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  • Jul 11, 2015, 07:19 PM
    Palmer Eldritch
    The US should have stricter gun control laws. More guns equals more deaths due to guns. Accidental shootings or catching a stray bullet from a shoot out. Country's where guns are not aloud have far fewer deaths due to them and far fewer gun masacures, school shootings etc
  • Jul 11, 2015, 08:21 PM

    Originally Posted by Palmer Eldritch View Post
    The US should have stricter gun control laws. More guns equals more deaths due to guns. Accidental shootings or catching a stray bullet from a shoot out. Country's where guns are not aloud have far fewer deaths due to them and far fewer gun masacures, school shootings etc

    Sure, hardly a day goes by that law abiding citizens don't take out their gun and kill 3 or 4 people. S**t happens and everyday someone dies be it in a car, or by a gun, a knife, a baseball bat, poison, you name it. Maybe we should remove all the cars from the road and go back to the days of the horse and buggy too.

    PS Not up to date with what is going on in other countries, could be those other countries also have fewer crazy and evil people walking around.
  • Jul 11, 2015, 08:35 PM
    The US doesn't NEED stricter gun control. What we need is to execute far more repeat criminal offenders and drug addicts and dealers. They are who commit MOST of the crimes. Fewer criminals alive and fewer addicts running loose = fewer crimes committed by them. But then, the Marxists have never liked an armed populace. They won't put up with unlimited amounts of manure being forced down their throats.
  • Jul 11, 2015, 08:38 PM
    Palmer Eldritch
    Obviously there are many ways to kill one another however guns can inflict a mass of casualties in one shooting such as the horrific church massacre. I don't understand why America is so pro gun when they have so much crime and death as a direct result of them.
  • Jul 11, 2015, 08:42 PM

    How about this simple fact... that escapes the comprehension of Marxists and many non-Americans.

    We have a constitution and a Bill of RIGHTS (something Few countries have and without it the population is subject to whatever whims the idiots in political office have at any given moment)... in that constitution and the Bill or Rights we are granted the RIGHT to be armed and the Constitution requires extraordinary measures to alter. An armed populace is what Marxists and wannabe tyrants the world over fear more than anything. Because the people can stop their attempts to terrorize them.
  • Jul 11, 2015, 08:46 PM

    Originally Posted by catonsville View Post
    Sure, hardly a day goes by that law abiding citizens don't take out their gun and kill 3 or 4 people.

    Murder is against the law, therefore "law abiding citizens" don't commit murder, thugs do.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 12:08 AM

    Originally Posted by J_9 View Post
    Murder is against the law, therefore "law abiding citizens" don't commit murder, thugs do.

    Just to keep it simple I was being Facetious meaning: treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant. One might even say it was ridiculous.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 01:48 AM

    Originally Posted by Palmer Eldritch View Post
    The US should have stricter gun control laws. More guns equals more deaths due to guns. Accidental shootings or catching a stray bullet from a shoot out. Country's where guns are not aloud have far fewer deaths due to them and far fewer gun masacures, school shootings etc

    It doesn't matter if guns are not allowed, anyone can get a gun and use it. People die from various other illegal ways as well.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 03:48 AM

    Originally Posted by smoothy View Post
    in that constitution and the Bill or Rights we are granted the RIGHT to be armed

    Minor inaccuracy here, Smooth. The Bill of Rights recognizes and codifies the right of self defense. It does not grant it.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 07:31 AM
    It's a sad fact that, yes, some law abiding citizens will have a gun that gets stolen and used by a criminal, or is used in an accident. Often, however, it is due to the irresponsibility of the gun owner.

    It is also true, however, that many people have saved themselves and/or others because they had a gun which was legally owned.

    Two major problems with gun control laws are that, one, current laws are not enforced as they should be, and two, criminals don't follow gun laws. You can fix the first issue quite easily.

    Two major goals, to fix a great deal of the nation's problems, would be to have major campaigns to recognize and support mental health and drug issues in people, and to work towards getting families stronger so that they are better equipped to raise their children better. The breakdown of families, and individual responsibility (which the lack of is becoming generational), are a major cause of the issues we face. All the other things that politicians and the media focus on are just Band-Aids, and they won't heal the root cause.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 08:55 AM

    Originally Posted by DoulaLC View Post
    The breakdown of families, and individual responsibility (which the lack of is becoming generational), are a major cause of the issues we face. All the other things that politicians and the media focus on are just Band-Aids, and they won't heal the root cause.

    One might even say THE major cause. Nail-head-BOOM!
  • Jul 12, 2015, 10:05 AM
    You want a stronger family? Then stop giving the resources away. Poverty has always been the root cause of fear and instability and great uncertainty. Small wonder gun sales are up, because you have to have something to equalize all that fear.

    Gun control is irrelevant, what we need control of is the fear, I mean when you close a factory, and replace it with a Walmart how do you expect a family to survive? That's the generational cause for all of this, NO MONEY! No opportunity for money for those that are NOT college bound. And a lot more predators out there that a gun won't solve. We are just so outraged by the gun violence that's all over the news but it has been there far longer in people's lives.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 06:18 PM
    Certainly people would benefit from stable question about it.

    I'm referring to stronger families in the sense of raising children to be more responsible for their choices in behaviour. Take education seriously as a means to do better in the future, for example.

    Far more parents these days do not expect better behaviour from their children because they lack it themselves. Thus the cycle often continues. It doesn't have to be a poverty issue.

    Plenty of people in poverty raise their children to be respectful, honest, and hard working because they model and expect that behaviour. It costs nothing to be those things.

    There has always been poverty and there have always been guns. The main difference now is what behaviours society (parents, media, etc) have turned a blind eye to or allowed... in some cases even encouraged. Just look at how much media attention is given to the issue of guns (which fits the narrative) and how little to the breakdown of families, what is deemed acceptable behaviour, and help for the mentally ill ( no agenda that the issue fits).

    Now we try to reign that back in without focusing on the cause. Until change happens in the acceptance of poor behaviour, things will not change. Too many people are out for themselves... too many parents lack the interest, knowledge, or desire to do the job well anymore....and no one wants to address that.
  • Jul 12, 2015, 06:26 PM

    Originally Posted by talaniman View Post
    YNo opportunity for money for those that are NOT college bound.

    And a college education doesn't solve the job problem. We need more vocational guidance early on plus training to create plumbers and electricians and auto mechanics and cooks/bakers and CNAs and child-care workers. Today's Chicago Tribune listed the fastest growing jobs of the future. College wasn't important for many of them.

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