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  • Oct 3, 2013, 07:14 AM

    they are trying to create fission.
    They are looking for the Higgs boson... the so called "God Particle " . This is more like the Tower of Babel than sorcerer's apprentice .
  • Oct 3, 2013, 02:25 PM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    They are looking for the Higgs boson .... the so called "God Particle " . This is more like the Tower of Babel than sorcerer's apprentice .

    They found that months ago
  • Oct 3, 2013, 03:37 PM
    Nahh they think they did . I am no expert in physics by any means . But I think the claim that the neutrino travelled faster than the speed of light was a premature and false report.The margin of error for that experiment was far greater than what was reported at CERN. Besides , it has not been replicated so by their own scientific standards it is still in the hypothesis stage.
  • Oct 3, 2013, 09:58 PM
    Yes machines like that take a lot of maintenance makes you wonder why bother
  • Nov 11, 2013, 07:30 AM
    Hello again,

    Climate change is NOT whether. It does EFFECT the whether, though. I wonder how my right wing friends view these once in a century storms that are hitting us these days.

    Now, I dunno if they mean anything... But, I know the gamble you take if you DENY climate change, is with our destiny. Given that being WRONG would be cataclysmic, I'd rather err on the side of living. You? Not so much.

    Besides, the oil is gonna run out pretty soon, and we'll have to DO something THEN.. Why not start now? You DO know that we're gonna run out of oil, don't you??

    Actually, I'm not sure you do.

  • Nov 11, 2013, 07:40 AM
    Whether you believe in climate change is irrelevant because what we do know for fact is mother nature can wipe out whatever man builds and it costs money to rebuild it. MUCH money. So rebuilding stuff until it happens again is a losing proposition, and expensive.

    Solutions, besides more tax breaks and shrink the government and tough luck.
  • Nov 11, 2013, 07:46 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again,

    Climate change is NOT whether. It does EFFECT the whether, though. I wonder how my right wing friends view these once in a century storms that are hitting us these days.

    Now, I dunno if they mean anything... But, I know the gamble you take if you DENY climate change, is with our destiny. Given that being WRONG would be cataclysmic, I'd rather err on the side of living. You? Not so much.

    Besides, the oil is gonna run out pretty soon, and we'll have to DO something THEN.. Why not start now? You DO know that we're gonna run out of oil, don't you??

    Actually, I'm not sure you do.


    We are doing something, we're covering the planet in giant bird-whacking windmills, solar panels and toxic batteries.
  • Nov 11, 2013, 08:10 AM

    Originally Posted by excon View Post
    Hello again,

    Climate change is NOT whether. It does EFFECT the whether, though. I wonder how my right wing friends view these once in a century storms that are hitting us these days.

    Now, I dunno if they mean anything... But, I know the gamble you take if you DENY climate change, is with our destiny. Given that being WRONG would be cataclysmic, I'd rather err on the side of living. You? Not so much.

    Besides, the oil is gonna run out pretty soon, and we'll have to DO something THEN.. Why not start now? You DO know that we're gonna run out of oil, don't you??

    Actually, I'm not sure you do.


    What we do know is that available reserves of oil and gas will last this century . However ,it's not likely that humans will still be relying on oil at the end of this century. Oil is getting more expensive to find and extract and that alone is a good reason for the marketplace to explore alternatives. The reserves are there and will last a long time . Cheap oil's days are over.
  • Nov 11, 2013, 08:22 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    What we do know is that available reserves of oil and gas will last this century . However ,it's not likely that humans will still be relying on oil at the end of this century. Oil is getting more expensive to find and extract and that alone is a good reason for the marketplace to explore alternatives. The reserves are there and will last a long time . Cheap oil's days are over.

  • Nov 11, 2013, 08:48 AM
    Why what ?
  • Nov 11, 2013, 08:51 AM
    Why are the day of cheap oil over?
  • Nov 11, 2013, 10:50 AM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    Why are the day of cheap oil over?

    Increasing world wide demand ....and the rising cost of production, thanks to more complex and expensive extraction processes, means oil prices are expected to continue to rise in the future.There was cheap oil when it was located relatively on the surface . That oil supply has been depleted .
  • Nov 19, 2013, 10:12 AM
    Anti-pipeline protesters gather in Calgary to decry climate change | Calgary | News | Calgary Sun


    Dozens of anti-pipeline and oilsands activists gathered Saturday in downtown Calgary as part of a nation-wide protest focusing on climate change.

