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  • Oct 30, 2022, 12:10 PM

    Like Hawking, he can think, he just can't verbally communicate.
    Unless you have access to his med records, and you don't, then you have no idea. You're just running interference for the guy because he's a liberal dem.

    The part of your article you apparently chose to ignore. "Fetterman has chosen not to release his full medical record, so it’s not possible to draw conclusions about the exact location or extent of brain injury resulting from his stroke." Since your own article says that is the case, then why are you trying to do (draw conclusions) exactly what it says cannot be done?

    Stephen Hawking's situation was not caused by a stroke but by a disease called ALS. The two conditions are not related.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 04:29 PM
    I mentioned ALS in Post#18. ALS and a stroke both cause speech impairments. P.S. Please read the ENTIRE article.

    At least Fetterman isn't babbling about won-ton murders and peach-tree dishes.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 05:03 PM
    I will if you will.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 05:05 PM
    I did before I posted it.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 05:25 PM
    Then you were intentionally deceitful.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 06:27 PM
    You really love to needle, don't you -- with hopes to whip up an argument.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 06:44 PM
    No, I love to be honest. Perhaps you were honestly mistaken, but after my post 21 you should, I would think, recognize your mistake. It is your post 10 that was in error.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 06:58 PM
    No mistake, Charlie. Read something besides Fox.

    No comment from you on Republican comments about won-ton murders and peach-tree dishes?
  • Oct 30, 2022, 07:00 PM
    Trying yet again to change the subject. Oh well.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 07:08 PM
    I'd mentioned them earlier. Post #22.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 07:49 PM
    You need to address this first, Charlene.

    Unless you have access to his med records, and you don't, then you have no idea. This is the part of your article you apparently chose to ignore. "Fetterman has chosen not to release his full medical record, so it’s not possible to draw conclusions about the exact location or extent of brain injury resulting from his stroke." Since your own article says that is the case, then why are you trying to do (draw conclusions) exactly what it says cannot be done? That happened when you said, "Researchers shed light on aphasia and stroke recovery, reporting auditory processing symptoms as a result of stroke do not alter one’s intelligence, behavior, or other executive abilities." So were you just rambling, or were you claiming that was true of Fetterman?
  • Oct 30, 2022, 08:13 PM
    The article also mentioned his wife's early intervention: "Because of her early recognition of his symptoms and rapid transport to a nearby facility, Lancaster General Hospital in Pennsylvania, he had the opportunity to receive a clot-busting drug called a thrombolytic and underwent a catheter-based procedure to remove the blood clot from an artery in the brain."

    Unfortunately, my younger son did not recognize his symptoms or call his doctor about them and died of a pulmonary embolism. Coincidentally, four days later, my hematologist immediately recognized symptoms of DVT in me and started me on Xeralto to break up clots that were forming in my right leg.
  • Oct 30, 2022, 08:16 PM
    You need to address this first, Charlene.

    Unless you have access to his med records, and you don't, then you have no idea. This is the part of your article you apparently chose to ignore. "Fetterman has chosen not to release his full medical record, so it’s not possible to draw conclusions about the exact location or extent of brain injury resulting from his stroke." Since your own article says that is the case, then why are you trying to do (draw conclusions) exactly what it says cannot be done? That happened when you said, "Researchers shed light on aphasia and stroke recovery, reporting auditory processing symptoms as a result of stroke do not alter one’s intelligence, behavior, or other executive abilities." So were you just rambling, or were you claiming that was true of Fetterman?
  • Oct 30, 2022, 08:44 PM
    The article also mentioned his wife's early intervention: "Because of her early recognition of his symptoms and rapid transport to a nearby facility, Lancaster General Hospital in Pennsylvania, he had the opportunity to receive a clot-busting drug called a thrombolytic and underwent a catheter-based procedure to remove the blood clot from an artery in the brain."
  • Feb 18, 2023, 02:49 AM
    Fetterman has been checked into the hospital for the 2nd time since he was sworn in last month .

    He could've stepped out of the race after his massive stroke right before the campaign began. His wife could've encouraged him to do so . Guv Shapiro could've .The Penn Dems could've . The compliant press for the most part went along with the charade . And the Repubs chose a weak candidate .

    So he became Senator .

