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  • Jan 19, 2022, 07:05 PM
    Strange deal. Clinton lied but that’s OK. Trump exaggerated the truth and that’s worth having a fit over.
  • Jan 19, 2022, 07:14 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Clinton lied


    Trump exaggerated the truth
    In what way?
  • Jan 19, 2022, 07:55 PM

    He got in front of a camera and lied about ML. He also lied to a grand jury about it.


    In what way?
    Go back and read what's already been written. I don't care to have to repeat it.
  • Jan 20, 2022, 05:07 AM

    Rasmussen is known to be the weakest poller. It is rated as on the right side of the spectrum. For a polling organization, that is not good. Polling organizations should be as neutral as possible. That is also why their fact-checking ratings are insignificant - they don't deal in facts, just opinions.

    According to left leaning "fact checkers"

    You have no idea what I agree with or not. I am a center-right independent and was once a Republican who has been disgusted with the Republican Party since its infamous impeachment of Clinton because of his private sex life. Who wouldn't lie about that?

    Bush II moved me to the center, and the ego-driven madman Trump finalized my departure from all things Republican. Their complete downfall occurred for all to see on January 6 and ongoing. It's a sad time for American politics and for its (small d) democratic institutions.
    My epiphany came when I realized the Dems wanted to pick my pockets to give to someone else.

    Bubba committed crimes that he was punished for . He was disbarred in a plea deal he made on his last day in office. However ,I agree that impeachment has been historically used in this country as political theater of the absurd .
  • Jan 20, 2022, 07:21 AM

    infamous impeachment of Clinton because of his private sex life. Who wouldn't lie about that?
    He was not impeached because of his sex life. He was impeached for lying to a grand jury and obstruction of justice. Even worse, in my view, was the determined effort by the Clinton admin to practically crucify Lewinski in trying to make it appear SHE was lying when they knew all along she was telling the truth. If she had not had the good sense to hold on to a dress with semen stains on it they would have succeeded. It was one of the scummiest episodes in White House history. And that's not to say that Lewinski was an angel of some sort, but Clinton's treatment of her was disgraceful. And that does not include the Paula Jones episode which Clinton was forced to settle out of court for nearly a million dollars.

    On a similarly atrocious scale was the comment made by James Carville. “Drag a hundred-dollar bill through a trailer park, you never know what you’ll find." This comment was either made in reference to Paula Jones or Gennifer Flowers. Either way it was a terribly insulting comment and anti-female.

    Who wouldn't lie about their sex life? People who have nothing to be ashamed of would not lie. People who are not guilty would not lie. People who believe in basic honesty would not lie.
  • Jan 20, 2022, 09:16 AM
    The charges are on record for all to see . Perjury for lying to a grand jury ;and for obstruction of justice. Perjury for lying in deposition and for lying to Congress was also considered but did not make the formal impeachment charges .
  • Jan 20, 2022, 11:24 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    lying to a grand jury

    To repeat: He lied about his private sex life. He lied to protect his privacy. Who wouldn't lie for that?

    If that upsets you, why didn't the Republicans impeach Trump for the literally thousands of lies he told and which served to split the country and jeopardize its international reputation, not to speak of the hundreds of thousands of American deaths he is indirectly responsible for re his denial of the pandemic in early 2020?
  • Jan 20, 2022, 11:28 AM

    He lied to protect his privacy
    When he tried to basically hang ML out to dry, then he lost all basic sense of character. He lied to protect his political arse. Don't kid yourself. And when you lie to a grand jury, and then you engage in obstruction of justice, then your motives are just so much nonsense.

    Should he have been impeached? That's a different question.
  • Jan 20, 2022, 01:44 PM

    To repeat: He lied about his private sex life. He lied to protect his privacy. Who wouldn't lie for that?
    I thought you liked perjury traps . But not only did he lie . He convinced ML to lie . As a pay back he sent Vernon Jordan to her to secure her a job ;which he did at Revlon. Revlon must've been the place where the Clintoons laundered their problems. Jordan was the cleaner . He also got Webb Hubbell a $60,000 retainer at Revlon when he was being pursued as a witness in the Whitewater scandal that preceded the ML scandal. Ken Starr was investigating Whitewater when the ML story broke.

    Bubba was never embarrassed about his sexual escapades because he always got away with them to this day.
  • Jan 20, 2022, 03:18 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    But not only did he lie . He convinced ML to lie . As a pay back he sent Vernon Jordan to her to secure her a job ;which he did at Revlon. Revlon must've been the place where the Clintoons laundered their problems. Jordan was the cleaner . He also got Webb Hubbell a $60,000 retainer at Revlon when he was being pursued as a witness in the Whitewater scandal that preceded the ML scandal. Ken Starr was investigating Whitewater when the ML story broke.

    None of this compares remotely to the behavior of Trump.
  • Jan 20, 2022, 03:26 PM

    None of this compares remotely to the behavior of Trump.
    Exactly correct. Trump had good reason to say what he said as has been documented here. In addition, Trump was not trying to destroy someone's life as BC was doing.
  • Jan 20, 2022, 04:26 PM
    Here's Clinton's own admission to lying.

    Here is the blatant lie spoken to the American people.
  • Jan 21, 2022, 06:48 AM
    The Queen is making randy Andy pay for his private sex life .
    Prince Andrew loses military titles and use of HRH - BBC News

    Will Bubba ever pay ?
    Juanita Broaddrick Details Alleged Bill Clinton Rape on 40th Anniversary: 'I Want Everyone to Know He Is a Rapist' (

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