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  • Jul 23, 2019, 06:56 AM
    Trump beware
    The US ia again preparing for all out war in the ME, boots on the ground with the recommissioning of a major base in Saudi Arabia. Let us just reprease this for a moment, when the the Saudi territory was used it spawned an attack on US soil and there are still large numbers of religious fanatics out there who don't want their holy ground desecrated by even the footfall of an infidel
  • Jul 23, 2019, 10:15 AM

    Originally Posted by jlisenbe View Post
    Where was your data? I'd especially like to see your data (not emotional rhetoric) demonstrating this is not a great economy. If Obama had done this, you'd be singing his praises. We ought to thank God every day to have an economy like this.

    It's actually the same economy except the dufus made the rich richer, and is trying to make the poor poorer with his assult through the courts on poor peoples health care, after failing to repeal Obama care through the legislature, and NO ONE has seen the replacement, because there is NONE. That's just one example to illustrate the difference policy makes, since Obama care basically affects all the poor and working poor, especially kids and the elderly and a huge economic driver.


    Don't get all steamed up. You want data? About 2% of workers earn minimum wage. Most people who earn minimum wage are in entry level jobs or working part-time such as teens looking for work. The best thing for wages is low unemployment which causes competition for good employees and makes it much easier for good workers to get paid more.
    While many states have raised the minimum wage and dragged companies along with the changes, wages increases and prices rising go well into wiping out any gains, and while the official numbers all say 40 some millions of people in poverty, there are just as many who are not even part of the count. Any job that cannot put a roof over your head or care for family isn't a decent job and if you still need welfare and working something is wrong with that picture.


    And yeah, unlike you I am concerned about the teenager who would like to work a part time job and learn some job skills. That was me fifty years ago and it was a great experience for me. It just amazes me how you libs can so casually talk about, "while you worry about teen ager jobs." It makes me wonder what world you are living in. Where I live, teens need those jobs.
    So do their parents my friend. How do conservatives forget about them in the first place?
  • Jul 23, 2019, 09:11 PM

    While many states have raised the minimum wage and dragged companies along with the changes, wages increases and prices rising go well into wiping out any gains

    Oh please, another tired hackneyed argument, raising minimum wages raises prices and guess who looses the most out of that, the middle class who can afford to pay. So tell me does it raise prices over the entire economy or only in those states where wages have risen? I know where the effect is felt most and it is in the pockets of the poor because their spending is discretionary and not on the luxury goods they cannot afford so suck it up

    You should investigate which industries raised wages and which industries raised prices and how much of that increase is not due to increased wages but Trump's darling tariffs which do far more damage

    I'm calling B/S on this one
  • Jul 24, 2019, 05:25 AM

    I'm calling B/S on this one
    and it is a perfect example of the' do as I say ' posting . Somehow this exchange happened here even though it is clearly a posting about Iranian aggression in the gulf .
  • Jul 24, 2019, 06:18 AM

    Originally Posted by tomder55 View Post
    and it is a perfect example of the' do as I say ' posting . Somehow this exchange happened here even though it is clearly a posting about Iranian aggression in the gulf .

    Yes Tom and I didn't take it off topic but sometimes you have to refute nonsense
  • Jul 24, 2019, 09:25 AM
    Prices always go up and that's just the capitalist Big Biz growth model because buying lawmakers has gotten more expensive and workers want more money too! Not saying the antics of the dufus don't add to the chaos, or prices, but it ain't BS that the 90% of us ain't that happy with the economics.

    Let me just ask then Clete if wages have not gone up for workers in years, why did prices go up?
  • Jul 24, 2019, 10:26 AM

    but it ain't BS that the 90% of us ain't that happy with the economics.
    That's actually one of the best examples of BS I've seen in a long time.
  • Jul 24, 2019, 11:32 AM
    You don't want no mo' money?

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