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  • Jul 7, 2009, 05:13 PM

    Originally Posted by ETWolverine View Post

    Yet now we have a President who wishes to control what you drive, how much gas you use in your car, what lightbulbs you can buy, how much you can earn, how much bonus money you can take home at the end of the year, and (through new legislation he is proposing) what you can eat and drink and smoke, . He controls two of the three largest auto manufacturers, ten of the twelve largest banks, and the largest insurance company. He is trying to take over your medical insurance as well, and may very well be successful at it, which would give him direct control of the sources of about 20% or more of national GDP. He truly is taking control of literally every aspect of your lives.

    Yet we hear not a peep from those who claim to have been afraid of Bush because he was a dictator trying to control our lives.


    I agree these are the same people that insist our rights are not being taken away.
    Yet I see it everyday. They have slowly boiled like the frog that is put in the cold water and slowly turn up the heat. He boils to death because he doesn't feel the gradual heating of the water.

    They think these changes are for the good but most are just taking away rights so we have more government rule.

    Most of the things they want actually are worse than what we have. The CLF light bulb, the cloth bags and many other things have proven to be worse than what we have.

    Give it another 7 yrs, things are worse and they will still be saying our rights are not taken away.
  • Jul 7, 2009, 05:40 PM

    Originally Posted by cozyk View Post
    NK, that's just a perfect example of how the "far righties" lose their credibility by exaggerating. They also seem to know how I feel about Obama , Worship? The Messiah?
    They use all these "over the top" descriptions that don't apply to me at all.:cool:

    And you won't specify who you think is coo coo, it doesn't apply to me at all so I'm still waiting for you to name names.
  • Jul 7, 2009, 05:41 PM

    Originally Posted by Skell View Post
    'You guys' who feel that guns are your best guarentee against the government. You referred to it. Not me!!

    Did you miss the part where "I said I didn't make this about guns?" I was just responding to others.
  • Jul 7, 2009, 05:49 PM

    Maybe it is sites like this and the media making him into something that he is not that cause Obama to be equated with the messiah and worship

    Messiah, The Church of Obama -- Worship, Hope, Change
  • Jul 7, 2009, 07:02 PM


    Did you not say that Obama was heading towards dictatorship?

    And did you not say that the right to bear arms represents your best guarantee against such dictatorships?

    It's there in your posts. I don't need to link to them cause you're an honest guy.

    I was merely posing the question that IF Obama is heading towards dictatorship, then WHY don't you use your best guarantee against him becoming one?

    I'm only trying to follow your logic Steve. Elliot's too. You know? "You guys" :)
  • Jul 7, 2009, 08:01 PM

    Originally Posted by Skell View Post

    Did you not say that Obama was heading towards dictatorship?

    If you're referring to this it was to make a point about how irrelevant NK's post was. I certainly have concerns about Obama's power grabs but I'm not out of touch with reality as the BDS sufferers were.


    And did you not say that the right to bear arms represents your best guarantee against such dictatorships?
    I said it was the best guarantee to protect the rest of our rights... but I added that "elections and the democratic process are the best and preferred remedy." There is a difference.


    It's there in your posts. I don't need to link to them cause you're an honest guy.

    I was merely posing the question that IF Obama is heading towards dictatorship, then WHY don't you use your best guarantee against him becoming one?
    Tom answered that sufficiently.


    I'm only trying to follow your logic Steve. Elliot's too. You know? "You guys" :)
    And I'm trying to follow the logic that thinks some long established, well reasoned constitutional rights should be done away with. But more than that, I'm waiting for this to return to the original subject.
  • Jul 7, 2009, 08:30 PM

    Hello Steve:

    I don't know if THIS is the point of this post, but I think so...

    You guy's, who ordinarily disdain politically correct speech, are sure changing the English language to suit you...

    You call democratically elected leaders dictators. You call a coup the Constitutional removal of a dictator who happened to be democratically elected. And, you call hypocrites hyporites.

  • Jul 7, 2009, 08:42 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    cozy, out of respect for I'll refrain from mentioning how you come across. Still waiting for you to name names however.

    The names would be the authors of the post I listed. I'm not going back to look them up but since you are obsessed with the names, you can do it.

    I honestly don't believe that I am coming across as I should. I admit that I get a chip on my shoulder when extremest spout their stuff. I need to step back and regroup.:o
  • Jul 7, 2009, 08:43 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    And I'm trying to follow the logic that thinks some long established, well reasoned constitutional rights should be done away with. But more than that, I'm waiting for this to return to the original subject.

    I don't think it should be. I've conceded that before. It is too ingrained in your culture.

    And Steve it is on original subject.

    Elliot asked "and where are all the complains about Presidential Dictatorship now"?

    My questions were based on that. If you guys really feel he is a dictator, I was asking what your response would be. And you have given it to me.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 05:06 AM

    Originally Posted by Skell View Post
    I dont think it should be. I've conceded that before. It is too ingrained in your culture.

    And Steve it is on original subject.

    Elliot asked "and where are all the complains about Presidential Dictatorship now"?

