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  • Sep 17, 2019, 07:38 PM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    I don't think he is the greatest POTUS (Trump) of all time but he certainly is not the worst, either.

    He is by far the worst president this nation has ever had - #2 worst is light years behind Trump.


    You call him a P@#%& but I don't think that applies to him
    It's a perfect description - he is a PIG. Where were you when his ideas on women were revealed?


    He has so much $$$ that situations and fear of losing never enter his thoughts.
    His fear of losing is not from his money, it is from his narcissism. He has shown again and again that he is not capable of responding other than viciously to the slightest less-than-admiring comment.


    Money is, truly, the root of all evil but you must have it to survive.
    This tells us a great deal of why you misunderstand so much. It is the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil - not the money itself.
  • Sep 18, 2019, 05:29 PM
    Athos: O.K., you make some good points....I believe in giving credit when credit is due.

    President Trump is a fighter and maybe the best one we ever had...he has had to fight every day of his Presidency and even before he stepped into office. I can not help but have some level of respect for the guy who is clearly outnumbered by his foes because his allies are so entirely gutless: Republicans are entirely a weird bunch...I certainly would never count on them in a bar fight.....they never back Trump to the hilt like Democrats back almost every one of their own. Glad I am a Libertarian.

    I know Trump has had indiscretions with women BEFORE he entered office and those were despicable.....but Bill Clinton had disgusting indiscretions with women WHILE HE WAS POTUS AND IN THE OVAL OFFICE AND HE LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE ON NATIONAL TELEVISION, WAS FOUND GUILTY OF PUJURY, AND WAS IMPEACHED BUT DIDN'T HAVE THE DECENCY TO LEAVE, up to this point, its THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK when people want to talk about Trump and women until they have to gumption to admit Clinton was as much of a pig or even a bigger pig than is Trump.

    You know Trump has a large ego....but is it any bigger than was Obama's or Clinton's or Bush's or Reagan's or Carter's or Nixon's or Johnson's or Kennedy's, etc. ag nauseum.....point I'm trying to make here is that every POTUS is a narcissist and every POTUS partakes in narcissistic does every other world leader, for that matter.....and, wouldn't you want them all to be? What you perceive as narcissism is actually just extreme self-confidence, in many cases. I like people with self-confidence....I like people who are "Glass Half Full" as opposed to "Glass Half Empty" type of individuals. Do you want a non-self confident POTUS? I don't think anyone does. And every day that that Stock Market and Dow goes up, every day that the U.S. Economy continues to grow, every day that more and more proof begins to reveal that the U.S. Economy is becoming more and more inflation proof, despite what the nay-sayers have desperately tried to portray as otherwise, you can bet President Trumps self-confidence and, more importantly, the confidence that the American People have in him, grows ever more large! There was a German General in WWII named General Walter Model: He was largely thought of as a pompous and arrogant SOB who used a monocle (man I like monocles, so cool!) ....and maybe he was but it was his self-confidence that made him one of best generals of any side during the war, having defeated British, Soviet, and American offensives in each of three consecutive months in the Fall of '44.....LEADERS HAVE CONFIDENCE and it is often misdiagnosed as narcissism.

    Athos: Thank you for enlightening me on the money quote....I have never thought of it in those terms....YOU, SIR, ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! Love of money is the abscess that invades our minds, clutters our thought processes, makes us do wrong rather than right, and robs us of our wits. Truth be known, its a curse form the day of the Bible....when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, we were CONDEMNED TO A LIFE OF TOIL AND TASK....and money is the carrot we all clamor to get at....and the stick is all the rotten things we do to get that carrot.
  • Sep 18, 2019, 07:02 PM
    V7, Trump fights to get himself out of bed each day and dithers during his McDonald's breakfast which golf course he'll fly to that day.
  • Sep 19, 2019, 10:25 AM
    There is a fine line between a self confidence leader, and meglomaniacal control freak. The dufus crosses that line on many levels.
  • Sep 20, 2019, 08:13 AM

    Originally Posted by Vacuum7 View Post
    its THE POT CALLING THE KETTLE BLACK when people want to talk about Trump and women until they have to gumption to admit Clinton was as much of a pig or even a bigger pig than is Trump.

    Clinton was no prize. What he did with Lewinsky was a disgrace - an evil use of power. However, that does NOT excuse Trump from his brand of evil.


