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  • May 24, 2020, 02:55 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Then who on earth were you referring to?


    Even at that, to use this as a description of an unborn child is really chilling. "you hate that misbegotten mass of cells growing inside you." I don't think you actually see it that way, or at least I certainly hope not.
    Did you read what I had written??? It was referring to what pregnant you would have thought of the object now in your body because of the selfish activities of a rapist or your uncle or an abusive spouse.

    Still waiting for the promised explanation of why you "disagree" with abortion.
    The day ends at midnight.

    As to my "part" being finished in less than five minutes, my "part" is still going on, and our children are all over thirty years old. You are greatly mistaken, and seem to be greatly prejudiced against men. My amazing wife and I raised our children as a team.
    Nope, not prejudiced. Men have no clue about what goes on during those nine months. And if the pregnancy begins in hate and as a power struggle....
  • May 24, 2020, 03:16 PM

    "Oh, that's right. You can't get pregnant. Your part is finished in less than five minutes, you smile, then walk away."
    Sure sounds prejudiced to me, and wildly incorrect.


    It was referring to what pregnant you would have thought of the object now in your body because of the selfish activities of a rapist or your uncle or an abusive spouse.
    Maybe. Thankfully the vast majority of pregnancies do not start that way, and thankfully very few women who get abortions became pregnant due to abuse.
  • May 24, 2020, 03:20 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Maybe. Thankfully the vast majority of pregnancies do not start that way, and thankfully very few women who get abortions became pregnant due to abuse.

    Yeah, and, according to your way of thinking, they wait until the ninth month, wake up one morning, and say, "Gee whiz, I really don't want a kid after all. I'll get rid of this and adopt a puppy instead."
  • May 24, 2020, 04:05 PM

    according to your way of thinking, they wait until the ninth month, wake up one morning, and say, "Gee whiz, I really don't want a kid after all. I'll get rid of this and adopt a puppy instead."
    And once again, you're making things up. It's a dumb thought that I have never expresses or believed.
  • May 24, 2020, 04:15 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    And once again, you're making things up. It's a dumb thought that I have never expresses or believed.

    Probably not a puppy specifically, but you've indicated they say to themselves, "I wanna abortion for no good reason, just because I feel like it."
  • May 24, 2020, 04:49 PM

    "I wanna abortion for no good reason, just because I feel like it."
    That is far removed from your original idea that they wait until the ninth month and then decide to have an abortion. At any rate, I'm sure many women have that exact sentiment of having an abortion simply because they want to, but certainly not all do. And yet one way or another, it is the destruction of human life that I object to. If not for that, then it would make no difference, but that truth makes an enormous difference. When we consider that they are dealing with human beings, then we must be greatly concerned. Human life has great worth.
  • May 24, 2020, 05:12 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    That is far removed from your original idea that they wait until the ninth month and then decide to have an abortion.

    Umm, it's the same idea.


    Human life has great worth.
    ...especially when it's white and not poc trying to find refuge in our country.
  • May 24, 2020, 05:19 PM

    Umm, it's the same idea.
    Uhm...only to you.


    ...especially when it's white and not poc trying to find refuge in another country.
    Another foolish statement that did not come from me.
  • May 24, 2020, 05:38 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Another foolish statement that did not come from me.

    Not so foolish. Maybe not from you, but clearly what Trump has been implying. Here are his words with help in understanding in parens.

    "Immigrants from (white) Norway are acceptable and desired. Immigrants from (brown) south of the border countries not desired. Immigrants from (black) s***hole countries not desired".
  • May 24, 2020, 05:54 PM

    Not so foolish. Maybe not from you, but clearly what Trump has been implying
    You say Trump has been implying that, and then you give a quote that is not accurate. Pitiful. You pulled several statements together, inserted your own thoughts, and attributed it to Trump. Hmmm. Did both of you attend the same class on making things up?
  • May 24, 2020, 06:11 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You say Trump has been implying that, and then you give a quote that is not accurate. Pitiful. You pulled several statements together, inserted your own thoughts, and attributed it to Trump. Hmmm. Did both of you attend the same class on making things up?

    Did you graduate first in your class on How To Be An A**hole?
  • May 24, 2020, 06:15 PM
    You got caught in a "fabrication", and so you need to call names? Pitiful. Don't blame your problems on me.
  • May 24, 2020, 07:27 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    You got caught in a "fabrication", and so you need to call names? Pitiful. Don't blame your problems on me.

    There was no fabrication, you moron.

    That was exactly what Trump implied which was known by the whole world except, apparently, by you. I've tried to accommodate you, but it doesn't work. You're just too full of yourself.
  • May 25, 2020, 01:24 AM
    The dufus wants it both ways, The minority vote, and the racists vote. He's made money off them both in the past, and probably hopes to in the future. He needs every vote he can get. This pandemic is screwing up his plans for sure. His reopening push a lot of people want so desperately may not save him if it doesn't work as advertised. Getting sick and dying is more a disincentive to workers as any money he can shell out to tide people through this virus.

    The right wing trickle down ideology can't meet our needs in the short term, nor put out the growing hotspots and fires to come. Watch the debt and deficit folks heads explode in the weeks ahead. Don't laugh to hard though liberals, our turn comes rather quickly.
  • May 25, 2020, 04:07 AM

    There was no fabrication, you moron.

