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  • Dec 4, 2019, 05:11 AM
    The time has come to think of other things
  • Dec 4, 2019, 06:55 AM
    The time has come to get rid of this dufus so we can think of other things and making this a more perfect union.
  • Dec 4, 2019, 07:18 AM
    Talaniman: The left started talking IMPEACHMENT since before Trump entered Office....they had a narrative that they wanted filled and have plotted and schemed like hell to fill it since then and they STILL won't fill it because he won't be leaving Office and, in all likelihood, will win another term in 2020. You only have to look at your beloved polls to see that IMPEACHMENT has given Trump the boost he would have not otherwise attained. What in the world makes you think that the left's attempts to remove Trump will end up making things better or make them better if he was actually removed? All it is doing is galvanizing the Right in a way that they have never been cohesively united like before in my memory....the Right has always been nonunified...but not now, after all this IMPEACHMENT stuff.....The left has shaken the hornet's nest and now they will have to walk in the room with it.....nothing about this is going to make it anything any better or in any way help make the U.S. a more perfect union....I can appreciate you desire for this, as it is mine, as well, but the backside of IMPEACHMENT is always a time of demoralization, economic hardship, unsettlement, and poor arse leadership running the country into the ground.
  • Dec 4, 2019, 07:48 AM
    True some have called for impeachment since the last election and to be fair the dufus has failed miserably to bring the country to gether and in the most selfish arrogant way. Now while the right has taken it as a time to celebrate left and moderate heads explode, the left has been slow coalescing behind getting rid of this lying cheating dufus and reigning in the right wing loonies gorging on his steady diet of fat juicy meat while actually deliverying NOTHING except for himself.

    At the end of this process we may not change hearts and minds but we can cancel this circus or limit it to late night from its all day long perch. Maybe you wingers will snap out of it and realize the sky isn't falling and that's not red meat you are being fed, but the dufus is peeing on your heads and telling you to love it!

    Impeachment is the most effective way to restore sanity from you loons and your loonmaster.
  • Dec 4, 2019, 11:36 AM

    The time has come to think of other things
  • Dec 5, 2019, 01:18 AM
    While the dems have been poking the dufus in the butt over this impeachment thing they have been sending Moscow Mitch plenty of legislation to consider, which of course he doesn't have time for, so when repubs have time in the senate to do something else just let me know. In the mean time full steam ahead to dump the dufus.

    No more right wing lame excuses for bad lunatic behavior from the top.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 03:40 AM
    Talaniman: There isn't a snowball's chance in hell that Trump will be dumped via a Senate vote.

    All this IMPEACHMENT stuff is a distraction from the REAL issues facing the nation. Demos have made it plainly obvious that it is more important to harass Trump (harass because that is what it is, everyone knows it has not potential for removal) than it is to try and make the nation stronger economically or in any other respect. Demos are looking to be OBSTRUCTIONIST and the polls are showing that the American people have had a belly full of it. Trump's poll #s are going up: that doesn't portend to be a good sign for Demos.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 04:38 AM
    You mean like the obstruction Moscow Mitch and repubs engaged in vowing to make Obama a one term president as their highest priority? After Obama's re election it was just obstructionism left. Now the right dares whine and holler because we do what the right did rather effectively I might add, so it's a bit late and hypocritical to complain about what America has a belly full of since the dufus numbers have NEVER risen high enough to counteract the numbers against him, or for ending the investigating and removing him. Quite the opposite to be precise. So if you think dems will just stop making a case against the dufus just because the right says so, then you must be INSANE!
  • Dec 5, 2019, 05:16 AM
    Trump, with all of his many flaws, will be reelected because:

    1. The economy is very, very good.
    2. The dems in the House have done absolutely nothing.
    3. The impeachment inquiry is plainly a circus show.
    4. The bunch the dems have running for the nomination is the most unexceptional, inept group you can possibly imagine.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 05:31 AM
    And in the meantime, the Obamas just bought a house on Martha's Vineyard for 11.75 million dollars. They have never owned a company. Mr. Obama has never done any work in the private sector. You have to wonder how they can afford that. There's a big problem here. You can get elected to high office with the fed government and in a few years become filthy rich. That just somehow seems not right.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 06:00 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Trump, with all of his many flaws, will be reelected because:

    1. The economy is very, very good.
    2. The dems in the House have done absolutely nothing.
    3. The impeachment inquiry is plainly a circus show.
    4. The bunch the dems have running for the nomination is the most unexceptional, inept group you can possibly imagine.

