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  • Mar 14, 2020, 07:59 PM

    The abortions that were REPORTED were in single digits....
    You have a source for that? At any rate, illegal backroom abortions were very risky and I don't know of anyone who really believes the numbers were anything even close to what we have now. I graduated from high school in 71. We never had a pregnant girl in our class. During my time in high school, I only knew of one girl in our school in that situation. Now it is rampant, so if you are going to try and argue otherwise, you are being extraordinarily foolish.

    I'm a girl. What do you think girls whisper to each other about??? You guys are always clueless!
    So? That added nothing at all to the conversation. I mean you have nothing more than some supposed idea about what girls whisper to each other? That's it???

    I'm trying to get you to be realistic. 1960 was when the front end of the Baby Boomers was in its early teens. They were a frisky bunch, those Boomers!
    How would you know they were any more "frisky" than other generations? How do you know they were not simply the victims of the sexual revolution? Perhaps they were simply less moral than the other generations that preceded them.

    What are you advocating for? Do you really believe that what we have now is desirable? Do you really believe that a 70% out of wedlock birth rate amongst blacks is a good thing? Do you really think that a single parent home, all things being equal, is better than a two parent home? Sometimes I really wonder what is wrong with you. I have never come across a confessing Christian as eager to support immoral behavior as you are.
  • Mar 15, 2020, 02:02 AM
    Most people do very well now a days if people would stay out of their business. I mean you beetch about abortions, then you beetch about being forced to feed dem babies. I think you just like to beetch. Hey I ain't mad atcha, I like to beetch too, ain't that why we're here?

    An orderly society would be great, but that divorce thing just blows it for many folks. All those human issues and stuff. You seem to blame women, specifically poor women, since females with means and resources ignore your bully crap, but maybe it's us men dropping the ball and screwing things up.

    Go ahead preach to me about a better way, how many you have helped and how hard you worked and convince me how right you are and why I should return to the 60's. when life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was just for white guys and who they approved of. Yeah let's go back to those good old days when you could tell people what to do and punish them when they don't. Can't blame you for missing them good old days.
  • Mar 15, 2020, 05:10 AM

    You seem to blame women, specifically poor women, since females with means and resources ignore your bully crap, but maybe it's us men dropping the ball and screwing things up.
    Maybe it's both men and women. Does that mean we should just ignore it like liberal dems do, or even celebrate it like Hollywood does?


    Go ahead preach to me about a better way, how many you have helped and how hard you worked and convince me how right you are and why I should return to the 60's. when life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness was just for white guys and who they approved of.
    Poor ole us. You might as well stop your whining since no one is buying any of it. We are talking about out of wedlock birth rates. We were not talking about racial issues, aircraft carriers, Cuba, NATO, Vietnam, Barry Goldwater, LBJ, Kennedy, Montana, the Army, the USSR, or any one of many other topics. We are talking about out of wedlock birth rates. I know you're a liberal dem, but there is no need to play the race card here.
  • Mar 15, 2020, 06:02 AM
    Your race card meme is my reality, and dems don't ignore abortions we don't have them if we don't want them and chanting and raving in front of a PP clinic where less resourced people, men and women go for all sorts of health related reasons ain't worth it. Sure you would love this to be about just your peeve and ignore anybody else's or flat out dismiss them but that don't cut it either, like gays getting married and being responsible parents doesn't count. PP publishes how many abortions they do without fed money, so shut the thing down and do away with the other things they do, and that makes sense to you? Not to me, it's radical right extreme stuff...PUNISHMENT for their sins by those that evoke god, and doctors have been KILLED and injurered to make your point you bully terrorist of young poor women.

    The right to an abortion is the law and the right to chose ones own course in life is the law, so get over telling people what to do unless you take over responsibility to feed clothe and educate them too, and walking away and beetching about being FORCED to help the least or the needy is just a nesting way to ignore and dismiss...and for that sin you are guilty.

    What are you the only one to proclaim what's a sin now? You stop judging and I might consider it.

    Maybe it might be both men and women? You got to be kidding me!
  • Mar 15, 2020, 06:43 AM

    Your race card meme is my reality, and dems don't ignore abortions we don't have them if we don't want them and chanting and raving in front of a PP clinic where less resourced people, men and women go for all sorts of health related reasons ain't worth it.
    Wow. How prejudiced you are. "Chanting and raving" at a clinic? Not really. The only attention dems give to abortion is to celebrate it and try to expand it.


    so get over telling people what to do
    You mean like what you are doing right now?


    Maybe it might be both men and women? You got to be kidding me!
    Poor Tal. You never had the "birds and bees" discussion?


