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  • Aug 6, 2020, 07:24 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    You think they have found a cure and don't want to share it? Their cure was shutdown followed by lies and intimidation or so they would have us believe

    No, I suspect they're not telling us about cases, tests, deaths, how widespread, etc. I don't think they have come up with a cure for the simple reason that they would exploit that information all over the world.
  • Aug 6, 2020, 08:42 PM
    Yes they are quick to tell us how good they are and slow to give any information. The comms in China live in fear of being seen as anything but great managers and world leaders
  • Aug 7, 2020, 08:37 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Yes they are quick to tell us how good they are and slow to give any information. The comms in China live in fear of being seen as anything but great managers and world leaders

    Whatever the agenda, actions, words or behavior of the Chinese, it would be a mistake to dismiss them or not acknowledge that they are as capable and as formidable a people as any in the world. Global finances are scrambled and even they feel the pinch, and I would not underestimate their will to survive and thrive by whatever means they deem necessary just like the rest of the world. Xi, and China just don't have the impulsive big mouth that the dufus has, nor the impulsive reactions to his words, or anybody else's for that matter.

    Unlike the dufus though Xi, and Vlad aren't trying to desperately hold onto their power and influence and neither are big goofs either.
  • Aug 7, 2020, 01:09 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Unlike the dufus though Xi, and Vlad aren't trying to desperately hold onto their power and influence and neither are big goofs either.

    Xi has an atrocious record on human rights, far worse than anything Trump has ever done. Vlad is a murderer and has seized the Russian economy for the benefit of himself and his cronies, far worse than anything Trump has done.

    This is not to absolve Trump who is easily the worst president and public figure this nation has ever produced. I have no doubt that given the power of the other two Trump would be their equal in tyranny. But he's not there yet, and he never will be if enough US voters cast an intelligent ballot on November 3.
  • Aug 7, 2020, 06:12 PM
    It is all relative, Trump hasn't implemented any "reeducation" camps, or restricted religious freedoms, he just doesn't like riots, ah the quiet life, don't we all yearn for it
  • Aug 8, 2020, 09:04 AM
    Let's hope the American peeps puts an end to the dufus steady march toward inhuman authoritarianism, and lying, cheating, stealing, bully tactics. He has managed to surround himself with sycophants and enablers to carry out his tyranny effectively while dismantling and degrading our checks, balances and oversight mechanisms.


    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    It is all relative, Trump hasn't implemented any "reeducation" camps, or restricted religious freedoms, he just doesn't like riots, ah the quiet life, don't we all yearn for it

    Maybe because you have migrant camps and detention centers yourself you can overlook the ones the dufus has set up here, or by his lies that equate lawful protestors with rioters Clete, it's easy to buy into that disturbing the peace meme and ignore the whole reason for the protests in the first place which is decades and even centuries of terrorism and brutality against minorities.

    You shouldn't buy Kool-Aid from a snake oil salesmen.
  • Aug 8, 2020, 04:11 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Let's hope the American peeps puts an end to the dufus steady march toward inhuman authoritarianism, and lying, cheating, stealing, bully tactics. He has managed to surround himself with sycophants and enablers to carry out his tyranny effectively while dismantling and degrading our checks, balances and oversight mechanisms.

    Maybe because you have migrant camps and detention centers yourself you can overlook the ones the dufus has set up here, or by his lies that equate lawful protestors with rioters Clete, it's easy to buy into that disturbing the peace meme and ignore the whole reason for the protests in the first place which is decades and even centuries of terrorism and brutality against minorities.

    You shouldn't buy Kool-Aid from a snake oil salesmen.

    I definately think you have been drinking the koolaid, the only detention centres we have are for those who come here illegally and, of course, criminals. We abandoned migrant camps in the last century, back in the days when we were accepting the displaced of Europe. Lawfull protesters are those who wave a placard, march down a street and go home. Like you we have no shortage of them although what they are protesting about appears a little vague and borrowed, however, we lack the police brutality and violence that gives rise to your demonstrations
  • Aug 9, 2020, 05:01 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    I definately think you have been drinking the koolaid, the only detention centres we have are for those who come here illegally and, of course, criminals. We abandoned migrant camps in the last century, back in the days when we were accepting the displaced of Europe.

    I ain't drinking YOUR Kool-Aid or snake oil or spin to sanitize those camps/centers for those you deem undesirables.