    1. Trump has little to do with the economy. In fact, his actions have hurt the economy.
    2. The House Democrats have passed over 200 bills which the Republicans under Moscow Mitch have let languish.
    3. The impeachment inquiry has proven without a doubt that Trump violated his oath of office for private gain. The Republicans have done NOTHING to challenge those facts except key on process because they have nothing else.
    4. The Dem lineup is an exceptional group for the most part far, far better than the nincompoops the Republicans ran in 2016.

    Your bias is there for all to see. Keep posting - that will show the viewers what NOT to think.


    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    And in the meantime, the Obamas just bought a house on Martha's Vineyard for 11.75 million dollars. They have never owned a company. Mr. Obama has never done any work in the private sector. You have to wonder how they can afford that. There's a big problem here. You can get elected to high office with the fed government and in a few years become filthy rich. That just somehow seems not right.

    Here you go again - misstating (lying?) facts about Obama. How can you hate the guy so much?

    Obama earned $3.1 million+ in salary. 7 million in book royalties ("Dream..."), another 9 million in additional book royalties ("Audacity of Hope..."), and more................

    Yeah, as you say, there's a big problem here and the big problem is YOU.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 06:33 AM

    1. Trump has little to do with the economy. In fact, his actions have hurt the economy.
    What a statement. So unemployment would be at 2% without Trump? It's amazing how Trump deserves no credit, and yet you libs on this board fall all over yourselves to give credit to Obama for the tepid economy we had in EIGHT years with him.

    2. The House Democrats have passed over 200 bills which the Republicans under Moscow Mitch have let languish.
    Name one of any great consequence. While you're at it, tell us what they're doing to balance the federal budget.


    3. The impeachment inquiry has proven without a doubt that Trump violated his oath of office for private gain. The Republicans have done NOTHING to challenge those facts except key on process because they have nothing else.
    There is no real evidence of an impeachable offense. It's over.


    4. The Dem lineup is an exceptional group for the most part far, far better than the nincompoops the Republicans ran in 2016.
    When Native American Warren, Socialist Sanders, and "my son is an oil tycoon" Biden are the front-runners, then you are in trouble.

    As to the house the Obamas bought, I don't care what they live in. The point is that you can be elected to federal office and leave a very wealthy person. I think that's a dangerous trend. You think that since Obama profited from it, then it must be OK.


    Here you go again - misstating (lying?) facts about Obama
    I misstated nothing. I think it's a problem when a man who has never had a job in private business can leave the WH and buy a 12 million dollar house. I didn't suggest he did anything improper. He sold two books and made millions. Good for him, but the idea of the private citizen "serving" in office has gone by the wayside. It seems that people who couldn't cut it in private business can become millionaires by "serving" in elected office.

    Still waiting on that long promised response to my question. Perhaps I should restate it in case your memory is bad. Do you believe what Jesus said about hell in Matthew 25?
  • Dec 5, 2019, 06:58 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Name one of any great consequence.

    Hahahahaha - down from "absolutely nothing". What a card you are!


    There is no real evidence of an impeachable offense. It's over.
    Hahahahahah. Gad, you're funny - you're killing me.


    When Native American Warren
    So you hate Native Americans, too, by disparaging Warren with that remark? You're some piece of work.


    Socialist Sanders, and "I can't remember where I am" Biden are the front-runners, then you are in trouble.
    That's the best you can do? Insults? Your love of Trump is revealed in your imitation of his tactics.


    As to the house the Obamas bought, I don't care what they live in.
    WOW! You sure fooled anyone viewing your comment. The reality is you don't care because your comment was shown to be the lie you intended. You got caught.