    Right, still waiting for those complaints... that's the point. After complaining - generally with no merit whatsoever - about Bush being a dictator, planning to establish a theocracy, canceling the election, destroying our rights, etc. it's awfully quiet now that Obama is doing many of the same things these people were complaining about under Bush. I'm not saying that he's now a dictator, but he is definitely pushing legislation that will have more control over our lives, not to mention the government ownership in private business. You can't deny that. So where are the hypocrites that whined about Bush now? That is the subject of this post.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 05:33 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    it's awfully quiet now that Obama is doing many of the same things these people were complaining about under Bush. I'm not saying that he's now a dictator, but he is definitely pushing legislation that will have more control over our lives, not to mention the government ownership in private business. You can't deny that. So where are the hypocrites that whined about Bush now? That is the subject of this post.

    I totally agree. I was saying it is awfully quiet now that Obama hasn't done any of the promised changes yet.
    Where are the 6 hundred thousand jobs he promised to create?
    How many people are out of work because of the changes he made in the auto industry and other businesses?
    Where is all this stimulus tax that was suppose to fix things? I have seen some of those changes but as an over all whole NOT
    Why hasn't he stopped the war(s) so that ONE more American life didn't end?
    What happened to his claim that if he didn't go through with his promises within 100 days he would step down?
    Why hasn't anything changed for the better?
  • Jul 8, 2009, 06:16 AM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    I totally agree. I was saying it is awfully quiet now that Obama hasn't done any of the promised changes yet.
    Where are the 6 hundred thousand jobs he promised to create?
    How many people are out of work because of the changes he made in the auto industry and other businesses?
    Where is all this stimulus tax that was suppose to fix things? I have seen some of those changes but as an over all whole NOT
    Why hasn't he stopped the war(s) so that ONE more American life didn't end?
    What happened to his claim that if he didn't go through with his promises within 100 days he would step down?
    Why hasn't anything changed for the better?

    I can answer that for them, the answer I keep seeing is it took a while for Republicans to get us in the mess so give him time. Hogwash, I'm not going to sit idly by while the Dems put us in a deeper hole.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 06:18 AM

    Yeah we'll give them time and still
    My psychic prediction is the same now as it will prove to be in 5 to 7 yrs... NO change for the better.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 06:21 AM


    You call democratically elected leaders dictators. You call a coup the Constitutional removal of a dictator who happened to be democratically elected.
    And you are in a looking glass world .
    The actions taken by the Honduran Congress, Supreme Court and military, were taken under the rule of Honduran law .
    What Manuel Zelaya was doing in forcing an unconstitutional referendum to give him a lifetime appointment was the illegal coup attempt .
  • Jul 8, 2009, 06:44 AM

    Originally Posted by N0help4u View Post
    yeah we'll give them time and still
    My psychic prediction is the same now as it will prove to be in 5 to 7 yrs... NO change for the better.

    Saw an interesting graph yesterday...



    The light blue line represents what the Administration said we'd see if we did absolutely nothing. The dark blue line is what Obama said the stimulus would do.

    The red dots, however, are reality...
  • Jul 8, 2009, 08:04 AM

    And yet no one has chimed in about the latest opinion polls on his job. In Ohio alone his approval rating has plummeted 14% in only two months. Think of it, at that rate in only 7 months his job approval rating will be ZERO!!
  • Jul 8, 2009, 08:15 AM

    Hello 450:

    Every time I was hired to fix a screwed up company, I started very popular. But, by the time I fixed things, not too many people liked me. But, I wasn't hired to be liked. I was hired to FIX things, and I did.

    Is Obama fixing things? It's too soon to tell.

    I'm talking simply about the economy, though. He HAS gone a long way to restoring our badly damaged reputation in the world.

  • Jul 8, 2009, 09:13 AM

    Ahhh but the trillion dollar stimulus bill that Nobama said had to be passed in two days otherwise the economy would melt down. What has happened to that? NOTHING!!
    Less than 7% of it has been spent now four months later. If HE had all these shovel ready jobs where are these jobs that they promised? I sit here unemployed for going on six months because of the way our government has screwed up the economy. Yes, I blame both parties. But if you look closely at what has happened since congress was taken over by one party it is pretty clear to any clear thinking individual who was mainly to blame.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 10:20 AM

    Originally Posted by 450donn View Post
    Ahhh but the trillion dollar stimulus bill that Nobama said had to be passed in two days otherwise the economy would melt down. What has happened to that? NOTHING!!!
    Less than 7% of it has been spent now four months later. If HE had all these shovel ready jobs where are these jobs that they promised? I sit here unemployed for going on six months because of the way our government has screwed up the economy. Yes, I blame both parties. But if you look closely at what has happened since congress was taken over by one party it is pretty clear to any clear thinking individual who was mainly to blame.

    The stimulus money is available. I'm guessing the state governments are to blame for hanging on to or not even claiming funds. Washrooms are to be rehabbed at our village hall, but nothing has happened yet. County roads need fresh paint on dividing lines. Nothing is being done. Illinois has survived an idiot governor and has a new one now. Maybe I'll give him a call.
  • Jul 8, 2009, 10:33 AM

    Then why is there momentum for a new bucket list when as predicted ,the 1st one is a bust ?

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