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  • Apr 22, 2023, 12:08 PM
    Judging from how well Florida is doing, we desperately need more idiots. Unemployment there is 2.6%. GDP growth is about 8%. The budget SURPLUS is over 20 bil, the highest in state history. So that "idiot" is doing really well.


    DeSatan is an idiot.
    Kind of a hateful statement from the person who claims to believe in civility and love. Good grief. It's why I tend not to pay attention to any of your complaints about others. You can sometimes be the worst offender as the quote above demonstrates.
  • Apr 22, 2023, 12:18 PM
    I'm a big fan of DeSantis. He has the credentials as shown above, yet he doesn't have the big mouth problem of Trump. He is solidly pro-life and a fiscal conservative. Perhaps best of all, he is a man of courage when facing liberal critics. I have seen nothing in him at this point that concerns me.
  • Apr 22, 2023, 01:52 PM
    Not even the secrecy?
  • Apr 22, 2023, 01:55 PM
    Please be specific.
  • Apr 22, 2023, 02:03 PM
    here we go

    He was a JAG at Gitmo Recent unsubstantiated claims is that he participated in torture

    I have no idea what other alleged secrecy we are talking about . He is taking heat for recently being on the campaign trail rather than addressing flooding in Fla. I don't know the validity of the claim.
  • Apr 22, 2023, 02:35 PM
    Does he know what day of the week it is without needing prompting? If so, then he would be a huge step forward.
  • May 18, 2023, 02:07 PM
    The liberal press is hard at work to cover for the shortcomings of Fetterman's mental abilities. This is what he actually said recently.


    "The Republicans want to give a work requirement for SNAP," Fetterman said. "You know, for a uh, uh, uh, a hungry family has to have these, this kind of penalties, or these some kinds of word — working uh, require — Shouldn’t you have a working requirement, after we sail your bank, billions of your bank? Because you seem we were preoccupied, uh when, then SNAP requirements for works, for hungry people, but not about protecting the tax, the tax papers, you know, that will bail them out of whatever does about a bank to crash it."
    This is how Jeff Stein of the Washington Post "quoted" him.


    "Shouldn't you have a working requirement after we bail out your bank? Republicans seem to be more preoccupied with SNAP requirements for hungry people than protecting taxpayers that have to bail out these banks."
    Rather sadly, he actually seemed to be pursuing a good line of questioning. It would have been nice if he had gone on to ask why the utterly inept Biden admin did not exercise more efficient oversight of this bank and prevent this idiocy.
  • May 18, 2023, 05:38 PM
    SVB gave Dems 77% of their campaign donations.
    Dems with the exception of the blond hair blue eyed native American Senator favored the President's bailouts But even Warren hedged on the bailout of regional banks.
    It was the right wing Repubs that generally opposed the bailouts.

    Me I oppose bank bailouts and would oppose them with "working requirements ". whatever Uncle Festerman means by that . SNAP ? The reality is that most families that get SNAP have at least one family member working ;and a third had 2 or more.

    So besides his incoherent ramblings ;his facts are wrong.
    I also think that anyone getting government largess who is able bodied should have some kind of work requirement for eligibility .
  • May 18, 2023, 08:11 PM

    ;his facts are wrong.
    Why should today be different from any other day.

    I also think that anyone getting government largess who is able bodied should have some kind of work requirement for eligibility .
    I've oftentimes thought that, especially in times of low unemployment, the government should only offer wage supplements. You get a job, the feds will add some to it if it's a low income job. But for those who are sound of mind and body, there is no free money.
  • May 19, 2023, 01:20 AM
    It is what Roosevelt got right. He created temporary Federal work projects and state grants for local employment .

    The difference was that there were no jobs in the private sector. Today we pay people to not work and then say we need a flood of immigration to staff unfilled jobs. It is an absurd situation.
  • May 19, 2023, 03:50 AM
    Here are some factoids. 1960 childhood obesity was less than 5%. Today it's 20% 30% of today's teens have pre-diabetes. The greatest increase in type 2 diabetes in youth are in Black Hispanic and other minority children.
    All of this can be attributed mostly to an unhealthy diet.