    The point is that you can be elected to federal office and leave a very wealthy person.
    Hardly unique to Obama, or hadn't you noticed?


    You think that since Obama profited from it, then it must be OK.
    Yes, legitimate profits from book sales and salaries are perfectly ok. What, you don't think so? What are you - some sort of socialist? Go back to Russia.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 07:33 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    What a statement. So unemployment would be at 2% without Trump? It's amazing how Trump deserves no credit, and yet you libs on this board fall all over yourselves to give credit to Obama for the tepid economy we had in EIGHT years with him.

    You say tepid, I say healthy and growing, and obviously better than he found it despite you righties whining and hollering about it, and NO DOUBT if HC had been elected (Read that as anybody, repub, dem, or Garfield Goose) they would benefit as much as the dufus is now.


    Name one of any great consequence. While you're at it, tell us what they're doing to balance the federal budget.
    Hmm, that's debatable if the bills this House has passed and Moscow Mitch has sat on is of substance or not, but for sure when repubs had the congress from 2012-2018, they only have a rich guy tax cut to tout and nothing else, and that's a fact the right is only to willing to ignore, as well as the dubious effects of those cuts on the economy NOW.


    There is no real evidence of an impeachable offense. It's over.
    Of course that's the rights talking points and only shared by them who are as a fact a minority of the total population so keep talking and whining about it, since that's ALL you can do about it.


    When Native American Warren, Socialist Sanders, and "my son is an oil tycoon" Biden are the front-runners, then you are in trouble.
    All better than the dufus for sure!


    As to the house the Obamas bought, I don't care what they live in. The point is that you can be elected to federal office and leave a very wealthy person. I think that's a dangerous trend. You think that since Obama profited from it, then it must be OK.

    I misstated nothing. I think it's a problem when a man who has never had a job in private business can leave the WH and buy a 12 million dollar house. I didn't suggest he did anything improper. He sold two books and made millions. Good for him, but the idea of the private citizen "serving" in office has gone by the wayside. It seems that people who couldn't cut it in private business can become millionaires by "serving" in elected office.
    The first lady Michelle Obama was a successful hospital administrator before Obama was elected and besides being a prez is an extremely successful author before and after being the prez so to say his wealth was accrued just because he was prez is extremely stupid and who says that just a business man can be wealthy? Is that what you righties think, or is it just you being too lazy to do your homework and assuming that is the case. What else can we expect from those that ignore the dufus inherited his wealth in the first place.


    Still waiting on that long promised response to my question. Perhaps I should restate it in case your memory is bad. Do you believe what Jesus said about hell in Matthew 25?
    What's it to you since you've been stuck on this question for so long.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 08:31 AM
    So many responses! So much opportunity!


    Name one of any great consequence.
    Hahahahaha - down from "absolutely nothing". What a card you are!
    Guess that means you can't list one.


    There is no real evidence of an impeachable offense. It's over.
    Hahahahahah. Gad, you're funny - you're killing me.
    You said there were five names. You couldn't even list one.


    When Native American Warren
    So you hate Native Americans, too, by disparaging Warren with that remark? You're some piece of work.
    What do you call it when a person claims Native American heritage in order to get a job when, in fact, she doesn't really have any? As far as hating them, only one of us has ever worked for a native tribe for five years educating their young people. If you're not sure who that was, I'll give you a hint. It was not you. And I really despise it when some two-bit politician tries to claim native heritage. I wish you would as well.


    Hardly unique to Obama, or hadn't you noticed?
    I didn't say it was unique to Obama, or hadn't you noticed?

    Still waiting on that long promised response to my question. Perhaps I should restate it in case your memory is bad. Do you believe what Jesus said about hell in Matthew 25?

    BTW, it was really scummy of you to try and start one of your arguments on a post where a young lady asked a serious question about hell. I referred her to the Bible. I realize you are afraid of the Bible, but to try and argue on her post was flat wrong.


