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  • Feb 23, 2006, 06:09 AM
    Yes, Poverty is one major reason for crime. That is a statistic; and it doesn't matter if one agrees with it or not; it's still statistically true.
    Wiping out Poverty would not mean all crime would be gone, but it would be a step in the right direction!
    Big Money runs Congress; as seen all over the Network News programs, scandals brought out and some lobbyists being charged with crimes. Nothing will change until a significant number of American people decide they have had enough. Spending Billions of dollars in other parts of the World has to be looked at, by the American people. Some is good, other is simply just a waste.
    That money could be spent here at home, helping others; but not by the Federal Gov't; they will mess up anything for Big Money. Turning it over to private people would help a lot.
    In the aftermath of Katrina, more is being done by private donations and private people in finding, and building new homes for those who lost everything, rather that by the Federal Gov't.
    Poverty in American is a shame, a disgrace, and millions of Senior Citizens without prescriptions drugs is the same type of thing.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 06:30 AM
    It´s interesting!. I have done my commdents today and they simply disappeared!!
    Thank you!


    P.S. Anyway... I´ve printed them
  • Feb 23, 2006, 01:51 PM
    Well... first of all, I feel like if I was a criminal behaviour defensor and.. and I am not!. Not at all, indeed!
    I am just a social worker, used to reflexion and whom desperately seeks for rational explanations for some criminal attitudes.
    Secondly, I feel myself as being on a disavantage towards
    All of you, once I can´t express myself as you do, in English, because Portuguese is my mother language...
    Thirdly, through your answers and its consequent content analysis, I felt the need to look at your personal profiles and... helas... I could see both of you are from/or live in Canada!.
    Being so and knowing how developed are Social Politics on your country.. yes.. I can perfectly understand your arguments and they couldn´t be other different than the ones you have posted!!
    But Canada is not the centre of the World and on most part of the planet Social politics are not so developed as they are in there, when and if they exist... because there are countries where they simply do not exist!!
    Everything in life is relative and refers to the places, politics and circumstances!.

  • Feb 23, 2006, 01:55 PM

    Originally Posted by mariamar
    Thirdly, through your answers and its consequent content analysis, I felt the need to look at your personal profiles and...helas...I could see both of you are from/or live in Canada!...

    While phillysteakandcheese and I are from Canada, Fredg is from the USA.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 01:56 PM
    Being so... would you like to have a look at this site?.

    This is the world where we live in!!

  • Feb 23, 2006, 02:08 PM
    I have written the word BOTH, once I was answering to both of you!!
  • Feb 23, 2006, 02:17 PM

    Originally Posted by mariamar
    Being so...would you like to have a look at this site?!...

    This is the world where we live in!!!

    When you say we, do you refer to those people living in Portugal like yourself?


    Originally Posted by mariamar
    I have written the word BOTH, once I was answering to both of you!!!

    I saw that. But, as you said,


    Originally Posted by mariamar
    Secondly, I feel myself as being on a disavantage towards
    all of you, once I can´t express myself as you do, in English, because Portuguese is my mother language...

    So I just assumed you used inappropriate grammar.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 02:17 PM

    Originally Posted by mariamar
    Being so...would you like to have a look at this site?!...

    This is the world where we live in!!!

    You live in Africa? I thought Portugal was a bit more advanced than that.

    Yes, there is poverty in the world. No one is denying that. But poverty can never be eliminated with more foreign aid. The corrupt regimes there have to be removed first.
  • Feb 23, 2006, 02:38 PM
    « I have learnt Silence from the talkative, Tolerance from the intolerant, and Kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.» Kahlil Gibran

  • Feb 26, 2006, 04:35 AM
    Hi,depends on what kind of crime you mean;violent crime?yes,poor uneducated people tend towards violent crimes,while more educated better off people tend towards more sophisticated crime.So no,poverty is not a significant cause of crime,it's more like discontent!
  • Feb 26, 2006, 11:27 AM
    Hi nonso
    Concerning myself,I just was thinking on some hypothetical consequences of misery and famine.
    I agree with you when you make the distinction between "violent" or "sophisticated" crimes, provided that there are "sophisticated" crimes impregnated with quite an extent of direct or indirect violence.