    So that being said ;what is the #1 food item purchased with SNAP ? You guessed it ;sugary drinks .

    In the Shopping Cart of a Food Stamp Household: Lots of Soda - The New York Times (

    10% of all SNAP purchases are soda and like .

    Should We Continue To Subsidize Sugar In The Food Stamps Program? : The Salt : NPR

    At the tail end of this we also subsidize the increased health care costs associated with these diet choices.

    Does SNAP consider the value of these food items :or are they catering to soft drink lobby efforts ?

    KEEPING SODA IN SNAP: Understanding the Other Iron Triangle - PMC (

    Corporations are not alone in the blame.

    Anti-hunger groups like FRAC and some liberals in Congress have been opposed to SSB restrictions because, for them, SNAP isn’t entirely about nutrition. They value SNAP not as a tool to alter food choices but as way to increase the overall purchasing power of low income Americans. Every additional $30 in monthly SNAP benefits might raise total SNAP household food spending on average by only $19.48, so in these instances one third of the added benefit is operating like an income supplement. As one pro-welfare Democrat was willing to say in private, “It’s not a health program.”

    USDA has a long history of resisting SSB restrictions in SNAP. In 2004, the state of Minnesota asked USDA for permission to block the use of SNAP for SSBs and candy, but USDA refused, explaining that implementing such a waiver would “perpetuate the myth that participants do not make wise food purchasing decisions.”

    The House committee on agriculture did hold a hearing on the SSB restrictions issue in February 2017, but one committee member after another speculated about what might go wrong. A restriction might be insulting to the poor; it might result in only a small diet quality improvement; it might impose unacceptable hardships on retailers. The best way to answer such questions is with a pilot study, but even this has been more than Congress wants to accept.

    So basically everyone involved has a vested interest in keeping bad food choices subsidized. $10s of billions go into the effort to feed the poor unhealthy food. What does Uncle Festerman say about that?
  • May 19, 2023, 08:46 AM
    It reminds me of an incident in my life from years ago. I walked into a grocery store and spotted, from a distance, a display of donuts. I thought I might get some, but decided the price was too high. As I checked out, a lady in front of me was paying with her SNAP card, but she didn't have enough left on the card, so she had to put some things back. As she picked through the many bags, would you care to guess what she had? A box of donuts, the very ones I had passed on because of the price. So I walked out thinking of how I had helped (taxes) her buy an over-priced item she positively did not need, the very one I would not buy for my family.

    Another time I watched an older lady buy a carton of cigarettes. She paid for those with cash, and then bought some grocery items (in a convenience store!) and paid with food stamps. So we were subsidizing her smoking addiction.

    Yeah, the system is a mess. They can even use the cards in some states to go to a restaurant!
  • Jun 18, 2023, 05:51 PM
    Clueless Joe -Fetterman 2024 . What a team !

    Fetterman met the President yesterday in Philadelphia while wearing ratty shorts ,sneakers and a hoodie.
    They were there to discuss the repair of a section of I-95 in Pa that got smacked by a truck and collapsed . Fetterman made a brief comment before handing off to Rep. Brendan Boyle.

    He said that Clueless" is here to commit to work with the governor and the delegadation to make sure that we get this fixed quick, fast, as well, too. This is a president that is committed to infructure, yeah, and then on top of that the jewel kind of a law of the infration."

    Fetterman introduced Brendan Boyle to the podium as "Congressman Boyle Bile."

    John Fetterman Praises Biden For Helping Fix Bridges In Event Promoting I-95 Repairs - YouTube

    I see him on a ticket with Clueless Joe who wrapped up a gun control address in Hartford Connecticut by saying 'God Save the Queen Man '

    Biden says ‘God save the Queen’ as he wraps up his gun safety speech - YouTube
  • Jun 18, 2023, 06:14 PM
    It’s just stunning how low we have gone. If you put fet and JB together, would you have one adequate leader?

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