    You say tepid, I say healthy and growing, and obviously better than he found it despite you righties whining and hollering about it, and NO DOUBT if HC had been elected (Read that as anybody, repub, dem, or Garfield Goose) they would benefit as much as the dufus is now.
    Slowest recovery from a recession ever, and you call that "healthy and growing"? Hmm. And yeah, you can speculate about what we would have if HC had been elected. With Trump we don't have to speculate. We have some of the lowest unemployment numbers in history. Now THAT'S what you can call "healthy and growing." Solid GDP growth, historic low unemployment, and low inflation. It is so amazing that even liberals should be jumping up and down rejoicing.


    Hmm, that's debatable if the bills this House has passed and Moscow Mitch has sat on is of substance or not,
    So Athos didn't know of any, and now you don't know of any. Hmm.


    Of course that's the rights talking points and only shared by them who are as a fact a minority of the total population so keep talking and whining about it, since that's ALL you can do about it.
    Athos said there were five people who had direct knowledge of a crime. I asked for those five and got nothing. I then asked for just one and got nothing, and I even told you just half of a name would be something to discuss, and still got nothing. Now why do I get nothing? Because that's what there is in the way of evidence. Nothing. You call that right wing spin, but I call it the plain cold truth.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 09:09 AM

    Athos said there were five people who had direct knowledge of a crime. I asked for those five and got nothing. I then asked for just one and got nothing, and I even told you just half of a name would be something to discuss, and still got nothing. Now why do I get nothing? Because that's what there is in the way of evidence. Nothing. You call that right wing spin, but I call it the plain cold truth.

    I gave you seven of the 12 that I had and though we have subpoenaed them, the dufus instructed them not to testify before congress or turn over any documents and so we wait for a court to compel cooperation. That's a lousy way to conduct oversight as put forth in the Constitution, but it's the process and system we got. It's either a stall tactic or something to hide as if it clears up everything in favor of the dufus then what's the problem?

    The dufus is the problem of course!


    Slowest recovery from a recession ever, and you call that "healthy and growing"? Hmm. And yeah, you can speculate about what we would have if HC had been elected. With Trump we don't have to speculate. We have some of the lowest unemployment numbers in history. Now THAT'S what you can call "healthy and growing." Solid GDP growth, historic low unemployment, and low inflation. It is so amazing that even liberals should be jumping up and down rejoicing.

    Wasn't a recession but a global financial meltdown. Just one question though and that's how do you know House passed legislation was so inconsequential? Do you have a list? Or are you making just blanket statements with no basis in FACT?

    Bet it's the latter.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 09:18 AM

    I gave you seven of the 12 that I had and though we have subpoenaed them, the dufus instructed them not to testify before congress or turn over any documents and so we wait for a court to compel cooperation. That's a lousy way to conduct oversight as put forth in the Constitution, but it's the process and system we got. It's either a stall tactic or something to hide as if it clears up everything in favor of the dufus then what's the problem?
    That's fine if you want to argue that, but the fact remains that of those who testified, you cannot list even one who had direct knowledge of a crime. To try and impeach a pres on the basis of that flimsy "evidence" is "a lousy way to conduct oversight".


    Wasn't a recession but a global financial meltdown. Just one question though and that's how do you know House passed legislation was so inconsequential? Do you have a list? Or are you making just blanket statements with no basis in FACT?
    It was not a "global meltdown". Now you can try and make the argument that Obama avoided a global meltdown, and you might have a good point there, but I don't think you will find many people who agree with you on your claim that one actually existed. As to what the House has passed, I simply asked if either of you knew of anything of consequence they have done. Plainly you don't. They wasted all of their time and energy on this dead end impeachment process. Shame. Now if they had stood and opposed the ridiculously excessive spending that is giving us a trillion dollar budget deficit in a time of national prosperity, then I would have applauded them.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 10:06 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    That's fine if you want to argue that, but the fact remains that of those who testified, you cannot list even one who had direct knowledge of a crime. To try and impeach a pres on the basis of that flimsy "evidence" is "a lousy way to conduct oversight".