    You know Trump has a large ego....but is it any bigger than was Obama's or Clinton's or Bush's or Reagan's or Carter's or Nixon's or Johnson's or Kennedy's, etc. ag nauseum.....point I'm trying to make here is that every POTUS is a narcissist and every POTUS partakes in narcissistic does every other world leader, for that matter.....and, wouldn't you want them all to be? What you perceive as narcissism is actually just extreme self-confidence, in many cases.
    It's true that super-sized egos seem to be a requirement for public office, especially the presidency. There's no other explanation for most of the dozen Democratic candidates (or 2016's Republicans). However, Trump is an exception. Based on his twitters, his public appearances and his behavior as president, he has been diagnosed as possessing a MALIGNANT narcissism. This is not the ordinary narcissism. It is a pathological condition. There is plenty of information if you wish to Google the term.


    And every day that that Stock Market and Dow goes up, every day that the U.S. Economy continues to grow, every day that more and more proof begins to reveal that the U.S. Economy is becoming more and more inflation proof,
    No economy is inflation proof. Where did you get this idea?


    the confidence that the American People have in him, grows ever more large!
    Good grief! His popularity remains low at between upper 30s and low 40s. It's been like that since day one. Currently, it's as low as it it's ever been. Where do you get these notions?

    It's scary to think, even at such low numbers, that Trump has a core of supporters who stay with him no matter how bizarre he acts. It's good to know you're not one of them.
  • Sep 20, 2019, 08:53 PM
    Athos: Do you still believe in the fairytales called "Polls"? What did Polls get you in 2016? Polls got you Trump, that's what Polls got you! And, guess what? The left is going to eat another bunch of POLLS COME 2020, too! You can make all the excuses you wish but its inevitable, its going to happen: Silverstein, MSNBC, CNN, CBS, NBC, ABC, etc....the whole lot of them will say Trump is going to lose, even though they know, in their dark heart of hearts, that it is a complete lie....and they will keep right on lying in the public's faces right up to the moment he wins by a landslide! Remember your little dried up "RAT ON ACID" in the Clinton Administration named James Carville? He said "ITS THE ECONOMY STUPID!" People VOTE FOR THEIR POCKETBOOKS! And Trump has done more to line the American wallet than any POTUS is our lifetimes. The American people don't want to get taxed to death by Democrats, no matter how much you try to coax them into voting for leftist candidates with promises of legalizing dope! If they don't have money to spend, they can't even buy their precious dope!

    No, you are right, no economy is inflation proof but Trump is building one hell of a WALL AGAINST INFLATION by building the economy's strength.

    Where is/Who is the MD that interviewed/examined Trump and tested him to diagnose him as MALIGNANT NARCISSIST? When was this examination conducted? Is the medical file public? How did you read it....and don't tell me you got it off the internet! You see where I am going with this: You can find any fool or any number of fools to support whatever narrative has been outlined.....but, regardless, this doesn't make it true.

    Trump is putting so many stories, tweets, and orders out so prolifically that the left's beloved Media can not keep up with it all and they can not counter his punches.....TRUMP IS PUMMELING THE DEMOCRATS! And if you think the Democrats have a SNOWBALL'S CHANCE IN HELL OF TAKING BACK THE PRESIDENCY, YOU ARE ONLY DELUDING YOURSELF. Step back, take a deep breath and accept another four years of CHANGE WE CAN BELIEVE IN WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP!

    The beauty of being a Libertarian is seeing the Democrats and Republics rip each other to shreds and being able to enjoy the carnage! The Republicans aren't much but neither are the Democrats. But when it comes to introducing a LEGITIMATE 3RD PARTY, the Democrats and Republics will always join forces to kill off the 3rd Party: Is that Democracy? Isn't that MONOPOLY OF POWER? Isn't that COLLUSION in its truest sense?
  • Sep 21, 2019, 06:58 AM
    Don't blame the 2 political parties for the inability of libertarians to break through as a legitimate political force. Hoping repubs and dems cancel each other out and Libs waltz into the vacuum is a fool's pipe dream, and no substitute for voter support.

    Face it my libertarian friend, the country just ain't that into you. Enjoy the show though.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 07:03 AM
    Talaniman: By definition, you know that the system is conducive to corruption when two parties reign in all the power.....its crap! They make it impossible for a 3rd Party to break-through.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 07:16 AM
    Rise to the challenge or drown in your own crap. Here's an idea, divorce the repubs.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 12:20 PM
    3rd parties normaly have their ideas stolen by the major parties. That is what is happening with libertarians . Their ideas are being adopted by the Democrats wholesale.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 02:03 PM
    Didn't the repubs kick all the RINO'S out a few years ago? Except for Rand.
  • Sep 21, 2019, 10:07 PM
    Rand isn't a Rhino.....he can't fight worth a damn but he is not Rhino!:)

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