    The peaceful gathering in Calgary, held inside the Plus—15 walkway between the headquarters of Enbridge and TransCanada Corp. was part of the Defend Our Climate protest that took place in 130 communities across Canada.

    Chantal Chagnon with the Idle No More movement, said they're trying to get the attention of the energy industry and the Canadian Parliament to the growing global opposition to “pipelines, tar sands expansions and other polices that contribute to runaway climate change.”

    “We're seeing the effects of global warming and we can't keep denying it because obviously something is happening,” Chagnon said.

    “We have to take advantage of our knowledge at this point and really change our behaviour, change our way of development.

    “We can't keep developing infinitely on a finite world.”

    Chagnon said it was important to hold a peaceful gathering in Calgary, because the city is home to the headquarters of several energy giants.

    The protest was held as world leaders in Poland for the United Nations Climate Change Conference discuss plans for international co-operation on the issue.

    Protestors in Calgary said the Harper government is refusing to take meaningful action when it comes to climate change.

    Originally about 300 people were slated to participate in the Calgary protest, but due to a snow storm only about 50 showed up
  • Nov 19, 2013, 11:17 AM
    Well, who wants to come out in the cold to whine about global warming?
  • Nov 19, 2013, 01:40 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    Well, who wants to come out in the cold to whine about global warming?

    Why don't I whine about somethingelse. Every time there is a natural disaster we are told that it is caused by climate change, as if there were no natural disasters before climate change was "discovered". I am fed to the back teeth with this idea that we can control the weather, with the idea that reducing carbon emissions is going to stop these events and restore us to pre-climate change conditions. The evidence is not in a thousand years. Any action we take is tokenism taken to the extreme.

    The disaster in the Philippines is terrible, but only avoidable if people do not build their homes at the waters edge and construct buildings that can withstand catastrophic events. As each nation experiences these events, there is change. What is needed is concerted action to educate whole populations of the risks. Did they learn from the tsunami and move back from the beach, the reality is they didn't and no amount of whining about climate change will do anything for them
  • Nov 19, 2013, 02:33 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    Why don't I whine about somethingelse. every time there is a natural disaster we are told that it is caused by climate change, as if there were no natural disasters before climate change was "discovered". I am fed to the back teeth with this idea that we can control the weather, with the idea that reducing carbon emissions is going to stop these events and restore us to pre-climate change conditions. The evidence is not in a thousand years. Any action we take is tokenism taken to the extreme.

    That's because it's all agenda driven. Weather happens.
  • Nov 19, 2013, 03:03 PM

    Originally Posted by speechlesstx View Post
    That's because it's all agenda driven. Weather happens.

    Yes and catastrophic events play to the agenda. I'm waiting for the clamour as a shopping centre was torn apart by a tornado here the other day. No doubt it will be the fault of climate change even though I remember a similar event in the 70's. Only last month we had catastrophic fires, caused not by climate change, but military stupidity and fire bugs, but climate change got an outing on that one too.

    Your nation and mine have played their part in reducing emissions while others continue to grow unabated but is the debate in our nations deminished? No? The climate lobby will not stop until we are back in the dark ages, living as they do in third world countries. We cannot go back to 1990, that hallowed benchmark, because our populations continue to grow

    Greenhouse emissions at record levels with China the leading contributor

    We met and bettered our Kyoto target, current projection suggest we will halve our emissions by 2030, I would like to see China halve its emissions and I would like them to match this plan

    Beyond Zero Emissions
  • Nov 19, 2013, 03:25 PM

    Originally Posted by paraclete View Post
    The climate lobby will not stop until we are back in the dark ages, living as they do in third world countries.

    Yep. I volunteer all of the climate lobby to take the lead on that. We can start with Al Gore. Hell, I'll even buy him a yurt.
  • Nov 19, 2013, 03:43 PM
    Never happen, they will save themselves long before they save us
  • Nov 24, 2013, 07:59 AM
    Hello again,

    When a Chevy Volt crashes, or a Tesla catches fire, one side of the debate snickers and uses these examples to show us that this stuff will NEVER work. My side, however, uses these examples to show how this stuff absolutely WILL work.

    What??? Right wingers don't understand the scientific rule saying that you have to break a few eggs?? Would they rather we didn't look at things that MIGHT get us off fossil fuels??


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