    I don't think it's an even fair proposition to claim NO evidence then no DIRECT evidence while you prevent testimony of witnesses. Ordinary citizens would have no choice but to answer a lawful subpoena, so why is the executive branch exempt? Now maybe you think firing ambassadors and turning relations with a foreign government over to your private attorney is good for the country, but I do not, nor did the witnesses who testified and filed complaints about those events. I also cited in this forum the specific law that was skirted to with hold funds that were authorized and signed by the dufus before he put his hold on as well as his own words in his transcript memo which you DON"T feel is evidence but I do. Dems agree, repubs do not.

    LOL, and maybe it looks funny to everyone, but Biden working for Burisma isn't illegal, but a simple request by the DOJ is how a formal investigation into an American working in a foreign country is initiated, so where was that? Why is that? Repubs care little for such small process considerations that have been formalized into law or treaty agreements for YEARS.

    That's really because repubs have only worried about the power of the dufus to throw them under the bus during the next election, so must protect the dufus and kiss his butt and doing their job has been totally lost a long time ago.


    It was not a "global meltdown". Now you can try and make the argument that Obama avoided a global meltdown, and you might have a good point there, but I don't think you will find many people who agree with you on your claim that one actually existed. As to what the House has passed, I simply asked if either of you knew of anything of consequence they have done. Plainly you don't. They wasted all of their time and energy on this dead end impeachment process. Shame. Now if they had stood and opposed the ridiculously excessive spending that is giving us a trillion dollar budget deficit in a time of national prosperity, then I would have applauded them.
    The shame of debating right wing low information folks such as yourself is the lack of acknowledgment of historic facts and the utter reluctance to do your own homework and glamming on to your own irrelevant talking points. LOL, have you forgotten the repubs haven't done anything to balance a budget when they controlled the government?
  • Dec 5, 2019, 10:28 AM

    I don't think it's an even fair proposition to claim NO evidence then no DIRECT evidence while you prevent testimony of witnesses. Ordinary citizens would have no choice but to answer a lawful subpoena, so why is the executive branch exempt? Now maybe you think firing ambassadors and turning relations with a foreign government over to your private attorney is good for the country, but I do not, nor did the witnesses who testified and filed complaints about those events. I also cited in this forum the specific law that was skirted to with hold funds that were authorized and signed by the dufus before he put his hold on as well as his own words in his transcript memo which you DON"T feel is evidence but I do. Dems agree, repubs do not.
    There is no real evidence of a crime. You are making an appeal to what you THINK some witnesses MIGHT would say, but that is child's play. As to the legality of withholding the funds, that is not what he is charged with. If you want to go for that then fine, but if Obama did it as well then are you willing to condemn him? We KNOW that Biden did it as Obama's VP because he admits to it on tape.


    LOL, and maybe it looks funny to everyone, but Biden working for Burisma isn't illegal, but a simple request by the DOJ is how a formal investigation into an American working in a foreign country is initiated, so where was that? Why is that? Repubs care little for such small process considerations that have been formalized into law or treaty agreements for YEARS.
    Him working for Burisma is not a crime, so I agree with that much of what you said. But if you are trying to say that HB working for a major oil/gas company when he knows NOTHING about oil/gas production or about business management is not a suspicious looking arrangement, then that is a politically driven opinion. He admitted that he only got the job because of his last name, and his father was a major player in Ukrainian foreign policy, so yeah, that looks smelly.


    The shame of debating right wing low information folks such as yourself is the lack of acknowledgment of historic facts and the utter reluctance to do your own homework and glamming on to your own irrelevant talking points. LOL, have you forgotten the repubs haven't done anything to balance a budget when they controlled the government?
    Once again, when you run out of information, then you start slinging mud. I would think you would get embarrassed of such childish antics after a while. At any rate, I'll call you out on this one. Tell me why you say it was a "global financial meltdown." Let's hear your evidence. Oh wait. I forgot that you don't consider evidence to be important. Sorry for that oversight.
  • Dec 5, 2019, 10:37 AM
    Regarding Obama's worklife:

    From 1992 until his election to the U.S. Senate in 2004, Barack Obama served as a professor in the Law School of the University of Chicago. In 2005, when Obama began serving in the U.S. Senate (and his daughters turned 4 and 7), he and his wife were earning a combined annual income of $479,062.

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