    Lawfull protesters are those who wave a placard, march down a street and go home. Like you we have no shortage of them although what they are protesting about appears a little vague and borrowed, however, we lack the police brutality and violence that gives rise to your demonstrations
    The issues are vastly different it seems between our counties.
  • Aug 9, 2020, 06:40 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    I ain't drinking YOUR Kool-Aid or snake oil or spin to sanitize those camps/centers for those you deem undesirables.

    There are very few people left in those camps, a few die hards who won't accept the generous offer to go home or relocate


    The issues are vastly different it seems between our counties.
    yes indeed we don't have millions of illegals and thousands of deportations so I think you should clean up your own mess before preaching to others
  • Aug 9, 2020, 07:27 AM
    You don't have hundreds of millions of people, nor the attraction for millions of people either. Population brings it's own set of issues and messes to clean up and fix. Nobody is preaching to you so don't get your nose in a snit.
  • Aug 9, 2020, 02:04 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    You don't have hundreds of millions of people, nor the attraction for millions of people either. Population brings it's own set of issues and messes to clean up and fix. Nobody is preaching to you so don't get your nose in a snit.

    We won't have hundreds of millions, not because this is not a desirable place from a distance, but people cannot simply walk in. There are millions who would like to come here, however, not being blessed with water as you are, the land could not support them. The organisation of your society is in no way superior to ours, as demonstrated by those issues you speak of, and untill you can deal with them, you should devote your resources to the task
  • Aug 10, 2020, 08:10 AM
    this is true The Aussies are sucking the Great Artisan aquifer dry though gross mismanagement .
  • Aug 10, 2020, 10:08 AM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    We won't have hundreds of millions, not because this is not a desirable place from a distance, but people cannot simply walk in. There are millions who would like to come here, however, not being blessed with water as you are, the land could not support them. The organisation of your society is in no way superior to ours, as demonstrated by those issues you speak of, and untill you can deal with them, you should devote your resources to the task

    Now look who is giving advice. Few places in the world don't have issues to deal with and that includes the oldest, and those that have long disappeared, changed, or moved. So really none have superiority, and all can be considered a works in progress. I never saw us as being superior to you Aussies Clete, just bigger, stronger, meaner, and more aggressive. Not saying you are not good capable people at all, but like us you have snobs and loons to deal with as well as your own unique issues.

    Don't all societies and cultures?
  • Aug 10, 2020, 03:42 PM

    just bigger, stronger, meaner, and more aggressive.
    Yes you certainly are


    The Aussies are sucking the Great Artisan aquifer dry though gross mismanagement

    I don't think aquifer is the correct term and yes it is the only water there but then how else do you tame arid lands


    your own unique issues.
    we all suffer the same issues to different degrees, the only thing that makes them unique is attitude and aptitude.
  • Aug 10, 2020, 06:42 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post

    we all suffer the same issues to different degrees, the only thing that makes them unique is attitude and aptitude.

    LOL, from your provided link, glad your attitudes and aptitudes are a works in progress, as are ours.
  • Aug 10, 2020, 10:18 PM
    Yes our attitude is we do what sustains us, our attitude is we adapt, we are not chained to the past
  • Aug 11, 2020, 05:09 AM
    Not to press the point, but you deserve credit for shaking off your criminal past and finding a better way forward, and have much room for growth and development. I think eventually we will shake off this virus and the dufus and recover from our own past and be better for it. We have a history of thriving in the face of adversity, and foolish it is to bet against we won't again.

    Progress isn't always pretty, but it is what we do.
  • Aug 11, 2020, 06:22 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Not to press the point, but you deserve credit for shaking off your criminal past and finding a better way forward, and have much room for growth and development. I think eventually we will shake off this virus and the dufus and recover from our own past and be better for it. We have a history of thriving in the face of adversity, and foolish it is to bet against we won't again.

    Progress isn't always pretty, but it is what we do.

    pity you haven't shaken off your colonial past and CV-19 in some way is the legacy of it. There must be a reason why your nation is the worst affected in the world right now, that we know of, of course, no centralised authority, except a president who has failed to grasp the essentials
  • Aug 11, 2020, 06:44 AM
    The dufus being a failed leader is a given, but the notion that states are free to do as they see fit about the virus is a consequence of that. I'll dismiss the colonial past comment as useless blathering without explanation, since obviously we have far exceeded that and achieved an independence that has led to a global influence that even you haters have to acknowledge.

    I don't begrudge the little dog for barking from the porch when the big dog walks down the street.
  • Aug 11, 2020, 06:53 AM
    Yes dogs are very good at barking

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