  • Apr 7, 2020, 04:07 PM

    He didn't know when he bought them that they would be out of date in a few years.
    How do you know that? And if it's true, then it was stupid not to know, especially when you're buying 500 of them.

    As to your second ridiculous paragraph, selling a chainsaw, hammer, or lawn mower at a garages sale is a good bit different from selling hospital ventilators. I bought a chainsaw a few years ago. I bought a cheap one and knew that it was an off-brand when I bought it, but I use it only rarely and so that was fine. I needed a part recently and, of course, they no longer supply parts. But it was cheap and that's fine. Now would I have approached a hospital vent that way? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    A 2006 vent? Fine with me if it works as it should. How long do you think a hospital ventilator lasts typically?
  • Apr 7, 2020, 04:22 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    How do you know that? And if it's true, then it was stupid not to know, especially when you're buying 500 of them.

    You, of course, would have known in 2006 that the ventilators would be reconfigured and updated in 2009.

    As to your second ridiculous paragraph, selling a chainsaw, hammer, or lawn mower at a garages sale is a good bit different from selling hospital ventilators. I bought a chainsaw a few years ago. I bought a cheap one and knew that it was an off-brand when I bought it, but I use it only rarely and so that was fine. I needed a part recently and, of course, they no longer supply parts. But it was cheap and that's fine. Now would I have approached a hospital vent that way? NOOOOOO!!!!!!!
    You use that obsolete chainsaw rarely. What would you have done with 500 ventilators that were passe' in 2009 and 500 patients who needed them in 2020??

    A 2006 vent? Fine with me if it works as it should. How long do you think a hospital ventilator lasts typically?
    And if it didn't work in 2020 when you needed it?
  • Apr 7, 2020, 04:42 PM

    You use that obsolete chainsaw rarely. What would you have done with 500 ventilators that were passe' in 2009 and 500 patients who needed them in 2020??
    If I was responsible for buying a software package for student information management, my first question would be, "What kind of support do you provide?" You see, that's what people do when they are making a major purchase for a great deal of money. If you don't, then you qualify as being stupid.


    And if it didn't work in 2020 when you needed it?
    THEN I WOULD WANT ONE THAT DID WORK!!! This is not rocket science. It is amazing how far you will go to back up your beloved liberal dems.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 04:55 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    If I was responsible for buying a software package for student information management, my first question would be, "What kind of support do you provide?" You see, that's what people do when they are making a major purchase for a great deal of money. If you don't, then you qualify as being stupid.

    We're not talking about software packages; we're talking about lifesaving equipment.


    THEN I WOULD WANT ONE THAT DID WORK!!! This is not rocket science. It is amazing how far you will go to back up your beloved liberal dems.
    You would want one that worked, the 2020 version, not the 2006 model? Oh, my! You have dipped your toe in the lib pool!!!
  • Apr 7, 2020, 05:01 PM

    We're not talking about software packages; we're talking about lifesaving equipment.
    Soooo maybe they should have exercised even MORE care? You think?


    You would want one that worked, the 2020 version, not the 2006 model? Oh, my! You have dipped your toe in the lib pool!!!
    Either one if they worked. And that toe pool is definitely conservative!
  • Apr 7, 2020, 05:15 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Soooo maybe they should have exercised even MORE care? You think?

    You know when you buy a product that it will become obsolete in three years?

    Either one if they worked. And that toe pool is definitely conservative!
    I just came up behind you and pushed you into the pool (it's the pool for the blue-swimsuited folks). Hope you can swim!
  • Apr 7, 2020, 05:17 PM

    You know when you buy a product that it will become obsolete in three years?
    You do if you are doing your job. Most people buying a used car exhibit more due diligence than these people did.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 06:04 PM
    The dufus said the other day that it was up to states to get what they needed even in the face of a pandemic. It's not the job of the feds to deliver what they needed and was happy to let them get caught in a bidding war over needed supplies and resources. Of course the Chinese markets are more than happy to gouge the American markets with what we need and the dufus is more than happy to help after hollering how China is eating our lunch, as we waste our hard won energy dependence on a pissing match between the Saudi's and Russia.