  • Apr 23, 2007, 03:52 PM
    Many have mentioned the obvious fact that poverty does not cause crime, but I say crime causes poverty. People who choose to break the law are in general poorer than the rest of the population because they are criminals not the other way around. In a free market people benefit from being moral. We make more money, have more friends, do better in general by being moral. Employers will pay more (Higher wages) for the same skills in honest people versus in dishonest people. Also people like to spend their money at businesses that are honest and do right by the customers, so money flows into the hands of honest moral people and away from dishonest immoral people. I work hard and am honest not because I will go to hell if I don’t but because I am a better person because of it or because of SELF INTEREST. I make more money, have more friends etc.. Being Moral, in general makes me better off. People who are not moral are worse off. Of course this does not apply to individuals, but to millions of people in general.

    Also Poverty is relative. Relative to Africa we have no poverty in this country (USA). The people we consider under the poverty line have more material wealth than the average people in Europe ( see )

    Our poor people have more cars, living space, VCR’s Cell phones, MP3 players etc than the average person in Europe (I spent two weeks there last summer and believe me its just a little better than a 3rd world country compared to the USA). Europe is so poor compared to the USA because they are more socialist than we are. They have less freedom and thus they have less wealth (Ok I'll stop that is another question)
  • May 6, 2007, 10:01 AM

    The drug war creates crime and increases poverty. That's my opinion, and I'm sticking with it.

  • Nov 13, 2007, 09:05 PM
    In a perfect world a lot of your statements would be true. I live in the US and I can tell you that is very hard to receive government assistance. My grand mother is over 80+ years young and lives on a fixed income. She can qualify for a whole 27 dollars a month in food stamps. What can that buy? But if her skin color was other than white she could get 200 to 300 a month in food stamps. My brother has talked about drug dealing gust to make ends meet. He is paying right at 300 a week in child support to a crazy woman to care for his boys. She calls and sends pictures to him showing what she spends his money on. NEW CAR, NAILS, HAIR, HER CLOTHES; while his boys are locked in a room and threatened of being shipped off to a home for boys. He now has another child that he has to care for, and he only has about 124 dollars a week to fend for them. He has worked overtime to make extra money to help pay his bills and the witch has threatened to take him back to court for more money. His layer told him that because of his over time he will have to pay more to her, and that B**** has been receiving food stamps. She has remarried and clams that she needs more money. I fear for my brothers well being.
    I am here to tell you that if push came to shove that a honest man will turn to crime to feed his family. I can remember a time in my life that where I put in for job after job and I thought that I was at my wits end. I considered traveling down the path of crime to eat. This is not a perfect world that we live in and poverty can and does cause crime. But not all crime is caused by Poverty. Don't get me wrong crime also causes poverty.
    The main factor of poverty and crime fall back on the choices we make in life You can't change the past, but you can chose your future. The choice is yours.

    There is my little 2 cents.
  • Jan 6, 2008, 05:49 PM

    Originally Posted by Starman
    Since the USA government knows that one significant cause of crime in the United States is severe poverty, why doesn't it whipe it out? It has the ability. But instead, it prefers to BILLIONS of tax dollars to foreign aid.


    Please provide the source for this statement. If you can, I'll provide numerous other theories of crime causation that contradict the statement. Economic causation is but one theory.
  • Jan 6, 2008, 05:56 PM

    Originally Posted by mladenik
    Many have mentioned the obvious fact that poverty does not cause crime, but I say crime causes poverty. People who choose to break the law are in general poorer than the rest of the population because they are criminals not the other way around. In a free market people benefit from being moral. We make more money, have more friends, do better in general by being moral. Employers will pay more (Higher wages) for the same skills in honest people versus in dishonest people. Also people like to spend their money at businesses that are honest and do right by the customers, so money flows into the hands of honest moral people and away from dishonest immoral people. I work hard and am honest not because I will go to hell if I don’t but because I am a better person because of it or because of SELF INTEREST. I make more money, have more friends etc.. Being Moral, in general makes me better off. People who are not moral are worse off. Of course this does not apply to individuals, but to millions of people in general.

    Also Poverty is relative. Relative to Africa we have no poverty in this country (USA). The people we consider under the poverty line have more material wealth than the average people in Europe ( see Timbro )

    Our poor people have more cars, living space, VCR’s Cell phones, MP3 players etc than the average person in Europe (I spent two weeks there last summer and believe me its just a little better than a 3rd world country compared to the USA). Europe is so poor compared to the USA because they are more socialist than we are. They have less freedom and thus they have less wealth (Ok I'll stop that is another question)

    Tell me how this squares with the Criminological theory posed by Clollard and Ohland of "Differential illegitiment opportunity"? Not everyone has the same opportunity to acquire the trappings of success.
  • Dec 16, 2009, 10:10 AM
    It is not said that by eliminating poverty all crime would be gone, or that poverty is the only cause of crime, just the largest.

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