    The right to an abortion is the law and the right to chose ones own course in life is the law,
    The right to choose one's own course in life unless, of course, you are still in your mother's womb, in which case you have the right to a gruesome death.
  • Mar 15, 2020, 07:01 AM
  • Mar 15, 2020, 07:28 AM
    Your thoughtful reply to, "The right to choose one's own course in life unless, of course, you are still in your mother's womb, in which case you have the right to a gruesome death," is to post a completely irrelevant cartoon? Why am I not surprised.
  • Mar 15, 2020, 08:33 AM
    You shouldn't be surprised that instead of wasting my time repeating myself on your peeve, I returned to the posted topic which is corona virus.
  • Mar 15, 2020, 01:35 PM

    You shouldn't be surprised that instead of wasting my time repeating myself on your peeve, I returned to the posted topic which is corona virus.
    Way to go! You managed to post your "I don't have the slightest idea" reply twice in one day. Very impressive.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 06:02 AM
    You can spin my responses any way you want my friend, doesn't change the fact I'm not going to waste my time on inane questions to distract from the real issues at hand which is your being stuck in the right wing loony world of your own making. I know you'll spin that as name calling which doesn't address your question, and maybe it is, but since we have all expressed our opinions on abortion repeatedly, why go in that circle yet again?

    You trying to cover up you don't have a clue about our response to the corona virus so fall back into your own comfort zone of abortion? I know the door was open so you walked into it, and just won't comeback out. Not surprised at all, as you are easily stuck on your own peeves.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 06:29 AM

    I know you'll spin that as name calling which doesn't address your question,
    I don't mind the name calling so much as I mind the question dodging. It would be much better if you would simply admit you don't know.

    As to our response to the CV response, I'll be happy to discuss it.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 07:41 AM
    Very slow would be my assessment so far and cowardly blaming past administrations for the actions of this one. As things are shutting down in rapid order, I see some huge challenges emerging in addition to the ones already in our face. I see a cash crunch that will grow for a few months at least. Bailing out America looms even larger as we progress through this crisis. This one promises to be the biggest ever though unfortunately.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 08:02 AM

    Very slow would be my assessment so far
    Matter of opinion. I think he's done fine.


    cowardly blaming past administrations for the actions of this one
    Who has done that?


    As things are shutting down in rapid order, I see some huge challenges emerging in addition to the ones already in our face. I see a cash crunch that will grow for a few months at least. Bailing out America looms even larger as we progress through this crisis.
    Maybe, but the thinking is that as spring progresses and temps warm up, this virus will diminish.


    This one promises to be the biggest ever though unfortunately.
    Biggest crisis ever? Are you kidding? So far it's not even close. The biggest problem we have is unwarranted panic.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 08:34 AM
    The virulent nature of this virus is ongoing, and the more testing is done the more cases we find. It may not be close now, but the rapid rise cannot be ignored even at this early stage, which is more than a month and a half so far.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 08:41 AM

    The virulent nature of this virus is ongoing and the more testing is done the more cases we find. It may not be close now but the rapid rise is cannot be ignored even at this early stage which is more than a month and a half so far.
    Fair enough as long as it's balanced with some perspective. We have more people killed in car wrecks in an average day than have died from CV during the entire epidemic. I think we will look back on this in six months and wonder why we over-reacted so much, but we'll see how it goes.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 09:22 AM
    I hope you're right because getting cabin fever in the summer time is not something I think I can handle.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 09:42 AM
    This may be the biggest overreaction of all time, especially in the U.S.

    All of this overstep, in all areas, will end up costing the U.S. billion $$$s in lost revenues...However, if anything good can come out of it, maybe we will start the divorce proceedings with the ChiComs.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 10:17 AM

    All of this overstep, in all areas, will end up costing the U.S. billion $$$s in lost revenues...However, if anything good can come out of it, maybe we will start the divorce proceedings with the ChiComs.
    Pretty well said, Vac. Sometimes I think we're becoming a nation of weenies.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 10:29 AM
    I'm wondering if, in three weeks' time or whenever the bars and restaurants reopen, the crowds return to the malls and shops, and all the schools resume classes, will a dormant coronavirus rear its ugly head again.
  • Mar 16, 2020, 10:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    This may be the biggest overreaction of all time, especially in the U.S.

    All of this overstep, in all areas, will end up costing the U.S. billion $$$s in lost revenues...However, if anything good can come out of it, maybe we will start the divorce proceedings with the ChiComs.

    I don't know if it's an over reaction as empty shelves in grocery stores, along with school closings, and canceling big events while the market falls greatly, is a scary thing indeed for anyone so effected, but if rich guys are scared and over reacting then what do you expect from everybody else? The only ones not scared seem to be the healthier ones even with the sniffles. If you have no elders, or children involved, then what would you be afraid of?

    Areas like Washington state and other big population areas with high rates and climbing fast can't just not do something and shutting everything down is what they did so is that over reacting? What should they be doing if it is? Yeah it's going to be an economic costs but think TRILLION not billions and we have to deal with America before we start anything with anybody else and that includes China.

    Even the Russians are building new hospitals just for the rising cases they are experiencing so some panic should be expected when you are faced with the new developments and unknowns associated with them. Obviously business as usual ain't gonna cut it.

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