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  • Dec 4, 2013, 01:24 PM
    More social Darwinism smoothy? Please tell us more.
  • Dec 4, 2013, 01:40 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    smoothy, the point is low land areas are going to become less desirable. On Tuvalu what was beachfront is now inundated part of the time. Those people need an option which noone is offering and that is the key, not so much giving them the transport, but the options. I expect the people in New Orleans didn't move because there were no offers and the football stadium wasn't a great idea afterall

    The people in New Orleans didn't leave because they were lazy bums that were expecting someone to move them... and since the mayor (Nagan) ran for the hills nobody did.

    Sure some land will become less valuable... and even worthless... but there will be other land that was furhter away and will replace it as beach front and become more valuable.

    And that's assuming it actually does rise as much as they claim. Which I seriously doubt since they can't predict the weather for the next week very well.
  • Dec 4, 2013, 01:48 PM
    Some people are really too dumb to be allowed to breed... so you let them die off by their own devices... The herd will thin itself out if left alone. Nobody really needs to actively thin it will just take longer this way.

    Its been that way since the first preditory multicell organism killed its first other organism....and it will always be this this way....its the law of nature.

    You can't eliminate entropy can only hold it off temporarily.
  • Dec 4, 2013, 01:51 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    The people in New Orleans didn't leave because they were lazy bums that were expecting someone to move them... and since the nayor ran for the hills nobody did.

    Sure some land will become less valuable... and even worthless... but there will be other land that was furhter away and will replace it as beach front and become more valuable.

    And that's assuming it actually does rise as much as they claim. Which I seriously doubt since they can't predict the weather for the next week very well.

    They don't know how much it will rise, but events demonstrate that a number of areas will be at greater risk. I can't remember anyone talking about storm surges when I was young, but it is a regular feature of storms now and the Phillipines is an example of a warming sea fueling a storm. There are two risks, melting ice and a heating ocean, both give rise to higher sea levels.

    We don't have to predict the weather to know we will experience various weather conditions and that certain areas are at risk. Prudent planning would suggest that people need to be encouraged to move from these areas
  • Dec 4, 2013, 01:55 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    They don't know how much it will rise, but events demonstrate that a number of areas will be at greater risk. I can't remember anyone talking about storm surges when I was young, but it is a regular feature of storms now and the Phillipines is an example of a warming sea fueling a storm. There are two risks, melting ice and a heating ocean, both give rise to higher sea levels.

    We don't have to predict the weather to know we will experience various weather conditions and that certain areas are at risk. Prudent planning would suggest that people need to be encouraged to move from these areas

    Storm surges always existed... and always will.

    Doubt me... look up Galviston... the city was literally scrapped off the earth during a hurricane in 1900... it was the storm surge that did it.
  • Dec 4, 2013, 02:02 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    Storm surges always existed... and always will.

    Doubt me... look up Galviston... the city was literally scrapped off the earth during a hurricane in 1900... it was the storm surge that did it.

    Yes more in your part of the world than mine, I didn't say they didn't exist, let me phrase it another way, they were rarely part of weather predictions and are more regularly predicted now. I expect we understand more about the mechanics of storms now.

    We need to be proactive in dealing with the affects of climate change, and we need to stop saying we can stop or reverse the effects, that is science fiction, not scientific fact. The only scientic fact on this subject I will concede is that change is occuring
  • Dec 4, 2013, 02:15 PM
    Yes, smoothy this is more or less what social Dawinism is about. Perhaps you can justify these ideas to those people who survived the devastation of such social theories during the mid part of the 20th century.
  • Dec 4, 2013, 03:22 PM
    No Tuttyd, its people like you that forced the aboriginies and Indians into "reeducation schools" and even sterilized them... stole the wealth from the people that earned it to give to the people that didn't etc... that was done by those promoting social "equity" no matter who they had to steal from to do it. Not unlike inner city thugs do every day.

    I and my ancestors weren't. We were busy clawing our way up the ladder to get where we are... which is far from gated communities or even mansions... but what we got we earned every dime of... its wasn't stolen off someone who worked harder, took greater risks or was just luckier than we were.
  • Dec 4, 2013, 07:37 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    No Tuttyd, its people like you that forced the aboriginies and Indians into "reeducation schools" and even sterilized them... stole the wealth from the people that earned it to give to the people that didn't etc... that was done by those promoting social "equity" no matter who they had to steal from to do it. Not unlike inner city thugs do every day.

    I and my ancestors weren't. We were busy clawing our way up the ladder to get where we are... which is far from gated communities or even mansions... but what we got we earned every dime of... its wasn't stolen off someone who worked harder, took greater risks or was just luckier than we were.

    How can you project that on Tutt or anyoneelse for that matter?

    For the record, before you include me in your neo-Nazi utopia. I regard myself as part of a stolen generation, a person who because of "do-gooders and general stickybeaks" was removed from my family at birth. I and many of my countrymen do not wish to interfere with aboriginal people but we feel that those who choose to live among us need to assimilate so that they too can benefit as a full member of our society. Those who choose to live a traditional life in some remote place are welcome to it.

    Please don't project the ills of your society on us.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 03:13 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    How can you project that on Tutt or anyoneelse for that matter?

    For the record, before you include me in your neo-Nazi utopia. I regard myself as part of a stolen generation, a person who because of "do-gooders and general stickybeaks" was removed from my family at birth. I and many of my countrymen do not wish to interfere with aboriginal people but we feel that those who choose to live among us need to assimilate so that they too can benefit as a full member of our society. Those who choose to live a traditional life in some remote place are welcome to it.

