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  • Feb 19, 2008, 01:53 PM
    I respect the police force they take a lot of crap off people just for doing there job yeah some take advantage of there job but people do that all the time.
    We have a community cop who often pops in for a cuppa and he is a great bloke lots of respect
  • Feb 21, 2008, 12:14 AM
    I respect the police and the services that they provide but they are just people too, who may abuse their power sometimes, some are honest and mean well, some are bullies, it's just an issue of the person doing the job.
  • Feb 21, 2008, 03:02 AM
    So ex con what are your views on the police if you do not like them is it because you are an ex con
  • Feb 26, 2008, 08:48 PM
    I agree with some of the people here. My dad was a cop, most of his friends were too. In all sorts of service, sheriffs, marshal, Hiway patrol,I grew up with these men at our house often. I have received preferential treatment sometimes, and other times I think I was treated unfairly.
    I have never been arrested, but yelled at by a woman hating cop when I was making a theft report. It is all to do with the people involved and the predjudices they carry or don't carry on both sides.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 08:54 PM
    I have had some real good experiances with cops. A couple of real bad experiances with crooked cops.
  • Feb 26, 2008, 10:05 PM
    Every day joes trying to make a living in a tough job. I have nothing but repect for them. Well most of them!
  • Feb 26, 2008, 10:45 PM
    If they are good and honest, I have complete respect. The ones that are not.. they should look like excon's avatar.
  • Feb 28, 2008, 10:29 AM
    Hello again:

    This should inspire confidence in your local fuzz.

    FlashoverTV - Cop arrests firefighter

  • Feb 28, 2008, 03:38 PM
    I believe most cops are in it to be heroes. They don't make enough to put up with all of the scum they have to run into on a daily basis. Some of them will turn into scum themselves for being on the job. While others will be able to maintain a sense of themselves and the true reasoning why they became police officers. I believe most of them demand respect, because they feel that they have earned it. Alas, I even know one cop whose mother told him to become a cop before she died. He did. The only problem is, now he hates it and feels stuck. I know another one that if his grandmother ran a light, he would still write her a ticket. Even if it cost him his cookies and milk upon his next visit to her! Hehe It is my belief that most cops become cops for the glory of it. It is definitely not the money! Whereas, I think most crooks become crooks for the money. Just wanted to through out the stew and see if the cats lick it up!
  • Mar 31, 2008, 07:49 PM
    I believe a few of you commenting on excon's topic probably know of my recent dealings with the police and law (un) enforcement. Before I was assaulted I had a lot of respect for the police and believed they were working to protect the citizens and keep the "bad guys" off the streets and at bay.

    I don't have the same respect for the police as I once did. I was the victim of a serious crime, and many times I was treated like I was the offender. The police issued a restraining order with conditions, that they did not enforce. I was made to feel like a pain in the A$$ every time I called the police to report a breach of conditions. I was told by 3 different officers that I was wasting their time, when I called to make a report. I was also told by several officers in not so many words that I was a woman out for revenge, when they were the ones who issued the order and I also had to abide by the conditions in that order of restrainment.

    The police without checking into the file also came and harassed me in front of several people while attending a birthday party because they received a false report that I had broken conditions that were never in place for me... only for the accused. I never got an apology, and the accused was never charged for making a false complaint, even while he was breaching his conditions at the same moment the police were questioning me. All because they didn't have time to bring up the file and inform themselves of the situation and the order and conditions involved. I, in fact, overheard 2 rookies telling the accused, who is ex military, that they would turn a blind eye if he just left and went to a different location. Incidentally, the restriction on the restraining order was non-consumption, and he was highly intoxicated.

    It has certainly changed my opinion of the boys/girls in blue that I once counted on to serve and protect. I do think many look at people as guilty until proven innocent now. I know there must be some out there that became a police officer to better their own communities, and to protect the safety of others, but I also believe a lot of them do it just for the glory and the title.

    I realise that they have a tough job, but when they are put in a position of authority, I think they need more training and compassion when dealing with normal everyday people. They should be brought up for review more often to ensure they are doing their jobs, and for the right reasons. I've never been arrested, and haven't had so much as a parking ticket in over 15 yrs, so I believe I was treated very unfairly by the police all the way around.