    You will recall from this and other postings here that anyone who called this out was called being an ableist . This stroke affected his physical functions .It affected his brain he could not process. language he was hearing ;could not speak properly ;could not understand things .We were told we were supposed to ignore all this .
    Gisele Fetterman said to just leave him alone .Nothing to see here .He would get better .
    Scientific American ran a piece in October ;in the days before the election telling us;
    Following a stroke, the brain’s own repair processes can lead to a strong recovery in people such as Senate candidate John Fetterman
    John Fetterman Shows How Well the Brain Recovers after Stroke - Scientific American


    Aphasia, or the inability to understand or express speech, is very common following a stroke, impacting an estimated third of people who have one. (Fetterman’s campaign has denied he has aphasia, but some of his symptoms are consistent with the condition.) Those who have a stroke in their left brain hemisphere, which serves as the center of language processing in most people, are particularly vulnerable. For the brain to recover, it must modify and adapt to this new injury, a process known as neural plasticity.
    Give him a closed caption prompter and all is right in the world . He will be fine .
    Well not really .

    After the SOTU address he was rushed to the hospital for unspecified reasons .

    Scans showed he did not have another stroke

    But now he has checked himself back into the hospital for clinical depression. It should be clear by now that he should not have been running for Senate .


    While John has experienced depression off and on throughout his life, it only became severe in recent weeks, chief of staff Adam Jentleson said in a statemen
    Sen. John Fetterman is being treated for clinical depression at Walter Reed : NPR

    What happened in recent weeks ? Oh yeah ,he was sworn in as Senator adding to his stress level .


    “On Monday, John was evaluated by Dr. Brian P. Monahan, the attending physician of the United States Congress,” the chief of staff said. “Yesterday, Dr. Monahan recommended inpatient care at Walter Reed. John agreed, and he is receiving treatment on a voluntary basis.”
    Now outpatient care means you get some medication maybe have sessions with a mental health professional .But otherwise go about your life. In patient care for clinical depression is very serious business .
    When Is Residential or Inpatient Treatment Necessary for Depression? (

    Yet we are assured all will be well and he will be back to himself in no time.

    Gisele says leave us alone ;give us some privacy. The best way for privacy while recovering would've been to not enter a Senate campaign.
    “After what he’s been through in the past year, there’s probably no one who wanted to talk about his own health less than John,” his wife, Gisele Fetterman, said in a pair of tweets Thursday afternoon. “I’m so proud of him for asking for help and getting the care he needs.”

    She asked for privacy during the “difficult time for our family"


    "For us, the kids come first," she said of their three children. "Take care of yourselves. Hold your loved ones close, you are not alone.

    Senator John Fetterman checks into hospital for clinical depression (

    The kids come first ? I'd say your political ambitions came first . There is only one reason why he is in the public eyes today . It is because you encouraged him to run despite recovering from a major stroke ;and because the Dems of Penn and the compliant press went along with it . It was more important for him to take the seat than to recover.

    Prediction .... the subject of this posting is right on. He will step down and be replaced by Gisele .....who puts the kids first .
  • Feb 18, 2023, 05:46 AM

    He will step down and be replaced by Gisele .....who puts the kids first .
    Very likely scenario.
  • Feb 20, 2023, 05:46 AM
    And the Dems will be able to check off another box .....a Senator who was once an illegal alien .
  • Feb 27, 2023, 02:43 PM
    It has now been 2 weeks and there is a virtual news blackout about Fetterman's health . But we do know that Gisele and their children have left the country .

    She says she left to get away from the coverage . To that I ask what coverage ?

    His offices says he is fine nothing to see here . We don't need a statement from his staff .We need a statement from his doctors .

    Fetterman is hospitalized for clinical depression Bob Casey underwent prostate cancer sugery 2 weeks ago. The people of Pa. have no Senators currently working for them in DC .
  • Feb 27, 2023, 02:48 PM
    What coverage? I have no doubt the Fetterman office and home phones are driving everyone crazy with their ringing. Clinical depression is manageable. Yes, his doctors should issue periodic statements.
  • Feb 27, 2023, 03:09 PM

    Gisele and their children have left the country .
    Stand by your man.


    The people of Pa. have no Senators currently working for them in DC .
    Considering who they are, it's the best possible outcome.

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