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  • Aug 2, 2013, 08:10 PM
    2,407 on PDF.
  • Aug 2, 2013, 08:28 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    It expect it reflects those who drew it up, aspirational documents always do

    No the fact they cheated to ram it through without a proper vote reflects the people that drew it up... those are the same type of people that were behind Adolf Hitler...
  • Aug 2, 2013, 08:38 PM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    No the fact they cheated to ram it through without a proper vote reflects the people that drew it up....those are the same type of people that were behind Adolf Hitler...

    I wouldn't want to be you guy explaining to a poor citizen why he get canceled and can't get his operation because he capped out of covered benefits, or why you get dropped because you had a pre exiting condition.

    Or why your premium went up, but they dropped you anyway when you got sick. Tell me again why the old way was better.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 02:08 AM
    The proof is in the reaction to it . The American people don't want it... union bosses who sent their shock troops to the streets to support it have now turned on it. Democrats think it's a train wreck, members of the agency charged with enforcing it have said it's hazardous to our health and both members of Congress and their staffers are getting an opt out . Perhaps they took your advice and read it. While testifying to Congress , Daniel Werfel, IRS boss , the agency charged with enforcing ObamaCare's mandates, said he would rather keep his current health insurance plan than make the switch .The National Treasury Employees Union(NTEU) sent a letter to congress begging out.
    Even now many months after it was shoved up our keisters ,HHS is trying to get athletes and movie stars to promote it... you know... people with enough money to independently opt out.

    But you are right about one thing .The old system had the taxpayer subsidizing 75% od members of Congress and their staffs plans . Now the freakazoids on Capitol Hill have the coconuts to say that they should be exempt from the provisions of the law they forced on us. Now the emperor ,in an effort to delay the inevitable train wreck is delaying the employer mandate and not the individual even though his action violates that very law . Now the WH is allowing the subsidization of individuals onto exchanges without income verification.
    All you've done is taken steps to destroy a good system that at best needed some tweeking ,and replaced it with an economy destroying cr@p sandwich. Typical of utopian progressives who live in a fantasy world not having a clue how the real world works.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 02:40 AM
    You complain but how is it the president can enact legislation by executive order? Why don't you do away with that anachristic legislature and let him run the country? You have parallel systems and it seems neither work, chalk that one up to the founders in their infinate wisdom
  • Aug 3, 2013, 02:59 AM
    Article 5 convention could solve many of our problems... but no... what you are seeing is abuse of powers... not a flaw in the construct.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 03:56 AM
    You think my thinking is twisted, but if you think your president will voluntarily give up his powers it is your thinking that is twisted. Only the ballot box can force him and maybe not even then
  • Aug 3, 2013, 05:19 AM
    The election was last year Clete, and they failed.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 05:39 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    The election was last year Clete, and they failed.

    We still won the House in spite of the IRS and FEC collusion and bullying, the compliant media, the lies about Benghazi and your mythical war on women meme.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 06:15 AM
    Hello again, Steve:

    We still won the House in spite of the IRS and FEC collusion and bullying, the compliant media, the lies about Benghazi and your mythical war on women meme.
    To be clear, you got LESS votes than Democrats and only "won" because the districts were gerrymandered...

    The truth is, right wing policies were rejected ACROSS the board.

  • Aug 3, 2013, 06:33 AM
    So America voted for Obamacare and unlimited government spending.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 06:37 AM
    Hello again, Steve:

    unlimited government spending
    I don't remember that as a campaign promise.. What I DO remember is right wing policies were REJECTED ACROSS THE BOARD.

  • Aug 3, 2013, 07:04 AM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    So America voted for Obamacare and unlimited government spending.

    Unlimited is the right wing spin, always has been though that's what they do when they have the power to govern, but be honest, Romney would have given him and his rich buddies even more money and the wingers would be holding the door open. That's what the last election was about, unlimited spending on rich guys and NOT Americans.

    Taxpayers saved the nation, and the banks but who saves the taxpayers. It sure ain't the job creators the right worships, or wall street for sure, so I guess we have to save ourselves because we want a raise.

    Give it up or get back jack!! No more stealing and calling it capitalism.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 08:28 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Unlimited is the right wing spin, always has been though that's what they do when they have the power to govern, but be honest, Romney would have given him and his rich buddies even more money and the wingers would be holding the door open. That's what the last election was about, unlimited spending on rich guys and NOT Americans.

    Taxpayers saved the nation, and the banks but who saves the taxpayers. It sure ain't the job creators the right worships, or wall street for sure, so I guess we have to save ourselves because we want a raise.

    Give it up or get back jack!!!!!!!!! No more stealing and calling it capitalism.

    Lol, you're so predictable. And yet again you have no problem with your side doing the same thing you're b!tching about now. Corzine misplaced billions of investor dollars and no one on your side is even curious about it. Billions of taxpayer dollars thrown down the sinkhole of all those green energy 'job creators' and nary a flinch from you. The Clintonistas are still doing shady business and y'all are trying to put them in office and head government agencies. Nothing to see here, look, something shiny!

    Terry McAuliffe’s electric car company under SEC investigation « Hot Air
  • Aug 3, 2013, 08:39 AM
    P.S. As we speak unions are out demanding McDonald's increase wages by 100 percent. As if they'd survive paying entry level workers $15 an hour and changing their dollar menu to the $7.99 menu.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 09:56 AM
    That hasn't been the case, they have higher wages at McDonald on the west coast but the same prices.

    City and County of San Francisco : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)
  • Aug 3, 2013, 03:06 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    That hasn't been the case, they have higher wages at McDonald on the west coast but the same prices.

    City and County of San Francisco : Minimum Wage Ordinance (MWO)

    $10.55 is not $15 an hour and naturally you think we should all increase our cost of living to that of San Francisco, where $10.55 is like $7.00 in Texas.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 03:34 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    P.S. As we speak unions are out demanding McDonald's increase wages by 100 percent. As if they'd survive paying entry level workers $15 an hour and changing their dollar menu to the $7.99 menu.

    They have done it here and report higher profits you forget the increase can be covered by hiring one less worker per shift
  • Aug 3, 2013, 03:49 PM
    When you sent those factory jobs overseas for cheap labor those former so called entry level jobs got taken by older people, the average age being upper twenties, not teen agers. So adults most with kids who are the working poor either have to earn more, or receive more federal assistance just to eat and pay rent.

    Don't listen to smoothie talking welfare Cadillacs, and luxury shoes. Just imagine yourself with a kid and minimum wage. It ain't an easy living and as we transition from factory to service industry, some adjustments have to be made. I mean how many jobs should a guy or girl expect toned just to eat and buy diapers?

    Even in Texas it's a hard pull, especially with part time hours.
  • Aug 3, 2013, 03:54 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    When you sent those factory jobs overseas for cheap labor those former so called entry level jobs got taken by older people, the average age being upper twenties, not teen agers. So adults most with kids who are the working poor either have to earn more, or receive more federal assistance just to eat and pay rent.

    Don't listen to smoothie talking welfare Cadillacs, and luxury shoes. Just imagine yourself with a kid and minimum wage. It ain't an easy living and as we transition from factory to service industry, some adjustments have to be made. I mean how many jobs should a guy or girl expect toned just to eat and buy diapers?

    Even in Texas its a hard pull, especially with part time hours.

    you know Tal you're right I've observed those entry level jobs are being taken here by adults too, much bigger population of older workers in Mcdonalds and KFC but I know that Speech hasn't heard of productivity which is what you get when you start paying the true value for the work

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