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  • Mar 14, 2019, 03:20 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I think the ONLY reason the average democrat politician is for a blanket amnesty is that they see a potential new voting block. They don't care about these people. They talk a lot, but if you look at what they have done personally, with their own money (of which they typically have a lot), they have done nothing.

    Now, let's talk about Republican voting blocs and what they promised. Republican politicians don't care about these people. They talk a lot, but if you look at what they have done personally, with their own money (of which they typically have a lot), they have done nothing.
  • Mar 14, 2019, 07:19 PM

    Now, let's talk about Republican voting blocs and what they are promised. Republican politicians don't care about these people. They talk a lot, but if you look at what they have done personally, with their own money (of which they typically have a lot), they have done nothing.
    We were promised a wall. Trump is fighting for a wall. We were promised Supreme Court justices who believe in the Constitution. Trump is fighting for that. He is pro-life and pro-Israel. The one great area he is missing is in balancing the budget.

    Still, your comment is a somewhat fair one. Most politicians seem most interested in being re-elected.
  • Mar 14, 2019, 07:32 PM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Still, your comment is a somewhat fair one. Most politicians seem most interested in being re-elected.

    I simply stole your words and switched party names.
  • Mar 14, 2019, 08:13 PM

    I simply stole your words and switched party names.
    I understood that. My reply was to illustrate I don't completely agree with you. It is not typically repubs that love to illustrate their charitable inclinations by spending the money of other people.
  • Mar 15, 2019, 11:29 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    I understood that. My reply was to illustrate I don't completely agree with you. It is not typically repubs that love to illustrate their charitable inclinations by spending the money of other people.

    No. The repubs hoard their money and buy fun stuff like islands and planes (to fly to their islands) and college admissions for their kids.
  • Mar 15, 2019, 12:07 PM

    No. The repubs hoard their money and buy fun stuff like islands and planes (to fly to their islands) and college admissions for their kids.
    First of all, if it's their money, then why would it be your business or my business what they do with it? Second, if anyone really believes that the typical Republican owns an island and an airplane (and of course you really don't believe that), then he/she need to seek help immediately. I know a lot of republicans, and I can say that none of them owns an island or an airplane. Most of them, like me and I imagine you, drive a several years old car and have worked their entire life to accumulate what they have. For that reason, they (and I) dislike the tendency of liberals to want to spend our money in order to demonstrate their charitable superiority.
  • Mar 15, 2019, 12:57 PM
    Typical Republican? Where did "typical" come from?
  • Mar 15, 2019, 01:00 PM

    No. The repubs hoard their money and buy fun stuff like islands and planes (to fly to their islands) and college admissions for their kids.

    actually that would be liberal hollywierdo elites . Did anyone catch the irony of Elizbeth Warren saying she had zero sympathy for the cheaters ? You would think she would have at least 1/1024 sympathy .
  • Mar 15, 2019, 01:02 PM

    Typical Republican? Where did "typical" come from?
    Typical. You know, sort of like "average" or "one who is a representative example". Kind of like what you meant when you said repubs have airplanes so they can fly to their private islands. If that is not what you meant, then your writing needs to become much more exact.

    I hope you realize that some of what I write is in jest, such as you needing to be more exact. Unfortunately, there are no smiley faces we can attach to our posts to make that an obvious thing.
  • Mar 16, 2019, 10:29 AM
    They had to delay sentencing for Gates and Flynn AGAIN because they aren't through cooperating.
  • Mar 16, 2019, 03:55 PM
    "Cooperating" as in saying anything and everything in order to get a lighter sentence.

    After all this, two years of spending multiple millions of dollars and Maxine Waters practically developing heart disease, there is nothing to indicate collusion with Russia, so now they have to start investigating anyone and anything that even smells like it might be sufficient to bring the hated Trump down. What a sorry spectacle of a once respectable democracy.
  • Mar 16, 2019, 04:25 PM
    Yes a sorry spectacle
  • Mar 16, 2019, 05:16 PM
    If repubs, who spent millions investigating Hillary, after a bi partisan report that was enacted, had done their oversight DUTY, we wouldn't be here. While I concede that cheating is not a good thing, the dufus is caught cheating and he tried to cover it up, unlike the leach Bill who all they caught him on is CHEAING on Hillary. He paid the cost of impeachment, and just on that so must the dufus!

    Fair is fair, and let the chips fall where they fall! The Clinton investigation costs MILLIONS, and all you got was lying about a BJ.
  • Mar 16, 2019, 06:20 PM

    If repubs, who spent millions investigating Hillary, after a bi partisan report that was enacted, had done their oversight DUTY, we wouldn't be here. While I concede that cheating is not a good thing, the dufus is caught cheating and he tried to cover it up, unlike the leach Bill who all they caught him on is CHEAING on Hillary. He paid the cost of impeachment, and just on that so must the dufus!
    I have no idea what you are talking about. BC was not brought up for impeachment for cheating on his wife, but for lying to a grand jury.
  • Mar 17, 2019, 06:52 AM
    About cheating on his wife.
  • Mar 17, 2019, 10:07 AM
    if cheating on his wife means perjury to a Grand Jury regarding the sexual harassment of Paula Jones ;and
    the nature and details of his relationship with Monica Lewinsky , a subordinate Government employee
    …….the perjury related to Federal civil rights cases against him in the matter....the numerous attempted cover up including suborning perjury and witness tampering ,then yes it was about cheating on his wife.
  • Mar 17, 2019, 01:48 PM
  • Mar 17, 2019, 02:07 PM
    Good for the goose..
  • Mar 17, 2019, 08:10 PM
    Which goose is that, seems to be a lot of them
  • Mar 18, 2019, 05:16 AM
    Way back in the day the right investigated the Clintons every business action and found only his lying about his dalliances. Now history repeats itself somewhat, so seems fitting and proper the dufus endure the same scrutiny, but the right calls it a deep state conspiracy, strangely reminiscent of the right wing conspiracy talk of the Clinton era. It's like a remake of an old story playing out for this generation.

    A made for cable mini series of drama and intrigue in the highest level of government. The dufus is the star and revels in his fan base, while his critics (ME) find his character and intent bereft of any good orderly direction, and has crossed the lines of good behavior many times. Still though it's but a fascinating distraction for the real world lack of good governing required to achieve a good path forward for the country.

    The right loves his show though, and until they don't chances are it won't be cancelled any time soon.

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