    Please don't project the ills of your society on us.

    Thanks clete, very well put.

    Smoothy has made some interesting claims about me.I wonder if he is prepared to supply some evidence for assessment. For example, my support for compulsory sterilization. Like everyone,he has access to all of my posts over an extended time frame.

    I invite him to supply the evidence.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 05:37 AM
    You don't need evidence for nasty personal attacks Tut.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 05:53 AM
    Yes Tal there are some who make it personal, I always think it is because they are loosing the argument.

    Climate change is being used as an excuse for a socialist agenda in certain places, and it must be resisted, not because it isn't happening, but because our puny efforts will change very little. Carbon taxes and trading schemes are at the forefront of this agenda and the excuse for a great wealth transfer to under developed nations. let the oil rich nations give the underdeveloped nations more money to build sand islands because they are not going to get mine
  • Dec 5, 2013, 06:02 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    How can you project that on Tutt or anyoneelse for that matter?

    For the record, before you include me in your neo-Nazi utopia. I regard myself as part of a stolen generation, a person who because of "do-gooders and general stickybeaks" was removed from my family at birth. I and many of my countrymen do not wish to interfere with aboriginal people but we feel that those who choose to live among us need to assimilate so that they too can benefit as a full member of our society. Those who choose to live a traditional life in some remote place are welcome to it.

    Please don't project the ills of your society on us.

    I put it on him because of his high and mighty attitude... and the fact it's the very same people who act like they know better than everyone else what is good for them that have done those very same things throughout history...

    And almost always its "been for their own good" or they don't know better so we will do it for them"

    And it really is still taking place today....with the morons that are trying to force Obamacare on everyone and "redistribute the wealth".

    And incidently that post wasn't directed at you...but if you are going to pull that better take a long hard look about what you have been doing yourself...including your thread about how you are trying to dump off on the USA for the results of your own countries spying against Indonesia....(every countrry spys so just own up to it)

    Take a bit of your own advice and don't try to project the ills of your own society on others as well. Assuming you don't want to appear to be a hypocrit. And Practice what you preach. Which basically means there isn't a society out there that hasn't done something along those lines in the past or isn't trying to do it in some way today.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 06:39 AM

    And almost always its "been for their own good" or they don't know better so we will do it for them"

    And it really is still taking place today....with the morons that are trying to force Obamacare on everyone and "redistribute the wealth".
    Yup , since the progressive era began ,it's been the 'progressive man's burden ' to drag society along to their vision of utopia .
  • Dec 5, 2013, 07:19 AM

    Yup , since the progressive era began ,it's been the 'progressive man's burden ' to drag society along to their vision of utopia .
    Venezuela is doing what these guys want, throwing greedy capitalists in jail, making goods affordable and other populist measures. Of course they can't keep the lights on but that's obviously right-wing sabotage.

    Meanwhile, it's a toasty 14 degrees in Texas this morning. But the lights and heaters are on.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 07:23 AM
    Yeah I remember the silent majority, and the family values crew. Supply siders all, and wealth redistribution that empowered the few to control what the trickle rate was. At least Reagan raised taxes, and grew government as needed to keep a semi rational balance, and move the economy to some sustained growth.

    The part we miss of that era was the transition to lower wage jobs and the beginnings of blue collar jobs shrinking and moving over seas after they went south to Mexico to extract cheap labor. And bring dope to sell to fund and arm the next generation of terrorists. Yeah Reagan sold Saddam and Iran all kinds of gas and arms to pay for releasing those hostages that doomed Carter, while touting all those McDonalds jobs and create servants for rich guys.

    Nobody cared about those migrant slaves back then until the blue collar jobs started to disappear, and then we needed a fence to stop it. Now instead of building bridges and roads we want to put a bunch of money on the borders and still get fed the line that that the growing poor class are lazy and need no safety net but the job creators need more money to invest overseas to extract more money and trickle down NOTHING.

    Get rich and blame progressives why you are poor, while the rich suck the money into their own coffers. Have been for decades but nooooooooo conservatives rather holler than redirect the resources back to US, and hope for that trickle to start coming back.

    Cry me a river about conservative values while hiding the robbery that's taking place against many. But don't worry Tom, Speech, when they dump your pensions and benefits and no compensation, you can always keep working hard at McDonalds. I heard Walmart is hiring too. They love hard work and no pay. Cheap labor, the cheaper the better, and forget the trickle. That was a myth in the first place, and that's what the conservative utopia is all about.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 07:25 AM

    Meanwhile, it's a toasty 14 degrees in Texas this morning. But the lights and heaters are on.
    Only if you can pay your utility bills that's been going up.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 07:30 AM

    Only if you can pay your utility bills that's been going up
    Natural gas, which heats most homes here is pretty cheap right now even though this regime is doing everything it can to make energy "necessarily skyrocket." It would be even easier to pay those bills, too if people weren't mandated into a health insurance policy they can't afford, but I don't expect you to acknowledge that either.
  • Dec 5, 2013, 07:34 AM
    Trickle down is a lib description that has no meaning to me . Reagan "raised taxes " because unlike the emperor ,he knew he had to work with the other side.

    Yeah Reagan sold Saddam and Iran all kinds of gas and arms to pay for releasing those hostages that doomed Carter
    Yeah I've heard that conspiracy slander before .

    Only a lib would think a job at Micky Ds is a job that is a career job . My 'pension' was converted to a self managed account years ago and I'm glad it was .
  • Dec 5, 2013, 01:01 PM
    Smoothy, how about the evidence for your claim? Please feel free to talk to me about it.

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