    I may have gotten a little bit off the original question here, but my opinion is that a lot of the police are jaded, and they do look at ordinary people on the street as possible criminals instead of focusing on the people that really need their attention.
  • May 25, 2008, 10:10 AM
    This was an interesting topic to read, and I am actually in training to become a law enforcement officer. I have been on the other side of the law, and have seen that some police officers focus on petty things such as; not using a turn signal when there were no cars for 30-40 ft around. Although, I believe without them America would be a crime ridden playground.. so they are an big part of what makes America what it is. I feel that we are put here to make people feel safe, and take the people that are doing wrong away from society.It is a problem when we get a criminal and risk our lives doing so, to see him let go.. A lot of people accuse the police of racism or things of that nature, but you will find that in any large group of people. And while it may happen sometimes, it can't be all the time. Not every black or arab, or what ever the case may be, is innocent. The race card is way to over played in society, its become the joker everyone just needs to take it out of the deck, until there is a good reason to play it... Officer B.
  • May 25, 2008, 10:32 AM
    America is already a crime ridden playground. Yes, I agree a lot of people like to play the race card. You know what, there is a lot of hatred out there and believe it or not a lot of it is on the force. You need to treat everybody the same no matter what. If your going to be on the force then you need to be objective. Some of the crime ridden playgrounds in the states are there because of the cops.
  • May 25, 2008, 12:18 PM
    This is the second time now that I have ever had to have personal dealings with law (un)enforcement. As some of you know, my dog was severely attacked 3 weeks ago today, by a dangerous breed. She went into convulsions, and I had to take her in to the emerg vet and she ended up with 86 stitches, and hasn't been the same dog ever since.

    I have called the police a total of 13 times now, and each time they said an officer was on his way. I've been shuffled around from person to person, and was put on hold for over 45 minutes at one point. I called at 3pm one afternoon, and they again said an officer would be around shortly. When he hadn't showed up by 7pm, I called again, and then again at 9, and once again at midnite. Only to be told that I should've called during the day! I have gotten one phone call from dispatch, saying that she was calling for an officer who has been trying repeatedly to get a hold of me.

    That is just not possibly true. Except for vet visits, since I work from home, I have been here 24/7 taking care of my dog, and I do have voicemail. They also in fact, have my email address on file. I asked the dispatcher to give me the times of the visits. She said she could not tell me that. I have since left messages for the above mentioned officer on his voicemail. I have not heard a peep. You would think 21 days would be long enough for them to get out of the coffee shop, to come and make a report!

    I have over a thousand dollars in vet bills, and I may need to take this to small claims court. The judge is going to want know why there was never a report filed in this case. Who do you think the judge will believe, when I say I called over a dozen times and nobody showed up? Me or the cops?

    Maybe the police will pay attn. when that dog attacks a child?

    Again, I got a bit off topic, but you get my point. When you want them around, they don't show, and when you don't, the whole dept. shows up.
  • May 25, 2008, 12:36 PM

    Originally Posted by Jesushelper76
    America is already a crime ridden playground. Yes, I agree a lot of people like to play the race card. You know what, there is a lot of hatred out there and believe it or not a lot of it is on the force. You need to treat everybody the same no matter what. If your going to be on the force then you need to be objective. Some of the crime ridden playgrounds in the states are there because of the cops.

    I am objective, and I am Native American myself, so I could even have a problem with white people but I don't, I believe that God created us all, and we should live at peace with one another, but worldly opinion, statistics, and political cancer ruins what should be peace with each other. I think the world would be a much better place, if the ten commandments were the only laws that were at state, along with minor traffic violations. When I am on duty I am completely bias to the persons nationality, it is the issue that is my purpose for justice. I can only solve things temporarily, not forever, but all will have a court order to be judged at the end.
  • Jun 2, 2008, 03:30 PM
    To be fair I think it is bit like everyone else you get good ones and bad ones, but in the whole I think they are there to serve and protect smiles depend on the person
  • Jun 9, 2008, 11:19 PM
    I won't lie I dislike cops but there just doing there job.
  • Jun 10, 2008, 12:50 AM

    Originally Posted by andy305mia
    I wont lie i dislike cops but there just doing there job.

    The point is, they do not always do their "jobs" Some are on a power trip! Don't get me wrong... cops are people, and just like any other human being, have their own set of morals and values.

    I have a good friend who is a cop, and he is thinking about quitting the force because of the power seeking and corrupt members. It's unfortunate, but it is true. My friend has been on the force for almost 30 yrs. and told me just recently that he is ashamed of many of his fellow officers.

    Many of his senior fellow officers have taken early retirement, because they went into law enforcement to serve and protect, with compassion and empathy. They quit the force because they could no longer support the politics, training, and lack of screening being done by our local force.

    I know there are some real hero's out there, and God Bless them! But we really need to get back to basics! Just because you are a cop, doesn't give you a free pass, or make you any better than the average citizen!
  • Jun 10, 2008, 01:23 PM
    I think there are good and bad, in my opinion the magority are looking for the next booking to make up their daily quota.
  • Jun 14, 2008, 03:22 PM
    I ran from the cops once. Don't try that. I find them good. Look, everyone has opininons but I say this as a fact! If you do soemthing wrong your likely to get caught by them! They help our neightborhoods.

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