    That was exactly what Trump implied which was known by the whole world except, apparently, by you. I've tried to accommodate you, but it doesn't work. You're just too full of yourself.
    It always brings a smile to my face to see this. You get questioned, and so you get mad. Typical. You simply concocted a quote. That's why I never trust anything that comes from you because, after all, past history has been a good teacher. And then when you get caught, you get nasty.

    I'm sure WG will be along any minute to point out your put-downs and shaming.
  • May 25, 2020, 05:39 AM
    Love to dish the shade to those that hate to give it back don'tcha? Classic bully! You claim the dufus doesn't diss the minorities so you can ignore his racism, Mr. I don't now any racists who hides behind so called morality by questioning everybody else's.

    Glad you blocked me, but can't stop me from pointing out the utter hypocrisy of your posts, devoid of facts, empathy, and honesty. In fact, you are as capable of some lowdown dirty cheap shots that the dufus you worship would be proud of as he sits atop your shoulders.

    Of course you're proud of yourself and think you're entitled to blessings you can never earn or deserve. You ain't making no friend with that dufus style LIE about wanting an "HONEST" discussion. Try being honest with yourself, and the discussion can flow from there.
  • May 25, 2020, 08:51 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    It always brings a smile to my face to see this. You get questioned, and so you get mad. Typical. You simply concocted a quote. That's why I never trust anything that comes from you because, after all, past history has been a good teacher. And then when you get caught, you get nasty.

    I'm sure WG will be along any minute to point out your put-downs and shaming.

    Athos is correct. Trump said all that. And worse.

    January 11, 2018: Trump said on Twitter, "Haiti? Why do we want people from Haiti here?" Then they got Africa. 'Why do we want these people from all these sh!+hole countries here? We should have more people from places like Norway."

    “When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems.They’re bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They’re rapists,” the future president said during his first-ever campaign speech in 2015.
  • May 25, 2020, 09:07 AM
    "Athos is correct." Your usual, utterly predictable reply. Athos could say the moon was made of cheese and you would agree with him. You three amigos stick together no matter what, since to disagree with a liberal dem would cause your world to fall apart.

    Those are all quotes from what people reported Trump said in private meetings. As the article said, "President Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and countries in Africa as 'hole countries.'" But at least you gave an honest rendition of the supposed quote. Athos put his own meaning into it which made it even less accurate than it would have been.

    The article linked below went on to say, "The White House went on to say Trump wants immigrants who can 'contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation.'” There is no reference to race there. Now a person can state their own prejudiced view that Trump was referring to race if they want to, but no one has to accept it.

    Still waiting on your condemnation of his put-downs and shaming which you profess to care so much about. Just want to see if you apply your ethical standards evenly.

    Midnight came and went with no reply. Ask me if I'm surprised.
  • May 25, 2020, 09:22 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Those are all quotes from what people reported Trump said in private meetings. As the article said, "President Trump reportedly referred to Haiti and countries in Africa as 'hole countries.'" But at least you gave an honest rendition of the supposed quote. Athos put his own meaning into it which made it even less accurate than it would have been.

    And Athos explained that with his preface, "clearly what Trump has been implying. Here are his words with help in understanding in parens."

    The article linked below went on to say, "The White House went on to say Trump wants immigrants who can “contribute to our society, grow our economy and assimilate into our great nation.” There is no reference to race there. Now a person can state their own prejudiced view that Trump was referring to race if they want to, but no one has to accept it.
    What color is the preponderance of people who live in Haiti, who live in Africa, who live south of our border? What is the predominant color of people who live in Norway?

    It will be poc who clean your hospital or nursing home room, wipe your butt, roll you over in bed when you have no strength to do it yourself, draw your blood for a CBC, check your bp and oxygen saturation, bring you meal trays when you're bedbound and even feed you if necessary, respond to your call light or to your frantic shouts, tell you amusing stories about their children or pets, hoping that will relieve your ennui.

    Still waiting on your condemnation of his put-downs and shaming which you profess to care so much about. Just want to see if you apply your ethical standards evenly.
    See above. Athos gives as he has been given.

    Midnight came and went with no reply. Ask me if I'm surprised.
    It was either you or Memorial Day food preparation. Guess which won?
  • May 25, 2020, 12:51 PM

    What color is the preponderance of people who live in Haiti, who live in Africa, who live south of our border? What is the predominant color of people who live in Norway?
    People like you, who are hung up on race, would think that way. I don't. I view it as who would be more likely to be a responsible contributor to our culture, a person from highly successful Norway, or someone from exceedingly underachieving Haiti or Uganda. I don't really agree with that philosophy, but Trump's comments, if indeed he made them, could just as easily be taken that way unless, of course, you are hung up on race in the way you are.


    It will be poc who clean your hospital or nursing home room, wipe your butt, roll you over in bed when you have no strength to do it yourself, draw your blood for a CBC, check your bp and oxygen saturation, bring you meal trays when you're bedbound and even feed you if necessary, respond to your call light or to your frantic shouts, tell you amusing stories about their children or pets, hoping that will relieve your ennui.
    Read again my first comment.


    See above. Athos gives as he has been given.
    See comment above about the three amigos. Must be terrible to be so committed to a political philosophy that it overrides your true sense of morality. At least I don't have to pay any attention to your future protests. Since you don't apply them equally, then they ring exceedingly hollow.


    It was either you or Memorial Day food preparation. Guess which won?
    If the past is any indication, and it usually is, then an explanation will not be forthcoming. Don't worry about it. I never expected it anyway.

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