    Meanwhile Peter Navarro's memo warning of a pandemic dated in January was ignored because the dufus was being impeached. What? I told you he was a dufus didn't I?
  • Apr 7, 2020, 06:04 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You do if you are doing your job. Most people buying a used car exhibit more due diligence than these people did.

    We all know cars don't become obsolete. Have you ever heard of antique auto shows? They're big in Texas. Keeping antique autos and trucks running smoothly is many men's idea of fun.

    Folding paper maps, cigarettes, dial-up modems, VHS tapes, print media, landlines, cathode ray tvs, electric typewriters -- where didja all go??? We were so comfortable with you!
  • Apr 7, 2020, 06:11 PM

    We all know cars don't become obsolete.
    What a completely ridiculous statement. No one in America believes that but you.

    Enough of this crazy nonsense. You will do/say anything to defend your beloved liberal dems, even saying that cars don't become obsolete. I can only handle so much lunacy in one night.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 06:14 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    What a completely ridiculous statement. No one in America believes that but you.

    Enough of this crazy nonsense. You will do/say anything to defend your beloved liberal dems, even saying that cars don't become obsolete. I can only handle so much lunacy in one night.

    Take a melatonin. Sleep well.
  • Apr 7, 2020, 06:29 PM
    Don't forget to clean the crap from your ears from being shoulder deep up the dufus arse. It will help with your lunacy.
  • Apr 8, 2020, 09:49 AM

    Meanwhile Peter Navarro's memo warning of a pandemic dated in January was ignored because the dufus was being impeached. What? I told you he was a dufus didn't I?
    2 points
    1. What date was the Navarro memo and what day did Trump issue the travel restrictions ?
    2. The Navarro memo was ridiculously alarmist,, and based on what we know now were very silly and flawed projections . He was talking about a half million American deaths . We are looking at more likely around 80,000 and maybe less . In other words ;one of your typical flu season casualties . I want to see the projections about how many Americans will die because of the economic depression that will follow .

    I do applaud your effort at taking the word of a China hawk seriously however .
  • Apr 8, 2020, 11:35 AM

    I'm no fan of Navarro, or Menuhin for that matter, don't trust either, but with hindsight he was on point with his warning. A week ago they predicted 100,000 to 240,000 if things were done perfectly, but new projections are less. Of course any modeling projects are subject to new current data, and can change. For me it revolves around widespread testing as there could be a lot more untested that have the virus, and can infect people unknowingly. We cannot know if people have recovered and built an immunity without more tests.

    I can't imagine opening up the economy without such data. The last thing we need is a second pandemic triggered by inadequate testing and no data to guide us with.
  • Apr 8, 2020, 01:39 PM
    yeah hind sight is always 20-20. I'll ask it again and I want an honest answer . What would the Democrats and radical left (one in the same) had done if Trump had in the middle of the Senate trial had said that we had to impose martial law like authority on the country to fight an unseen virus ;when the 1st deaths in the US were not even recorded until February 29 ;a month later ?
  • Apr 8, 2020, 04:03 PM
    Dems would have looked very foolish as the virus in China came to America wouldn't they. I would imagine repubs would have hammered the hell out of the dems and as you remember dems made an abrupt about face on the ban, because they had no choice, so all the dufus had to say was what Navarro told him to say.
  • Apr 8, 2020, 04:25 PM
    Meanwhile Trump's medical expert was saying mid-January that there was doubt the virus could spread person to person. He also downplayed it's impact on America saying the 5 cases in the US were Chinese travelers . Fauci also praised China for it's transparency

    The WHO's Dr. David Heymann said it was unlikely to be spread airborne .

    The CDC on Jan 24 had a press release
    that said “the immediate risk of this new virus to the American public is believed to be low” and instead asking that the public refrain from traveling to China and focus on the seasonal flu rather than the minimal risk of the coronavirus.

    Navarro was the trade rep. Those were the scientists .

    and how was the compliant press reporting the virus on the last week of January?
  • Apr 8, 2020, 04:31 PM
    Boy did they look pretty stupid! They same ones who said the dufus was really stupid. Let's face it, we all looked pretty stupid back then. No I won't put your own quote out there.


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